48. Chapter 48 Survivor, so you are here

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  Chapter 48: Survivor, so you are here!
  Li Yinchuan naturally thought of this.

  This is also the reason why he did not dig directly.

  After all, if he really wanted to dig through the passage, he wouldn't even need a pickaxe.

  If you punch it down, the mine will be blown open.

  But the movement caused by the blast might in turn bury him alive.

  I'm not afraid of burying myself alive. The main thing is that the collapse of the mine will also bury the road after the passage.

  In that case, even if the gravel blocking the passage is blasted away, it won't make much sense. It would be better to dig through the passage with a pickaxe.

  After thinking about it carefully, Li Yinchuan finally chose to slow down his strength.

  Holding a pickaxe in hand, he controlled his power to the point where he could slowly break open the stones blocking the passage, but without causing the mine to collapse and start digging like other players.

  At the same time, a group of players in the dungeon were digging their own passages.

  Time also passed extremely quickly.

  Many players have already chipped away a lot of the stones blocking the passage.

  Li Yinchuan's side.

  Although he is the slowest among the players, strangely, he is the most efficient. .

  By now, Li Yinchuan had piled up a lot of broken stone behind him.

  Other players may be afraid that too much noise will cause a secondary collapse, so slowing down the force does not matter.

  But Li Yinchuan is different.

  Take control with his power.

  Every time Li Yinchuan struck, he was basically at the load-bearing limit of the mine.

  One more point and it will collapse; one less point and it will be a waste of time.

  Although the viewers in the live broadcast room could not understand how precise the power control Li Yinchuan used when digging the tunnel.

  But just by looking at the pile of rubble behind Li Yinchuan, which is more than that of other players, one can understand how fast Li Yinchuan is digging.

  [: As expected of a veteran, he came from behind and got two S-level ratings. Sure enough, he didn't get it by luck.

  Also at this moment.

  In the dungeon, a loud "rumbling" sound rang out from the walkie-talkies of several players.

  Li Yinchuan stopped what he was doing.

  He took out the walkie-talkie, but before he could speak, another player had already asked a question.

  "What's wrong? Who's in trouble over there?"

  Immediately afterwards, there was a cough.

  "Ahem, cough, it's okay, it's okay. I'm No. 3. Damn, I'm so anxious. I used too much force when digging the tunnel, and the mine caved in for the second time." "Grandma, I dug in vain and blocked the entrance of the tunnel

  . There are more rocks than before we started digging."

  Hearing this, the players on the other ends of the walkie-talkie couldn't help but feel a shiver in their hearts.

  Originally, they were a little impatient because of the long digging, and the force they used on their hands gradually became more and more irritable.

  But now, I heard that player No. 3 exerted too much force, causing the passage to collapse a second time, and more gravel accumulated.

  It calmed them down immediately. If they are too anxious now, it may have the opposite effect.

  Many viewers in the live broadcast room heard this and entered Player 3's live broadcast room one after another.

  When I went in and took a look, it was true.

  Originally, player No. 3 had already dug out a lot of gravel blocking the passage.

  But now, with the second collapse, all the previous efforts of player No. 3 were in vain.

  Even the space in his original mine has shrunk a lot, and it has been filled with more gravel.

  This shocked many viewers.

  This copy seems to need to pay attention to more than just weird ghosts.

  This mine itself is a dangerous point. If it collapses a few more times, it won't even require the devil to kill people. Is it possible for me to be buried alive?

  In short, although other players are not as clear as the viewers in the live broadcast room.

  But after a lesson learned from the past, no player dared to dig a tunnel mindlessly regardless of the risk of mine collapse.

  It's better to be gentle than to be too heavy.

  Because, under such worries, the efficiency of several players became slower, but Li Yinchuan still maintained his original efficiency without any change.

  Next, they fell into a long stage of digging their own channels.

  But at some point.

  Suddenly, a low, frightened voice suddenly rang on the intercom.

  "I am No. 7, stop digging now, everyone, please pay attention!"

  Everyone heard the inexplicable panic in the tone of No. 7 player.

  "What's wrong!"

  Each player quickly took out their walkie-talkies and wanted to ask player No. 7 what happened.

  But unfortunately, player No. 7 did not reply.

  Seeing this scene, the other players couldn't help but be shocked, as if they realized something was wrong.

  But the next moment, there was only a slight sizzling sound of electricity, and a much lower voice sounded than before.

  The source of the sound seemed to be some distance away from the walkie-talkie.

  "Is there any survivor inside? I am a force sent by the company to rescue survivors. If there are survivors, please make some noise so that we can determine the location. We will rescue you right away." If the players are really in the

  mine Miners who encounter a mining accident will be moved to tears when they hear this voice, and then quickly call for help.

  But this is a copy of the thriller game.

  A rescue team sent by a fucking company!

  Hearing this sound, the players on the other end of the walkie-talkie couldn't help but feel chills.

  They also understood the reason why Player No. 7 did not answer them.

  Because I just entered the dungeon before, there was a prompt in the thriller game.

  Unless you can be sure that the person who made the sound is your real surviving mining friend, try not to make any sound to expose your position.

  At this moment, on the other end of the intercom, the voice of the "rescue team" was still ringing.

  "Is there anyone? If there is no one, we will go to other places for search and rescue."

  In this regard, player No. 7 still did not make any sound.

  "Hey, it seems like there's really no one here. Let's go look elsewhere." "Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap



  At this moment, player number seven is in the mine.

  The faint light illuminated his nervous face.

  Hear the retreating footsteps.

  He, who was originally too nervous to take a breath, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  He looked at the walkie-talkie in his hand.

  Fortunately, I reacted quickly enough and stopped digging the tunnel immediately when I heard strange noises nearby.

  And directly adjust the radio volume to mute, so that only other players can hear the movement on your side.

  I can't hear what other players say from my side.

  Now that the weirdness outside the passage has left, Player No. 7 finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  He spoke into the intercom with lingering fear.

  "You have heard what happened here just now, right? You should be careful later and don't make any noise to have your position determined by the weirdness." With that said,

  player No. 7 picked up the pickaxe next to him and planned to continue digging the passage.

  But the next moment, Player No. 7's body suddenly stiffened.

  But all he could see was the outside of the passage blocked by huge rocks.

  "Dong" a gentle knocking sound sounded.

  Outside the passage, the voice that had left before had returned at some point.

  The sound was transmitted into the mine through the gravel.

  "Let me tell you, there are survivors here."

  The next moment, the voice outside the passage suddenly became extremely weird.

  "Survivors, please wait a moment, we will rescue you right away!"

  "Dong dong dong dong dong!"

  The sound of chiseling sounded from the outside, the passage began to vibrate, and more gravel fell down.

  next moment.


  With the last chisel sound, a hole was opened in the gravel blocking the passage.

  "Survivor, so you are here!"

  (End of Chapter)

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