107. Chapter 107 Harvest and Destiny Weaving

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  Chapter 107: Harvest and Destiny Weaving

  After Chang Yesi left, there was no room for Bai Yu to play.

  Su Ruoli drove him home to catch up on his sleep, and stayed with Ruan Qingxue, looking like a real best friend.

  The girls held hands and had nothing to do with him.

  Is it possible to sing a vixen song to express wanting to be in the middle of the station?
  I took the car back home and almost didn't recognize it for a while.

  Su Ruoli cleaned the room, changed the sheets and beds, and kept everything in order.

  She didn't lock her door when she went out this time. Bai Yu stood outside the door and took a look. The interior was all pink, very girlish. There was a kind of person living here who ran out to set off bombardments at night. It’s not a strange feeling for human magical girls either.

  Bai Yu picked up the little white-haired beast in his backpack and threw it into a pile of furry dolls on the sofa.

  Qin Xueba still didn't respond. It seemed that he was really asleep.

  After Bai Yu took a shower, she returned to the room, closed the door, drew the curtains, and lay on the bed.

  He wasn't actually tired, he had slept for a few hours last night and felt refreshed.

  Open the Chronicle of Heroes.

  [Event·Demon slaying completed]

  [Fixed reward issued]

  [Fate Points 50]

  [Exclusive gift·Demon slaying defense]

  [Excess kill reward]

  [Skill card·Steel and iron bones]

  [The night of slaying demons has been logged into the memory battlefield]

  The rewards obtained are two pieces of gifts... Gifts are something similar to equipment but different from equipment.

  The first card is the Demon Defender. The background and characters of this card are based on Bai Yu himself. The scene painted on it is of him hanging Zhuang Dao on a street lamp. There are two people in this composition. , one is a young man holding his hands and raising his head, and the other is a man and a demon who was hanged on a street lamp.

  [Exclusive Gifts·Demonstration and Defending]

  [One-star gift card (can be upgraded)]

  [Destroying demons and guarding the world, walking in the world with righteousness, walking in the world, and wherever you go, the world will be clear] [

  Effect: After equipping the gift card, you will receive the blessing of righteousness , increased attack damage to all evil-attributed enemies, increased mental resistance, and can resist the evil deceitful words of demons] [

  Legendary: 1]

  [Remarks: A true man walks the right path and has no shame in his heart. I respect all living beings, heaven and earth. Respect me naturally]

  Bai Yu clicked on the gift to check the specific effect. At present, it seems that it is not as useful as the Iron Fist of the Class Teacher.

  But the effect is still good, and it can be upgraded.

  The way to upgrade is not explained, but it is not difficult to guess that you should be able to upgrade by increasing your legend.

  By following the right path and slaying demons, you can naturally gain an increase in legend and also increase the level of your gift card.

  "It's indeed not bad."

  Bai Yu continued to look down.

  [Second-level skill card·Reinforced Iron Bone]

  [Effect: After using this card, you will be able to learn extraordinary skills·Reinforced Iron Bone, which can strengthen your body and improve physical resistance] [

  Note: No need to stack armor, you will still get beaten]

  This should It was the extraordinary skills revealed by the confidant's bodyguard.

  Bai Yu felt a little pity. It would be great if Zhuang Sheng's magic-killing arrow skills could be exposed. Then he could sneak up and shoot people. He could also pass the blame to the black bow user and let the two evil organizations bite each other and lower the opponent's performance. Reputation, how happy it would be.

  Skill cards can be used directly or given to Heroic Spirits for use.

  Bai Yu didn't mind mastering one more skill, which would increase the upper limit of his health bar. There was no harm in learning it.

  But he still expressed doubts, because...is one click really enough?
  According to the nature of the Chronicle of Heroes, it doesn’t have the option of getting something for nothing, so it can’t toss people to death?

  If it's all about suffering, it's better to just let the heroic spirits suffer.

  Anyway, if the other party has learned it, he can use the projection to get free sex at any time, which is equivalent to a 200% profit.

  However, considering that the only hero he could develop was Amamiya Mahiru, he couldn't bear to let a poor blind girl undergo systematic beatings and training.

  Quality is second order.

  In fact, it's not too weak, but it's just blue after all.

  To be honest, I don’t really want to learn the rare skills that are not purple.

  Bai Yu checked his current status list.

