140. Chapter 140 Skill Fusion, Apprenticeship Banquet

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  Chapter 140 Skill Fusion, Apprenticeship Banquet

  The idea of ​​exercising in "Ten Thousand Refining Realm Breaking Technique" is actually very simple, which is to use muscles to affect the skin membrane, squeeze bones and even the five internal organs, so as to achieve the effect of tempering the whole body.

  In this process, the practitioner's own muscles can also be strongly exercised, complementing each other.

  Of course, the principle is simple, but it is too difficult to do in practice.

  Except for the owners of the Palace of Flesh who are gifted with muscle control abilities, it would be extremely difficult for ordinary people to practice according to the method described above.

  It's like some people can easily tilt their ring finger upward with the back of their hand facing up, but some people can't do it even to death.

  For Lu Yuan, who is at level 3 of [Special Power] and has reached the pinnacle of muscle control, the training methods for the first few levels of "Ten Thousand Refining Territory Breaking Technique" are as simple as eating and drinking.

  The plump muscles on Lu Yuan's chest suddenly sunk deeply, as if someone invisible had poked him hard with his hand.

  Then there's another location.

  more and more.

  More and more dense.

  The surface of Lu Yuan's body skin kept sinking downwards, and then bounced upwards again. This repeated.

  It was like being poked and pressed by countless invisible fingers at the same time.   Sometimes those depressions would get bigger again, and the muscles all over his body would

  slowly rise and fall like waves. During this process, traces of light red blood would ooze out from his body surface, and slowly flow down his skin along with sweat.   Because of the constant movement of the muscles, the blood and sweat cannot stay on the surface of his body for too long.   It can only be washed down over and over again.   "Huh——"   I don't know how much time passed, but Lu Yuan suddenly opened his mouth and let out a breath of filthy breath, and completely stopped practicing.   "The effect is not bad."   Lu Yuan felt the gains of his first practice.   I found that the strength of my skin has become a little stronger, and it seems to have become tougher and more delicate.   This is not involved in the spirit crane body, the second tempering of the skin.   In addition, the strength seems to have increased.   Maybe it's because when I first started practicing, I constantly mobilized my muscles to exercise, which gave my whole body muscles a high-intensity training.   But this is just a feeling.   Lu Yuan's basic punching power is now as high as one and a half tons, and his strength can fluctuate up to three to five kilograms, which is incomprehensible.   "See if there are any changes in the career panel."   Lu Yuan called up the [Fighter] career panel.   As expected, I saw an extra new skill in the advanced professional skills column - [Wan Lian Shen lv1 (17/100)],   like Linghe Shen, is a serious advanced body training method.   "It turns out that the "Ten Thousand Refining Realm Breaking Technique" can still be practiced, and it is really helpful to me."   Lu Yuan looked at the time and found that it was only after one in the morning, and he was considering whether to practice Wan Lian Shen for a while longer.   Suddenly, an idea came into his mind.   ——Cultivation   of the Spiritual Crane Body can produce Crane Strength, so now that I am practicing the Wanlian Body, can I also stimulate the corresponding new strength? !   As soon as this idea appeared, it began to spread uncontrollably in Lu Yuan's mind.   Strength is something unique to a fighter.   It is some kind of additional product that naturally occurs when the human body's potential is tapped to a certain level.   The strength added to the fists and feet can greatly enhance the lethality and speed of the attack.   The strength spreads between the skin and flesh, which can greatly increase the body's defense.   There are two completely different levels of fighters who have developed strength and those who have not.   In a sense, the generation of strength is the real criterion for determining whether a fighter has entered the martial arts world.   Xiang Lei's notes also recorded methods and techniques for stimulating energy.   Lu Yuan began to try.   His current physique is as high as 18 points, and all aspects of his attributes and skills have been greatly improved. He is completely different from when he first took part in the personal examination. He is completely different.   With the blessing of the lv3 [Absolute Concentration] state, it only took two attempts to easily stimulate the power of Wan Lian Shen.   "Huh-huh-"   Lu Yuan attached this trace of strength to his palm and waved it at will.   It made a low, muffled sound like a blunt instrument breaking through the air.   It's two completely different feelings from when using He Jin.   "He Jin is light and agile, with strong penetrating power.   The strength of Wan Lian Shen has a majestic and rich flavor."   Only then did Lu Yuan realize the huge difference between the strength cultivated by different martial arts schools. difference.   Apart from differences in martial arts moves, the most important reason for the gap between schools is strength.   "Bang!"   Lu Yuan punched forward suddenly, making a loud and dull sound in the air.   The sound is like beating a drum.   He had just activated the [Crane Shadow Floating in the Sky] in the Spiritual Crane Technique to kill.   What drives it is the strength of Wan Lian Shen.   The result is a completely different effect.   "The [Crane Shadow Floating] activated by He Jin is fast and sharp, aiming to defeat the enemy with one blow.   The force activated by Wan Lian Shen shows a majestic and crushing force!"   Lu Yuan glanced at [Fighting] Home] panel, and saw the words [Wan Lianjin lv1 (23/100)] on the panel.   Of these two powers, he couldn't say which one was more powerful. He could only say that each had its own emphasis and victory.   "It's a pity that of the two powers, only one of them can be activated at the same time. It's just that there are more changes in the methods when fighting the enemy." The   stimulation of the power relies on the instantaneous squeeze and collision between the muscles, bones and skin.   Different energies have different activation methods.   Lu Yuan couldn't help but sigh: "It would be great if they could be activated at the same time."   Whether it was the rapid penetration of He Jin or the majestic force of Wan Lian Jin, they were all what he wanted.   As soon as the idea came to him, a message popped up on the career panel.   [[Fighter] There are skills on the panel that meet the fusion conditions. Do you want to fuse them? ]   Lu Yuan blinked and subconsciously replied "yes".   Immediately afterwards, he saw with his own eyes that the two skills [Wan Lian Jin lv1] and [He Jin lv3] disappeared at the same time.   A new skill quickly appeared -   [Wan Lian He Jin lv2 (0/200)]

