94. Chapter 94 Sue the Goddess to Death

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  Chapter 94:
  Unfortunately, nothing was gained by suing the goddess to death.

  Putting aside the fact that it is the lair of the Crow God Cult, the place where the incident occurred the night before yesterday was just an ordinary house in the countryside around Jiaoyan City.

  A house on fire in a rural area is of course of little news value.


  Lu Yuan closed the web page and frowned slightly, showing a bit of confusion.

  Yellow Bear Zhou Ling died in the battle, and the Crow God Attendant also died.

  Logically speaking, Huang Xiong would definitely track him down afterwards.

  After all, he can be considered an important participant in this incident.

  He was even prepared for interrogation.

  But unfortunately, there was no movement at all from Huang Xiong and the police.

  For such a big incident, there was no aftermath at all.

  is it possible?

  Lu Yuan couldn't understand it, but he couldn't figure out which link was wrong.

  In the past two days, Lu Yuan searched for a lot of information about the Crow God Cult on the Internet.

  After screening, he felt that the ones that were a little more reliable and useful were probably introductions about a certain foreign god.


  , the goddess of death in the Havel folk myths and legends.

  Legend has it that she was born from a crow on the banks of the River Styx, and her true form is also a crow.

  He hangs around the River Styx all day long. When he turns into a crow, he can speak human words and guide the confused souls who are drowning in the River Styx and cannot be reincarnated out of their predicament.

  She also often transforms into a beautiful woman, luring some sober souls into eternal perdition.

  This is a moody evil god.

  Lamashitu has many names. In addition to the goddess of death, some people also call her the god of evil crows and the god of Styx.
  She represents spying and the omen of death.
  This person is called "Lamashido". "The legendary god's abilities and characteristics in all aspects are quite close to those of the Crow God Cult.

  Especially Lu Yuan thought of the crow dream he had experienced, in which he saw a large number of crows transforming into a woman.

  "Could it be her?"

  Lu Yuan looked confused and murmured.

  According to the legend, it is the most dangerous thing for the goddess of death, Lamashto, to take the form of a woman.

  At that time, she transformed into a female form and walked towards him. Was she trying to seduce him?
  If I hadn't been able to hold back and walked toward her, what would have been the final result?

  Is it really like what the legend describes, sinking in it forever and unable to wake up?
  Lu Yuan didn't know. He shook his head and did not continue to dwell on this meaningless issue.

  He reached for the cell phone buried in the rice bucket next to him.

  After a day and a night, the remaining moisture inside the phone was sucked away by the dry environment in the rice bucket, and it turned on smoothly.

  Many unread messages pop up on the screen.

  Lu Yuan glanced hastily.

  Ignoring some irrelevant and boring information, he sent a message to Cheng Yue in the library and asked her to borrow some books about "Death to the Goddess Lamashido" for him.

  Cheng Yue replied quickly.

  Just a second after Lu Yuan's message was sent, she sent an "ok" gesture and emoticon.

  Lu Yuan couldn't help but laugh and chatted briefly with her.

  Just then I put down my phone, and there was a crisp tapping sound in my ears.

  Lu Yuan's expression changed, he stood up and walked quickly to the window sill.

  He opened the blinds and opened the window, only to see a crow standing obediently in front of the window looking at him.

  Lu Yuan did not open the window, but activated the [Crow Language] skill to connect to the crow's consciousness.

  The brain immediately received some intermittent fragmentary information and pictures.
  After a while, Lu Yuan grabbed a handful of rice, sprinkled it in front of the window, gave the crow the instruction to "explore after eating", and sat back at the desk.

  Yesterday's day's arrangement was initially effective.

  The crow boys he sent out have begun to gain results gradually.

  Although most of the news was not what Lu Yuan wanted, he could rule it out at a glance.

  But at least it's progressing. It's much better than before where I could only stand passively and wait.


  In the dark and quiet corridor, footsteps approached little by little.

  Lu Yuan stood at the corner of the stairs, looking calmly down at the direction where the sound came from.

  "One, two, three."

  When he counted to the number "five", Lu Yuan's expression became solemn, and he immediately jumped towards the bottom.

  That was the moment when his body moved more and more.

  A bright light burst out from underneath.


  Where Lu Yuan was standing for a second, the floor underneath collapsed.

  A light blue ball of light burst out of the ground, instantly breaking through the floor and the cement wall behind it, until it disappeared into the deep night sky outside the house.

  At the same time, Lu Yuan had already jumped to the stairs below.

  He stepped hard on the wall behind him with his right foot, and with almost no hesitation, he pounced neatly and crisply towards the figure below who was holding a gun in both hands, and the light at the barrel of the gun was quickly dimming.

  Inhale in mid-air and punch.

  The well-proportioned and slender body suddenly expanded, and the muscles on his right arm surged like waves.


  Finally it converges at Fist Peak.


  This punch hit the figure's head hard without any fancy.

  The latter didn't even have time to say a word before his whole body suddenly leaned back.

  His head exploded like a watermelon.


  Lu Yuan stood up from the ruins covered with gravel and cement blocks and exhaled softly.

  The swollen body quickly shrank.

  Looking at No. 13, who was completely unrecognizable on the ground and had completely lost his fighting ability, Lu Yuan showed a hint of satisfaction on his face.

  "15 points of physical constitution, perfect control of double the burst of [Special Power].

  As long as you can avoid the fire attack of the cybernetic, ordinary Yellow Bear members like No. 13 can be killed with one hit." "Even

  if Even if I don't dodge, I can barely do it!"

  Lu Yuan subconsciously looked at the position of his chest.

  During the previous consciousness wars, he had tried to be attacked by No. 13's energy gun.

  He was hit in the front, and there were big holes in his chest and back.

  But with 15 points of super vitality, he was able to punch his opponent to death even in such a seriously injured state.

  "It's basically an instant kill against ordinary Yellow Bear members, but it's very difficult against Zhou Ling."

  Lu Yuan fought Zhou Ling as an "imaginary enemy" for four or five battles.

  Not a single game was won.

  The only difference is how miserable the death is.

  "Zhou Ling's strength is indeed terrifying. Almost all his flesh and bones have been transformed. His

  fighting skills are very good, and he also has various high-tech killing methods!"

  In the five battles with Zhou Ling, Lu Yuan only had one fluke. He stepped in front of Zhou Ling and rubbed against him.

  The remaining four were all destroyed by his energy beam before they even got close.

  Fighting with this guy is extremely boring. Fighting with bare hands and a gun is inherently unfair.

  Moreover, Zhou Ling's own strength is much stronger than him, so he has no chance to play.

  (End of chapter)

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