Chapter 67 Move aside

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  Chapter 67: Move aside.
  The space in the Heart Tower is a bit big.

  Just like the library.

  This stone tower contains books one after another, rows and columns.

  Quite orderly.

  The books are like Buddhist scriptures.

  Even if it is not, it is still related to Buddha.

  Chen Luo took a book casually.

  A little old, but still complete.

  There are three words written on it: "Surangama Sutra".


  The contents of the scriptures appear in them.

  He said:
  This is what I heard:

  At one time, the Buddha was in the Huan Jingshe in the city of Shiluo, together with a group of 1,250 great monks.

  They are all great Arhats without leaks, abbots of the Buddha, whose goodness is beyond all things, and who can achieve majesty in the land...

  [You have read the Shurangama Sutra, and you seem to have some vague understanding.

  Your mood has changed slightly.

  Immortal experience is improved.

  Experience value +1!

  PS: The effect is not strong... Watch as you like, don't force it, don't ask for it, just say what you want!

  Chen Luo just looked at it, put the book down and

  moved on.

  Watched for a while.

  Then he walked directly to the top.

  The relationship between Xiao Qian and Tianlong Temple is now obvious. Even if Chen Luo doesn't investigate, it is very clear that Abbot Xuanhuai of Tianlong Temple wants nothing more than to become the state religion of the Great Zhou Dynasty


  The state religion was established.

  Then the layout of Tenryuji Temple is the real beginning.

  By then, the entire Tianlong Temple will become the most influential sect in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

  Seventy-eight percent of the incense of the Great Zhou Dynasty will belong to Tianlong Temple.

  But now...

  Master Xuanhuai's plan may be miscalculated.


  Let’s not talk about these for now, they are not too important.

  After getting the jade slip from the White Lotus Sect.

  Chen Luo believed that there must be secret books about cultivating immortals in Tianlong Temple.


  Tianlong Temple is the longest-standing temple in the entire capital.

  A sect wants to rise again after a long period of time.

  That must be passed down.

  This inheritance will not fade away with the passage of time.

  Or more!

  Or less.

  It must exist.

  Chen Luo had wanted to come and have a look before, but he didn't know the details of Tianlong Temple.

  As for him...he is not the kind of person who is willing to put himself in dangerous places.


  This was put off again and again.

  Until the thunder falling incident of Tianwu Tower occurred.

  Chen Luo more or less had an estimate of Tianlong Temple.

  Until now...

  Chen Luo felt more relieved.

  It seems that the old bald donkey is not as strong as me.

  Since I'm not as strong as myself...

  then I can go to them and find something to see if there's anything wrong with me, right?


  I have consulted them too.

  They also agreed.

  Soon, Chen Luo arrived at the top.

  The thing he was looking for was right in front of him. As for why Chen Luo was so sure, the main reason was that this thing was on the entire floor. How could he not be sure?


  it is quite attractive:

  a small, radiant thing like a stone.

  The light is very shallow.

  But very soft.


  Chen Luo smiled.

  He stretched out his hand to pick it off, and a ray of light tried to stop Chen Luo, but Chen Luo pinched it.

  The light was shattered.

  Looking at the relic in his hand that lost its light.

  Chen Luo closed his eyes.

  The mental power came closer, and sure enough, a large amount of information appeared inside.


  after looking at it, Chen Luo felt a little disgusted.


  I have found a few good techniques and mental techniques here.

  It's just...

  Chen Luo frowned.

  "Sure enough, it's exactly what I thought. No matter whether it's a technique or a magic technique, you can't escape these shortcomings... I

  still have to rely on the system and perfect it before I can use these Buddhist magical powers.

  It's just...

  Can the improved Buddhist magical powers still be Buddhist magical powers?"

  Chen Luo smiled and took the relic back into his arms.

  We'll have to wait and see when we get back...

  This is not a good place to read. Taking a step...

  out of the Heart Tower.

