149. Chapter 149: Do you care about the contract? (Thanks to the leader of Mage Drift)

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  Chapter 149: Do you care about the contract? (Thanks to the leader of Mage Drift)

  The rain is pouring.

  Walking silently along the road for a long time.

  At this time, his body shape had returned to normal, and his large jacket was soaked by the rain and stuck to his body wetly.

  Rain dripped down the brim of his hat, slowly flowing down Lu Yuan's smooth and cold face.

  A crow landed in front of him, blocking his path.

  A large car came roaring towards us, tearing through the rain curtain.

  Under the orange lamppost, the crow flapped its wings and flew up, giving Lu Yuan a "cold" glance before leaving.

  It seemed to be reminding him of something.

  Lu Yuan stood there, squinting his eyes and watching the crow go away, letting the heavy rain fall on his head.

  The light of lightning flashed from time to time, casting changes in light and dark on his face.

  He felt a little bit "locked in".

  The powerful servant of the Crow God Sect whom he had beaten to death before.

  A certain "curse" was placed on him before he died.

  It may not be accurate to describe it as a curse.

  Because Lu Yuan did not suffer any damage, of course it is possible that the damage was exempted due to some unknown reasons.

  But there is one thing that Qiang Shenshi succeeded in.

  He connected Lu Yuan with another powerful consciousness. It can also be said that he
  provided "clues" about Lu Yuan's identity to another powerful being.

  "It's more like some kind of duel contract that exists within the Crow God Cult. I was forcibly accepted."

  The crow that just flew away seemed to
  "remind" him of the correct execution of this duel.

  "Monitor" him to prevent him from "escape from fighting and run away."

  He has also become a representative of a certain will, playing the role of referee and notary in this "contract duel".

  "So, the person targeting me is probably someone in the Crow God Religion who is more powerful than the Strong God Attendant. His backer? His boss?" Lu

  Yuan's mind was spinning and he sorted out most of the ideas in his mind.

  Take a breath and continue walking forward.

  "The godly servants of the Crow God Cult who have a background in training do have a lot of tricks, and they even have this kind of method."

  Lu Yuan surprisingly did not feel nervous or panicked about the upcoming showdown.

  Instead, there was an eagerness to try.

  The four-dimensional attributes are continuously improved, and the skills on the [Fighter] panel are constantly unlocked.

  Lu Yuan clearly feels his own growth and transformation all the time.

  Both physically and mentally.

  He is gradually realizing the core spirit of being a fighter - breaking through his own limits and eager to conquer all unknown challenges!

  Lu Yuan called up the career panel to check his gains tonight.

  [Speak to the Dead (Extraordinary)] The improvements on the panel need no elaboration.

  [Fighter]'s professional experience value has increased by more than 700 points, and the total experience has exceeded 3,500. He is halfway through the lv7 stage.

  Crane Step's experience value has also increased, and is about to break through level 4. The
  three core martial arts of the Crane Sect are like branches on the trunk of a tree to Lu Yuan's current strength system, which can make his moves more subtle. , the means of fighting the enemy are more abundant.

  It is also an indispensable prerequisite for understanding the three profound secrets.

  "[Tell the Dead (Extraordinary)] upgraded, and gained 1 attribute point and 1 skill point."

  Lu Yuan decided back and forth between the four basic attributes and several panels, and finally put down the idea of ​​adding points.

  For now, he hasn't decided which one to upgrade.

  After returning home in the heavy rain and taking a shower, Lu Yuan sat in front of the computer and relied on the syllables of a few words he said to the strong god servant of the Crow God Cult from his memory.

  Start searching online for related ancient languages ​​that correspond to it.

  His career as an "ancient language expert" has been on hold for a long time and he has only recently picked it up.

  I have mainly explored the backgrounds of the Crypt Cult and the Ganesha Cult before, but I don’t know much about the Crow Cult.

  This is actually quite strange, because the Crow God Sect is obviously the evil god sect that Lu Yuan has the deepest contact with, and it is quite a bit dark under the lamp.

  The search process was quite smooth, and there was not much information that could be found online.

  The Crow God's Attendant spoke a super niche ancient language called "Spiritual Language".

  It is also known as the "Language of the Black Crow", "Language of the Underworld", "Language of the Dead Souls" and so on.

  In Havel, a small number of people still learn and speak the language.

  And these people usually engage in only one profession - psychic.

  Can also be called a "psychic".

  It is equivalent to a professional language. In Havel folklore, only those who are proficient in the "Old Spirit Language" are qualified to communicate with the underworld and the dead.

  If you don’t know the language, you won’t even be able to get out as a goddess in Javier. On the second day after opening, you will have rotten eggs thrown at you and be called a “liar”.

  Lu Yuan's intelligence is as high as 17. After entering the lv3 [Absolute Concentration] state, his learning ability is directly maxed out.

  It took him less than half an hour to successfully decipher a few words spoken by the Crow God, relying only on some fragmentary information about the Ancient Spiritual Language collected from the Internet.

  The first sentence they spoke during the meeting meant - [The Black Crow King looks at each of her servants.]

  It was probably some kind of code word for communication between the Crow God's servants.

  Lu Yuan repeated it, obviously the answer was wrong, but not completely wrong, so the other party was startled.

  The second sentence was spoken after the Crow God Attendant was kicked by Lu Yuan - [The black crow will peck out your skin and flesh, suck your marrow, imprison your soul in a bottle, and turn it into wine of death and pain. Liquid]

  This sentence is just a pure curse and curse, there is nothing to study.

