109. Chapter 109 Small success

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  Chapter 109:
  Ten minutes later.

  Source martial arts hall.

  The girl at the front desk was boredly taking pictures of her nails done yesterday with her cell phone.

  A young man with acne on his face walked over blankly.

  The girl glanced up and saw the person clearly. She frowned and wanted to curse.

  "Liu Xiangyu, are you bothered?"

  But as soon as she opened her mouth, she realized that the young man didn't seem to be here for her at all.

  Without even looking at her, he just floated out.

  "What's that expression? What the hell?"

  The girl looked at the young man's lost expression and muttered something.

  Just as he finished speaking, three more people came over, their expressions and states were almost exactly the same as the last Liu Xiangyu.

  His eyes were wide open and his mouth was slightly open, looking like he was too frightened and had not yet recovered.


  The girl put down her phone, leaned up and looked in the direction where the people left, feeling strange.

  "What's wrong with these guys?"

  "Sister Yan."

  Suddenly, a voice sounded in her ears.

  The girl turned her head quickly, and the refreshing, clean and bright boy appeared in her eyes.

  "What's wrong, Xiaoyuan!"

  The girl smiled when she saw that the boy seemed to be a different person.

  "I want to borrow your utility knife."

  "Oh, here it is!"

  "Thank you, Sister Yan. I'll bring it back to you as soon as I'm done with it."

  Lu Yuan said hello to the front desk, took the borrowed utility knife, and turned around Walked towards the training room again.

  I returned to the room where I had just been doing anti-hit training, found a corner and sat down, covered myself with clothes, and then started to slowly scratch the back of my hand with a utility knife.

  It feels like cutting old cowhide.

  The sharp point of the utility knife cannot penetrate at all.

  Lu Yuan slowly used force to make a thin white cut on the back of his hand.

  Although it was cut open, there was no bleeding.

  Apparently only the top layer of skin was scratched.

  "After the Spiritual Crane Body broke through to level 2, my skin suddenly became much thicker, and my defense power also increased greatly. It is much stronger than before." Lu Yuan

  put the used utility knife aside and looked at the knife on the back of his hand. The knife edge keeps getting thinner.

  After a few minutes, it healed directly without leaving any traces.

  15 No, it’s the powerful recovery ability brought by 16 points of physical fitness!
  After Linghe reached level 2, Lu Yuan's physique increased by 1 point.

  Lu Yuan's original physical fitness had already reached 15 points.

  On this basis, just a small rank improvement can lead to a 1-point physical enhancement.
  Linghe Shen is indeed an advanced body-building method inherited from the core of the Crane Sect.


  Lu Yuan pinched the place where he had just scratched with the utility knife and thought: "Although the spirit crane body has broken through, my skin training has not been completely completed. I feel that there is still a lot of room for improvement. ."

  Lu Yuan guessed that it may be that his high physical fitness has raised his upper limit for skin training, and what Lin Zhiqin said - the Tianshuiliuhe Sect's body-building method does not pay attention to skin training.

  "The Crane Sect doesn't pay attention to it, but I can't and don't pay attention to it.

  Choose between lightness, speed and extreme defense?

  No, adults should want both!"

  Lu Yuan thought secretly in his heart.

  He is a man who has the ambition to resist the mecha cannon with his mortal body, so he must achieve the ultimate in terms of defensive power.

  The one-point physical improvement brought about by the Linghe Body Breakthrough not only healed all the hidden injuries on Lu Yuan's body, but also made his muscles and bones become finer and tighter, and also brought him abundant physical energy.

  Lu Yuan's current condition is not good.

  Lin Zhiqin left and there was no one to practice boxing with him, so he simply started practicing Linghe Shen by himself.

  Unexpectedly, I practiced the fiftieth movement in one go this time!
  In the last few movements, you can even clearly feel that the bones are involved, and you can hear the sound of bones colliding and grinding.

  High physical fitness is particularly good.

  Being able to make Lu Yuan one step ahead of others in every stage of physical training gives him the feeling of being in a lofty position and retaking junior high school courses after graduating from high school.

  I practiced for more than two points at a time, until the skin and flesh all over my body hurt, and my bones also tingled faintly.

  Lu Yuancai went upstairs and received a physiotherapy treatment with acupuncture and secret medicine as usual.

  After removing the needle.

  Lu Yuan did not get dressed and go downstairs to go home as before.

  Instead, he practiced crane-shaped piles directly in the physical therapy room.

  In the simple and elegant quiet room, a furnace of smoke is as straight as a pillar.

  The shirtless young man stood with bare feet on the floor, his body limbs swaying like a crane.

  Suddenly, the young man's body trembled slightly.

  "Crack, click, click -"

  a series of crisp bone sounds.

  The young man seemed to be slightly taller, and his originally strong figure suddenly became more well-proportioned and slender.

  The movement of the boy's hand also stopped, and then changed to another movement
  until it stopped completely.

  Open your eyes.

  Lu Yuan adjusted his breathing.

  View panel.

  [Intermediate professional skills: Crane-shaped pile lv5 (full level)]

  "Are the intermediate professional skills also at lv5 and full level?"

  Lu Yuan thought thoughtfully, and looked at his attribute panel again. His agility had been increased by 1 point.

  The four basic attributes now are -

  [Strength: 14]

  [Agility: 14]

  [Physique: 16]

  [Intelligence: 14]

  All 14+!

