131. Chapter 131 Off-campus practical classes

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  Chapter 131 Off-campus practical class

  time passed quickly. Half a month passed.

  To talk about how I spent the past half month, it was actually relatively leisurely.

  Bai Yu went to class and practiced Kungfu, and the time flew by.

  To be honest, there was nothing else he could do. Apart from trying to master the unique skill Yun Lei Flash, all he could do was grind through the dungeons.

  Except on the tenth day, something unexpected happened and I encountered a robbery.

  It happened that I was going out to buy groceries, and I happened to encounter a robber. It happened that Su Ruoli had gone to the supermarket next door to buy seasonings.

  So when he saw this, he was forced to show his courage for a small banner and five hundred yuan.

  Liu Xinghan said that this person escaped from a mental hospital, and he didn’t know what happened. Anyway, a building collapsed in a mental rehabilitation center in Nanling City recently. Dozens of mental patients ran out and it took three days. Only half of it was recovered.

  This was the only incident that happened in half a month. At other times, there was nothing else to do except practice, and the same was true for clearing dungeons.

  I went through a basic training camp and got eleven shadow fragments, and I opened blind boxes ten times in a row. Unfortunately, I couldn't draw out a new heroic relic this time, but I got a consumable called Zombie Inner Elixir.

  [Zombie inner elixir]

  [It takes a hundred years for a zombie to develop an inner elixir. After an ordinary person takes it, the human body will turn into a zombie and enter a state of suspended animation]

  [Note 1: It can last up to three thousand days. If it exceeds three thousand days, suspended animation will also occur. It will turn into real death]

  [Note 2: If you eat it for yourself, you will not wake up automatically, please be careful]

  Therefore, you cannot eat this thing for yourself.

  I don't know what to do with it after taking it out.

  At the same time, Bai Yu's level was also temporarily stuck. Although he passed the 'Basic Training Camp', he failed at the 'Katori Gym' ten times in a row and failed to even pass the tenth time, proving that he was at an average level. Before reaching level 20, I'm afraid there is basically no chance of passing it.

  There is good news, that is, after half a month, the level of Wuminggui has been raised to level fifteen.

  Bai Yu's level barely climbed to level thirteen yesterday.

  It only proves that there is a big difference between low-level talents and high-level talents.

  This was still under the condition that the two parties shared 20% of the experience value, because the bond level of both parties had reached level two, so Bai Yu was able to use one-fifth of her experience in vain... Even so, the level was still pulled He opened a full two levels, as if Bai Yu's own training was of no use at all, which hurt his self-esteem.

  He couldn't help but have an idea... If one heroic spirit can only get 20% of the experience value for free, then two heroic spirits can get 40%, and five heroic spirits can get 100%!
  There are still not enough people. As long as there are more people, the remaining price... well, more experience points will be gained.

  I don’t even have to do anything, I just need to lie down and enjoy the rocket-like upgrade speed.

  This is the power of bonds!
  Thinking of this, Bai Yu had an urge to continue to acquire new heroic spirits.

  It's a pity that human beings' vision is always improving. Now he can't even look down on a one-star heroic spirit. It must be at least a two-star or three-star hero, right?

  Only heroic spirits that are in a complete and intact state can be cultivated, but these are pitifully rare and cannot be encountered in reality.

  After inspecting a series of relics at home, he felt that the longer the time lapse and the higher the degree of damage to the relics, the more damaged the heroes he harvested would be.

  This gave him away from the idea of ​​working in a museum.

  In fact, during his previous visit, he drooled over the manuscript of the founding marshal of the Xia Dynasty in the museum.

  It's a pity that after three to five hundred years, what is summoned will not be the complete body. If it is an afterimage, it is better not to use it.

  It was his act of swallowing that made the museum staff on the side look puzzled, thinking that this was someone's combat manuscript and not a gourmet diary, how could he still make people greedy?
  Apart from these things, Bai Yu just acted as a good student, going to and from school all day long... but he returned to the rhythm of life that a student should have.

  Except for going to the Blackwater Martial Arts School twice on Saturdays and Sundays, I basically spent more than ten hours a day with Su Ruoli on weekdays.

  Bai Yu still underestimated how clingy Miss Su was... She was different from the kind of Maine Coon cat that wanted to stick to her family members all day long. Instead, she kept a distance and always appeared around her, like a proud lion. The cat appears inadvertently, then walks past, its hair and tail sweeping across the arm, leaving its scent and touch, as if it has divided it into its own territory and does not allow other cats to touch it.

  Anyone who dares to get close will be stopped by her raising her paws.

  But there are always people who can break through Miss Su's blockade, quietly approach and retreat quietly, such as a long-legged guy named Tao who also likes to eat peaches.

  In addition, Ruan Qingxue took the initiative to make an extra lunch and delivered it...

  Baiyu's campus life cannot be said to be very pleasant. It can only be said that it is quite compact and clearly arranged. He doesn't even have a chance to refuse. .

