44. Chapter 44

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  Chapter 44

  "Coach, you are too cruel."

  The figure in white martial arts uniform rubbed his chest and got up from the cushion, revealing a handsome face filled with eagerness to try.

  Lin Zhiqin did not answer his words, but said calmly: "Get ready, I have arranged a game for you tonight." "


  Lu Yuan was startled.

  The immersive special training during this period almost made him forget the purpose of his training.

  Unexpectedly, this day came so quietly.

  "After you take a shower, go to the restaurant and have a meal. I'll wait for you in the parking lot."


  Lin Zhiqin said a word and turned to leave.

  Lu Yuan didn't waste any time, wiped his sweat and went straight to the locker room.

  After a quick shower, I opened the locker door while changing my clothes.

  The half-length mirror behind the door reflected his current appearance.

  The road has grown taller again.

  In ten days, he grew about two centimeters taller, nearly 1.8 meters tall.

  Wearing shoes should be more than enough.

  The muscles of the naked upper body are graceful and smooth, and the thigh and calf muscles of the lower body are well-proportioned and strong.

  This is what Lu Yuan is most satisfied with.

  Even though I love martial arts, I enjoy the process of breaking through the physical limits again and again and constantly improving my strength.

  But he doesn't want to become a muscular guy either.

  Lu Yuan stared at the standard young face in the mirror and called up his career panel.

  [Name: Lu Yuan]

  [Age: 17]

  [Strength: 11]

  [Agility: 11]

  [Physique: 11]

  [Intelligence: 11]

  [Occupation: Fighter lv4 (781/800)]

  [Basic professional skills: Elementary forging Body level 5 (full)

  Basic boxing level 5 (full)

  Basic kick level 5 (full) Basic footwork

  level 4 (620/800) Basic

  grappling level 4 (535/800)

  Basic palm level 3 (324/400)

  Basic fingering level 3 (134/ 400)

  Elementary professional skills: Advanced kicking lv3 (23/400)

  Advanced boxing lv1 (89/100)

  Intermediate professional skills: Crane-shaped pile lv2 (21/200)]

  [Attribute points: 1]

  [Skill points: 0 】

  The four-dimensional attributes, agility and physique were increased by 1 point each.

  The former is naturally increased when the crane-shaped pile breaks through lv2.

  The latter is improved after reaching the full level of lv5 through basic physical training.

  I have to say that the crane-shaped pile is indeed an intermediate professional skill.

  Just by breaking through the first small realm, the attribute increased by 1 point.

  However, during these ten days of practice, Lu Yuan did feel that his body became more and more "light and agile"?
  Or should I say "easy".

  "Maybe the crane sect's martial arts originally followed an agile and first-class path, and the crane is so light and agile."

  Lu Yuan speculated himself.

  In fact, the improvement in physical fitness is inseparable from the crane-shaped pile. It is precisely because of practicing crane-shaped pile that the experience value of primary body training increases so fast.

  Then the boxing skills are naturally practiced to the advanced level.

  1 attribute point was awarded.

  The advanced kicking technique has been upgraded to lv3.

  It can be said that this is Lu Yuan's biggest gain from these ten days of special training.

  Now that he is in the conscious space, he can easily "kick" or "kick to pieces" the middle-aged man in the rain alley with all his leg skills!
  Lu Yuan's growth is unreservedly reflected on the career panel in the form of data.

  It is not an exaggeration to say that it has been completely transformed. "Today is the first day of official combat, just to be on the safe side."

  Lu Yuan thought for a while and added the useless attribute points to his strength.

  "Ten -"

  With the 1 point increase in strength, Lu Yuan clearly felt that all the muscles in his body suddenly tightened.

  It feels a little bulging, as if something has been stuffed inside.


  Lu Yuan punched the mirror quickly.

  The sound of breaking through the air was accompanied by a gust of wind, which caused the locker door to slam back against the cabinet with a "snap".

  "My strength has become much stronger. It feels like it is half of its original strength. The specific value will only be known after testing with a boxing machine."

  Lu Yuan is very satisfied with this improvement.

  After all attributes reached 11 points, he could easily control 12 points of power.

  "Even if we have an eighth-dan or even ninth-dan opponent tonight, we can beat him."

  Lu Yuan was full of confidence.

  He has been training on a stand-alone basis, but he is also eager for a real combat with fists and fists.

  After being "instantly killed" by Lin Zhiqin and Qin Feng so many times in his conscious space, his nerves became tense.

  Anyone below the professional level can fight! I, Wu
  Xiu Luyuan, stopped my second-grade reverie in time, quickly put on my clothes, glanced at the panel one last time, and hurried out the door.

  Afraid that he would vomit after a strenuous exercise, Lu Yuan only ate about seventy percent full in the restaurant and rushed directly to the parking lot.

  Lin Zhiqin had been waiting in the car for a long time.


  No nonsense, go straight to the Mosa Fight Club in the south of the city.

  When we got to the place, we went all the way down to the second underground floor.

  This time Lin Zhiqin took him directly to the preparation room, except for changing the clothes he wore on stage.

  Then there’s the matter of choosing a mask!
  "Just pick whatever you like."

  Lu Yuan took a rough look and found that there were about forty or fifty masks of different styles in front of him.

  Basically, they are based on some kind of animal, slightly modified to look like a monster.

  The style is mainly ferocious, ferocious and grotesque.

  Lu Yuan looked at them one by one, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he spotted a mask that was green and black and looked a bit like a dragon.

  Just as he was about to reach out to take it, a dark and rough big hand with black hair on the back took the mask in his hand first.

  "Haha, this mask is very handsome and suits me."

  Lu Yuan frowned and turned around.

  His eyes moved up slightly, and he saw a tall, muscular, black-haired, chimpanzee-like man in a vest standing next to him.

  The strong man sensed Lu Yuan's probing gaze and slowly turned his head.

  Condescendingly, looking at Lu Yuan with indifferent eyes.

  This look reminded Lu Yuan of his previous life when he was in the sixth grade of elementary school playing games in the arcade.

  The junior high school students who came over to grab the machine looked at me in the same way.

  "You dare to come here even if you don't have all your hair?

  Are you afraid of being beaten to death on stage?"

  The strong man in a vest raised a sarcastic arc at the corner of his mouth, put the dragon mask in his hand on his face, turned around and left .

  Lu Yuan stood there quietly for a while.

  Suddenly he raised his head and looked at Lin Zhiqin, who had no expression at all.

  "I thought the contestants participating in this competition were the same as last time. They were all quite polite to each other."

  Lin Zhiqin replied calmly: "It's just an individual."

  "That means they are not very polite?"

  "It's also an individual. "


  Lu Yuan shrugged and took one last look in the direction where the strong man in the vest left.

  Then he calmly turned his head and continued to choose his own mask.

  This time he didn't hesitate too much, he just randomly chose a mask that looked like a goat with three eyes.

  Average, average cool.

  He carefully put it on his face and then sat in the lounge and waited patiently.

   Push a small seedling. "I became an immortal after my throne was dethroned"

    I traveled through time and became an emperor, but a puppet emperor.

    The vassal towns were divided, the world was in chaos, Wen Jue controlled the government, factions fought everywhere, aristocratic families were in charge of the place, and bandits used force to break the ban. Everyone knew that the emperor was just a clay puppet and not worthy of the Tao. Until, I became an immortal. (End of this

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