83.Chapter 83 Strong God Attendant

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  Chapter 83: The Strong God Attendant

  The small mushroom cloud illuminated a small patch of night sky above the soil slope with a bright orange color.

  Then it slowly dissipated, leaving only a falling flame.

  Wait until the entire mushroom cloud dissipates completely.

  There is almost no trace of the house on the slope, only the ruins burned in the fire.

  "Um" Lu

  Yuan stared blankly in the direction of the slope, unable to react for a moment.

  Lu Yuan was really shocked.

  Even the mushroom cloud has been removed. Those who know it know that it is a few people fighting, and those who don't know may think it is a war.

  The news of bombings and fires broadcast on TV during this period suddenly flashed in my mind.

  Plus crows.


  Now it's all connected.

  It was all caused by Huang Xiong's people encircling and suppressing the Crow God Cult.

  "This is too exaggerated."

  Even if a cybernetic can fire an energy beam, can he still cause an explosion of such a scale?
  So what does extraordinary martial arts mean compared to that?
  As strong as Lin Zhiqin, can Qin Feng survive such a big explosion?
  I don’t know how far away I am.

  But at this moment, he somewhat understood the true meaning of what Zhou Ling had said to him before - "The road to transformation is much more orthodox and brighter than your martial arts practice. You will know later."

  "If I were really given the choice to obtain such power by replacing body parts, would I be willing?"

  Lu Yuan asked himself.

  The answer now is naturally no.

  "Others may not be able to do it when practicing martial arts, but it may not be possible for me."

  Lu Yuan looked down at his hands and saw the beautiful palm prints on his palms.

  "I have a career panel. I can add attribute points infinitely, and I can easily break through the upper limit that others cannot break through. How do you know if a   mortal

  body can block a mecha cannon without trying it?"   One day in the future, He found that the path to martial arts training really didn't work.   And if you have a special obsession with power.   Maybe he will consider taking the path of transforming people.   Of course, it's too early to think about this now.   He is far from the point where he needs to make his own choices.   Lu Yuan shook his head, temporarily getting rid of a series of irrelevant associations in his mind.   Then he stared at the small slope of burning soil in the distance, a look of thought flashing across his face.   The war seems to have calmed down.   But the outcome was not yet clear to him.   Which side of the Crow God Cult and Huang Xiong's people won? Being so far apart, Lu Yuan couldn't understand at all.   "How about going over there and taking a look?"   This idea was killed by Lu Yuan as soon as it came up.   "Look at the yarn!"   Curiosity killed the cat.   Lu Yuan had secretly sneaked into the Crow God Sect's lair before. It could be said that Lu Yuan saw that his father, Lu Xinghua, and the three of them had escaped safely and smoothly, and he felt that there was nothing in the house that could pose much danger to him.   Coupled with the recent rapid growth in strength, the combination of multiple factors led to reckless actions after an inflated mentality.   Fortunately, the person I met later was Huang Xiong.   But Lu Yuan, who had already learned a lesson once, really didn't want to be put on the chopping block a second time.   "What if the battle is not over yet? What if Zhou Ling and the others actually lost?" "You will   know the result tomorrow when you watch the news or ask Ge Wenjun. Why go over now and join in the fun?" "   But even if it's Zhou Ling , If we lose, the Crow God Sect will probably not get better, after all, Jiaoyan is the territory of the government."   Lu Yuan was thinking in his mind, and his body had already started to turn around and run backwards.   Even running faster and faster.   Heading straight away from the battlefield.   He had made up his mind not to look back, and he immediately went home and lay down in bed to wait for daylight.   But just as he was about to run out of this rural dirt road and see the cement road,   the phone in his hand suddenly rang.   Caller - Dad.   "Gan!"   Lu Yuan glanced at the phone screen and his mood immediately dropped.   He was about to get ready to go home, but he didn't expect his father, Lu Xinghua, to call him right now.   Needless to say, his sneaking out of the room in the middle of the night must have been discovered.   The phone rings one after another, which is particularly loud and harsh in the empty and silent countryside.   Lu Yuan had no choice but to quickly make up a reasonable reason in his mind.   Take a few long, deep breaths to calm your breathing, then press the on button.   "Dad."   Lu Yuan tried to make his voice calm and natural.   He was anticipating what kind of tone his father Lu Xinghua would use to say something to him   the next second, but a funny voice of a man came from the other end of the phone.   "Lu Yuan, it's me."   Lu Yuan's hand holding the phone froze for a few seconds, his expression frozen.   Close your eyes and take a deep breath.   Resisting the urge to get angry, Lu Yuan said coldly: "Isn't this joke a bit too much?"   Lu Yuan never expected it.   Despite Lu Xinghua’s note, the last person to answer the call turned out to be Zhou Ling!   This bastard took advantage of himself. Why didn't the explosion just kill him?   "Sorry...cough."   Zhou Ling on the other end of the phone seemed a little weak.   He coughed lightly and explained: "It's just a little technical. Mainly because I'm worried that I won't be able to contact you." "   Why should you contact me?"   Lu Yuan's anger also subsided.   Zhou Ling's call to him meant that the outcome of the battle there was clear, and he felt relaxed.   "I want you to help me a little bit,"   Zhou Ling said in a low voice. "Time is very tight. By the time my reinforcements arrive, I'm afraid it will be too late.   Can you come back right now?"   Lu Yuan turned his head and looked far behind him. I glanced in the direction of the slope.   There was a slight silence.   finally.   "Okay."   Three minutes later, Lu Yuan returned to the original position again.

