175. Chapter 174: Planting the dragon sect’s flag all over the peak (thanks to ekiina for being the leader)

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  Chapter 174: Planting the flag of the Dragon Sect all over the peak (thanks to ekiina for being the leader)
  Song Cong quickly received the information.

  He browsed quickly and quickly frowned.

  "Who initiated the comprehensive reform of the new blood assessment form?"

  Su Zhaohui replied casually: "In the past few months, the Ministry of Personnel welcomed the youngest, most beautiful, most capable and most promising new minister in their history. Her The name is - Xiao Rui."

  "So it's her."

  Song Cong's frown relaxed again, and he murmured: "No wonder, even these two people dare to enter the new blood assessment."

  He stared at the projection There are two pieces of character information on the pupil membrane, and he looks sideways at Su Zhaohui beside him.

  "One is A+, but his transformation ability is special. Under that specific environmental condition, even I may not be his opponent.

  The other one..."

  Song Cong pursed his lips, not knowing how to describe it.

  "Although it is also A+, in terms of strength alone, the data evaluation is even higher than the 47% S." "

  Lu Yuan's strength is indeed good, but after all, he is just pure martial arts."

  Song Cong looked into Su Zhaohui's eyes and said, Du Dan said: "Do you think it is really necessary?"

  Su Zhaohui couldn't help laughing, pointed at him and said: "Old Song, do you want to listen to what you are saying?
  What do you mean is it necessary?
  For someone like Lu Yuan For a new blood, how rare is it to have the opportunity to fight against the powerful A+ level of the new weapon system and the transformation system? You actually think it is unnecessary? I think


  want him to be crazy, and you started to say it in front of me You're talking nonsense."

  Song Cong's eyes flickered but he said nothing.

  It seemed like it was right.

  Su Zhaohui reached out and patted his shoulder, comforting him: "Okay, Old Song, what is yours must be yours. With our friendship for so many years, as long as I
  cough, can I not leave it to you?
  Relax. " , you are the first to get the news.

  Let’s take a closer look next, who knows. Can this guy give us a bigger surprise?”

  “Will there be one?”

  Song Cong looked at the virtual light screen in front of him and lowered his voice. Low opening.


  Su Zhaohui looked calm and composed, but there was some inexplicable expectation in his eyes.

  "Who knows?"

  Lu Yuan sat cross-legged in the middle of the huge martial arts gym. He had fair skin, handsome appearance, and long, satin-like black hair hanging around his shoulders.

  The peaceful appearance, amidst the ruins that looked like they had been ravaged by a tornado, had an inexplicable sense of imagery.

  You Long was sitting four or five meters away from him.

  The strong black bear man squatted next to Youlong, holding a white shell-shaped instrument in his hand.

  First apply a layer of ointment on the injured area of ​​Youlong, then put the instrument on it and leave it there for a few minutes until you hear a beep sound.

  A hand that was almost crippled was restored to its original state.

  You Long was pressed against the wall by Lu Yuan's last moment, and his strength, which belonged to "Senior Guwu", was shattered to pieces.

  He simply let go and did not shy away from being seen in his miserable state by Lu Yuan.

  The strong black bear man was healing the dragon while secretly glancing at Lu Yuan with his peripheral vision.

  At this time, his inner state was not much different from the current situation in the martial arts field.

  They are all in disarray, looking like ruins, and are in the process of post-disaster reconstruction.

  If you haven’t seen it with your own eyes, experienced it yourself.

  If someone came to him out of the blue and said: Chief Instructor You Long competed against Chun Wu, but he was beaten with two hands and one leg, and was pressed against the wall like a quail.

  The one who accomplished this was a high school student who looked to be only seventeen or eighteen years old.

  The strong black bear man would definitely press the head of the person who said this into the ice water with his hands to let the other person wake up.

  Didn't you wake up and talk in your sleep?

  However, what he needs to consider now is how to avoid being pushed into the ice water when he tells his friends about this matter when he returns home.


  followed by another rising sound.

