Chapter 41 Intelligence and Sinking

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  Chapter 41 Intelligence and sinking

  or improving [imaginary enemy].

  However, Lu Yuan is more inclined to use this skill point on [Absolute Concentration].

  Because [Absolute Focus] can significantly improve learning efficiency, it is applicable to both [Student] and [Fighter] professions.

  After the upgrade, the upgrade speed of these two professions will become much faster.


  [Imagine Enemy] has only been unlocked for a few days, and its effect has exceeded expectations. So far, it is completely sufficient for Lu Yuan.

  Even after upgrading, what new abilities can be developed?

  At this stage, it is expected that it will not be more helpful to him than [Absolute Focus].

  Now that he has decided, Lu Yuan has nothing to hesitate.

  This skill point was directly added to [Absolute Focus].

  The name Lu Yuan was unexpected.

  [Absolute Focus] After rising from lv2 to lv3, a line of light immediately began to rapidly extend upward.

  Then a skill to be unlocked appeared with a faint gray light.

  [Student] The second core skill of the career panel!
  Lu Yuan suddenly felt as if there were several cats stretching out their claws to scratch, and it was extremely itchy.

  [Absolute concentration] is already a "magic skill" for him, so what kind of surprise will the second professional core skill bring him?
  It's a pity that
  he now has no skill points at all.


  Lu Yuan looked at the two career panels again and again.

  Suddenly made up his mind.

  He also used the remaining attribute points.

  Added to the intelligence attribute.

  The original 10 points of intelligence have now become 11 points.

  At the moment when he finished adding points, Lu Yuan felt as if his head had been stabbed hard by a needle, causing a stinging pain.

  But the sharp stinging sensation came and went quickly, not even a second.

  Instead, an unprecedented "pleasure" emerged spontaneously.

  This "pleasure" is conveyed to him by his extremely active brain.

  Lu Yuan felt that his mind had never been so "sober" as now.

  His brain was spinning rapidly, and all kinds of information rushed in from the outside and inside.

  He noticed a black crack in the floor tile under the foot of the first cabinet on the left side of the large wardrobe next to the desk.

  The number "three and a half centimeters, with an error of not more than two millimeters,"

  was so abrupt that it jumped out when he noticed the crack.

  He was stunned for a moment, then took out a ruler from the drawer and measured it, and found that it was exactly 3.6 centimeters.

  "There is a carton of comic books under the bed. There are two hundred dollars in the 84th page of "Super Machine God 3" at the bottom on the right."

  Lu Yuan hurriedly leaned over and pulled out a dusty book from under the bed. carton.

  Find the comic book according to the information prompts in your brain, and then actually take out two hundred brand-new green hundred-dollar bills from it.

  When he picked up the two bills, the origin of the two hundred dollars popped up in his mind - he earned it by working for his father, Lu Xinghua, during the summer vacation of his second year of junior high school.

  Earned a total of two hundred and forty-five yuan.

  He only spent forty-five, and was reluctant to use the remaining two hundred. He kept it in the comics like a treasure, and completely forgot about it in a few months.

  Now he remembered it again.

  I even remember many details of the day I hid the money clearly.

  Lu Yuan randomly pulled out another book from the bookshelf - "Tao Bai Xing Herbal Compendium".

  A large dictionary of Chinese herbal medicine, a book written by my father Lu Xinghua. It is a few years old and almost no one has read it.

  Lu Yuan opened this thick tome and found a random page.

  Start with the first word and read the entire page word for word.

  Then he closed the book, picked up the pen, and began to write down in the notebook what he had just read.

  After dictating it and checking it, there were only two errors in punctuation.

  The entire experimental process of improving intelligence attributes lasted for nearly an hour.

  Lu Yuan closed the homework for the last subject and had almost fully figured out the changes in ability brought about by this bit of intelligence.

  "The most obvious improvement is memory. You can almost forget things you have seen within an hour. Then

  there is calculation ability, and you have become much more sensitive to numbers.

  Your thinking speed has become faster, and your understanding and concentration have been greatly improved. , language, music, expression. The abilities in these aspects have been enhanced to a certain extent,
  as well as the ability to coordinate existing information."

  It was as if Lu Yuan's mind automatically popped up now - people with similar intelligence levels to his own now, about ten Only one in 20,000 people can appear.

  I don’t know if the result was calculated based on what I saw when and where.

  all in all.

  I have indeed become "smarter".

  "I didn't expect that I could officially join the ranks of 'smart people' in my lifetime."

  He used those attribute points to improve his intelligence. His initial consideration was that

  intelligence was the most difficult to improve.

  Improving intelligence can extend the activation time of [Imagine Enemy] and increase the number of times [Imagine Enemy] can be used.

  It is helpful for practicing martial arts.

  There is also
  "Since the [Fighter]'s professional basic skills are maxed out, there are attribute point rewards.

  Then the [Student]'s professional basic skills are maxed out, can they also get attribute point rewards?"

  Higher intelligence , this time can be shortened to verify Lu Yuan’s idea.

  "11 points of intelligence brings more benefits than 11 points of strength,"

  Lu Yuan couldn't help but sigh.

  He closed his eyes now and recalled what Lin Zhiqin taught him in the martial arts studio in the afternoon.

  Those pictures appeared frame by frame like a movie.

  Just this.

  The long journey makes it worth it.

  "Try the effect of level 3 [Absolute Focus] again!"

  Lu Yuan suddenly remembered that he hadn't tested this yet.

  Glancing at the desk.

  Today's homework has been finished long ago.

  Just use martial arts to experiment.

  "Crane-shaped pile!"

  There are a total of eighteen movements, and each movement is equipped with different tips and essentials. It is not easy to memorize them all.

  Not to mention physically reproducing it.

  Lu Yuan took out his own small practice mat and spread it out.

  Stand on it with bare feet, assume the first golden rooster independent posture, and then recite silently in your heart.

  "[Absolute concentration], activate!"


  The moment the skill is activated.

  It seemed like someone was pulling Lu Yuan hard from behind.

  "Wow -"

  Lu Yuan instantly "fell" into the water.

  His whole body continued to sink uncontrollably, and
  all the hustle and bustle in the world flew away from him.

  In reality, if others are present, they will find out.

  At this time, Lu Yuan's pupils were dilated and his expression was indifferent. He seemed to be in an unconscious state.

  But the body movements are still going on.

  Following instinctive instructions, he practiced the postures and movements of the crane-shaped pile one by one.

  "Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock."

  The second hand of the electronic alarm clock on the desk passed by one by one.

  "Huh--" Lu Yuan,

  who had kept a certain movement motionless for a long time, suddenly "fallen apart", as if he had woken up from "a big dream".

  It is also like a person who has been submerged underwater for a long time suddenly breaks out of the water and sees the light of day again.

  "I, I."

  Just as Lu Yuan was about to say something, his expression suddenly became distorted.

  A series of muscle tearing pains all over his body hit him like machine gun bullets, turning him into a "sieve" in a second.

  Lu Yuan's whole body twitched and fell to the ground with a plop
  (End of Chapter)

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