104. Chapter 104 Good friends

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  Chapter 104 Good Friends

  "Are you okay?"


  "Are you ok?"

  After Bai Yu drove the off-road vehicle into the river, he took a detour back to Changyesi.

  It is not convenient for him to go back for the time being because Qin Xuezhao's condition is not very good.

  "Stop reciting, my head is buzzing from your reciting. Where did you learn multiple languages?"

  Diting weakly opened her eyes: "I'm just weak, I'm not dead yet... It's just that my soul is damaged. You need to rest for a while."

  "Can you rest well?"

  "What do you think it is called soul-nurturing jade? The century-old soul-nurturing jade is used to nourish the soul, but this time the injury is so serious, I can't help you at this time. " Qin Xuezhao persuaded weakly: "You must keep a low profile during this period. Remember, fortunately you were in a mysterious disguise just now, otherwise no one can stop the third-level black bow user when he comes."

  Bai Yu sighed: "I know, I will keep a low profile and check on you."

  Qin Xuezhao hummed, and then opened his eyes.

  Bai Yu waited for a minute and asked strangely: "Why aren't you asleep yet?"

  Qin Xuezhao tilted his head: "What sleep?"

  "Shouldn't the soul power be exhausted to sleep to recuperate?"

  "Where did you come from ? Did you learn it?"

  "Fight to Break the Sky."

  "Learning everything randomly will only harm you! I just said that I need to recuperate, and I didn't say that I have to fall into a weak sleep. Once my soul falls asleep, isn't it going to die? Is it warped?" Di Ting rolled her eyes: "Although I am weak, I have no problem speaking and communicating normally. It's just that my perception has weakened and I can't jump around anymore." Bai Yu: "..." He listened to Di Ting


  . Putting it in the bag: "You wasted a few drops of my crocodile tears."

  Qin Xuesha shouted: "Be gentle, hum! When you know I'm in trouble, call Xiao Tiantian, and when you know I'm fine, start to rudely move your hands Your feet are broken, bad boy!"

  After letting her dry for a while, she also entered the energy-saving mode and stopped.

  Only then did Bai Yu ask: "What was that move you just made?"

  "You want to learn it, right?" Qin Xuezhao snorted proudly: "That's my unique skill, and it was selected into the stunt list. Although it ranked I just hit a hundred, but it’s still a stunt.”

  “It looks pretty bluffing, crackling with electricity.” “

  That’s not real thunder, it just looks similar. The specific principle is a mixture of mental power and true energy. I combined it with Call it..."


  "No, it's spiritual power." Qin Xuezhao shook his head and said, "What you need to learn this move is strong spiritual power. Usually only golden souls who have reached the third level of the extraordinary can do it. Let the mental power turn into substance and simulate the change of thunder, and I can do this at the first level of Transcendence." "

  That's amazing." Bai Yu imitated the clever expression: "It's a pity that I don't understand." "

  To put it simply , a primary school student used the basic rules of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to calculate the answer to advanced mathematics. Do you understand?" "

  This is impossible."

  "It is impossible, so this extraordinary skill is a unique skill." Qin Xue Although Zao is proud, he is also modest: "And this unique skill has only just entered the top 100, ranking 93rd... It's a pity. If I live a few more years, I will definitely be able to study it more deeply." Bai Yu bit

  . He took a bite of the compressed military ration biscuits procured from the mercenaries: "The stunts are so powerful, wouldn't the magic skills be..." "There are no more than

  twenty magic skills in total, and their secrets are the absolute core of the Shenwu Division. Only absolute geniuses can You are eligible to have access to them, but geniuses of this level are either invited by the Shenwu Division to become trainees, or they are accepted as close disciples by the Martial Saint." "

  What student?"