  You Long's last injured hand was taken out of the instrument intact.

  He moved his wrist and waved his hand to let the strong black bear man go down with the instrument.

  Then his eyes fell on Lu Yuan in front of him, with a complex look on his face.

  "If you go to climb Penglai's ladder to heaven, those people will definitely rush for you and regard you as the greatest hope in the ancient martial arts world in the past hundred years."

  Lu Yuan was startled, but he didn't expect that the first sentence You Long said was this. .

  "Peng Lai."

  Lu Yuan didn't know how many times he had heard people mention these two words. Even one of the special moves inherited by the Crane Sect was named after Pen Lai.

  He immediately said, "Senior, can you tell me about Penglai in detail?"

  You Long has always been very happy with Lu Yuan.

  "Penglai was once a holy place in the hearts of all traditional martial arts fighters in the ancient martial arts world, a place they dreamed of visiting once in their lives." "Once



  You Long said: "Just like the ancient martial arts once had an extremely glorious past, Penglai once had an extremely transcendent status.

  Before the transformation and new martial arts sprouted, Xia State's top combat power had always relied on Penglai." "What about

  Martial Saint Island?"

  Lu Yuan thought of what Liu Daoyuan had mentioned to him before. There is another word that I have come across, so I would like to ask clearly at once.

  "Wusheng Island was aloof at first, but since the death of the previous Martial Saint, it has completely become a vassal of Penglai. The

  ancient martial arts community holds a martial arts conference every five years, and the location is on Wusheng Island.

  Outstanding performance in the conference If you are interested, you can get the qualification to enter Penglai Pavilion for seven days to meditate.

  The next martial arts conference will be held not long ago. If you are interested, you can go and have fun then." "

  Martial arts conference?!"

  Lu Yuan's eyes flashed . After flickering for a moment, he asked, "Senior, is there a master in Penglai?"

  You Long glanced at him and nodded, "Of course there is."


  Lu Yuan nodded and said thoughtfully, "Then You really should go and have a look."

  Seeing Lu Yuan's appearance, You Long hesitated to speak. After thinking about it, he finally said, "Your talent in pure martial arts is outstanding. I have never heard of it before, and I have seen it... The most outstanding one, bar none.

  But there are some things I still want to tell you."

  Lu Yuan had a strange look on his face and said: "Senior, please speak." You Long pondered for a moment and said slowly: "The road to pure martial arts is over, and ancient martial arts is in decline. Don't be brainwashed by those in the ancient martial arts world

  . Your thinking is rigid.

  Switch to a new martial arts or undergo transformation as soon as possible. It will only do you good and not bad."

  He is not the first person to say similar things to Lu Yuan.

  On the shuttle when he arrived, Zhou Ling earnestly advised him to transfer to Xinwu as soon as possible.

  Lu Yuan did not respond and was silent for a while, then suddenly asked abruptly: "Senior You Long, how strong is the Grandmaster?"

  You Long smiled, as if he had expected Lu Yuan to ask this question.

  "I don't know how strong the grandmaster really is."

  You Long replied calmly: "But in the years I have been in Huangxiong, I have personally seen the fall of more than one grandmaster.

  Some were surrounded and killed. Some

  were singled out one on one. It's a duel.

  The people who killed them are not pure martial arts, and some are not even really top-notch. It's a
  pity that these videos are confidential, otherwise I can show it to you."


  Lu Yuan didn't say anything, feeling inexplicably Emotions welled up inside.

  He understood what You Long meant.

  Grandmaster is the end of pure martial arts. The path of pure martial arts to grandmaster is basically the end.

  And just like this, among the tens of millions of fighters, there may not be one true top figure, but they can be easily killed by new martial arts and non-top figures who reform the system.

  In such a comparison, the gap does appear to be huge.

  But Lu Yuan feels that he is different from ordinary fighters. If he becomes a grandmaster in the future, he will definitely not be an ordinary grandmaster.

