8. Chapter 8 Addiction

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  Chapter 8 Addiction
  Lu Yuan recalled in his mind what he had learned in the morning.

  I feel that I have mastered more than a dozen basic boxing movements taught by Lin Zhiqin, I remember them very clearly, and I can execute every movement.

  There will definitely be deviations in the standard level of action.

  "When you learn all the basic professional skills such as basic kicks and basic footwork, and then upgrade them all to level 3 or above, you will be able to unlock the core professional skills!"

  As the core skill of the [student] profession, [Absolute Focus] is to be used by General Lu Yuan. It is unlocked after all eight major subjects are upgraded to level 3.

  After unlocking the skill [Absolute Concentration], Lu Yuan was completely different from ordinary students.

  The learning efficiency has undergone a qualitative transformation, and there is also a feeling of cheating in learning.

  Therefore, Lu Yuan is looking forward to what kind of surprises the core skills of the [Fighter] profession will bring to him.

  "The two classes of the fighting class every week are scheduled on weekends. If you want to learn basic kicking and footwork, you have to wait for another week.

  But I can let Cheng Peng teach me first."

  Lu Yuan has already made arrangements for Cheng Peng in his heart. The identity of the tool man.

  I exercise a lot in the morning and eat a lot at lunch.

  Lu Yuan lay on the bed and soon began to feel sleepy.

  He didn't know how long he had been asleep, but a series of cell phone notifications woke him up from his sleep.

  Lu Yuan was still drowsy, but when he reached out to touch his phone, the soreness in his arm made him wake up completely.

  "Stay with it, wait until tomorrow, the torn muscles will heal, and it will definitely not hurt so much!"

  Lu Yuan grinned to comfort himself.

  I struggled to grab my phone and saw a dozen message notifications.

  Clicking on the chat software, one of the dozens of messages came from someone's friend request.

  "I'm Liu Yue, and I'm applying to add you as a friend."

  It's the round-faced girl wearing glasses from the fighting class.

  Lu Yuan added it casually.

  Then I checked the rest of the messages and found that they were all from my sister Lu Jing.

  Sister: "Brother! Look at the scenery of Xisu! The desert style you have never experienced before!"

  There are more than a dozen photos at the bottom.

  Desert, Gobi, Populus euphratica and a few pictures show a girl wearing a hat riding a camel with a bright smile on her face.

  The girl on the camel is naturally Lu Jing herself.

  Lu Yuan quickly looked at more than a dozen photos and typed quickly: "I'm envious. I travel to the mountains and rivers at public expense and get paid."

  Within a few seconds of sending the message, there was a reply quickly.

  "! You don't know how difficult the conditions here are!
  The excavated ruins are deep in the Xisu Desert. Now I can only live in a tent every day. I can only

  take a shower once a week. I dare not speak outside. I will be beaten every time I open my mouth. Filled with several kilograms of sand!"


  Lu Yuan couldn't help laughing and sent a few snickering expressions.

  Then he thought about it and asked, "Sister, what did you dig up this time?"

  Lu Jing replied: "A large temple site from the Baishan Period is very valuable for studying the religious history of the Baishan Period.

  It is a significant event . It's a relatively important discovery.

  Just wait, brother, it won't be long before you and I can see you and me on the news. (Satisfied)" "

  Oh, you are just an errand boy in the archaeological team, you want to be on TV?

  It doesn't matter what you dig up."

  "(Contempt) (Contempt) (Contempt)!"

  Lu Yuan chatted with Lu Jing for a while and learned that the archaeological work she participated in this time will take a long time and may last for half a year or even more than one year.

  I don’t know when I will have the chance to come back in the middle, at least don’t think about it in a short time.

  After finishing the chat, Lu Yuan turned on his computer and searched online for information about Baishan Temple.

  The Baishan Period has a history of more than three thousand years.

  It was an extremely chaotic and dark time with many religions. The teachings of many of these sects are very evil, and they like to sacrifice human beings, which is extremely bloody.

  Lu Yuan just looked at it for a little bit and then closed the webpage.

  "I don't know what the temple excavated by Lu Jing and her archaeological team looks like.

  If they dig and dig out a pile of bones, Lu Jing's courage will probably make her cry on the spot."

  Lu Yuan thought amusingly . .

  As for the recent incident at home, Lu Yuan did not tell Lu Jing.

  He probably didn't even mention it to Lu Jing.

  After all, she is now more than 3,000 kilometers away in the depths of the desert. Even if she knew about it, she couldn't do anything to help. She could only worry and add another person to worry.

  Why say more.

  "Study hard and practice martial arts hard. This is the biggest thing I can do to help my parents now."

  Lu Yuan thought to himself.

  He put down his phone and sat in front of the desk.

  Although his arm was temporarily sore and he couldn't write, he had almost finished his homework.

  [Absolute concentration] Read books, preview new lessons, review and consolidate.

  After one afternoon, the experience value of the eight major subjects has increased, and the [student]'s professional experience has also increased by dozens of points, and he is getting closer to level 4.

  Around five o'clock in the afternoon, Zheng Qiuling hurriedly came up and asked Lu Yuan to go down to help look after the store, while she got into the kitchen to make dinner.

  Lu Xinghua came back from the hospital and lay down, packed some food and then left in a hurry. Lu Yuan couldn't even say a few words to him.

  But I got some good news.

  Grandpa's surgery for cerebral infarction can be scheduled next week.

  "The arms can't be exercised yet, but the waist, abdomen, and legs will not be affected."

  After dinner, Lu Yuan spread out a mat in the living room, then lay on it and started to do other strength training besides the arms. .

  Of course, this is also the state after turning on [Absolute Focus].

  [You focus on professional training for ten minutes, and your professional experience value +1]

  [Your skill Primary Forging is improved, and your experience value is +2]

  [Your skill Primary Forging is improved, and your experience value is +4]

  Continuous information prompts on the panel .

  One of the biggest benefits of the career panel is that it can instantly feedback Lu Yuan's efforts in the form of experience points.

  The hard work turned into motivation, allowing Lu Yuan to have fuller enthusiasm to practice harder.

  Not to mention, physical exercise itself is very addictive.

  "In my previous life, I saw other people being addicted to fitness, and I still didn't understand.

  Now I understand."

  "Huchi - Huchi -"

  Lu Yuan gasped, finishing another set of training, and said to himself: "This kind of The process of breaking through one's own limits again and again makes it easy for people to gain a sense of self-achievement."

  Lu Yuan's original goal was to do two sets of each training action.

  After finishing two groups, I felt I still had enough energy to do it, so I did two more groups.

  After completing two sets, he did another two sets.
  In the last set of movements, he did eight sets!
  It was not until the last bit of energy was drained out of the body that the whole person lay sprawled on the floor of the living room, with no strength left to move his little finger

  "My whole body won't be so painful that I can't get up tomorrow, right?"

  The mat spread under him was already wet with sweat. Lu Yuan looked up at the white ceiling of the living room, thinking silently in his heart.   When the career panel information slowly appeared on the ceiling, Lu Yuan couldn't help but smile

  when he saw the skyrocketing experience value .   "If you can't get up, then you can't get up."   "It feels so good to become stronger."   (End of this chapter)


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