177. Chapter 176 Shocking change, do you understand what gratitude is? (happy National Day!)

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  Chapter 176 Shocking change, do you understand what gratitude is? (Happy National Day!)

  "S-level missions are not designed for ordinary new blood."

  Su Zhaohui leaned half of his body on the back of the chair and said casually: "The risk factor is definitely not low, but don't worry, it's safe. The department has taken sufficient measures to ensure that the highest danger level of any mission will not exceed level three." "

  Whether it is a human bear or a molybdenum demon,

  someone has communicated with them in advance to ensure that the mental state of the two is stable. Only those who are willing to cooperate and promise not to go out of their way will be allowed to appear in the assessment."

  "Do you also believe the guarantee they made?"

  "Listen to what I have to say first."

  Su Zhaohui put down his wine glass and pointed at the virtual A certain figure in the light screen said: "The place where the man-bear is staying is a full gravity field, with a basic gravity of twenty times. As long as he is closer to the

  exit, the gravity multiplier will be higher.

  And his brain is also implanted The control chip."

  Su Zhaohui tapped his temple with his finger, "This chip is connected to the gravity field control center, and at the same time it is controlled by me, the chief examiner. As long as I want, I can do it in less than a

  . Within, the gravity multiplier of the area under his feet was instantly increased to more than 200 times, directly crushing him into a puddle of flesh. The Molybdenum

  Demon also had corresponding defense measures.

  Before the assessment began, the Security Department had tested many There have been no problems every time."

  Song Cong had no expression on his face and said calmly: "It's best if there really are no problems."

  Su Zhaohui shook his head with a smile, too lazy to say anything else.


  Lu Yuan stepped onto the steps and truly realized the abnormality of this area.

  "Multiple gravity?"

  A look of surprise appeared on his face.

  After thinking about it for a while, I quickly came up with the result of twenty times gravity.

  Under twenty times the gravity, his whole body became much heavier. It felt like every part of his body was connected to the ground by invisible ropes, pulling him down all the time.

  "How do you feel?"

  The bald man looked at Lu Yuan with a smile.

  Lu Yuan raised his head and looked at him with a calm expression: "It's just normal."


  Ren Xiong tugged the corner of his mouth hard and took a step toward the door.

  This step he took seemed to trigger some mechanism.

  The hemispherical devices scattered among the white stone tiles on the ground immediately began to glow.

  Lu Yuan frowned slightly, obviously feeling it.

  The gravity in this room increased again.

  From twenty times, it probably increased to twenty-five times.

  "What now?"

  Ren Xiong looked at him with an evil expression on his face.

  He kept walking, one step at a time, one step at a time, and he kept getting closer to the door where Lu Yuan came from.

  And his actions also caused the gravity in the room to rise crazily.

  From twenty times to thirty times, it quickly soared to forty or fifty times!

  "Creak, crunch -"

  Lu Yuan's thin body seemed unable to withstand this terrifying invisible force. His back slowly bent down, with his hands on his knees, as if he had just experienced a violent exercise.

  His strength was exhausted, and he was panting and holding on to prevent himself from falling.

  "It's very hard, right?"

  The smile on Renxiong's face became even brighter.

  "It's difficult to breathe, the vision is distorted, the five senses are deviated, the internal organs seem to be torn apart, and even the consciousness has become cloudy." "When I first

  came here, I felt very hard." "

  I can't sleep every day. , even eating is an extremely painful thing."

  "Many times, I wish I could die in the next second!"

  Ren Xiong said to himself, the expression on his face became cold, gradually distorted, and finally even became thicker. A strong look of spite and violence emerged.

  He was furious and roared loudly: "You bastard Huang Xiong, you raised me here like an animal. As long as you

  cooperate with them in the assessment of these new bloods,

  the guilt on my body can be offset, and the death penalty can be unlimited. The term will be postponed, and one day I may even be released completely.
  Do they think I am a three-year-old child?"

  "Do I need this kind of exemption?"

  Renxiong smiled evilly and took another big step forward.

  This time the gravity multiplier in the room reached 70 times, and the terrible pressure even affected him.

  The bronze-like body made a crunching sound and

  his face was distorted, with blood vessels protruding one by one on his face. Instead, his face showed an expression of enjoyment.

