92. Chapter 92 The Four Realms of Qi Condensation

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  Chapter 92:
  The Divine Grant of the Four Realms of Qi Condensation is given in March of the third year.

  Chen Luo has already experienced:





  and now the divine gift.
  He has also just traveled through time,

  a small harem sweeping eunuch.

  He became an old eunuch who has experienced six dynasties.

  Ten years to go north.

  His face was full of weather.

  Things are different and people are different.

  The little princess back then has become the old queen.

  The little girl who was dying in the plague became the second empress of Zhou Dynasty.

  And he, today, finally turns 75.

  Become a proper senior citizen.

  Chen Luo still remembers when he first traveled through time...

  In addition to practicing squatting, shaking, pulling pants, and how to avoid wetting his shoes every day, what

  he did most was to count with his fingers. I wonder when I can be reincarnated as a human being as soon as possible.

  I just feel like a eunuch.

  Life is somewhat boring.

  Naturally, I want to mess things up and start over again as soon as possible.

  And today.

  Decades passed.

  He's not dead yet.

  Not only that, it seems like I don’t even know when I will die.


  Chen Luo thinks this is an improvement.

  I also feel that I am getting old after all.

  Decades later, looking back, I didn't even think about any blessings.

  Maybe, I want to treat myself well?

  after entering HD, Chen Luo decided to cleanse his inner soul.

  Most of them are tired from running around outside.   The habits, interests and hobbies

  I accumulated when I was young   are rarely thought of in these years.   This is wrong!   If a person loses all his interests and hobbies in this life, wouldn’t he live a boring life?   Especially a eunuch like himself.   certainly!   "We just want to experience the customs and customs of this HD city!"   Looking at the red sleeves in front of him.   Chen Luo tidied his clothes...   and took a step forward.   Went in.   As a eunuch, what bad intentions could he have?   He just came to drink.   That's all.   "Hey, I'm here to meet you, young master. What's your surname?"   As soon as we stepped in, there was a fragrant breeze.   Then came Wen Yu's heart.   Chen Luo laughed like a gentleman, pure and motionless as a mountain.   It's just that this girl is probably a little weak.   As soon as he came up, he leaned over, swaying as if he had no bones.   Chen Luo was worried that she would fall.   Therefore, he could only support her, and because of the wind and frost these years, his hand was inevitably misplaced.   That's all.   No...   this girl is already full of charm, and she is obviously grateful for her support.   "Young Master, I'm old Li Chungang. You can just call me Mr. Li..."   The woman replied with a watery hum.   The tenderness in each of them cannot be expressed or expressed.   Anyway, Chen Luo was satisfied when he left.   He kept talking to himself.   "Don't come here.   Don't come here again.   Just once in ten years is fine. Just once in ten years is fine."   [You have felt it in the wind and moon, experienced the strange taste of life, and even felt the pain and joy of the world.   Your sense of immortality has been improved.   Experience value +50!   PS: Thousands of books, thousands of miles of road, and thousands of scenery in the world... You should experience more different scenery! ]   Chen Luo thought for a moment.   Maybe...   maybe...   maybe...   these ten years are a bit long?   So five years?   Five years, no more, no less, everything is just right,   I am entering HD for the first time.   Chen Luo is good for all senses.   The wind is good, the scenery is good, and the people are good.   He always liked it here.   And because this was the old capital of Zhao State, it retains most of the customs of the original Zhao State.   The folk customs are also a bit tougher.   No... Chen Luo just walked around the city and heard a loud noise from ahead.   There was a lot of movement.   Chen Luo could even feel that the entire ground was shaking.   Then, I saw many people's eyes shining brightly, running towards the front,   just like Erha who had thrown a rope.   Run like a thief.   This is? Watching the fun?   Chen Luo's eyes also lit up.   Our family loves to join in the fun.   In the past ten years, I have been walking around and doing nothing, and my top priority is just joining in the fun.   certainly.   This is for enlightenment.   Chen Luo's practice is: read thousands of books, travel thousands of miles, see thousands of scenery in the world, and   finish reading thousands of books.   The journey of thousands of miles has been completed.   Seeing all the countless sights in the world, this is not going on.   If I hadn't fallen in love with joining in the fun, how could I have entered the fourth realm of Qi training naturally?   In the first year of divine right.   In Qingxi County.   Chen Luo was sitting by the Qingxi River fishing when he saw two children going down to the river to catch fish, arguing over whether they should braise or steam them.   Chen Luo secretly released their fish.

  He told them very seriously: God has the virtue of loving life, so how can he kill animals at will?
  After death, you will go to hell.

  The two little kids were stunned for a moment.

  I really believed what Chen Luo said.

  I vowed never to eat fish again.

  Chen Luo was very satisfied and told them that if they caught fish, they could bring it to him and he would release it for them.

  The child nodded.

  I really catch some fish from time to time, please Chen Luo to release them.

  Until one day they saw Chen Luo sitting by the river.

  Holding a grilled fish in one hand.

  There is also a plate of steamed fish drizzled with shredded scallions and oil on the table. The two little kids burst into tears.

  Chen Luo felt at that time that this is life.

  Very true!
  After all, if people don't suffer a little loss.

  Don't be fooled a few times.

  How can you learn to grow up without being deceived several times?
  He Chen Luo has great merit.

  for these fish.

  For those two little brats.


  Chen Luo had feelings that day.

