Chapter 64 The lovely prince

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  Chapter 64
  When the lovely prince Chen Luo came to Tianlong Temple, the fighting was extremely fierce inside.

  Xiao Tianxing, the governor of Dongchang.

  The commander of Jin Yiwei is Ke Yu.

  There are also several eminent monks from Tianlong Temple who are fighting Sima Junliang.

  The light of the sword and the shadow of the sword.

  From time to time, a stream of Gang Qi breaks through the sky.

  Leaving deep marks on the ground.

  It’s so lively and

  not far away.

  The eldest prince Xiao Qian was watching this scene with his hands behind his back.

  Next to him is an old monk holding a Zen staff.

  The old monk closed his eyes.

  It's like he doesn't care about the world at all.

  But standing there put the most fatal pressure on Sima Junliang in the field.

  Only Sima Junliang knows.

  Xiao Tianxing is also good.

  So is Ke Yu.

  Or even the four acquired monks who suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the field.

  They pose no threat to themselves at all.

  The single greatest threat was the old monk standing over Xiao Qian.

  If it weren't for this old monk, Xiao Qian would have died long ago.

  Saw Chen Luo arriving.

  Almost everyone stopped fighting.

  All eyes looked at him.

  Even the old monk who originally closed his eyes opened his eyes and looked at Chen Luo.

  Chen Luo:...

  "I've seen Mr. Bu Zheng."

  Xiao Tianxing and others saluted.

  "Eunuch Chen"

  Xiao Qian squinted his eyes.

  There was a coldness in his eyes.

  "What are you doing here?"


  Chen Luo pointed at himself: "Is the eldest prince talking to our family?"

  Xiao Qian gritted his teeth.

  Just about to speak.

  The old monk on the side stopped him.

  "Mr. Buqiu is an expert outside the world, and he has nothing to do with the world. No one knows this in this great week... Could it be that Eunuch Buqiu wants to get involved in today's matter?" the old monk said


  His tone was calm, but it spread throughout Tianlong Temple.

  There is a sound from heaven.

  The feeling of becoming an eminent monk.

  "Don't make trouble, our family is just here for a visit, don't think too much about it."

  Chen Luo chuckled.

  He glanced at Xiao Qian meaningfully.

  Turning back to Sima Junliang and the others, he said: "You guys keep fighting. Watch what our family does. We are just idle and bored. We come out to watch the fun." "Go, don't be in a daze, fight quickly, finish the fight early and have breakfast.

  " Call it a day!"


  "What are you still doing? Kill him!"

  Xiao Qian shouted.

  After receiving Xiao Qian's order, Xiao Tianxing and others took action again.

  As for Sima Junliang, he didn't say a word from beginning to end.

  Just like before.

  Kill Concubine Mi.

  He doesn't explain.

  This time I want to kill Xiao Qian.

  He didn't explain either.

  The fighting breaks out again, just as it began.

  But something was different.

  Sima Junliang, who was originally suppressed, now exploded with unprecedented fighting power.

  The two major acquisitions of the imperial court.

  The four acquired heavens in Tenryuji Temple.

  The six people were beginning to be unable to suppress Sima Junliang.

  this is normal.

  The reason why Ya Xiantian is called Ya Xiantian is because after entering Ya Xiantian, the true energy in the body has already undergone qualitative changes.

  Among them, Gang Qi can automatically protect the body.

  It can be said that...

  ten acquired ones may not be able to beat a sub-innate one.

  What's more, it's only six days after tomorrow?

  At first, Sima Junliang was suppressed because he needed to be on guard against the old monk all the time.

  But now Chen Luo appears.


  Sima Junliang will be less stressed.

  I saw these people fighting again.

  Chen Luo walked aside, found a stone and sat down, and took out a handful of melon seeds from his body.

  Cracking melon seeds.

  Watching others fight.

  This inexplicably refreshing.

  [You sit aside and crack melon seeds, watching the fight between martial arts masters.

  His understanding of martial arts has improved in a different way.

  Martial arts... immortality, although they are two different paths, can be attributed to the same source.

  Your immortal experience has been improved, and

  the experience value is +50!

