Chapter 71 The sun never sets

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  Chapter 71 The Sun Never Sets

  Emperor Yongle was silent for a while after hearing Chen Luo's words.

  But soon, he raised his head.

  There was a kind of frightening light in his eyes.

  That's kind of crazy.

  There is also an ambition.

  "Everyone in the world can cultivate immortality, so why can't I? The
  world is full of incense.

  I control the vast territory of the Great Zhou, so why can't I get that little bit of incense?
  I want to cultivate immortality!
  I want to live forever!
  I follow the Demon Queen In Li Shu's hands, he tried his best to save the Zhou Dynasty for thousands of years.

  In less than thirty years, Zhao was destroyed, Qi was overthrown, and the territory of the Zhou Dynasty was fully expanded.

  It also brought about the Yongle and prosperous age of the Zhou Dynasty! "

  He said With.

  Hold hands tightly.

  That was unprecedented ambition.

  It is an unprecedented fighting spirit.

  It is also an unprecedented ambition:
  "Given me a few decades, I will unify the seven kingdoms and create a great unification that no emperor in the past has been able to achieve. Give me

  a few hundred years, and I will unify the entire sky and the earth. In the Great Zhou Dynasty, On the territory, the sun will never set."

  Emperor Yongle left.

  Returned to his palace.

  Li Chungang grabbed his white beard and asked Chen Luo why he didn't persuade Emperor Yongle.

  Chen Luo didn't answer.

  Just smiled.

  At the same time, he said to Li Chungang: "Our family will be in seclusion for a period of time, and the Chen Mansion will no longer welcome guests!"

  This is expelling guests.

  Li Chungang nodded.

  "When I first heard about the reason for cultivating immortals, there are so many issues that I need to go back and think about. It's time for me to go into seclusion, old man. Go!"

  Looking at Li Chungang leaving, Chen Luo shook his head.

  He asked himself why he didn't stop Emperor Yongle.

  Chen Luo also thought about it.

  How to stop it?
  He has become immortal.

  What qualifications do you have to stop others from giving up their thoughts of immortality?
  Confucius said: If you see a dangerous wall, it will collapse. If you don't support it, then you won't be able to do anything good...

  He is not qualified to advise Emperor Yongle on what he can and cannot do.

  He is just an old eunuch with a slightly long lifespan.

  In these endless years.

  Sit back and watch the tide ebb and flow.

  Sit back and watch the wind and clouds roll.

  That's the greatest thing you can do.

  As for what Emperor Yongle wants to do...

  Chen Luo also understands.

  Countless emperors in the past have done the same thing.

  It's just that no one has succeeded so far.

  "With the destiny of all the people in the world, we will win the dawn of an empire that will last for thousands of years and the sun will never set.

  This is a huge gamble and an unprecedented one.

  Can you...can succeed?
  Even if you have to walk on numerous bones?

  Even if there are mountains of corpses?
  Even if you will disturb the world?

  Even if you will start this era of immortality in advance?"

  People will not feel pain if they don't kick the iron plate.

  People who have not experienced setbacks will not understand how painful this process is.

  Emperor Yongle believed he would succeed.


  let's try it.

  If he can succeed, this may not be a good thing.

  "Whether you succeed or fail, all living beings, all things, struggle, destiny...

  the so-called cultivation of immortality.

  Isn't it about breaking the invisible shackles?"

  Chen Luo smiled.

  Suddenly he slapped his forehead.

  Damn it...

  Why did I, a useless old eunuch, suddenly become so serious?

  It feels a little strange.

  If others don’t know, they think they are some kind of philosopher!

  this is not right.


  he silently took out the "Secrets of the Boudoir" he carried with him and started watching it silently.

  Tsk tsk!

  Look at this painting skill.

  Look at this pose.

  So this is okay?

  It's a pity that I can't try it now, otherwise it would be very exciting.

  [You watched "Secrets of the Boudoir" and were deeply touched by the paintings in it. You just felt that the paintings were lifelike and vaguely contained the yin and yang of Tai Chi!

  Your four arts are improved.

  Experience value +100!

  You can feel the way of nature in your paintings.

  Your Tai Chi Heart Sutra gets a boost.

  Immortal experience value +50!

  PS: All things complement each other. You can see the whole leopard when you peek at a spot. You can know the late autumn when you see a leaf. If you want to make progress on the path of immortality, you can invest some energy in the four arts, and you may gain a lot! ]

  Listening to the system prompts,

  Chen Luo nodded.

  He quite agrees with this.

  And this is why I read this book.

