156.Chapter 156 The Five Zang Immortal? Organizing and Harvesting (Additional Updates)

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  Chapter 156 Five Zang Immortal? Sorting and Harvesting (Additional Updates)

  The interior of the Red Bear-class shuttle is much larger than the shuttle Gao Qing and others shared.

  There is a relatively independent tea room in Suowei.

  When Gao Qing came up, the middle-aged Dao Scar was sitting on a chair in the tea room, making a pot of coffee.

  "Sit down."

  The middle-aged Scar asked Gao Qing to sit down, handed her a cup of freshly brewed coffee, then walked to the wall and pressed a button to close the tea room door.

  Create a small, airtight space.

  "Thank you, Lord Tieren."

  Gao Qing took the coffee and thanked him.

  I was still confused.

  She didn't know the red bear in front of her, so she didn't know why she was called here alone.

  "My surname is Luo, and my name is Luo Guoxiang."

  The middle-aged Scar sat down opposite Gao Qing and said, "You are Gao Tianlin's daughter, right?" "


  Gao Qing was startled for a moment, "Master Tie Ren knows me. Father."

  The middle-aged Scar nodded slightly, with a look of emotion on his face.

  "Gao Tianlin and I entered the Yellow Bear in the same batch, and the promotion to the White Bear took less than a month.

  We have fought side by side many times, and we can be regarded as out-and-out old comrades."


  "Yes. It's normal that you don't remember me. You were very young at that time."

  The middle-aged Scar suddenly said in a low voice with a complex expression: "Your father's last mission before his death was still with me.

  At that time, the Xia Kingdom and the Far Star Federation There were constant disputes over the ownership of the mines in the Trobi Rainforest, and conflicts continued.

  I went with him on a beheading mission, and encountered an ambush from the Federation's elite mecha troops.

  I am a semi-reformed person, and my consciousness has been uploaded long ago.

  Your father You took the pure martial arts route. All the people who went that time died."

  The middle-aged Scar raised his head and glanced at Gao Qing, and said, "Looking at your information, it seems that you also followed the pure martial arts route?" "

  No, it's Xin. Martial arts."

  Gao Qing shook her head and explained: "I just haven't decided which new martial arts transformation to accept yet." The

  rise of the new martial arts school was actually not long ago, although at present, it has assembled pure martial arts and technological transformation. The new weapons with these advantages have a bright future, and many representatives with outstanding combat capabilities have emerged.

  But there are still many disadvantages.

  One is expensive.

  Gao Qing hasn't saved up enough to pay for the surgery and post-operative training required for a new martial arts transformation.

  Although she has worked very hard to earn it.

  The second is the choice of new martial arts transformation schools.

  This is related to the future growth route, combat style and team positioning.

  Some people will choose to practice pure martial arts to a certain level first, sum up their own strengths and talents, and then decide which school of new martial arts transformation to accept.

  Some people have clear goals from the beginning and have strong capital, so they can skip this self-awareness process directly.

  Gao Qing currently has several options and has not yet made a final decision.

  The last point is my own psychological barrier.

  Put aside the concern that rejection may occur after body modification.

  Not everyone can simply put aside the flesh and blood that has accompanied them for decades and feel at ease to welcome the "mechanical ascension" of the new era.

  Especially an able-bodied girl.


  The middle-aged Scar thought for a while, and suddenly said coldly: "Have you ever considered changing teams?"

  Gao Qing was stunned, "Changing teams?"


  The middle-aged Scar nodded and said: "The risk factor of the field operations team is too high. Just like today's situation, if the Evil Martial Alliance's hunt failed, the situation for you who stayed at the scene would be very dangerous. I plan to transfer you to the supervision
  team. What do you personally think? Like?"

  Gao Qing's breathing became faster for a moment.

  Not everyone has the opportunity to join the supervision team.

  The welfare package is no worse than that of the field operations team, and there is no danger.

  The only drawback is probably that you can offend people easily, but there are also many people who want to please you.

  I don’t know how many people inside Huang Xiong dream about it.

  "Can I? Lord Iron Blade."

  Gao Qing said softly while trying to suppress her beating heart.

  "Is this okay or not?"

  The middle-aged Scar said with a smile: "I happen to be short of people under my command, and you are Gao Tianlin's daughter, so it's perfect for you to come and help me. From

  now on, you don't need to be called "Sir". When the time comes, just call me Uncle Luo.

  I'll apply to the higher ups later, and you can leave the field team next month.

  Well, don't go on missions during this period."

  "Thank you, Uncle Luo!"

  Gao Qing said with a smile on her face. With the slightest excitement, I sincerely thanked you.

  She couldn't help but pick up the coffee in front of her and took a sip, tasting the sweet taste.

  Just when Gao Qing was immersed in the joy of joining the supervision team, Luo Guoxiang in front of him suddenly said: "By the way, I have something else I want you to pay attention to." "Uncle Luo, tell me.


  Gao Qing immediately put down the coffee and replied seriously.

  Luo Guoxiang looked at the coffee in his cup, tapped the side of the cup with his fingers, and said lightly: "Recently, our supervision team is investigating the fraud in the new blood trial assessment. I don't think you happened to have a recommended new blood during this time

  . You have to take the assessment. Your

  qualifications for the initial assessment are pretty good.
  Someone may come to you and sell you assessment strategies and the like.

  If you happen to encounter one, remember to contact me.

  That's it."

  Luo Guoxiang raised his head and looked at Gao Qing, meaning He said profoundly: "You have participated in the interview with the supervision team." "Thump -"

  Gao Qing's heart skipped a beat, full of joy and excitement, and the expression on her face froze.

