Chapter 52 Trap

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  Chapter 52 Trap
  Lu Yuan stopped running and looked at the place where the giant rat disappeared in surprise.

  The place was quiet, without any sound.

  It was as if the giant rat ran over and then suddenly disappeared.

  Lu Yuan hesitated for a moment and did not continue to catch up.

  He slowly moved the phone light over.

  The woman "abandoned" by the giant rat was seen lying face down on the ground.

  She still couldn't tell what she looked like, and her messy black hair lay on her face like a wet mop.

  "You're not going to die, are you?"

  Lu Yuan's heart tightened.

  The woman was struggling desperately just now, but was dragged a long way by the giant rat, and suddenly she became motionless.

  Could it be that he was dragged to death? !

  Lu Yuan planned to walk over and have a look.

  After taking one step forward.

  But he hesitated again.

  He looked at the motionless woman wearing a plaid skirt and black stockings four or five meters away.

  He swallowed subconsciously.

  He really couldn't imagine what kind of face it would be hidden under that loose black hair.

  But being chewed by a giant rat for a long time,
  the "face-killing" scene in the horror movie he had watched in his two lifetimes kept flashing back in Lu Yuan's mind.

  Lu Yuan suddenly realized
  that he was not as brave as he thought.


  Suddenly, there was a slight noise.

  Lu Yuan's whole body tensed slightly.

  The flashlight light in his hand instantly moved to the entrance of the alley ahead.

  I saw a ferocious rat head leaning over from the entrance of the alley quietly, looking at me quietly.


  The woman lying on the ground also twitched at this time.

  "Not good!"

  The atmosphere in the alley, which had just calmed down for a while, suddenly became tense again.

  Lu Yuan immediately rushed towards the woman without saying a word.

  There was a total distance of four to five meters, and at his speed, he could go over and protect it in just two steps.

  But the moment Lu Yuan took a step forward, an inexplicable feeling that something was wrong arose in his heart.

  The smell of blood!

  Why is there no smell of blood? !
  There seemed to be no blood on the ground.

  This woman had just been bitten by a giant rat for a long time, and she didn't even bleed at all?

  It stinks!
  Why is it getting worse and worse!
  The further you go, the worse it gets!
  Was this woman just fished out of the manure pit?
  Why is the stink on his body stronger than that of a giant rat?
  Pictures of women ringing hairpins, smelly giant rats,
  and other images flashed and collided in Lu Yuan's mind like a revolving lantern.   Lu Yuan stopped abruptly

  just one step away from the woman .   A thought flashed across the night sky like lightning -   something was wrong!   There is fraud in this!   That's when.   The woman lying face down not far in front of Lu Yuan suddenly bounced off the ground with a "swish" sound.   With a weird posture of flipping his limbs over, he jumped straight towards himself.   Lu Yuan barely had time to think.   The rusty steel bar held tightly in his right hand was withdrawn as soon as he raised his hand.   "Sa——"   The steel bars cut through the air in front of them, making a sharp low whistle.   "Bang!"   This time it was like a heavy slap on the stone wrapped in cotton.   The huge counter-shock force made Lu Yuan suffer from pain!   The weird woman who almost threw herself in his face was forcefully whipped away.   Even the "head" was blown away.   Oh, but   all that flew out was a ball of black hair.   There seemed to be something stuck to the hair, it was white, like a large piece of flesh.   "Huhu——"   Lu Yuan's heart was beating fast, and he was breathing heavily, with deep lingering fear written on his face.   The series of changes in this moment made him feel like he was coming home from school when he was a child, and when he was walking, a big hole suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.   For a moment, there was no time to brake, but fortunately, he improvised and managed to get over the pit with great difficulty.   Looking back at the big pit, my heart was filled with a feeling of joy, horror, and excitement.   He quickly raised the light of his mobile phone's flashlight and shined it towards the woman who was pulled out by him.   I saw a strange and deformed figure squatting in the corner of the alley not far away.   The limbs are slender, and the fingers and toes are also very long and pointed. There seem to be many fine short black hairs growing on them.   "Squeaks -creaky-"   The guy shrank his head in the corner, constantly making a burst of teeth.   It seemed to be throbbing with pain from Lu Yuan's blow just now.   But the look of pain was also frightening, and it didn't look like a normal human reaction at all.   The more Lu Yuan looked at it, the more frightened he became.   His feet slowly retreated step by step.   Just as he was retreating, the monster in the corner suddenly raised his head that was curled up in his arms.   "Ka--"   Lu Yuan's steps suddenly stopped.   For a moment, it seemed as if he had been hit hard by something, his muscles all tensed up, and he stood still in place.   It was definitely not a face that human imagination could construct.   There were ulcers, pustules, pits, no upper and lower lips, and the jagged sharp teeth were directly exposed.   It looked like it had been soaked in sulfuric acid water, with mottled black hair growing in some places.   It looks like a mouse, but still retains some human facial features.   Under the cold white light of the mobile phone flashlight, the fierce light burst out in those wide-open eyes, which looked extremely penetrating.   Lu Yuan stopped dead on the spot, and there seemed to be a voice in his heart shouting heartbreakingly -   "Don't come here!!"   After the weird-looking rat man exposed his head, he stood directly from the wall. stand up.