  At the same time, a new insight came into Lu Yuan's mind, which was about techniques and methods to stimulate new power. It is different from the previous methods of separately stimulating Wan Lian Jin or He Jin.

  "It's really good!"

  Lu Yuan was hit by a huge surprise and immediately tried to stimulate his strength.

  In the flesh and blood membrane, a brand new force emerged at the historic moment, possessing the penetration and swiftness of He Jin while retaining the majesty and richness of Wan Lian Jin.

  "I want both, and I want it!"

  The total quantity of the new Wan Lian He Jin is nearly half less than the original He Jin, but the quality is much higher than either He Jin or Wan Lian Jin.

  "Try the effect of the new power!"

  Lu Yuan couldn't wait, closed his eyes, activated [Imagine Enemy], and entered the consciousness space.

  five minutes later.

  consciousness space.

  The second floor of the Yuanwu Hall was in a mess.

  As if at the end of the corridor that had been ravaged by the demolition team, Lu Yuan raised one arm and clasped Qin Feng's neck tightly with his fingers, pressing his whole body against the cement wall.

  A big hole opened in the wall behind Qin Feng, who was struggling feebly.

  "Destroy the dead. Pull the rotten!"

  Lu Yuan exhaled slowly, with an inexplicable look on his face.

  Wan Lianhe Jin was far more powerful than he had expected.

  Coupled with the lv3 [Special Power], before his strength was fully utilized, he easily crushed Qin Feng, who ranked in the middle and lower reaches of the nine sons of the Crane Sect, with a huge advantage!

  "I haven't finished practicing Zang, and my new level of Wan Lian He Jin is only lv2.

  If it's stronger,"

  Lu Yuan closed his eyes and whispered to himself, "Maybe I can try to challenge the teacher."

  "Click—" —"

  He casually broke Qin Feng's neck and watched as the light in his eyes quickly dimmed bit by bit.

  A certain shadow that had been lingering in Lu Yuan's heart for a long time was completely gone.

  Lu Yuan looked at his hands, his eyes flashing.

  He is thinking.

  The effect of the fusion of the two powers is so powerful.

  What if there are three, four, five or even more?
  One day, will he be able to create a kind of power that is unparalleled in the sky and on earth? !