  She remained silent for several seconds before finally speaking.

  "I know, if I encounter... I will inform you as soon as possible. Master Luo Luo."

  Gao Qing's eyes dodge, and his expression seems slightly unnatural.

  Luo Guoxiang didn't seem to notice these abnormalities. He nodded with a smile and said, "That's good. Okay,

  you go back first. I'll contact you if anything happens."

  "Goodbye, Mr. Luo."

  Gao Qing quickly stood up from her seat, the partition door of the tea room opened, and she walked out in a few steps.

  Wait until Gao Qing leaves completely.

  Luo Guoxiang, who was sitting in the tea room, was sipping coffee alone, his eyes flashed slightly, and he suddenly said to himself.

  "Gao Tianlin's daughter"

  at night.

  The full moon is like a disk.

  Somewhere along the river west of Jiaoyan City.

  On the sparkling river surface, there was a sudden "crash", and a man walked out of the water.

  He is about 1.8 meters tall, with long wet hair hanging on his shoulders, like black satin.

  The smooth and delicate skin is dazzlingly white under the bright moonlight, reminiscent of ceramics and jade.

  His whole body was filled with clouds of white air.

  It was obviously summer and the river water was cold, but it felt as if he had just stepped out of a hot bath, with billowing heat emanating from every pore.


  Lu Yuan took a deep breath, stretched his limbs, and heard a crisp and pleasant crackling sound from his bones.

  He shook his head vigorously, and tied his half-wet long hair casually behind his head with his hands.

  With a tall and straight body, well-proportioned muscles, and fair skin, he is as handsome as an ancient cosplay character after adding a few layers of filters.

  "Fortunately, after the physical limit was exceeded, the appearance did not change much."

  Lu Yuan gently squeezed his arm with his hand, and his body temperature had slowly dropped.

  As long as he doesn't activate his [Special Power], he will still be a handsome boy from the comics.


  Lu Yuan dropped the pile of death energy crystals that he had held in his hand for a long time on the ground, making a sound like the collision of gems.

  One touch of scarlet looked particularly eye-catching.

  He didn't look at it, but sat down on the pebble beach by the river to appreciate himself first.

  With a physical constitution of 20 points, after breaking through the limit once, his body structure has undergone tremendous changes.

  The most obvious thing is that the five internal organs have become stronger.

  The heart beats at the same speed, but it pumps several times more blood with each beat.

  The blood vessels become thicker, the blood vessel walls thicken, and the number increases.

  Bone density, muscle fiber density, and even teeth have become much stronger.

  Overall, the "density" of Lu Yuan's entire person has increased.

  "The height and shape have not changed under normal conditions, but the weight is estimated to be 1.5 times as much as before!"

  Lu Yuan raised an arm and waved it casually, making a "whooshing" sound in the air.

  Then he slapped it on the ground with a "snap" sound, smashing a few fist-sized pebbles into pieces.

  He didn't exert much force.

  It all depends on the strength of the palm.

  "Even if I am an ordinary person who has not practiced martial arts, with my physical fitness, I can easily win the championship in the World Slapping Competition." "Who can stop

  this big guy?"

  Lu Yuan He raised his hand and looked at the moon carefully, feeling that there was a faint halo between the fingers.

  "The biomagnetic field is enhanced, so it will give people such an illusion.
  The appearance will also be improved a lot."

  Lu Yuan thought, entering the consciousness space and comparing it with Zhao Qiancheng, one of the major descendants of the Crane Sect, and found that his current five internal organs functions , a little stronger than Zhao Qiancheng who is about to enter the true realm.

  "Then am I finished practicing Zang now, or am I not finished training Zang?"

  Lu Yuan didn't even know if Crane Sect's body-forging spirit, Crane Shen, was still effective on him.

  Because his five internal organs are not counted, his skin, flesh and bones are much stronger than before after he trained his skin, flesh and bones.

  "Five-Zang Immortal, Five-Zang Immortal, add some physical fitness, maybe I can really have the Five-Zang Immortal." The

  huge improvement in physical fitness was an unexpected surprise, and the limit-breaking setting gave Lu Yuan a direction for his next breakthrough.

  "Breaking the physical limit is like being reborn. What will be the effect if strength, agility and intelligence are broken all at once?"

  Lu Yuan called up his career panel.

  Several information prompts have accumulated on the panel.

  Mainly the gains after the battle with the Crow God Cult's Kalofis.

  At the end of this battle, the [Fighter] gained a total of 3,000 points of professional experience. The experience bar that was already over half was now almost maxed out.

  With only a hundred or so professional experience points left, you can upgrade to lv8.
  [Special Power] Upgrade to lv4 to unlock the ultimate power effect.

  Lu Yuan has never looked carefully, and now he is checking the effect.

  The introduction of ultimate power is - develop one's own potential to the extreme, and increase the power to the extreme in an instant.

  There is no exact description of the increase multiple.

  I just used two extremes in succession.

  "It's definitely far more than four times the force I could withstand originally, but for the specific number, I have to slowly test and estimate it." In

  the battle with Kalofis, the power of Lu Yuan's punch with all his strength even exceeded Sound barrier.

  But Lu Yuan could clearly feel that this was not the limit that his ultimate strength could exert.

  If you compare the increase in your own strength by exerting ultimate force to the process of starting a car.

  That journey is only at the initial stage of acceleration.

  It's still a long way from reaching top speed.

   I still owe one more update, so I will add it tomorrow. After all, two updates every morning are indispensable
  (end of chapter)

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