  The fire was raging here, lighting up the surrounding area as bright as day.

  Only when you watch it up close can you truly feel the power of the previous explosion.

  The entire outer wall of the house was almost razed to the ground. The four-story self-built house had been completely blown up and collapsed. There were broken walls everywhere, and only the outline of the first floor could be barely seen.

  The water storage tank and solar water heater originally installed on the rooftop were twisted out of shape, and were burned by the fire until only a blackened iron frame was left.

  The fire killed an unknown number of crows, and with the septic tank filled with carrion behind the house, the entire hillside was filled with a strong smell of burnt barbecue.

  When Lu Yuan arrived, Zhou Ling was dragging a Yellow Bear member with only half his body left out of the fire.

  He didn't look good either, he was in a very miserable state.

  The whole body was charred, one arm was missing, and there was a huge laceration on the left cheek, revealing a rolled metal dent underneath, as if it had been torn out by something sharp.

  One leg was also injured, causing him to walk high and low, making him look as funny as a duck.

  "I was careless."

  When Zhou Ling saw Lu Yuan, a wry smile immediately appeared on his handsome face with "war-damaged makeup".

  "I didn't expect to meet a strong godly servant from the Crow God Sect this time. I almost capsized in the gutter."

  "What is a strong godly servant?"

  Lu Yuan asked with a slight expression on his face.

  "I'll tell you later."

  Zhou Ling threw the upper half of the Yellow Bear member in front of Lu Yuan.

  In addition to this half body, there were two more people lying on the ground, both of whom Lu Yuan had seen from Huang Xiong before.

  Of course, their eyes are closed now, and each of them looks "tattered" with missing arms and legs.

  Lu Yuan even suspected that several of them were dead.

  At least in his understanding, a normal person would definitely not be able to survive such a serious injury.

  "Help me inject each of them with 1 ml of this to ensure that they don't really die.

  If they don't die, they can still be saved."

  Zhou Ling took out a syringe filled with half of an unknown blue liquid from nowhere and handed it to The road is long.

  Then he took his "duck step" and walked quickly towards the ruins of the fire.

  "I have to go in a few more times, please."

   Although I think some plot foreshadowing and filling in of details are quite necessary, many people say it's not good, so I will add one more chapter.

    There will also be three chapters tomorrow, and tomorrow will be the real climax.

  (End of chapter)

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