141. Chapter 141 You are happy too early!

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  Chapter 141 You are happy too early!
  When Bai Yu returned to the tent, everyone had already arrived.

  Eleven people, no one was absent.

  The few people who were not found in the end also broke free from the shackles of ghosts and found the main force.

  At this time, the self-heating hot pot was opened and eating.

  "It smells so good, it smells so good." Kong Wen held the rice bowl in his hand and gnawed on the chicken leg.

  Qiu Tongtong glared angrily: "Go and eat!"

  Kong Wen didn't understand at first, but then he understood after looking at Wu Tongtong's legs. He explained: "The really delicious thing I mean is the chicken legs." "Are you scolding me again

  ? "Qiu Tongtong had already stood up and held the shovel beside her.

  "No, no, no, I'm not saying she's a chicken, I'm talking about her legs, bah bah bah, what I'm talking about is..." "Are

  you still scolding?" Qiu Tongtong picked up something and threw it at her: "Bai Yu is so good. How come you are such a timid and useless friend! You don’t even know how to speak!”

  Kong Wen could only hold his rice bowl and squat at the door.

  Qiu Tongtong gritted her teeth and sprinkled medicine on Wu Shanshan's wounds to disinfect them. Unfortunately, she didn't have much medical knowledge and could only follow the introduction in the medical box. She was so busy that she didn't even dare to bandage the wounds. Scalds and burns were One of the most difficult injuries to treat, if not done properly, it can easily cause secondary injuries and secondary infections.

  She was so anxious that her head was covered with sweat: "Shanshan, this injury cannot be delayed. You must be sent to the hospital as soon as possible. If it is not treated early, you may injure the meridians of your right leg. Then..." "I know."

  Wu Shanshan smiled bitterly: "But how can we get out now? Don't worry, it's okay. As long as it's handled properly, it can be cured."

  Although it can be cured well, it will definitely suffer a lot.

  In this era, as long as you pay enough money, even a broken arm and disability can be treated, but the time period is too long.

  For Wu Shanshan, who is about to take the college entrance examination, the time cost is too high. If she loses one leg, she will have no choice but to give up martial arts and choose to study at a liberal arts university.

  Because there is no such thing as "re-reading" in this world. There is only one college entrance examination. If you miss it, you have missed it. Although there is also a college entrance examination for adults, you must wait until you are twenty years old.


  "Of course I am unwilling, but I can't help it." Wu Shanshan closed her eyes bitterly and gritted her teeth: "This is already the case, and compared to the situation in Class 1, I am already It's much better, it's not particularly difficult to accept, although it's a bit sad..."

  Qiu Tongtong didn't know what to say, so he had to hug her.

  Wu Shanshan buried her head on her good friend's shoulder, her eyes moist: "Okay, maybe more than a little."

  Kong Wen sat outside the tent and couldn't help but sigh when he heard the conversation inside. Even the chicken drumsticks were no longer fragrant. , I can only take a big bite and chew the chicken legs like a ghost.

  "You didn't even call me when you were done eating."

  Hearing the voice, he stood up immediately, looked back at Bai Yu, and checked: "You're back. Are you missing any arms or legs?" "You think

  I'm Xiao Tang Yu ?" Treasure? One hand less in a fight?" Bai Yu put his hands in his pockets calmly, looking around, he saw no opponent: "Don't look, I'm really fine." "No, I'm just

  admiring the weird things." Kong Wen Throwing down the chicken bones: "This is the first time I saw a high school student beat up an evil ghost until he cried like a wolf... Hei Bai Wuchang has your tattoo on your back, right?"

  Bai Yu: "..."

  He put his hand on his forehead: "I am extraordinary. Is it so unbelievable?"

  "I've seen extraordinary people before, but I've never seen anyone who can fight like you." Kong Wen blinked: "How about, Liao Da, come here and give me a living?" "Okay, I'll wait until you die

  . Well, I will definitely do somersaults on your grave." Bai Yu was too lazy to pay attention to Kong Wen, this idiot.

  When he opened the tent, he saw Wu Shanshan sobbing with tears in her eyes and her eyes were red.

  After seeing Bai Yu come in, she immediately wiped her eyes. Just as she was about to speak, she was choked back by Bai Yu's light words.

  "Are you crying?" Bai Yu asked, "Did I come at the wrong time?"

  The words "Thank you for saving us" lingered in Wu Shanshan's throat for half a circle before she swallowed it. She was in such a bad mood. Then he said half venting and half complaining: "I know you still ask?"

  "Politeness is still very important. I'm just being polite. Don't take it seriously."

  Bai Yu said casually: "Also, this tent is not soundproof. Standing inside and outside actually It makes no difference, you can try crying louder."

  Qiu Tongtong was also choked, this little brother is quite handsome, why does he have a long mouth?
  If you don't know how to speak, you can pretend to be an expert without speaking.

  It's not that Bai Yu doesn't know how to say nice things, it's just that he's too lazy to use his emotional intelligence in this kind of place. After all, emotional intelligence is the same as fatigue. It has an upper limit and will be consumed, and it takes time to automatically recover.

  Wu Shanshan wiped her eyes. She did not intend to show her weak side in front of the other party, and her self-esteem would not allow it.

  She said in her heart, I will never take the initiative to talk to you.

  Qiu Tongtong completely ignored her best friend's intention and asked curiously, "Are you extraordinary?" "

  Yes." Bai Yu nodded.