  "The trainee system, a kind of..." "

  Okay, I understand, you don't need to explain." Bai Yu had a strange expression: "Why do I feel that the world is getting more and more chaotic? The name sounds informal, but the content should be more serious...probably." "In short, you don't have to think about magical powers

  . It's useless to think about it." Qin Xuezhao explained: "It's better to learn this trick from me. As long as you study hard and practice hard, you can still master the 'Cloud Thunder Flash'." "Speaking of your discharge

  Bilibili With this move, I suddenly thought of an application scenario."

  "Oh?" Qin Xuezhao asked curiously: "What is it?"

  "Do you know about the electromagnetic gun?" Bai Yu took out a coin from his pocket and flicked it up. With a dinging sound, the coin spun in the air and fell into his palm: "The principle is like an electromagnetic levitation train. It uses a strong electromagnetic field to accelerate the metal and then shoot it out. It is rumored that an unnamed Ugly Army once used electromagnetic levitation. The gun killed a Decepticon on the spot in the Egypt area of ​​S8, who came to earth to fight the autumn wind, which shows its destructive power... Even this ordinary coin, as long as it is used as an electromagnetic gun, although the range is only fifty meters, it has three times the speed of sound. The destructive power is definitely not trivial."

  Qin Xuezhao was silent for three seconds, not complaining, but thinking seriously before replying: "It seems that there is an elective course in Penglai College that teaches students how to rotate magnetic fields... You This topic should be of great interest to the other party. After all, if you can transform into a human body electromagnetic turret, it will probably be of great benefit to those crazy people who study the human body's magnetic field."

  Bai Yu also fell into silence.

  He originally envisioned the scene of Misaka Mikoto holding coins and firing cannons, but now the scene in his mind has changed to 'King jin jin jin ba ba ba ba! Who can resist the crazy guys who can shoot the electromagnetic cannon through the human body's magnetic field? Who can resist the horse-riding man! '.

  No, my brain is overloaded with high temperature.

  How can you combine a crazy guy and a railgun? They don't match up at all.

  Bai Yu patted his cheek to force himself to calm down: "I almost fell into the imagination of endless hell... I said..."

  "zzzz~" A snoring sound came from the backpack.

  It seemed that Qin Xuezha was really sleeping this time.

  Bai Yu also quietly returned to Chang Yesi. He came more than once and found the rest room with ease.

  At this time, Ruan Qingxue was sitting on a chair, opening her eyes and looking at her nails. She heard the footsteps and looked towards him.

  Not sure if it was an illusion, but Bai Yu noticed that her eyes brightened slightly when she looked at him.

  "I thought you were asleep." Bai Yu said.

  "Asleep and woke up again." Ruan Qingxue asked in a low voice: "Are you going out?" "

  Eat some midnight snacks." Bai Yu handed over a piece of compressed biscuit: "Try it?"

  "Thank you, I just happened to be a little hungry. ." Ruan Qingxue nodded, took a piece of compressed biscuit and ate it in a dignified manner.

  There was nothing in common between the two. Bai Yu knew that the other person was in a very low mood, and his emotional intelligence told him not to joke at this time, otherwise a joke would become a joke from hell.

  Bai Yu sat down, the air was filled with the aroma of compressed biscuits and the sound of chewing.

  "What are you going to do next?"

  "Brother is gone, but the debts still have to be repaid." Ruan Qingxue paused: "I should probably find a way to make money to repay the debt, but I have to cross out the item about brother in my future life plan - I actually had to Are you looking forward to him building a good family and leaving descendants for the Ruan family?" "

  Your idea is a bit too forward-thinking."

  "After all, I probably have no possibility of getting married." Ruan Qingxue smiled bitterly: "But brother also After leaving, I suddenly felt the burden on my shoulders..."


  "It's heavier." She swallowed the biscuit crumbs slowly and with difficulty: "The pressure that I had to bear in the past is now on me." "

  Zhou The team will help you."

  "I know, but can I accept her help?" Ruan Qingxue looked at her trembling palms. She said in a very soft and calm voice: "I am an unfortunate person, and I don't want to bring this kind of misfortune to others... All my relatives have left, who will be killed by me next?"