  PS: Look more, listen more, read more, think more, experiment more...these experiences passed down by the ancients are never wrong! ]

  Chen Luo deeply agreed. So, he chose to watch the show.

  If you don't watch the show, you're a bastard.

  "Huh? It's very lively here!"

  came a voice.

  A white-haired shadow fell from the sky.

  It was Li Chungang.

  Apparently he also got the news and came from Tianwu Tower.

  Watching the battle scene.

  He took another deep look at the old monk and Xiao Qian over there, then walked over to Chen Luo and sat down next to Chen Luo. "

  Move to the side,"

  he said.

  Chen Luo curled his lips.

  Still moved a little to the side.

  At the same time, a hand was already grabbing at his pocket.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Give me some melon seeds..."

  "Get out!"

  Chen Luo said in disgust: "We only have a little bit at home, and you still want it, dreaming!"

  "I brought wine!"

  "Here, I'll give you melon seeds..."


  "Where's the wine?"

  "Don't take too much, just one pot, it won't be enough for a while."


  Xiao Qian, who was on the other side, looked at someone drinking under a tree not far away. Chen Luo and Li Chungang were eating melon seeds.

  His eyes were filled with an unconcealable coldness, and his fists were clenched tightly.

  Because of anger, because of dissatisfaction.

  His body even trembled slightly.


  The old monk called the Buddha.

  When hearing this sound.

  Xiao Qian's anger instantly dissipated.

  He actually regained his composure.

  "Master, it doesn't matter. This prince will not lose his mind because of trivial matters."

  The old monk smiled slightly.

  "This is the reason why Tianlong Temple stands beside His Highness.

  I believe that

  with His Highness here,

  Tianlong Temple will have a longer journey."

  Xiao Qian nodded.

  "But... Sima Junliang must die!"

  he said.

  "This is my prince's only request!"

  The old monk said nothing.

  Just nodded.


  Li Chungang and Chen Luo were directing the battle on the field.

  "You see, the power of Sima Junliang's shot is not very good. If he changes the way of his true energy, or moves it a little bit upward, the power will be at least twice as strong!" Li Chungang said


  Chen Luo deeply agreed: "But there's nothing we can do about it. After all, he's just a sub-innate little guy. It's good to have this." "Yes, at least he's much better than

  those trash, what about Jin Yiwei and Dongchang?" The Commander-in-Chief, with this strength, is too embarrassing!"

  Chen Luo said to Li Chungang seriously: "Keep your voice down, they all heard it!" "


  Li Chungang was a little embarrassed, facing Xiao Tianxing and the others. Shouting: "The old man is not talking about you, don't mind!"

  Xiao Tianxing:...

  Ke Yu:...

  his face looked as miserable as if he had eaten shit.

  Not only did he have to be suppressed and beaten by Sima Junliang here, but he also had to be ridiculed and ridiculed there

  . Who can bear this kind of blow?


  fortunately there are several eminent monks from Tianlong Temple here.

  Otherwise, it would be even more embarrassing this time.

  Over there...

  Li Chungang also frowned a little.

  "There's something wrong with those monks."

  Chen Luo raised his eyes and glanced at the four.

  "Isn't that wrong? That's quite wrong!"

  Li Chungang: "What's going on?"

  "They are not martial arts people."

  Li Chungang's pupils shrank instantly.

  "Immortal cultivator?"

  "Even so, it doesn't count!"

  Chen Luo said: "It's much worse than the immortal cultivator. It's not even the so-called Qi's just a product born under incense!" He smiled

  . ...

  These people seem to have the cultivation of acquired warriors, but if they really want to fight, they may not be as good as acquired warriors.

  It's just because of the different cultivation techniques that it seems a little weird.

  So in this fight, it feels more difficult to deal with than ordinary acquired warriors.

  If you find experience, it will be relatively simple.

  On the contrary...

  Chen Luo looked at the old monk next to Xiao Qian: "He is our lovely eldest prince, the biggest support staff!" The old monk is the abbot of Tianlong Temple: called


  Huai Grandmaster!

  (End of chapter)

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