  Nothing more to say.

  What a Chinese conversation.

  --have you eaten?

  --have eaten.

  The exchange of nods passed by in a general way.

  Qiu Tongtong waited for the next step, but found that Bai Yu just walked in and picked up a package of dry noodles, slapped it with his palm, and immediately heard a crisp bang ~ like popcorn being crushed, then opened the seasoning package and sprinkled it in, and then picked up the plastic The bag shook, as if what was shaking was not the noodles but the mixing bottle.

  He had no intention of answering the conversation.

  There was only the sound of crackling noodles in the tent, and no one knew who was making noodles in the tent next door.

  For a moment, the smell and sound surrounded everyone, and Qiu Tongtong felt hungry.

  She took a deep breath and said: "Thank you for saving us... If you hadn't arrived, we would have died there."

  Bai Yu said lightly: "You're welcome, we are all classmates."

  Anyway, I saved There are already too many people, one more is not too much, one less is not enough.

  This answer was quite harmonious. Qiu Tongtong also took the initiative to stand up and stretched out his hand: "Well, I am Qiu Tongtong from Class 5. Nice to meet you. I didn't have time to say hello before."

  Bai Yu nodded and stretched out his hand to shake it.

  Qiu Tongtong was very happy at first, but found that the touch was not quite right. She looked down at her hand, spread her palm, and found a handful of crispy noodles.

  "The noodles I made taste pretty good."

  Qiu Tongtong: "..."

  Can this be considered 'making noodles'?
  Wu Shanshan also stood up on one leg: "I also want to thank you."

  Bai Yu looked at her gnashing her teeth and asked: "Aren't you tired of gritting your teeth and talking? Just say thank you, don't act like you are trying to follow me The expression of playing with the fun of the Nine Clans."

  Wu Shanshan held back, and stretched out her hand: "I'm Wu Shanshan from Class 5. I didn't have time to say hello before..."

  Bai Yu looked at her hand, then at his crispy noodles, and closed the plastic bag. , put it behind his back and hid it: "Not much, I don't have much anymore."

  "Pfft..." Kong Wen couldn't help but puffed out from outside the tent.

  Wu Shanshan couldn't bear to finish the last sentence: "Nice to meet you."

  Bai Yu nodded and asked, "How happy are you?"

  ... I can't bear it.

  Wu Shanshan: "I want to be as happy as I want!"

  Bai Yu shook his head: "Then you are happy too early."

  Wu Shanshan couldn't help it, and held back the random left hand: "You are here to cause trouble. Right!"

  They all said the same thing, but why did he have such a bad attitude and find fault with every sentence.

  "Don't quarrel." Qiu Tongtong said.

  Bai Yu glanced at Wu Shanshan's injured leg, stretched out his fingers to press her forehead, and pushed gently. Wu Shanshan immediately lost her balance and fell onto the chair. She suddenly screamed "hiss" because her leg was injured. Being held.

  The person holding the leg was Bai Yu himself. Behind him, Qiu Tongtong was about to stop him when he saw a pair of red bottles of potion in his hand, which looked like pure bright rubies.

  Opening the lid, he poured the red liquid onto the injured leg. It didn't take too much. After pouring about a quarter of it, the festered flesh and blood began to heal again, and the outer layer of dead skin fell off as it repaired and grew.

  After just a few seconds, the wound disappeared, and the right leg was as white as ever. Apart from the damaged stockings, no trace of injury could be seen.

  "My Luo Tianyi (LTY)!" Qiu Tongtong covered her face and lost her voice. What kind of potion is this that can heal the wound so quickly?
  Wu Shanshan looked at her intact right leg in shock. She was so shocked for a moment that all the anger she had felt just now was forgotten.

  Bai Yu put away about half of the primary life potion, let go of his legs, and then took two steps back: "It's okay, take two steps."

  Wu Shanshan stood up holding the chair, feeling that her right leg was intact and could I can run and jump, and my meridians are not injured, just like when I was not injured.

  After jumping up and down in surprise, Qiu Tongtong ran over to hug him and shouted "Great" several times.

  Immediately, her look at Bai Yu became complicated, she lowered her head and blushed: "I'm sorry, I..." "

  I said, you are happy too early."

  Wu Shanshan: "..."

  Who can I think I can still understand your words so well!
  Bai Yu picked up the remaining dry noodles, ate them in a few mouthfuls, and threw the plastic bag into the trash can.

  "Since you don't need crutches anymore and can run, walk and jump, then I'll leave this place to you."

  "Leave it to me?" Wu Shanshan quickly regained her composure and asked: "What do you mean? Are you planning to... "

  The situation here is very bad. There are evil ghosts, and maybe other evil ghosts. It is not a place to stay for a long time." Bai Yu said his plan: "You stay here in the tent, you have supplies, you can support it for a while, and wait for Xuantian Si's rescue, I will find a way to leave. If I find it, I will naturally come back and take you away."

  "This is too dangerous!" Qiu Tongtong was even faster than Wu Shanshan in speaking out to persuade him to stay: "And only if You are an extraordinary person. If something happens, you have to stay and protect us."

  The core of her words was to stay, not to protect everyone.

  Bai Yu was determined to leave: "You can't put your eggs in one basket."

  The town was already safe, there were no other evil spirits, so there was no need to worry about the safety of the students.

  If we don’t go looking for the ghosts that control the mountain at this time, when will we wait?
  (End of chapter)

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