  "Fortunately, I survived."

  "I have completely adapted to the high gravity here, and I am even stronger than before!" The

  human bear opened his hands, as if embracing the thick, pulpy air in the room.

  His eyes fell back on Lu Yuan.

  Looking at Lu Yuan, who seemed to have been completely silenced by the ultra-high gravity, he said with a smile: "You can come here, you should be considered a very remarkable new blood. If I kill you, no,

  Huang The bear people are watching, and they will not allow me to kill you. I want to

  leave a deep impression on you, so that every time you think of this place or this assessment in the future, you
  can't help but tremble with fear. "

  The human bear strode towards the road, exuding a strong evil nature.

  He looked at Lu Yuan up and down with great interest, and a strong look of cruelty suddenly appeared in his eyes. Then he stretched out a hand and quickly grabbed Lu Yuan, and kept saying: "Is it painful? Relax when it hurts.

  " Well.

  Because you will feel more pain next."

  But just when Renxiong's big hand was about to touch Lu Yuan's body.

  A white and strong palm suddenly raised and grabbed his hand.


  Ren Xiong was startled, and then he saw Lu Yuan, who was originally holding his knees, raised his head little by little.

  Not only did his face not have the slightest expression of pain and struggle that he expected.

  On the contrary,
  there was a deep sense of joy and an inexplicable expression that couldn't help but float.

  "What nonsense are you talking about?"

  Lu Yuan said softly, and on his fair and handsome face, scarlet blood vessels began to smoothly protrude and spread rapidly.

  The muscles on his body swelled and tightened like steel bars.


  The height of a little over 1.8 meters grew to a height of 2.1 meters in an instant.

  Like a dark cloud firmly covering the whole bear.

  "The gravity field that can adjust the multiple at will, the terrible pressure like the deep sea that exists all the time.

  No one disturbs, no trivial matters, high-energy food is delivered on time."

  Lu Yuan's rough and wide palm directly pressed the entire body of the human bear. Wrapped with one hand.

  He was condescending and lowered his head close to the man-bear's face.

  Hot air as hot as magma spewed out from his mouth and nose and hit the bear's cheek. His eyes were shining brightly and he said word by word: "Such a perfect martial arts training place. How can you feel pain? How can you be


  ? ?"

  "Do you know what
  gratitude is?!"

  "Eh, eh, eh."

  Renxiong raised his head and stared at Lu Yuan with a shocked expression. There were many words stuck in his throat, and he couldn't spit out a single word. When it comes out, it can only make a strange gurgling sound.

  The next moment.

  Suddenly the hairs all over his body broke out and his scalp became numb.

  As an A+ level expert, his sense of crisis made him subconsciously step back.

  But a dark shadow had already appeared in the corner of his eye.


  Accompanied by a dull sound like stirring molten steel, a fist hit the bear's face hard.

  "Crack, click, click -"

  the sound of broken facial bones.

  The man-bear's entire face was deeply dented by the fist.

  The whole person flew backwards like a cannonball.

  Lu Yuan slowly stopped his hand and took a deep breath.

  The thick, pulpy air around him filled his chest and lungs, and his heart pounded like a drum.

  The blood in the whole body seemed to be boiling.

  Lu Yuan's eyes were burning, and there was an inexplicable look of excitement on his face.

  On the career panel that only he can see.

  On the [Fighter] panel, the three body-building methods of [Wan Lian Shen] [Steel Bone] and [Spiritual Crane Body] are
  currently undergoing a violent surge in experience points under the terrifying gravity pressure of the surroundings!

  He's not bragging!
  He really felt that this place was
  really suitable for practicing martial arts!
  If only he could have such a martial arts training ground at his disposal.

  Still needing someone to force you?

  I wish I could soak in it twenty-four hours a day!

  You bear, do you know how cool it feels to gain experience while lying down?
  "You don't understand at all."

  Lu Yuan shook his head and looked at the human bear who was hit far away by his punch and fell heavily to the ground. He looked calm and suddenly took a step forward.

  In an instant, afterimages seemed to be left in the air, and a clearly visible trail of white dragon-shaped air waves emerged.