  After all, mature adults have to learn to go with the flow. The girls have already decided something, and he has no chance to object. Xiaozhi, who doesn't cry or make trouble, can't really find a reason to refuse.

  It is indeed hard to find good girls who do not have double standards and are reasonable, but they seem to be everywhere here. This is also the result of the special social atmosphere and targeted education.

  Even students know how to be prepared for danger in times of peace and take precautions, which proves that they really live in an environment where they may get caught in the rain at any time.

  On the other hand, if you don't have an umbrella ready at all times, but want to snatch other people's umbrellas, or even make a fuss about your companions who are also wet in the rain, such people are often the first to be kicked out collectively.

  Therefore, in order to cultivate this spirit in the students...

  "Next, we will have a week-long off-campus practical class." The

  third-year dean in charge of the substitute class raised his stick and knocked on the blackboard.

  "Next, you have to choose one of the following ten off-campus practical projects." "

  It should be noted that after selecting the project, it is not only you who will enter the off-campus practical project, but also the other seven classes in the senior year of high school."

  "You need to deal with students from other classes. This is also an important part of the practical course. It trains you to work as a team." "Do you have

  any questions?"

  Hua Li raised his hand: "Teacher Song, this time outside the school Can we choose practical projects at will? Will this cause some projects to have more people and some less people?" The

  teaching director touched his beard: "It's a good question, and I can answer it - yes! These off-campus practices The course is originally jointly sponsored by social organizations and schools. Of course students have tendencies, but I still recommend that you participate in more related projects that you have never seen and are unfamiliar with. This will also be good for your life experience, and more importantly... ...It can improve your daily scores, and the moral evaluation part also accounts for half of the college entrance examination scores. I hope you remember this."

  Having said this, he paused and rubbed his brows: "However, for your class, it is really not a big deal. After all, all students have experienced the test of life and death. There is no need to worry about moral scores, and society Practice is far less dangerous than the dangers you have experienced. Well, in short... Take your pick. After regrouping, we will set off in the afternoon." Su Ruoli raised his hand and

  asked: "Teacher, where are our personal belongings?"

  Teaching The director said: "No personal belongings. This is also part of your social practice course in the coming week."

  After hearing this sentence, the students looked at each other and realized that this practical class had bad intentions.

  A girl held her stomach: "But I will have my period in a few days, and I won't even let me carry my belongings. What should I do now?" A

  boy sitting next to him gave a thumbs up and took out a bag from his desk. Bag of sanitary napkins: "Don't worry, I'm well prepared."

  The girl's cheeks turned red, and then she kicked the other person's chair: "Cake seller! Why did you buy this thing!"

  The boy who ran a cake shop at home scratched his head and said: " It can be used as an insole, as my senior said during military training. It absorbs sweat and is very soft on the soles of the feet. The soles of the feet will not hurt too much." The

  students discussed with their friends and classmates which practical project to choose.

  Bai Yu looked at the ten options above, and his eyes paused on one item.

  ……Um? It even has this?

  His eyes lit up and he immediately locked onto a project, and he was certain that few students would choose this practical project.

  Su Ruoli leaned back slightly, with his hair touching his forehead. At the same time, he covered his mouth with one hand, pretending that top students could not speak loudly in class.

  "Puff, puff, puff..." She made a sound to attract the attention of the back row: "Which one do you choose?"

  Bai Yu lowered his gaze: "Secret."

  "Tell me quickly, I'm very curious!" Su Ruoli urged immediately.

  "I don't care whether you are cavalry or infantry." Bai Yu still didn't intend to say it: "If you don't say it, you won't say it."

  Su Ruoli couldn't help but turned around, unable to pretend to be a good student anymore: "Okay, you are Don't you want to take the same class as me?"

  Bai Yu showed a hint of helplessness: "The child is older... he needs a private space." When

  Su Ruoli heard this, her eyebrows arched with laughter, and the next moment she was sullen. Tsukuru grimaced angrily: "I have the final say whether it's big or not."

  While they were communicating, a roll call came from the front row.

  "It's your turn." A form came from the front row.

  Su Ruoli took the form, deliberately did not fill it out, and handed it directly to the back row.

  Bai Yu glanced at her, picked up the pen, marked an item with a √, and handed it to the back row.

  Su Ruoli's eyes widened: "You, you, you..."

  Because Bai Yu ticked the check mark after her name.

  "I really don't believe it this time." Bai Yu stretched out his hand and pressed her forehead and pushed her forward: "Even if I tell you, you don't dare to follow." "Why shouldn't I dare!"

  Su Ruoli puffed up her chest: " I'm super brave..."

  "Xuan Tiansi: Hunting ghosts." Bai Yu read out the practical project he chose.

  Su Ruoli immediately wilted, covering her head and whimpering.

  Miss Su Ruoli, the innate heroic bloodline who is not afraid of anything, is afraid of ghosts.

  (End of chapter)

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