  The key point is in the last sentence - [The goddess in charge of the Styx will pay attention to everything that happens. You, the skin stealer hiding under the feathers of the crow. Lord Kalofis will avenge me. Under the witness of the great Crow God Come on, take away your dirty and despicable putrid soul with my own hands!
  Praise the Crow God, dedicate myself, and the contract will come into effect! ]

  [You have learned a new skill - [Ancient Spiritual Language lv1]]

  [You have focused on studying for twenty minutes, and your understanding of the new skill has improved, and your experience value is +13]

  Lu Yuan calmly watched himself write on the paper translation.

  He looked at it carefully for a while.

  Then he tore it off, crushed it into pieces, and threw it into the trash can at his feet.

  It was pretty much what he originally expected.

  He was indeed targeted by a certain "adult" from the Crow God Cult.

  Lu Yuan stood up from the desk and walked to the window.

  When I opened the window, the heavy rain was still pouring down outside.

  No pedestrians could be seen on the road downstairs, only the dim light of the street lamps dimly lit in the rain.

  Two crows perched on the street lampposts. Even though the heavy rain soaked their feathers, they still refused to leave. They just stared at the distance.

  Lu Yuan looked at him quietly.

  Soon, his eyes shifted to the dark night sky in the distance.

  "Is this the Crow God's Cult of Karofis?" The full moon.


  Flower of the other shore.

  Lu Yuan stood up calmly, not at all surprised by the scene in front of him.

  Every time he made a breakthrough on the [Speak to the Dead (Supernatural)] panel.

  It will inevitably trigger the crow's dream.

  He sometimes wondered if this was some kind of inherent "new method" of the Crow God.

  In the Crow God Religion, would it be called an oracle? Divine dream? The favor and revelation of the Crow God?
  have no idea.

  Beside the quietly flowing Styx River, the "old friend" woman in black dress sat quietly.

  Her long black hair is scattered in the river, looking in the direction of the huge full moon, her posture is beautiful.

  Lu Yuan's eyes flashed and he suddenly strode towards the woman.


  Lu Yuan shouted to the woman.

  "You have someone under your command. Do you care if he wants to trouble me?"

  Lu Yuan had already mistook the woman for the legendary goddess of death, Lamashituo of the Crow God Cult.

  He didn't know exactly what this dream meant and what it would bring to him.

  There was nothing he could do in this dream.

  It's like a game that's stuck at a certain level and can't find any clues.

  Simply let yourself go gradually.

  Lu Yuan did not hold out any hope of getting a response from the woman in black skirt.

  However, this time,
  the woman who heard Lu Yuan's call
  slowly turned her head bit by bit.

  Lu Yuan was stunned for a moment.

  For the first time, he saw a woman's face clearly.

  Although it's just a side face.

  On her fair and smooth cheeks, which are as soft as porcelain, black and red Higan patterns are intertwined.

  Lu Yuan could not describe the beauty of this profile, as if he was deep in a deeper dream.

  Looking dazed.

  There was also a sleepy whisper coming from his mouth.

  "If you don't care, I will beat him to death."


  A gentle knock on the door woke Lu Yuan from his sleep.

  The bright sunshine shines in from the window and shines on the small bed.

  Lu Yuan squinted his eyes and looked outside. The sky in the corner covered by residential buildings was as blue as if it had been washed with water.

  He picked up his phone and looked at the time.

  It's already half past eight in the morning.

  He had never been up so late.

  "School seems to be starting today, are you going?"

  The door opened, and Lu Jing, who still had a mask on her face, asked Lu Yuan curiously.


  Lu Yuan nodded.

  At this stage, he has not completely given up on his studies.

  Although it is unrealistic for him to go to school every day, this path cannot be discontinued.

  "Breakfast is on the table. You can eat it by yourself. I got up early to buy it."

  Lu Jing gently patted her cheeks with her hands, and Shi Shiran walked to the sofa in the living room and sat down. , began to scroll through the phone constantly.

  Lu Yuan went into the bathroom and washed himself briefly, then returned to the living room.

  There was a table full of breakfast on the table, and Lu Jing knew his appetite best.

  While filling his stomach, he asked Lu Jing: "How is the situation with the archaeological team? Have you found the missing professor?"

  Everyone in Xia Weimin was dead, so Lu Yuan asked casually.

  "Not yet"

  Lu Jing shook her head, her mood seemed to suddenly become depressed.

  "I heard that the most mysterious stone balls were dug out from the Xisu Xiangshen Cult temple this time. There

  seem to be more than eight."

  Lu Yuan paused with the chopsticks in his hand and turned to look at Lu Jing.

  "What do you mean?"

  Lu Jing said in a low voice: "Some people said that a dozen of them were dug up in total, but because of the monster incident, the Xia Kingdom's military was attracted. Several professors were worried that after being involved

  in such a mysterious incident, the higher-ups would not let them go again. They continued their research

  and would take away all the excavated objects.

  So they secretly hid a few.

  Professor Xia was the person responsible for bringing back these extra stone balls.
  Now everyone and the stone balls have disappeared."

  Lu Jing He gradually became frightened, and there was a slight trembling in his voice.

  "Xiao Yuan, is there really a curse?"

  Lu Yuan was silent for a while, and then said: "I don't know.

  But even if there is a curse, only the professors who have the most contact with the stone balls will be found.

  You're just a soy sauce guy. I guess I can't even remember which character you are because of the curse." "."


  Okay, I'm going to report.

  Remember to go to the martial arts gym.

  The yang energy there is so strong that you won't even dare to look for dirty things. Come on."

  Lu Yuan put down his chopsticks, picked up the backpack thrown on the sofa, and said to Lu Jing.

  Perhaps his comforting words just now had some effect, and Lu Jing's face was no longer so ugly.

  "Do you want to go to the martial arts studio for lunch?"

  "Let's talk about it."

  (End of chapter)

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