179. Chapter 178 The exit blocked by Teacher Li Gui, Li Yinchuan’s dead end?

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  Chapter 178 The exit blocked by Teacher Li Gui, Li Yinchuan’s dead end?
  The first time Li Yinchuan entered the teaching building.

  A strong cold ghostly aura swept towards Li Yinchuan's body.

  These ghostly auras seem to be caused by the auras subconsciously exuding from countless evil ghosts.

  If it were a player with a lower strength, I am afraid that even a player with Qingyi's strength would feel cold all over when faced with the ghostly aura of this strong ghostly aura.

  Only the top players in green clothes, or even players who are half a step up in red clothes, can resist the subconscious infection of these strong ghost auras.

  For Li Yinchuan, these strong cold ghost auras naturally had no effect at all.

  When he got one meter closer to Li Yinchuan, these cold ghostly auras naturally dissipated.

  Immediately afterwards, Li Yinchuan looked towards the inside of the teaching building.

  The audience in the live broadcast room also stared closely at the live broadcast screen.

  You can clearly see it from the door of the teaching building on the first floor.

  There is a corridor inside leading to the left and right sides.

  There are two spacious classrooms on the left and right sides of the corridor.

  There is a corner at each end of the corridor.

  The exact location of the corner is currently unknown.

  Therefore, the audience in Li Yinchuan's live broadcast room subconsciously looked at the classrooms on both sides of the corridor.

  There is a big difference between the classrooms in the teaching building of Jingyue Gui School and the classrooms in real schools.

  In most real school classrooms, there are windows on both sides of the corridor. In the corridor, you can easily see the situation inside the classroom through the windows.

  But in the classroom of Jingyue School, where there should be windows along the corridor, there are only thick walls.

  The only thing that is no different from reality is that there is a classroom door at the front and back of the classroom.

  The viewers in the live broadcast room were a little disappointed. Originally, they wanted to see directly what the situation was like inside the classroom.

  But now, only the wall remains where the windows should be, and the audience has no see-through function to see inside the classroom.

  But soon, Li Yinchuan in the copy seemed to find something.

  His eyes looked at the two classroom doors in front and behind.

  It can't be said that there is no way to see the inside of the classroom without opening the door.

  Because there is a small piece of glass inlaid on the two classroom doors at the front and back.

  That seemed to be the only way to see inside the classroom without opening the classroom door.

  Thinking of this, Li Yinchuan walked towards the classroom door.

  In order to prevent beings in the classroom from discovering him, Li Yinchuan leaned against the side of the classroom door.

  His eyes squinted into the classroom door.

  The audience in the live broadcast room could vaguely see the piece of glass inlaid on the classroom door because Li Yinchuan was close to the classroom door at this moment.

  Countless spectators, together with Li Yinchuan, looked into the classroom through the glass.

  And that’s it.

  The audience in the live broadcast room only felt their scalps numb.

  Jingyue School is a night school, so it is always in darkness.

  But in this already dark situation, there was no sign of turning on any lights or lighting candles inside the classroom.

  Through the live broadcast, the audience could only see one after another in the darkness, figures with cold and strange faces, wearing student uniforms sitting inside the classroom.

  It is hard to imagine how these students attended class in such a dark environment, and how the teachers on the stage taught.

  But in fact, the weirdness of the ghost teacher on the stage is not much better than that of the ghost students below the podium.

  His faint eyes swept down from the podium and looked at the group of ghost students in front of him.

  At the same time, the ghost teacher was writing something on the blackboard with the chalk in his hand.

  All the audience can see is the dark red lines appearing on the blackboard as the chalk slides.

  The specific content is really unclear.

  In short, the strong ghost aura inside the entire classroom has taken shape.

  With so much left in it, it's no wonder that as soon as Li Yinchuan entered the interior of the teaching building, a cold ghostly aura approached him.

  At the same time, the viewers in the live broadcast room seemed to have discovered something.

  Li Yinchuan's eyes in the copy could not help but condense slightly.

  Not to mention the devilish teacher.

  If we only count the fierce students in the classroom.

  It can be clearly felt that the strength of these ghost students is not high.

  The strength of these fierce ghost students is basically around that of Huang Yi or half-step Qing Yi.

  There isn't even a real Qing Yi.

  With such a low level of strength, even the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

  Previously, they all fell into a misunderstanding.

