42. Chapter 42 Xu Tianlei’s sigh

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  Chapter 42 Xu Tianlei’s Lament
  Li Yinchuan scrolled down the post and found that several people with dark colors had already commented below.
  They expressed their opinions a little and expressed their affirmation of Everlasting Sorrow Qingge’s post strategy.

  Li Yinchuan thought for a while, then opened the input box and started typing.

  "What the poster said is very good, there are no problems."

  Click send.

  Not long after Li Yinchuan sent his message.

  Suddenly, a lot of replies appeared under his reply, but they were basically meaningless.

  [: "Holy shit! It's a senior boss! I read that right, the senior boss also replied."] [

  : "Senior guy, two copies, two S bosses, capture the boss alive, Take a group photo."]

  [: Boss post, boss, are you in need of a bed warmer? I can, even though I'm a man.

  【: Can the gay man upstairs please die?

  About two or three minutes later, Everlasting Regret Qingge seemed to have noticed Li Yinchuan's reply.

  I saw Everlasting Regret Qingge replying with a smiling face [: Thank you for the compliment, boss, it’s just my superficial analysis. It’s best to have no mistakes, so as not to harm other players.

  Li Yinchuan did not reply further.

  But what he didn't know was.

  Because of such an affirmative answer from him, the popularity and gold content of this post directly increased several times.

  After reading the posts in the forum, Li Yinchuan closed the player panel in front of him and looked at Xu Tianlei in front of him.

  "The strategy analysis of Everlasting Regret Qingge's post is no problem, basically correct."

  Hearing Li Yinchuan's affirmative answer, Xu Tianlei seemed to be relieved.

  "In that case, I will contact the official. When the time comes, I will include Everlasting Regret Qingge's post in the dungeon clearance guide collection. If there are any errors in the future, I will make corrections." After chatting with Xu Tianlei for a while, about ten days have passed

  . minute.

  Li Yinchuan expressed his intention to leave.

  Watching Li Yinchuan leave the Thriller Association and gradually disappear.

  After a long time, Xu Tianlei finally looked back with some reluctance.

  The stronger the thriller game player, the more ideas he has.

  Those players who are similar to Li Yinchuan and can be considered as experts in horror games are as skilled as monkeys. It is very troublesome for the officials to deal with them.

  Players like Li Yinchuan who are not afraid of the officialdom are rare even if they are one out of ten.

  There was even more sigh in his tone.

  "Hey, it would be great if those guys could trust our officials as much as the senior people."

  At this moment.

  Li Yinchuan, who left the Thriller Association, had already boarded the bus home.

  About half an hour later, Li Yinchuan got off the bus at the station.

  He lives about four or five minutes from the bus station.

  But this time he didn't go home.

  Instead, he changed direction and walked towards another street next to him.

  When he went out this morning, Chen Han sent a message to himself on WeChat.

  He said that he could go to her house for lunch. After all, he hadn’t seen each other for a long time and could get together.

  Li Yinchuan did not refuse, so the place he was going to now was Chen Han's house.

  Separated by a street, the straight-line distance is only a few hundred meters, and with a few more turns, it's only about a kilometer.

  Because he had been there many times before, Li Yinchuan quickly arrived at Chen Han's house based on the path in his memory.

  "Dong dong dong"

  came the sound of footsteps in the house, the door was opened, and the oil smoke came from the door with a smell of vegetables and a light fragrance.

  Chen Han was standing inside the door. She seemed much better than her haggard appearance yesterday, with slight makeup.

  Because I was at home, my clothes under the apron were a little loose.

  Seeing Li Yinchuan's arrival, a smile appeared on her face.

  "You're here so early. The dishes are still being cooked. Let's go to the sofa and watch TV for a while."

  She said, not afraid of neglecting Li Yinchuan, and hurriedly returned to the kitchen.

  Li Yinchuan was not surprised and walked in as if he were at his own home.

  Chen Han's home is not much different from the last time Li Yinchuan came here in his memory.

  The only difference is that Zhang Xing, who was once so kind to him, died early in the copy due to the emergence of the horror game.

  Li Yinchuan felt more and more that he should take more care of wives, children and widowed mothers like Chen Han.

  After sitting on the sofa and waiting for a while, the meal was ready.

  Chen Han walked out of the kitchen again. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and greeted Li Yinchuan.

  "You can have lunch, but you have to wash your hands first."

  Li Yinchuan did as he was told, and not long after, the two of them sat at the dining table.

  The meal was very sumptuous, and it seemed that Chen Han had cooked it specifically to welcome Li Yinchuan, who had disappeared for a long time.

  The two were chatting while eating at the dining table.

  During this period, Chen Han also asked where Li Yinchuan had been during the time he disappeared.

  At first, Chen Han thought that Li Yinchuan's disappearance was because he died early after entering the horror game copy.

  As a result, I found out yesterday that Li Yinchuan was back, so I ruled out this idea.

  In this regard, Li Yinchuan just spoke vaguely.

  After all, it is absolutely impossible for him to mention things about the Lord God to others. This is the rule that he needs to abide by if he is separated from the Lord God.

  In turn, Li Yinchuan also asked about Chen Han's situation during this period.

  Fortunately, after Zhang Xing's death, faced with the inheritance of those dozen buildings, Chen Han did not encounter any bloody drama of distant relatives jumping out to divide the property, which makes Chen Han still rely on him to this day.

  However, it is still a troublesome thing to have to collect the rent of more than a dozen buildings by yourself every month.

  In response, Li Yinchuan comforted him a few words and said that if he encounters any problems in the future, he can come to him.

  At the same time, Li Yinchuan separated a trace of consciousness from himself and attached it to Chen Han without any trace.

  Because Li Yinchuan considered that after the horror game came to Blue Star, Blue Star's extraordinary existence was different from before and became more dangerous.

  Li Yinchuan does not intend to make any mistakes about the safety of those around him.

  The function of the trace of consciousness that I left on Chen Han was that when Chen Han was attacked by an external attack, I could immediately detect it.

  "What a pity. It would be great if my main god space item bar could still be opened."

  Suddenly, Li Yinchuan sighed quietly to himself.

  As long as I can take out the props I used to have in the main god's space, I can use my many years of collection to solve Chen Han's current safety problem by just taking out any one of them.

  After all, there are more and more players playing horror games now, and no one knows whether there will be fights among players in the real world in the future that will bring disaster to Chiyu.

  Now, there are no suitable carrier props, and it would be a bit troublesome for Li Yinchuan to make a protective prop for Chen Han.

  After all, if you just use ordinary things as carriers, you won't be able to withstand much of your own power.

  (End of chapter)

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