  Although the Tai Chi Heart Sutra has now vaguely entered the ranks of the Immortal Heart Sutra, it still has many loopholes... My main purpose is to completely make up for this loophole. He Chen Luo, just to cultivate immortality.

  Never have any inappropriate thoughts...

  academics come first!

  April 1st, the 28th year of Yongle.

  Chen Luo closed the Chen Mansion.

  A sign was erected at the door:
  In retreat, humans and dogs are not allowed to enter...

  Emperor Yongle was not surprised at all when he heard the news about Chen Luo's retreat.

  "He just wants to escape the world!"

  Emperor Yongle said lightly.

  How many years.

  He has had this character from the time he met him until now.

  Be independent of the world.

  The best is like water.

  But this world is no longer the kind of era where he can just say no to fighting.

  Just like he said.

  Incense is gathering in the world, and immortal cultivators will be born to seek the way to seize this incense in order to live forever.

  He won't fight?
  The final result will eventually slowly dissolve into this era.


  Maybe he took life and death lightly, but Xiao Jing didn't want to die now.

  "My health is getting worse..."

  Looking at his body.

  Emperor Yongle narrowed his eyes.

  "Here comes someone!"

  "Bring Xuanhuai to me!"


  Monk Xuanhuai is dead.

  No one knows what Emperor Yongle and Xuanhuai said in the imperial study.

  Emperor Yongle was furious.

  Let people kill Xuan Huai on the spot.

  The head is hung on the Meridian Gate.

  This master would never understand, even if he thought about it, why he, who was in the Qi training realm, would end up like this?
  What was originally a good fight over the state religion got off to a bad start.

  At the same time, Emperor Yongle ordered
  Jin Yiwei to arrest the monks of Tianlong Temple in Dongchang.

  The monks and novices were arrested one by one from Tianlong Temple, and the entire Tianlong Temple was turned upside down.

  They seemed to be looking for something, but unfortunately, they seemed to have gained nothing.

  Emperor Yongle was dissatisfied!
  Order: Behead the monks of Tianlong Temple outside the Meridian Gate.

  Many people died this time,

  thousands of them!

  Blood dyed the bluestone outside the Meridian Gate red... The smell of blood lingered for three days.

  The people in the capital were terrified, and no one knew what was happening.

  Why was Tianlong Temple, which existed in the capital for unknown years, suddenly destroyed?

  Ji's side.

  Ji Bao's health has been getting worse recently.

  He sat in the yard and basked in the sun.

  Gradually I understood why Mr. Chen likes to bask in the sun so much.

  This kind is sealed by the chair.

  The feeling of being enveloped by the sun.

  It is indeed quite comfortable, and it is truly a magical enjoyment that you won’t even need to pay for.

  Therefore, in recent times, he has become obsessed with this kind of sport.

  He believed that in this way, he would be closer to Master Chen.

  You can touch Master Chen's state of not being shocked when the sky falls.

  But he was wrong!

  When I heard the news that Tianlong Temple was destroyed by the imperial court and all the monks were killed outside the Meridian Gate.

  Ji Bao exploded directly from the recliner.

  The idea of ​​not being surprised when the sky falls has long been forgotten.

  He remembered Master Chen's previous instructions...

  When you encounter a temple, you should worship less and when you encounter a temple, you should enter less.

  In addition, Master Chen suddenly retreated into seclusion, and His Majesty went all over the capital to arrest Buddhists...

  Ji Bao immediately realized that something was wrong.

  Mr. Chen's character is indifferent to the world.

  Now that I encountered this, I guess I noticed something.

  Coupled with the incident of destroying the Buddha...

  He felt that this matter was even more serious.

  He quickly called his family and told them not to leave the house unless necessary from today on.

  At the same time, restrain your children and servants well.

  If the business in the restaurant can be stopped, then stop it first.

  Don’t open your doors for business during this period of time.

  "Father, what happened?"

  Cen Suzhi asked curiously.

  Ji Bao shook his head: "I don't know, but I heard you right... Mr. Chen went into seclusion, and His Majesty suddenly destroyed Tianlong Temple. There is definitely something wrong with this, and..." Ji Bao thought for a moment and ordered

  : "Invite all the Buddhist and Taoist statues in the house out of the house...don't believe it."


  "Stop it. If you really want to find someone to support you, let's... call him People carve a statue of Master Chen!

  What's the use of believing in the gods and Buddhas all over the sky? It's better to believe in Master Chen!"

  Cen Suzhi nodded.

  So, someone carved a statue that looked exactly like Chen Luo, and offered incense and worship in the morning and evening...


  Master Chen is much easier to use than those gods and Buddhas...

  (End of this chapter)

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