  The audience all thought that this was a dungeon that only capable players in red could enter.

  The strength of all the fierce ghosts among them must be at least half-step in red clothes, or even red clothes per capita.

  But now that I think about it, they thought too much.

  If there are some rare copies of ghosts, it makes sense that the ghosts inside are extremely powerful.

  But this is Jiyuegui School.

  There are obviously many evil ghost students.

  In this class alone, the audience could see that there were at least twenty ghost students.

  If all the ghost students started out in red clothes.

  Not counting the other classrooms in Jingyue School and other ghosts, there would only be more if we really counted them.

  Even the real players in red will be dead.

  But now it seems that there are actually not many red-clothed ghosts with real strength, at least they are within the range that dungeon players can handle.

  Immediately afterwards, the audience in the live broadcast room thought about the task one of obtaining the identity of Jiyue Guile School.

  If obtaining the status of Jiyue Secret School really only requires taking away the uniform from Li Gui and putting it on yourself.

  The Teacher Li Gui uniform that the player in red tried to capture earlier was obviously too difficult.

  After all, the ghost teacher himself is in red.

  In this instance, including Li Yinchuan, there are only three real players in red.

  If the other seven red-clothed people, who were only half-stepping, dared to do this, they would be immediately embarrassed.

  But if it is to seize the clothes of these ghost students who are not even strong in Qing Yi, the difficulty seems to have been greatly reduced.

  Even those half-step red players can have a chance to do it.

  It is simply necessary to avoid being discovered by powerful ghosts such as the ghost teacher or ghost security guards when seizing the uniforms.

  After all, this is just the basic task that needs to be completed on the first day.

  If you can't even complete this basic task, then the next tasks may not be possible at all.

  Moreover, the horror game will never set the difficulty level too high, and will at least give the remaining seven half-step red players a chance to complete the mission.

  Li Yinchuan also thought of this when he noticed the strength of the ghost students in the classroom.

  However, compared to the audience in the live broadcast room, Li Yinchuan had more questions on his mind.

  His thoughts returned to the ghost security guard and teacher Li Gui he saw earlier.

  The Li Gui security guard I saw earlier was half the strength of Hong Yi.

  Teacher Li Gui is the real strength in red clothes, and the strength of the teacher Li Gui in the classroom is almost in this range.

  But the strength of these ghost students suddenly dropped a lot, with

  different identities, different statuses, and different strengths.

  Previously, according to the mission introduction of the thriller game, one point was also made clear.

  The player's identity is not fixed, and he can obtain a new identity every time he rings the bell.

  According to these professional identities with different strengths, do players have different corresponding permissions in the Jingyue School after obtaining the identities?

  In fact, each identity hides its own secrets.

  These secrets will play a role at the last moment of this time-limited copy, and even affect the score.

  After all, the final mission of this game copy is to explore more secrets of the Silent Moon School after the player survives and rings the bell seven times.

  At this moment, Li Yinchuan seemed to understand the real gameplay of this copy of Jiyue School.

  Previously, Li Yinchuan was still thinking about whether he could directly obtain a high-level status.

  But now, perhaps the identity in Jiyue School must be experienced as much as possible.

  Even the student identity that seems to be the most popular now may have its own secrets to hide.

  At the same time, according to everything currently known, the difficulty of obtaining it is definitely different between different identities.

  But now there is no doubt that if Li Yinchuan is a player with low strength.

  Now it is easiest to find a way to obtain student status and complete basic tasks.

  As for other identities, you may have to rely on hard power to snatch them like the red player I saw on the side of the teaching building earlier.

  "It's not impossible to grab a uniform by force."

  Li Yinchuan murmured.

  However, Li Yinchuan still feels that obtaining an identity is not as simple as grabbing a uniform and putting it on yourself.

  But at this moment, before Li Yinchuan could continue speaking.

  The ghost teacher on the podium seemed to have discovered something.

  Teacher Li Gui's voice paused, and his eyes suddenly turned towards the glass window on the classroom door.

  Seeing this scene, the faces of the viewers who were discussing obtaining identities in the live broadcast room suddenly changed, and their hearts trembled subconsciously.

  Even the barrage that caused the audience to discuss was paused for a moment.

  The weird look in Teacher Li Gui's eyes even made the audience think that Teacher Li Gui was looking at the audience in front of the live broadcast room through the live broadcast screen.