  The panel that had been motionless on the experience bar for a long time just clicked and moved.

  Directly gained 200 experience points.

  It's simply ridiculous.

  The realm goes straight to the fourth realm of Qi Condensation.

  So much so that Chen Luo had to sigh.

  Doing good deeds does pay off.

  Open the template.

  The above data appears:
  Name: Chen Luo

  Realm: Qi training fourth level

  talent: Immortality

  1: [Cleaning]: 2251/6400 (level 7)
  2: [Medical]: 1742/12800 (level 8)
  3: [ Four Arts]: 11512/12800 (Level 8)
  4: [Immortal Way]: 482/25600 (Level 9)
  5: [Fishing]: 50/12800 (Level 8)
  6: [Array]: 5710/6400 (Level 7) )
  In the past few years, except for the Immortal Dao, which may still take some time, the Formation Dao and the Four Arts are all about to achieve breakthroughs.

  Just a little bit...

  This time the excitement looks quite exciting.

  If you can understand something.

  Wouldn't that be a chance to advance the formation or the four arts?
  Chen Luo thought of this and quickly joined the crowd to join in the fun.

  From a distance, I could see a group of people surrounding it.

  Chen Luo squeezed in,

  and raised his head from time to time to ask the gossip friends around him: "Brother, what kind of excitement is this? There are a lot of people..." "

  Tsk, tsk, this movement is quite loud, bang bang, this is Demolish the house?"

  Chen Luo stood on tiptoes and looked ahead.

  What a big house...

  the door is closed.

  This movement can still be that big.

  Is this a house demolition?
  Chen Luo narrowed his eyes and felt it.

  There is a pretty good aura inside...

  Or Qi training realm?
  But it seems like there is only one realm.

  The other two...

  tsk tsk!

  Weak chicken.

  It looks like this is a fight?
  But you have to open the door anyway when you're fighting. If you don't open it, how can we see it?
  How can you join in this excitement?

  There is no spirit of self-sacrifice at all.

  "Destroy the family?"

  The buddy said without turning around: "That would be more interesting than dismantling the family. This family fights every day, which is always interesting... Huh? Brother, where did you get the melon seeds? Can you please give me some?"

  " No!"

  Chen Luo said directly without thinking: "We only have a little bit, and it won't be enough to share with you!"

  The corner of the man's mouth twitched slightly.

  Look back.

  Take a sip.

  He was mumbling something.

  Chen Luo felt that this person was boring. He just didn't give you melon seeds. Why did he still curse?
  Just scold me, and spitting on me is a bit humiliating!
  It's not that I don't want to give it to him, but I really don't have much left.

  That’s all.

  I don’t have much on me, so just take it from the storage bag.

  So Chen Luo grabbed a handful from the storage bag and gave it to this buddy.

  "Here, don't scold us next time."

  The buddy was stunned for a moment...

  looking at Chen Luo.

  Suddenly I felt a little ashamed.

  But when he saw him turn around and take out another handful from his arms, he hesitated.

  This is... what he said, not many melon seeds?
  "Thanks, buddy."

  He felt the need to apologize.

  "You're welcome, is that wine?"

  Chen Luo looked at the thing in his hand.

  man:? ? ?

  "At first glance...how many mouthfuls do you want?"


  Chen Luo snorted.

  Turn around.

  Poohed a few times.

  He was mumbling something.

  The sound is not small.

  The man heard clearly, his face gradually turned red, and he turned around and gave Chen Luo the wine.

  "Here you go, give it to you!"

  After giving it to him, the man hurriedly walked aside, feeling that being around Chen Luo made him want to hit someone.

  When I was eating the melon seeds in my hand, I felt that these melon seeds were particularly clogging my teeth.

  Still tough,

  Chen Luo was cracking melon seeds.

  While drinking wine.

  Occasionally, he would give the man a grateful look.

  Sure enough...

  the folk customs of this HD are simple.

  Everyone is polite to each other.

  Courtesy and reciprocity are engraved in the bone marrow.

  Well, this wine is indeed delicious. It must not be cheap, right?

  Brothers, be righteous!

  With a crash,

  the crowd dispersed to both sides like a tide.

  Before Chen Luo could react, he saw the door in front of him suddenly banged and exploded.

  A figure fell out of there in embarrassment.

  It hit Chen Luo in front of him.

  This force is quite strong.

  The ground was smashed and cracked.

  Chen Luo:? ? ?
  Somewhat confused.

  No, what happened?

  Why did it suddenly come out?
  He looked down, wanting to see which guy was so embarrassed that he ended up in such an embarrassing end.

  Look at the results.

  The corners of Chen Luo's mouth suddenly rose.

  "Hey, Brother Li, your posture is quite unique... Could it be that you are kneeling for our family? Then our family is a little afraid of it!"

  Li Chungang raised his head.

  I saw that familiar face.

  He got up in no time.

  Dusted himself off.

  He tidied his beard.

  "I haven't seen you for a long time, are you okay?"

  "It wasn't very good at first, but when I saw you like this, I immediately felt very good."

  Li Chungang laughed and said,
  "My father-in-law was joking, but my bones have been a little stiff recently. So just stretch your muscles and bones!"

  he said.

  But he quickly got up and said: "Father-in-law, go in and have a cup of tea first. I have to go and do some work first. We'll meet up later!"

  As he said that, he stood up and ran towards the distance.

  (End of chapter)

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