  Bai Yu frowned, he knew very well that all this has nothing to do with Ruan Qingxue. relation.

  Even if there is no her and only her brother, the other party will still come because money and silk are attractive in people's hearts and because profit comes first.

  "You are too harsh on yourself. What you say about luck and misfortune is just a metaphysical value." "

  Maybe." Ruan Qingxue did not deny: "It's just that human beings will always become gods after suffering too much misfortune. Damn it, people who believe that man can conquer nature either have courage or have people who support them - I had one in the past, but no more now." She whispered, as if the cold air of

  May was exhaling from her mouth.

  "There's nothing left..."

  Her energy and spirit were being drawn away bit by bit, and the pillar that had supported her in the face of her bleak life was collapsing.

  When a person loses his family, he feels completely alone.

  The feeling is indescribable, as if there is no place in the world that is home.

  Bai Yu has also experienced this feeling. Not long ago, he was in the same state. He came to a strange world, was alone, and had to bear many pressures and doubts.

  However, he is luckier than the other person. As a reliable adult male, his ability to withstand psychological pressure is higher than hers, and he also has the identity of a teenager to anchor him here.

  Seeing Ruan Qingxue in the same predicament, Bai Yu reached out and gently touched her hair.

  Ruan Qingxue raised her head in surprise and caution, and saw the young man's clear smile that was a little blurry under the light.

  "Don't be afraid."

  "What you lose, you will have again sooner or later." "

  Don't say you have nothing. At least you, Sister Zhou, and your good friends are caring about you."

  Bai Yu said with the taste of someone who has experienced it . Although his words sounded ordinary and his persuasion was weak, his words were extraordinarily persuasive and empathetic.

  Ruan Qingxue can truly feel it.

  How could she doubt the words of the boy who desperately saved her twice in a row?
  How could she, how dare she, be so ignorant.

  The girl pursed her lips slightly, carefully stretched out her hand and grabbed the corner of his clothes: "So, we are good friends now?"

  Bai Yu was stunned after hearing this. The good friend he was actually talking about was Su Ruoli. After all, Ruan Qingxue and Ruan Qingxue were The relationship between Su Ruoli and Su Ruoli is indeed very good, but it's not easy to change her words now and say, 'You misunderstood'.

  "...If you think it is, then it is."

  Let it be, he thought.

  After hearing these words, Ruan Qingxue slowly lowered his head, his fragile and beautiful expression finally brightened slightly, and the coldness in his body and mind was dispelled.

  It was like a hand pulled her out of the dark snow, and light shone on her face.

  A piece of her heart was broken, and someone immediately filled it. Although the wound was still bleeding and painful, at least it was no longer empty.

  "I want to sleep for a while..." She closed her eyes tiredly, covering her moist eyes.

  "Then let's sleep for a while." Bai Yu said, "I'm right here, not going anywhere."


  She closed her eyes, then turned slightly sideways, and after a while, the sound of even breathing could be heard.

  Bai Yu didn't move. He looked out the window and looked at the scenery around him. In fact, he focused on the Chronicle of Heroes and looked at the harvest this time.

  Time flows quietly and diligently.

  The night grew darker.

  After falling asleep for a while, Ruan Qingxue woke up again. She opened her eyes and looked at the boy with hazy eyes. She noticed that Bai Yu had his eyes open and his chin on his head as if he was thinking about something. His serious posture showed a calmness that was not suitable for his age. And mature, silent without saying a word, but every breath is long and soothing.

  Looking at the other party's appearance, Ruan Qingxue's suddenly awakened mood became calm again. She closed her eyes again and felt sleepy. She followed her mood and subconsciously tilted her body over.

  Leaning on the other person's shoulder, Bai Yu glanced at him without pushing him away.

  Then she fell asleep like that.

  (End of chapter)

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