  And soon, the audience also reacted.

  What this ghostly teacher is looking at is not the audience, but Li Yinchuan, who is currently peeping outside the teaching building in the dungeon.

  If Li Yinchuan had just entered the teaching building, he would have looked at each other affectionately with Teacher Li Gui in the teaching building.

  It's hard to imagine what happens next.

  The lesson learned from the previous siege of the player in red is still there.

  Li Yinchuan is inside the teaching building, so it may be more difficult for him to perform. After all, Li Yinchuan Hongyi's strength was indeed very strong in previous copies.

  But now in this copy, you may not be able to kill randomly like before.

  However, it is obvious that this concern of the audience is unnecessary.

  With Li Yinchuan's hard power, even if he and Teacher Li Gui really looked at each other affectionately in advance, Li Yinchuan could quickly deal with Teacher Li Gui.

  But Li Yinchuan didn't do this. When Teacher Li Gui just turned his eyes, he had already retreated in advance.

  At this moment, the interaction between Li Gui students and Li Gui teacher, which had been continuously ringing in the classroom, came to an abrupt end.

  The audience in the live broadcast room subconsciously held their breath.

  Not long after, the sound of gently pushing the door sounded.

  The classroom door that was originally closed was pushed open.

  Teacher Li Gui stood at the door, his eyes scanning the surrounding area.

  But there was no one outside the classroom door.

  After a while, Teacher Li Gui slowly closed the door with a puzzled look in his eyes.

  Outside the classroom, it suddenly became quiet again, while the sounds of interaction continued to sound inside the classroom.

  Until a while passed.

  In the corridor on the first floor, at the corner on the left, Li Yinchuan's figure slowly appeared.

  But this time, he did not return to the classroom door and continue to peek.

  After all, Li Yinchuan had almost seen the situation in the classroom clearly.

  Even when we first came to this corner.

  Li Yinchuan also took a look at the situation inside the second classroom on the left.

  The situation inside the two classrooms is similar. There are many ghost students wearing student uniforms inside, as well as ghost teachers wearing teacher uniforms on the podium.

  Look inside the corner of the first floor.

  At this moment, the audience also discovered what was going on inside the corner on the left.

  The space inside the corner is not too big, and there are two separate spaces.

  And on the two doors, there are signs of men and women respectively.

  This is the toilet on the first floor.

  Standing at the door of a toilet that looks similar to a real school, there is even a sink at the door of the toilet.

  However, in the darkness, the viewers in the live broadcast room could see that there were countless dark red liquids stained on the sink, and some of the dark red liquids had even solidified. It would be impossible to clean them without the help of special tools.

  Standing at the door of the toilet, Li Yinchuan's classroom door had been closed again.

  The ghost teacher in the classroom door did not follow the routine and reopen the door to respond.

  Li Yinchuan started to make calculations at this moment.

  So far, he has seen that there are three identities in Jingyue School.

  They are students, teachers and security guards.

  The full name that appears on those students is [Students in Teaching Building No. 1]

  The two teachers who left earlier and the ones who were in the classroom just now are [Teachers of Teaching Building No. 1] respectively,

  and the two ghost security guards are [security guards responsible for patrolling the teaching building].

  The restricted area of ​​the first two is No. 1. Teaching building.

  The security guard is missing the word "No. 1" teaching building.

  There is more than one teaching building.

  Does this mean that among these three identities, as a security guard, you can go to other teaching buildings?

  But the identities of the first two can only be found in the No. 1 teaching building?

  Or maybe in Teaching Building No. 1, the identities of the first two can be most effective.

  "For today's identity, choose from these three."

  Li Yinchuan narrowed his eyes slightly at this moment and made a decision.

  As it is still unclear how long it will take for the bell to ring, Li Yinchuan does not intend to continue to be picky.

  After all, with one bell a day, there is still a lot of time to come, and sooner or later, the remaining identities will be obtained.

  Arriving here first, Li Yinchuan began to plan to obtain his identity.

  But that's it.

  Li Yinchuan, who was at the corner of the toilet, suddenly looked towards the door of the teaching building.

  At this moment, in the direction of the door of the teaching building, two figures were sneaking in together towards the inside of the teaching building.

  Seeing this scene, Li Yinchuan's eyes flashed slightly.

