Chapter 24 There is no innateness in the world

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  Chapter 24: There is no innateness in the world.

  "What? You seem a little unhappy when you see me?"

  The old man looked at Chen Luo with a smile: "It's okay. I'm quite happy anyway. Do you want to call me senior again?"

  Chen Luo:... ...

  stone hammered.

  This is a bitch.

  This old man was the old beggar who was in the cell. Li Chungang and

  Chen Luo originally thought that this guy was dead.

  Unexpectedly, he turned around and transformed into an innate strong man in Tianwu Pavilion.

  Unfortunately, I still miss the days when he snatched my chicken legs.

  Now that I think about it, it proves one thing more and more: I am indeed very pure.

  I originally thought that the powerful man in the Sutra-Tiding Pavilion was at least an outsider.

  I have to respect him no matter what.

  But when he saw that it was Jiraiya, Chen Luo seemed much more casual.

  We've all been to jail and drank together, so their relationship isn't strong?
  As for how he escaped being beheaded in the first place, there is no need to ask.

  If a person with innate strength still needs to ask this, Chen Luo thinks that it is okay not to have this innate strength.

  He immediately stated his intention.

  The moment Li Chungang saw Chen Luo, he actually knew what he was going to do.

  "When you entered the Tianwu Tower for the first time, I felt that you would be the first person in the Great Zhou Dynasty to enter the acquired realm besides Li Jun. Facts have proved that I was not wrong! In fact, you advanced faster than I thought

  . Even faster.

  So in order to observe you..."

  Seeing Chen Luo looking over, Li Chungang quickly changed his words:
  "I'm wrong, I'm just curious...

  I went to the death row to take a look around.

  After I came out, I kept thinking about it. , when will you hit that bottleneck.

  Five years?

  Ten years?

  Or twenty years?
  But I really didn’t expect that in just two years, you would hit the limit of the day after tomorrow."

  The feeling of being praised Quite comfortable.

  Therefore, Chen Luo decided not to interrupt Li Chungang and prepared to enjoy it for a while,

  but this guy stopped talking.

  Chen Luo could only accept his words: "Now that you know what I want, can you tell me how to enter Xiantian?" "


  Li Chungang shook his head: "If it were the day after tomorrow, I could still tell you, but you have already It's the day after tomorrow. My path is obviously different from yours, so there is no reference value and there is no need for it.

  As for innate... I'm sorry, I don't know."

  "You don't know?"

  Chen Luo was a little surprised: "How? Possible? You, an innate powerhouse, don’t know how to enter the innate power? Then how did you become an innate powerhouse?"

  Li Chungang:? ? ?

  Pointing at myself.



  "I am an innate master???"

  Chen Luo:? ? ?
  "Aren't you an innate?"

  "Who started the rumor? It would be great if I were an innate."

  Li Chungang sighed: "It's a pity... It's been hundreds of years since there was an innate in the Great Zhou Dynasty. As far as I know, now this There has long been no innateness in the world... Of course, there are no absolutes... Maybe there is innateness in places that we don't know about. But

  what I can be sure of is that I am really not innate!"

  Chen Luo: ...

  The rumors are indeed misleading.

  Chen Luo had always heard that the Tianwu Tower had an innate existence,

  so Chen Luo thought that it must be there...

  Unexpectedly, it turned out to be an oolong.

  "Since you are not innate, what is your realm?"

  "Ya innate!"

  Thousands of years ago.

  Wusheng Ling came to the east to create a path of martial arts,

  divided into six realms.

  Third level realm.

  The second-level realm,

  the first-level acquired realm
  , the

  sub-innate realm
  and the innate realm
  . These are the six realms of martial arts

  . At that time, the martial arts in Tianqiong Continent was prosperous. In one sentence, it was: the acquired realm is everywhere, and the innate realm is as numerous as dogs.

  Can be done gradually.

  Martial arts began to wither.

  Yipin is already a master.