  To truly elevate the [Fighter] panel to an "extraordinary" level, no less powerful than any other? !

  No matter what, Lu Yuan finally has another
  new trump card!
  Lu Jing was wearing a Chinese-style dress, which was made for her overnight by people from Linghexuan.

  The clothes are beautiful, fit well, and the materials are of the highest quality.

  Standing under the huge luminous signboard of "Yuehaitian", it attracts the admiring eyes of many people coming and going.

  Lu Jing felt inexplicably nervous.

  I didn't know where to put my hands and feet. My hands were tightly clasped together, and my palms were covered in sweat.

  three familiar figures appeared in the field of vision.

  Lu Jing let out a long sigh of relief. The person she was waiting for finally arrived.

  "Xinlei, Xue Jian!"

  Lu Jing quickly rushed towards the three of them. When she got closer, she smiled and nodded at the taller young man who was stranger among the three.

  "Lu Jing, you look so beautiful today!"

  Wu Xinlei couldn't help but praise Lu Jing for her beauty, which made Lu Jing very embarrassed.

  He could only keep inviting the three of them into the restaurant to cover up his shyness and embarrassment.

  Walking into the restaurant, the lobby on the first floor was full of people, and there was a lively atmosphere of people drinking and drinking.

  The same goes for the second floor.

  "I checked that Yue Hai Tian is the highest-end restaurant in Weishan. It is said that the per capita consumption is over RMB 1,000." The bespectacled

  man following a few people pushed up the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and couldn't help but sigh: "No. To think that the business is so good, Weishan people are really rich."

  Lu Jing hesitated for a moment and then explained weakly: "Tonight, the first to third floors of the restaurant have been booked by Xiaoyuan's sect. The two floors below are all occupied. It's free.

  The third floor is the real guest banquet, and you need an invitation to enter."

  "So embarrassing?!"

  Both the glasses man and Wu Xinlei were surprised.

  "Lu Jing, what sect did your brother join to be so rich?"

  Lu Jing didn't say anything, but Sun Zhihua next to him said calmly: "The big sects in ancient martial arts all pay attention to pomp, but actually this is nothing.

  In the early years, my father and I went to Chabon to attend the apprenticeship banquet of a top sect. The whole street was laid out with flowing tables for seven days and seven nights." "


  the man with glasses opened his mouth slightly, a little shocked.

  Wu Xinlei comes from a good family, and her expression is not exaggerated, but she is still surprised.

  The four of them went straight to the third floor.

  Compared with the two floors below, the scene here is much more formal.

  Standing at the door of the banquet hall were a group of handsome men and beauties in uniforms, each with a big Chinese character "Crane" printed on their clothes.

  A middle-aged man with a short ponytail and a bright smile greeted every arriving guest.

  Next to him, there was a young man with bulging cheeks who kept singing famous names at the top of his lungs, including the names of "xx Martial Arts School" and "xx Gym".

  Congratulatory flower baskets almost filled the entire stairway on the third floor.

  Lu Jing led the three of them over and entered the banquet hall smoothly without any invitations.

  A few people randomly found a table and sat down, and Sun Zhihua suddenly said: "This sect is not simple, and the person who greets guests at the door is also a master." Wu Xinlei blinked, but knowing her

  boyfriend's usual personality and habits, she didn't Ask more.

  Then he asked Lu Jing: "Lu Jing, where is your brother?"

  Lu Jing stood up and searched around, then pointed in a direction and said, "Hey, there!"

  Several people looked up as Lu Jing pointed. Look.

  Soon a tall figure caught the eyes of several people.

   Recommended book, the mysterious new work of Big Watermelon by the great lol writer.

    Book Title: "Who Will Play Professionally After Being Reborn"

    Introduction: The world's number one mid laner who struggled to win the Triple Crown only got a lot of injuries in the end.

    Relive your life, you can play games, but you can't touch your career.

    If you are a master of one thing, what can you do without financial freedom?

    The mission of rebirth is to make money and flirt with girls, and live a cool life.

    But why is this happening? Why is the whole world forcing me to play professionally?
  (End of chapter)

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