  He is actually taller than Lu Yuan.

  It was wearing an extremely awkward dark gray plaid dress backwards.

  There was an obvious concave mark on the bald head, which was obviously the result of being slapped by Lu Yuan's steel bar just now.

  Lu Yuan suddenly figured it out at this moment.

  This rat man probably put a wig on his head before, hiding his face in the wig, and then lay on his back and pretended to be bitten by a giant rat and struggling.

  From beginning to end, those eyes were staring at him.

  Thinking of the red hairpin that was deliberately thrown on the ground to make a sound that led me into the alley before.
  The trap!

  This word popped into Lu Yuan's mind instantly.

  There was no hesitation.

  He turned around and ran away.

  The speed is a few minutes faster than when it came.

  His strength is growing rapidly, he has a bit of "excess energy", and he wants to perform at the top of his lungs.

  Let him deal with hooligans, robbers, robbers, and even big rats over one meter long, and he can do it without batting an eyelid.   But this kind of monster is completely beyond the scope of Lu Yuan's cognition. It's better to forget about

  the monster that is neither human nor rat .   What's more, this guy has a high IQ, and he also knows how to pretend to be a victim to attract himself in order to carry out a sneak attack.   It was obvious that he was here specifically for himself.   Ultraman doesn't even enter the monster's lair to fight!   run!   Run out of the alley and call the police!   But the rat man was even faster than him.   While running away, I could only hear a "clucking" roar of a beast behind me, followed closely by "cha-cha-", like the sound of sharp claws clawing hard on the concrete floor, from far to near. Approaching quickly.   Lu Yuan gritted his teeth.   Using all his strength, he threw the steel bar he had been holding on to backwards.   The steel bars came off and let out a scream.   Lu Yuan didn't know whether he was hit or not, but the sense of urgency behind him that kept approaching seemed to slow down a bit.   He was about to rush out of the alley.   Before Lu Yuan could breathe a sigh of relief.   Suddenly, a black shadow jumped past him like lightning, ignoring gravity and jumping up the wall.   Then he kicked hard on the wall and rushed towards him.   It's that giant rat!   "Get out!"   Lu Yuan roared in his heart and punched out.   Accurately hitting the black figure rushing towards his door.   It feels like hitting a heavy, elastic sandbag.   The giant rat let out a strange cry of "chi--" and was shot away like a cannonball.   It hit the wall with a loud "bang".   Lu Yuan's footsteps were also slowed down a bit because of this.   A pungent stench rushed up from behind against his cheeks.   Something seemed to be holding his shoulders tightly.   Lu Yuan turned his head slightly, not having time to see clearly what was on his shoulder.   A strong force surged up from behind his shoulders.   He jerked his whole body back!   Lu Yuan watched helplessly as the alleyway, filled with dim light from street lights, quickly moved away from him   (End of Chapter)


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