309. Chapter 309 Not a God, Better than a God

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  Chapter 309: Not a god, but better than a god.

  Chen Luo smiled, but he hadn’t spoken yet.

  After all, the fox in the courtyard couldn't suppress the joy in his heart and ran over.

  Ridiculously fast.

  Like the wind.

  There was a faint sound of wind and thunder breaking through the sky.

  The smile on his face stopped for a moment, but eventually it recovered.

  An old eunuch who is hundreds of years old.

  He was knocked to the ground.

  A fox weighing several hundred pounds lay on his chest, sticking out his warm tongue and licking his cheeks.


  it's worth being happy.

  Just the crunching sound in the chest can't help but feel a little distressed.

  I think three of them took off.

  "Chen Luo, why are you back at this time?"

  "I went to Kyoto and it's too late to come back."

  Chen Luo responded.

  The little fox tilted his head, thought for a moment, and laughed again: "Chen Luo, why is your face so wet? It's so ugly." "That's

  your saliva."

  "Then you are so beautiful."

  " Everyone said so."

  "But it's not as good-looking as me."

  "That's right."

  The little fox was a little happy.

  Chen Luo didn't want to ruin the atmosphere, but...

  "Xiao Bai."

  "What are you doing?"

  "It's cold on the ground. Can you help us get up?"

  "Huh? Why are you on the ground?"

  Xiao Bai left Chen Luo. She stood aside and looked at Chen Luo with almost contemptuous eyes: "Why are you lying on the ground like a child? Xiaobai has no candy for you to eat." Alas


  deep Sighed.

  Looking at the fat fox in front of him, Chen Luo didn't explain it after all.


  It's all my fault.

  So I took out a package of things from the storage bag.

  Just came out.

  There was a hint of heat.

  There is also a fragrant aroma.

  Xiaobai's eyes suddenly lit up: "Beggar's chicken?"

  "I know you like to eat it, so I brought it back to you from Kyoto and put it in a storage bag. It's still hot!"

  Before Chen Luo finished speaking, Then he saw that the little girl had already taken away the roast chicken in her hand.

  Run towards the house.

  Running and shouting.

  "Aunt Bai, Aunt Bai, there are chickens. Chen Luo is back with chickens!"

  After a while, someone walked out of the kitchen.

  Wear an apron.

  Wiping his hands on his apron.

  Seeing Chen Luo, there was a smile on his face.

  "Mr. Chen."

  she shouted.

  Chen Luo smiled and said, "Hello, Yuchan."

  "Hello, Mr. Chen."

  "Everything will be fine once I see Yuchan."

  Then he felt as if he had eaten honey.

  "Master Chen, what are you eating? I'm cooking..."

  "I want to eat the braised pork ribs made by Yu Chan."

  "Okay, I just bought some today."

  He turned back and entered the kitchen.

  Even my footsteps are much happier.

  The cat lady was silent.

  He had turned into a human, entered the house, and brought out a cup of hot tea for Chen Luo.

  Drink a sip.

  Take a deep breath and exhale like mist.

  The cold air that came along the way disappeared with this sip of hot tea.

  "Master, I have been walking this way for a long time."

  Chen Luo nodded.

  "I met an old friend on the road and couldn't bear to leave. We chatted for a while."

  "Do you know the Cat Queen?"

  "Yes, Qingxi Zhan Dunren..."

  "It's the god."

  The Cat Queen came out of Yunshan...

  Yun The mountain land is not far from Qingxi County.

  Moreover, Cat Lady has also been to that place, so she naturally knows about the magistrate of Qingxi Kaixian County.

  Although Qingxi was once a county, its scale was getting bigger and bigger.

  Chen Luo crossed the clear stream.

  There is a temple in the city, a temple of a miracle doctor...

  I feel it in my heart.

  Entered the city.

  As soon as we arrived at the Temple of Divine Medicine, we were visited by the Divine Lord.

  That divine king is his old friend Zhan Dunren...

  whom he has not seen for hundreds of years.

  The old friends are still old friends from the past, but maybe they have been together for a long time. When we first met, we felt as if we had never seen each other in a lifetime, so we felt a little emotional.

  Chen Luoben wanted to leave, but Zhan Dunren persuaded him to stay.

  He said: "My father-in-law has not been to Qingxi for hundreds of years, but Qingxi has never forgotten my father-in-law's name... The people of Qingxi all know that the little god is the founding magistrate of Qingxi, but they also know that this place was originally a river bank... ...

  If my father-in-law hadn’t rescued the refugees in the past, how could the ancestors of Qingxi live here? In the end, Qingxi Village and even today’s Qingxi County were established?” He said: “Why don’t my father-in-law stay a little

  longer so that he can see the beautiful scenery of Qingxi ? ?"


  Chen Luo stayed.

  This stay lasts for several months.

  "That's a little late."

  From Kyoto to here...

  that's too late.

  "It's true that I can't hide it from the Cat Lady."

  Chen Luo said with a smile: "I went elsewhere on the way, found an old friend, and asked some questions." "


  "How could the Cat Lady know?"

  "Master, there is a feminine aura about him. ..."

  Chen Luo: ...



  Then he said: "Behave upright as a master and sit upright... Masters in Emei are not just people." The

  Cat Lady laughed.

  Master, I just like to make jokes like this.

  But... even the coldest and most important fairy of the Xianxia Sect fell in love with the Master.

  If it were the group of masters from the Emei Immortal Sect...

  Cat Lady thought, it was actually not impossible.

  Seeing Cat Lady like this, Chen Luo opened her mouth and finally understood that even if she didn't think too much, she must be thinking about something she shouldn't.

  I'm afraid the explanation is unclear.

  Just don’t think about it too much.