  The day after tomorrow is even more scarce.

  As for Xiantian, that is even more of a legendary realm.

  Nowadays, most people only know about nature and nurture, and have no idea about sub-innateness.

  The first journey of martial arts has changed from the sixth realm of martial arts to the fifth realm of martial arts.

  Li Chungang is Ya Xiantian.

  An awkward realm between nurture and nature.

  Far beyond the day after tomorrow.

  But not as good as innate.

  There is the word innate, but it cannot be said to be innate!
  Li Chungang told Chen Luo that although he was a sub-Xiantian, in fact, this sub-Xiantian was still within the scope of the acquired realm.

  If you want to ask him about the innate realm, there is really nothing you can do.

  As if he knew what Chen Luo wanted to ask.

  Li Chungang said: "There is no innate in the world, and it is even more difficult to say something above innate... At least, in the years that I know, innate is the ultimate, and it is also the end of martial arts!" That was as you

  know In the years.

  In the years that I know, innateness is actually just the starting point.

  Just a pity.

  Now I am not even qualified to enter from the starting point.

  "Martial arts have withered, acquired has become a symbol of this world, and Xiantian has become a legend. Although I am a sub-Xiantian, I am still acquired after all. You want to ask me for the answer on how to enter

  Xiantian, I don't.

  But... you entered martial arts through studying, I think maybe I can point you in a direction."

  Li Chungang pointed to this Tianwu Pagoda.

  "The Tianwu Pagoda was built five hundred years ago by the Emperor Zhou Gaozu, the first emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It contains countless secret books of the Great Zhou realm and unique copies of various aspects! Although your library claims to have a collection of 30,000 books, the Tianwu Pagoda only has more than 30,000 books
  . There are quite a few, and they are all-encompassing.

  If you want to enter Xiantian, here may be some tips for you..."

  Chen Luo nodded.

  This is the only way.

  Since there is no shortcut to enter Xiantian in this Sky Continent,

  then you should open up a way to enter Xiantian by yourself.

  Ten Years.

  Twenty years.

  Thirty years.

  Or a hundred years.

  Chen Luo, who has endless years, will definitely be able to do it. There is

  no need for him to rush.

  Chen Luo did not go directly to the top of the tower,

  but was here on the first floor. I picked up a book and started to find a place to sit down and watch quietly.

  This book is called "The Theory of the Sky Continent".

  It is a very ordinary and ordinary book about the Sky Continent.

  Don't look at it now The Great Zhou Dynasty has eighteen states, which looks very vast.

  But in fact, it is like a small island nestled in a corner of the Tianqiong Continent... The total of the seven huge kingdoms is less than one-fifth of the Tianqiong continent. One.


  there is no innate in the world?

  Chen Luo mostly doesn’t believe it,

  but there is no innate in the Seven Kingdoms, which Chen Luo believes.

  [You have watched "The Theory of Sky Continent", and you have some understanding of this world. A deeper understanding...

  Your understanding of this world has deepened!
  PS: You are trying to find a way to enter the innate realm in ancient books. Although you don’t know the specific effect now, it is still a way! 】

  The system prompt sound came.

  Chen Luo smiled.

  Although the system did not remind him that this path was correct,

  it also recognized that it was a good way.


  this means that he was on the right path!

  He ...will read thousands of books!

  ... The news of

  the imperial study and

  Chen falling into the Tianwu Tower reached the ears of Emperor Yongle. He just nodded and said nothing,

  "Eunuch Chen has always been my friend since I got to know him. in this way.

  Don't fight or grab!

  Neither arrogant nor impetuous.

  It was as if nothing in the world could attract his attention.

  Only this martial arts and the book in his hand could stop him.

  Since he has entered the Tianwu Tower, let him enter.

  Not to mention that I have no right to order him anything..."

  Sima Junliang nodded.

  Not only is he the person Xiao Jing trusts the most,

  he is also the current commander of the Jinyi Guards of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

  (End of this chapter)

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