  The four monks at the door were still kneeling there, unable to move...

  the sticks in their hands had fallen to the ground.

  When Chen Luo passed by them.

  After thinking for a moment...

  he squatted down.

  Pick up the stick they dropped on the ground.

  Throw it towards the Heart Tower.

  Whoosh! Whoosh!

  Four sticks were inserted straight into the top of the tallest tower, which looked like a lightning rod.


  in Apple pie order.

  Standard '丨丨丨丨' style.

  "In this land of Buddhism, don't throw garbage anywhere. We'll put the stick there for you. If it's time to change shifts, remember to take it away, okay?" Chen Luo said and left with some satisfaction


  Today, Chen Luo did another good deed.

  This is of great merit.




  Wandering around, Chen Luo came to the starting point again.

  The battle there was apparently over.

  Old monk Xuanhuai was lying on the ground, breathing more out than in.

  not dead.

  But he seemed to be seriously injured.

  He might be in pain, right?

  "Is this the immortal cultivator you mentioned? It's not that good at all!"

  He saw Chen Luo coming back.

  Li Chungang walked over with his hands behind his back, looking quite like an outsider,

  especially with his flowing white hair.

  He pointed at Xuan Huai on the ground.

  Full of disdain: "You can't hold up my sword for a few times!"

  Chen Luo:...

  Hehehe laughed.

  I don't even bother to watch him show off.

  At the beginning, when he couldn't even break the Buddhist 'immovable seal', this guy was not so proud.

  It's over there.

  Sima Junliang was holding a spear and was slowly walking towards Xiao Qian.

  No one stopped him,

  because those who stopped him were all lying on the ground.

  "Do you want to stop him?"

  Li Chungang asked Chen Luo.

  Chen Luo rolled his eyes at him and walked to the stone just now.

  Xiao Tianxing leaned there, covering his chest.

  Blood continued to flow from the corners of his mouth.

  "Master Xiao, can you move to the side? Our buttocks are a bit big and we can't sit down anymore..."

  Xiao Tianxing: ...

  Move to the side.

  It was only a few centimeters, but he was bleeding and dizzy again. By the time he finished, he was already dripping with cold sweat.

  "Thank you."

  Chen Luo sat down.

  He thanked Xiao Tianxing and said, "Master Xiao is really a good person. Good people are rewarded!"

  Xiao Tianxing made a sad face.

  He wanted to say something: Since good people are rewarded, why don't you fight for my father-in-law to save me first? I'm almost dead...

  but I didn't say this.


  "Um, are you moving to the side? I have to sit down too... If that doesn't work, why don't you find a place to lean down? This place is too small... It's hard for three people to squeeze in!" Li Chungang came over and said


  Looking at Xiao Tianxing, his face turned pale and he suddenly fell to the side.

  Li Chungang was stunned.

  He looked at Chen Luo: "Why did he fall?"

  Chen Luo looked at it and thought for three seconds: "Maybe he is sleepy, right?"

  "Young people nowadays, it is easy to lie down on the ground when they are sleepy. If you are suffering from the wind and cold, your legs will be sore if you are old!"

  He said and sat down.

  "Where are the melon seeds? Are there any more? Here are some..."

  Chen Luo grabbed some for him, and the two sat there side by side.


  The melon seed shell flew out, spun around, and landed on the ground.

  The play ends.

  Another good show is about to take place.

  On that side...

  Xiao Qian's face was extremely pale and he kept retreating.


  I accidentally kicked a stone and fell to the ground.

  He raised his head.

  He said to Sima Junliang:
  "Let me go. After I ascend the throne, I will allow you, Sima Junliang, to be the first opposite-sex king of the Zhou Dynasty. If you are willing, I can rule the country with you!" His tone seemed calm


  But the hands under the sleeves were shaking.

  Apart from fear, is there any coldness or murderous intent in the eyes of our lovely eldest prince?
  That thing.

  He is gone a long time ago!
  (End of chapter)

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