  Must kill, [dragon covering the body]!
  "The multiplier has been reduced... Come on, don't go too far away from the gate!"

  As Lu Yuan swayed, the muscles on his body squirmed, and scarlet blood vessels grew like plant roots.

  The two squeeze each other.


  There seemed to be some pattern slowly emerging on his body.


  In an empty room.

  Song Cong and Su Zhaohui blinked and stared at the light screen in front of them in a daze.

  This was an unexpected scene for both of them, and the direction of the battle.

  After a period of silence, Su Zhaohui let out a breath and said with emotion: "This kid is really a monster! I'm afraid he will look like a

  madman on the battlefield in the future.

  The final evaluation of this assessment will definitely go to the SS. , maybe it can set the best record in the history of new blood assessment."

  Song Cong's eyes gradually relaxed, nodded, and then his expression became more determined.

  "So you should leave him to me!

  I don't worry if someone else takes him."

  "Easy to talk to!"

  Su Zhaohui smiled and patted Song Cong on the shoulder to reassure him.

  He straightened up and bent down to fill his empty glass with beer.

  "Gulu gulu——"

  The golden beer liquid collided with layers of bubbles in the transparent wine glass, and suddenly
  Su Zhaohui's hand holding the wine glass froze slightly.

  A few seconds later, he filled the beer and placed the glass on the table with a calm expression.

  "What's wrong?"

  Song Cong noticed the strange look on his face and couldn't help but ask.

  "Just got the news.

  The molybdenum demon went berserk and escaped from the mission point. The danger level rose to level four."


  Song Cong's eyes fluctuated and he frowned: "This is what you said about stable mental state and complete control methods. The Ministry of Safety has conducted debugging results?"

  "It is the first time to implement a new assessment form. It is normal for such emergencies to occur."

  Su Zhaohui said casually: "Don't worry, we have a response plan.

  The assessment location is in the Smoke-free City "It doesn't matter if someone dies.

  Just try to ensure the personal safety of the new blood."

  Song Cong didn't speak, turned his head and glanced at the light screen in front of him, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

  First he was shocked and nervous, then quickly relaxed, and finally said solemnly: "Come and see for yourself!"

  Su Zhaohui approached the light screen, his expression finally changed, and he couldn't help but cursed in a low voice: "Damn it!
  Water bear !" The insect transformation is indeed too uncontrollable!

  I should have opposed the inclusion of human bears in the assessment plan in the first place!" "

  What should we do now?"

  Song Cong said coldly: "Don't forget, you are the chief examiner."

  "I know. !"

  Su Zhaohui waved his hands a little irritably, his laziness gone, and his whole person showed a vigorous and resolute temperament.

  "First seal off the No. 3 Smoke-free City, and then notify all the new blood in the Smoke-free City who are participating in the assessment. Old Song, please
  come with me.

  I will put your S-level combat power to use!"

  Song Cong snorted softly, There was no retort.

  Su Zhaohui issued instructions one by one in an orderly manner, and finally glanced at the light screen on the table.

  After watching for a while, he seemed to have thought of something, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

  Then quickly operate on the light screen to publish a message.

  Asking for a monthly ticket! The next chapter will be posted later.

   There is a lot of wedding wine to eat during the National Day, so we can only guarantee two updates a day, and the update time may be a bit unstable.

    I'll start paying off the debt after the National Day, and then I still ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket (bang bang bang!)

    and then py the book "There is really no weirdness in this world" Shanwailou Tingyu
    "Your sister is doing strange things again!"

    Fu Tianqing Helplessly, he turned back to     look at the girl who looked only 1.5 meters tall and was sitting by the door
    - and then knocked on the door lightly with her head , "What are you doing     ?     " The delicate and cute little girl turned back stiffly, her dark eyes were blank. There was no     focus , and even the voice had no fluctuations,     "It was okay     . Then she climbed up on all fours like Spider-Man on the door, then on     the ceiling , and then crawled over the heads of Fu Tianqing and the other two     towards her own bedroom.     Fu Tianqing turned back and shrugged at the horrified tenant, "She just     has more developed motor nerves. There is nothing weird in this world   (End of Chapter)"



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