  [Editor of Destiny]

  [Human Race·Male]

  [Age: 17 (27)]

  [Rank: Transcendent First Level (Great Xia Dragon Vein Seal)] [

  Realm: Real World]

  [Positioning: Physical Station; Assassin]

  [Personal Profession : Student]

  [Professional characteristics: Comprehensive academic ability correction and improvement]

  [Inherent talents: practice makes perfect (blue); Chronicle of Heroic Spirits (unique)]

  [Skills: Melody Ensemble (recognizing songs by listening to songs) (33%·Enter the room); Moon Hidden Step ( 20%·First glimpse of the door); Dragon Heart Technique (41%·Familiar with it)]

  [Mystery: None]

  [Equipment: Lion Heart Cane]

  [Essential: Class Teacher's Iron Fist]

  [Bond Level: +∞]

  [Mood: Ignore ]

  [Status: full of energy]

  [Evaluation: Combat power is comparable to four advanced rural geese]

  I feel pretty good when I see the front. After all, my hard work during this period has paid off, and my face collapses when I see the back.

  What do you mean, comparing me to the goose in the countryside? Is this kind of rural bully very powerful?
  Why are there four and not five? Because five won’t work?
  Checking his status bar, in the extraordinary skills category, including the stunts that have not yet been recorded, even mastering one more steel-and-iron blue skill does not seem to be of much help.

  "After all, I don't want to get beaten. This skill should cause trouble when I practice it."

  He focused his attention on the Heroic Spirit Card.

  "Speaking of which, I have now reached the first level of Extraordinary. The level suppression is gone and I should be able to continue upgrading." "I am already at the first level of

  Extraordinary. Should I consider the next difficulty level?"

  At this time, After a day, a new week has arrived.

  The two weekly books have all been refreshed, and one of the weekly books has even had its name changed.

  [Junior training camp (recommended level: 11~20 levels)]

  From the novice training camp to the junior training camp, the recommendation level has also been improved.

  It seems to be a training camp that improves as the player level increases.

  [Katori Gym]

  [Second Difficulty Unlocked]

  [Recommended Level: 15~25]

  "The recommended level is level 15... So is it more reasonable to go to the training camp this time?"

  Bai Yu touched his chin and thought for a moment. While thinking about it, I noticed an additional line of prompts above.

  [Tips: You can weave the fate of heroic spirits to enhance their combat power]

  "Weave fate?"

  Bai Yu was lost in thought.

  Indeed, her fate has not been weaved even once until now.

  It is still unclear what happened to Amemiya Mahiru after she encountered the demon sword.

  Chihen is so mysterious that he hasn’t given it away yet.

  Strengthening the strength of heroic spirits is very life-saving at critical moments.

  In reality, the leveling speed is really slow. It took more than two weeks before I could barely break through. Who knows how long it will take to break through to the second and third levels? How many months? several years?

  It is faster to develop a heroic spirit. Even if the strength is compromised, it can only speed up the pace of development.

  Thanks to her hard work, thousands of families will be happy.

  Think carefully about whether to copy first or weave destiny first.

  Although there is no difference, it would be better to let her master the mystery as soon as possible, right?

  Bai Yu felt that this level was just a reference. If there really was absolute level suppression, how could he kill Zhou Youyi who was over level 20 when he was only level 11? How did you kill Zhuang Sheng at level 20?
  The gap in strength can be made up by equipment and skills, and mystery is the most useful thing among them. It can even be called an official plug-in.

  Move your finger, click on the Heroic Spirit Wuminggui, and select an option.

  [To perform this operation, you need to perform destiny weaving immediately]

  [Are you sure? ]

  [Note: Once you start weaving your destiny, it will permanently change the direction of your destiny and you cannot regret it]

  Marking in red font.

  Bai Yu clicked 'Confirm' without any hesitation.

  The low voice echoed, accompanied by the high-pitched opening of the Symphony of Destiny, thump thump thump!

  [Start weaving destiny]


  Fuso, Kyoto, Nanjia.

  In the women's boudoir, Amamiya Mahiru sat quietly on a chair, eyes closed, dressed like a doll.

  The maid on the side said: "You have to dress up the lady more beautifully. Today I heard that the young master of the Kazama family is very talented. They are really a good match." She lowered her head and inserted the expensive jewelry hairpin into the overlapping hair

  . Inside, she completely didn't notice the almost wooden expression of Mahiru Amamiya reflected in the mirror.

  (End of chapter)

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