  But when he entered Emei... Chen Luo really didn't do anything. He just went to the library of Jinding in Emei and read for a month.

  He heard that there were ancient books on Mount Emei. It is an ancient book found in the land of Liangshan River.

  It's not a secret.

  But some records about ancient times.

  Some of them are too profound and cannot be understood by most people...

  Chen Luo doesn't care about the secrets of ancient times.

  What he cares about is before the ancient times...the era that was forbidden by heaven.

  So I thought, maybe there is something recorded in it, but even if there is none, there are fragments.

  Chen Luo was right.

  It is indeed recorded in ancient books.

  It's just that there aren't many...

  and it's not humanities, but records of mountains and rivers and strange beasts.

  If there is a book.   There is a record in "Mountains and Seas Different" in "Mountains and Seas": In Mount Gui, the Mengshui comes out and flows south into the ocean water. There are many yellow clams in it; the cockroach fish has a fish body and bird wings, and its sound is like a mandarin duck. When you see it, there will be a flood in the town

  .   There is another record:   There are beasts in Yinshan Mountain. It looks like a raccoon dog with a white head, and is called the Tengu. Its voice is like a pomegranate, which can ward off evil.   There are many records.   But also magical.   Chen Luo looked at it and felt that he was forgetting to eat and sleep.   I also want to take it away.   But it was not good after all...   So I spent a month writing it down.   This time when I return to Handan, I must write this book in my mind.   He thought...   if he read it often, he would have a very good understanding.   Everyone enjoyed the dinner.   I left Handan in the past and went to Chang'an.   I left for thirty years...   and then returned to Yushan.   We even went to Yanmen Pass.   Back and forth, more than thirty-five years.   So the reunion was naturally joyful.   But Chen Luo also tasted a completely different kind of delicious food...   I don't know what kind of braised food it was.   It tastes good.   Seeing the Cat Lady eating happily... Chen Luo couldn't help but ask Yu Chan: "What is this? I have rarely eaten it."   She has lived for hundreds of years.   There are very few things that I haven’t eaten yet.   I have never eaten this before...   so I became more curious and acted like a curious person.   Bai Yuchan opened her mouth, unable to speak.   The Cat Lady elegantly picked up the handkerchief and wiped her mouth.   "Rat."   Chen Luo:? ? ?   "Rat?"   He thought for a moment that he heard it wrong.   Cat Lady nodded: "Rat."   She said: "Cat Lady caught some mice. Aunt Bai saw that Cat Lady liked them, so she gave them to them. Seeing that Master also liked them, I ate two more." "Thank you, no, you can eat them.   " !"   Chen Luo put down his chopsticks.   Instantly I lost my appetite.   I feel even more overwhelmed.   The little fox on the side laughed and gloated.   The chicken butts fell on the table.   Just when he smiled, his head jumped. He covered his head, but he didn't dare to laugh.   Chen Luo is the worst.   If you say you can't win, you will behave like this.   If she hadn't jumped up and only reached his stomach, he would have had to try Xiaobai's super invincible brain.   Finished the meal.   Bai Yuchan collected the dishes and went to wash the dishes.   Xiaobai turned into a fox and played in the snow in the yard again...   it pushed a snowman.   high.   skinny.   It said that this was Chen Luo...   Chen Luo disagreed.   Although he is not as good as Xiaobai, who has reached 300 kilograms in recent years...   but it is still just right.   How can the bamboo pole be considered oneself?   He firmly refused to admit this, but it was useless. Xiaobai said yes, but...even someone as powerful as himself couldn't do anything about it.   He...   doesn't care about it.   Sitting on the pavilion in the yard.   Lie on it.   Covered with quilt.   The Cat Lady made tea for herself next to her...   After dinner, she took a sip of tea. This was not a fairy, but it was better than a fairy.   [You can enjoy the scenery, drink tea, enjoy life in the snow, and   your mood will be greatly improved.   Immortal experience +1000   PS: At this moment, it is recommended to take a nap, then it will be the days of immortals.   This system...is really becoming more considerate.   How do you know if you tend to feel sleepy after eating?   In this case, if he didn't sleep, he would be ignorant...   But Chen Luo didn't have to sleep.   The little fox playing in the yard suddenly raised his head.   It shouted Chen Luo.   "Someone knocked on the door."   "It's the city's county guard, Song Yusong."   The last words were spoken by the Cat Lady...   Although the person didn't come in, they all felt it.   She was probably worried that Chen Luo wouldn't recognize him, so the Cat Lady added: "He is a student from Yushan Academy..."   Yushan Academy...   Chen Luo sighed with emotion: "Over the years, there have been students from the academy all over the Zhou Dynasty."   "There are 5,000 students in Yushan Academy...a wave of three years...

  Now there are hundreds of years, tens of thousands, no less.

  Moreover, more and more people are successful in the examination every year, and it is already the number one sect in the Great Zhou Dynasty...

  It is not an exaggeration to say that all the scholars in the world are coming from Yushan. "

  Chen Luo nodded.

  "It's just that the Handan County Sheriff, how did he get here? Master knows him? "

  "No idea. "

  Chen Luo said: "But when I returned to Handan, I brought back a little girl on the way. She is Song Qianqian..." "

  That's it.

  Cat Lady said: "She was lucky enough to be saved by Master. The Sheriff is here to thank her. "

  "Xiaobai, will you open the door? " "

  Xiao Bai asked.

  "Sorry, Xiao Bai.

  "No trouble, just buy chicken for Xiaobai to eat tomorrow. " "

  Xiao Bai said, her chubby body was extremely dexterous.

  She jumped out and


  She became a cute little girl.

  Soon there was the sound of the door creaking open...

  (End of this chapter)

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