  He recognized the two furtive figures.

  These are surprisingly two of the seven half-step players in red.

  The audience in the live broadcast room also saw this scene.

  I understood that these two players were probably like Li Yinchuan, who took advantage of the two security guards at the door to leave, so they quietly sneaked into the teaching building.

  Immediately afterwards, the two players, like Li Yinchuan, planned to take a look at the situation on the first floor.

  When they saw the situation inside the classroom on the first floor, their expressions were also very ugly.

  And just then.

  "Dingling bell..."

  "Dingling bell..."

  Suddenly, the bell rang in the entire teaching building.

  When this bell rings.

  It can be clearly seen that the expressions of the two players who just entered the teaching building suddenly changed.

  In a hurry, the two players looked to the left and right.

  Immediately afterwards, the two players seemed to have made some decision and hurriedly ran towards the corner on the right, in the opposite direction to Li Yinchuan.

  Then, in the dark corridor.

  You can see the doors of four closed classrooms on the first floor slowly opening.

  Immediately afterwards, many ghost students walked out of the classroom.

  The dark night seems to have no effect on these ghost students.

  There was no light in the corridor, and many ghost students were leaning against the corridor in small groups.

  At the same time, a small group of ghost students were walking towards the toilet where Li Yinchuan was.

  No! Not just the devilish students.

  In the four classrooms on the first floor, four ghost teachers also walked out of the classrooms.

  And one of the ghost teachers seemed to want to go to the toilet.

  Walk directly towards the corner toilet where Li Yinchuan is.

  Seeing this scene, the expressions of the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly changed.

  This corner is already the end, and it is almost impossible to hide it anymore.

  [: Damn it, this is a dead end.

  If this is discovered by Teacher Li Gui here and a conflict occurs, it will be difficult not to have a real battle.

  After all, there is nowhere to run in this place.

  Even if you really want to run.

  There are still three ghost teachers enjoying the cool air in the corridor.

  Even if Li Yinchuan wanted to escape, it would be difficult.

  Previously, the other player in red was a bit weak and at a disadvantage when faced with the siege of a ghost teacher in red and two ghost security guards in half-step red clothes.

  If Li Yinchuan really takes action this time, he will face four fierce ghosts in red.

  Four fierce ghosts in red, not to mention that Li Yinchuan also just became a player in red.

  Even if it were the player in red who snatched the teacher's uniform instead, it would be difficult to escape.

  At this moment, Li Yinchuan's brows also frowned slightly.

  Obviously, the presence of the four ghost teachers in red made Li Yinchuan feel a little troubled.

  This time, even Li Yinchuan did not choose to take out his logging axe, and used the logging ax Guixi to fight against the enemy.

  After all, because of the level of the logging ax Ghost, there is an upper limit to the strength of the Ghost.

  Even though Li Yinchuan can control the logging ax Guixiao with 100% accuracy.

  It's a bit troublesome to deal with four red-clothed fierce ghosts. Two fists are hard to beat with four hands.

  Think of this.

  A ghost coin was already in Li Yinchuan's hand.

  Compared to controlling the logging ax ghost.

  At this moment, Li Yinchuan still planned to directly crush these red-coated teacher Li Gui.

  "It's a pity. It seems that this dungeon won't be fun again."

  Li Yinchuan murmured to himself, feeling a little helpless.

  He doesn't want to push directly.

  This time I still want to take it step by step and get a high score so that my logging ax combat power can reach a real level of 20,000+.
  Otherwise, Li Yinchuan would have had time to rush into a classroom and kill everyone while he was in class. Li Gui, if he only needs to put on the corresponding professional clothes to obtain the corresponding identity, Li Yinchuan can also try it slowly.

  And just then.

  The Li Gui teacher and several Li Gui students had arrived at the toilet door at the corner.

  Li Yinchuan grabbed the ghost coin's palm and slowly exerted force, preparing to crush the ghost coin in his hand.

  Teacher Li Gui also saw Li Yinchuan at this moment.

  But the next moment, the expected scene of Teacher Li Gui taking action directly after discovering Li Yinchuan did not appear.

  Instead at this moment.

  The ghost teacher saw the unfamiliar Li Yinchuan and frowned slightly.

  "Hey, who are you and why are you staying here?"

  (End of Chapter)

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