  But he couldn't say this to You Long.

  "Senior You Long, why don't you change your martial arts or change your route?"

  Lu Yuan's words were a bit rude, but You Long didn't seem to mind.

  He smiled and said calmly: "Turn, why don't you. I

  just don't want to turn now.

  I serve as the chief instructor of ancient martial arts in Huangxiong. I have a good salary and no danger. Why should I say goodbye to the old guys early?"

  Lu Yuan saw You Long's eyes falling on his hands and feet with an emotional expression.

  Indeed, the strength of an ancient martial arts fighter of You Long's level is the result of hard training day after day, year after year.

  Every inch of skin, muscles, bones and even hair on the body has gone through countless times of hard work.

  How can it be so easy to just give up?
  Even Youlong can't bear it, and Lu Yuan is even more reluctant to bear it.

  He was only seventeen years old in his life, and he had never even held a girl's hand.
  "Furthermore, after switching to new martial arts, my level of ancient martial arts skills must have dropped by several levels.

  My dragon sect's martial arts is not yet complete." Find a good successor."

  You Long added.

  As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, he looked up and met Lu Yuan's sincere eyes.

  "Senior, what do you think of me?"

  Lu Yuan's posture was calm, his brows were full of confidence, and he was talking eloquently.

  "This junior possesses both the Palace of Flesh and the supernatural power of the brain. He is extremely talented and has everlasting talents.

  In the hands of this junior, the martial arts of the Dragon School will surely flourish.

  Today, Senior You Long will pass on the martial arts of the Dragon School to the junior. The junior promises that within three years,
  We must penetrate Wusheng Island, overthrow Penglai Pavilion, and plant the flag of our Dragon Sect at the highest peak of the ancient martial arts world!" "." You Long stared blankly at


  Yuan, listening to his impassioned speech, It took a long time to calm down.

  After breaking through the limit of his physique, Lu Yuan clearly felt that his facial defense had been greatly enhanced.

  He was not shy. After recommending himself, he stared at Youlong with both eyes.

  Then he keenly sensed that You Long was obviously a little moved.

  It's a pity.
  "I see that the moves you use are all from the Tianshuihui Crane Sect's martial arts.

  You should have already joined the Crane Sect, right?"

  You Long looked at him.

  Lu Yuan couldn't lie about this, otherwise he would be sorry for Lao Liu.

  He nodded honestly, "Yes.

  Does the ancient martial arts world not allow one person to worship multiple sects?"

  "My Dragon Sect does not allow it."

  You Long replied.


  Lu Yuan didn't have too many regrets.

  Anyway, now that his intelligence has exceeded the limit, his understanding is extraordinary, and the effect of level 3 [imaginary enemy]
  should be his, sooner or later.


  You Long changed the topic and said casually: "Although I can't officially accept you as a disciple and teach you the inheritance. But if you are smart enough to learn it on your own, I can't help it, can I?" Lu Yuan's eyes widened when he heard this

  . As soon as he lit up, he sincerely thanked you: "Thank you, senior."

  It seems that the declaration of "planting the flag" just said is still tempting to You Long.

  "When you become a Yellow Bear, you can come to me for discussion at any time."

  You Long said with a smile.

  Then he said sternly: "But having said that, with your talent, if you don't decide to change to a new martial arts immediately or before transformation, it will

  be really good for you to learn the inheritance of several more sects.

  Although the inheritance of Tianliu Liuliu is not bad, it is a pity that you You have only learned half of it.

  Without the other half of the Snake School skills, whether it is moves or true meaning, you will be far behind compared with the real top martial arts inheritance. Haven't you noticed? Your Linghe true

  is A congenital flaw.

  If you weren't physically strong, you would have to make up for it, otherwise you would definitely suffer a loss against an opponent of the same level." "


  Thanks to the leader of the ekiina boss, I am currently in need of update 4.
  New January, please Please give me your guaranteed monthly pass, thank you! (Bang, bang, bang!)

  (End of chapter)

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