  Unknowingly, it has grown to its current height. "I will practice the eighteen skin-training movements in front of Linghe Body later, and the medicinal power seems to have been absorbed, although the experience value of Linghe Body has not increased at all." Lu Yuan looked at the skin on his arms, chest and abdomen, and it seemed that it was

  again Becomes a little more delicate.

  Facts have proved that just as I guessed, there is still room for improvement in skin training.

  I didn't take a shower because I was afraid that the invisible layer of residual secret medicine on the surface of the skin would be washed away.

  Lu Yuan changed his clothes and went straight downstairs.

  After leaving the gate of Yuanwu Hall, the sun was still scorching hot, but the light that was falling had turned yellow.

  I looked at the time, it was now 5:13 pm.

  Lu Yuan walked to the bus stop opposite the martial arts gym and waited for the No. 945 bus home.

  There were a few people standing scattered on the platform.

  Lu Yuan stood in the crowd, his outstanding figure and appearance made him stand out from the crowd.

  Two girls in jk outfits behind him kept talking in a low voice, and Lu Yuan could clearly feel their eyes falling on him repeatedly.


  A crow fell from a high altitude and perched on a trash can next to the platform.

  A nearby office worker carrying a computer bag cursed in a low voice and took two steps to the side.

  The light in Lu Yuan's eyes flashed.

  After a while, bus No. 945 pulled into the station.

  People on the platform got on the bus one after another. Lu Yuan mixed in the crowd and slowly walked towards the bus.

  "Are you staying in the hospital until now?"

  "Let's wait until tomorrow."

  The next day, Jiaoyan Central Hospital.

  "Where did the money on the card go? Do you know that Lin Mo will need a large sum of money for Chabon's surgery next month?" "Something

  happened to one of my students. Anyway, I will find a way to pay for Lin Mo's surgery. ."

  "Find a way.. What solution have you come up with after so long?

  After Lin Mo fell ill, when did I not whisper to someone to borrow money? Do you know that my former colleagues started talking to me when they saw me now? It's like seeing the god of plague!"

  "Okay, I know you're working hard.
  I'm going to Weishan soon, and I may have to stay there for a while. If anything happens at home, please call me." "

  Weishan. ? Go see that master of yours again?!
  Lin Zhiqin! I just don’t understand. People don’t like you so much, why do you still think about going back every day?

  Look at the group of fellow disciples you had in the past, who is not as good as you now? It’s a thousand times ten thousand times better!
  Qin Feng calls you senior brother, right? You started more than ten years before him.
  What’s the result? As a result, you can only work under someone else now! How can you still earn ten thousand yuan a month? Okay!
  All the complaints from the students you taught came to me! Lin Zhiqin!."

  "Shut up!"

  Lin Zhiqin looked at the woman in front of him with a livid face in the stairwell of the hospital.

  The woman was thin, with a haggard face, red eyes, and tears on her face, but she raised her head and stared at him without giving in.


  The stairwell door opened from the inside, and a nurse wearing a mask poked her head out with a frown.

  "This is a hospital. If you want to quarrel, go home and quarrel.

  And sir, smoking is not allowed here."

  "Oh, I'm sorry, I'll put it out now."

  Lin Zhiqin stamped out the cigarette that had been burned to the butt under his feet, and the cigarette butt was Throw it into the trash can nearby.

  Taking a deep breath, the emotions on his face gradually calmed down.

  "I don't want to quarrel with you.

  I'm going in to see Lin Mo now. Don't come in."

  He said, avoiding the woman's almost resentful eyes, and walked over quickly.

  Passing through a quiet corridor.

  Lin Zhiqin stopped in front of a ward.

  He reached out and rubbed his face, carefully shaking off the smell of cigarette smoke from his clothes.

  Then he pushed the door open and went in.

  In the ward.

  On the snow-white hospital bed, a girl wearing a hospital gown leaned against the bedside.

  Her skin was so pale that it was almost transparent, her hair was sparse, and her face was gaunt.

  From the facial features, one can vaguely recognize the beautiful and pleasant appearance of the past.

  but now.

  But it can only wait quietly like a flower with scattered petals, waiting to wither.

  "Lin Mo."

  Lin Zhiqin called the girl's name with soft eyes.

  The girl who was looking out the window in a daze seemed to be awakened and slowly turned her head.


  Lin Zhiqin smiled at the girl and started to walk towards her.

  The girl's next words caused him to stop in his tracks.

  "Am I going to die?"

  "Who said that?"

  Lin Zhiqin's face gradually turned cold.


  The girl pointed out the window.

  A crow was perching on the windowsill, gently preening its feathers.

  "I heard someone say that a crow can smell the smell of death on a person.

  When someone is about to die, it will fall next to that person."

  "Nonsense, don't believe this stuff."

  Lin Zhiqin said expressionlessly , his eyes glanced at the window sill, and there seemed to be a sparkle in his eyes.

  The crow perched on the window sill immediately flapped its wings and flew away as if it was frightened.

  "Look, isn't it gone now?"

  Lin Zhiqin walked up to the girl in a few steps, took out a small bottle filled with pink liquid from his pocket, and said to the girl firmly.

  "Don't worry, dad will never let you die.

  Your illness will be cured soon."

  (End of Chapter)

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