260.Chapter 260 The Lonely Soul of the Great Wall

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  Chapter 260: The lonely soul of the Great Wall
  puts away the green gourd.

  Chen Luo landed on the Great Wall.

  Months of traveling.

  Or walk.

  or stop.

  Not too rushed, not too leisurely.

  Now we have finally returned to the territory of Great Zhou...

  "I have met all the generals."

  Chen Luo returned the greeting, sighing in his heart.

  The Great Zhou Order given by Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty has played its role for the first time. Without this Great Zhou Order...

  looking at the thousands of Immortal Crossbows on the Great Wall.

  There was a stream of light flowing from the crossbow...

  Although it was not fired, the aura of destruction on it... Chen Luo thought, facing the crossbow arrows that covered the sky and the sun, I am afraid that even a powerful Nascent Soul would be pierced into a sieve.

  With the advent of the prosperous age of cultivating immortals, even the equipment of the Great Wall Guards was improved.

  And I'm afraid it's not just the Great Wall Guards.

  The Zhou army is afraid that the same will happen.

  It seems that in the past twenty years, our Emperor Mingxuan has brought about earth-shaking changes in the Zhou Dynasty.

  Now, if you calculate it, Emperor Mingxuan's age...is over a hundred, right?

  Time really is not forgiving.

  "I don't deserve the courtesy of my father-in-law."

  Liu Junyi was frightened and

  asked: "I met Old Zhao at Yanmen Pass in the past. Old Zhao said that my father-in-law entered the ice forest and went north to the Northern Territory.

  Now the time is calculated to be more than twenty years.

  My father-in-law came out of the Ice Forest today, could it be???"

  "Our family is back from the Northern Territory!"

  Liu Junyi suddenly realized.

  Sure enough.

  Twenty years is a long time!

  For them.

  Where did this life come from?
  General Liu asked Chen Luo some things, mostly about the Northern Territory and the Ice Forest.

  Chen Luozhi said everything he wanted to say.

  He asked Chen Luo again about the frost giants. Chen Luo thought for a while, but finally did not tell him about the gathering of the frost giant army he saw on the Golden Avenue in the past.

  It was not that he wanted to conceal it, but that even Chen Luo himself was not sure whether everything was accurate,

  so he thought about it again and again, and decided to wait to talk to Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty and wait for Dazhou to decide what to do.


  Chen Luo also asked many things.

  Is Captain Rujiang okay?

  I also asked if Lao Zhao was okay?

  I also asked, has everything been fine in the Great Zhou Dynasty in the past twenty years?
  General Liu talked to Chen Luo about some things, but they were only about big things.

  After all, they are at the border of the Great Wall.

  Although there is news from time to time in Dazhou, it is only a small number, and naturally it is impossible to cover everything.

  But even so, Chen Luo felt it was enough.

  Even more because of these news, I was extremely shocked... It had only been twenty years since I had awakened in this world, but when I looked back, I already felt like I was in a strange place.

  The first few years were fine.

  But in the eighth year of Yongding, Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty was advised by the newly promoted prime minister Zhao Qian, and the whole country began to reform.

  The book has the same text.

  Cars run on the same track and

  travel on the same wheel.

  Unified currency system!

  In the past, when the Zhou Dynasty destroyed Qin Dynasty, customs were different in all aspects.

  In addition, several countries in the past, even if they have been unified for hundreds of years, some characters and languages ​​are always different.

  Chen Luo and other monks possess various magical powers, so they naturally ignore the differences in words, but for the common people, it is a troublesome matter.

  As soon as this reform came out, Yongding soon entered an unprecedented prosperous age.

  It is called: the rule of Yongding.

  In the ninth year of Yongding,

  Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty once again accepted Zhao Qian's suggestion and removed most taxes, such as grain taxes... In order to promote the private commercial economy, he vigorously supported commerce, and the economy of the Great Zhou Dynasty took off!

  Ten years of eternal life.

  In order to stimulate population growth, the Great Zhou Dynasty ordered that all unmarried men over sixteen and women over fourteen would be charged a capitation tax, which would be doubled every year compared to the previous year!
  If the man reaches twenty... and the woman is over eighteen and is not yet married, the government will forcibly match her!
  Thirteen years of Yongding.

  The Great Zhou Dynasty increased its troops... Military service is implemented throughout the country, and everyone over the age of sixteen is required to participate in military service...

  If the conditions are met, military service is required for up to five years. Those who have not married a wife can be exempted from the capitation tax. The court added that if there is no one you like after five years, the government can pay for the matchmaker!

  In the fifteenth year of Yongding...

  the Yongding Straight Road was built between the counties and state capitals of the Zhou Dynasty!

  This road is straight and several feet wide...

  It greatly shortens the distance between states and counties... At the same time, it was ordered that all major official roads in the Great Zhou Dynasty be rebuilt and must not be abandoned or obstructed!
  Yongding twenty years.

  The crown prince of Zhou Dynasty got married, and the crown prince's concubine was the daughter of the Wu family...

  Of course, these are just civil affairs, and many things also happen in the world of immortality.

  It's like a powerful person has appeared in the world of immortality.

  In order to make Donglai...

  enter the clouds with a vast force, and enter the realm of unity in the tenth year of Yongding!
  His sect, Guanjian Sect, emerged in the world of immortality.

  Perhaps it is also because of this person that in just twenty years, a total of six major combinations have appeared in the world of immortality.

  And one of them, conveniently located in Longhu Mountain, is: Lu Xuan!

  And this is one of them...

  evil cultivators appear in the world of immortality.

  There are murderers who forcibly plunder souls.

  There is a way to temper their hearts and souls with the blood of the people.

  There were even demonic cultivators who plundered opportunities in order to achieve enlightenment and wiped out the order of a county, which made Da Zhou furious.

  Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty issued an order... ordering the world of immortal cultivators to use all their strength to strangle evil cultivators. Anyone who failed to contribute would have their elixir books and iron certificates taken away, and they would no longer be affected by the national destiny of the Great Zhou Dynasty and the incense of the people... It is not that no one violated the rules


  Just after Da Zhou once again recovered several iron coupons for alchemy books, the world of immortal cultivators began to strangle evil cultivators!
  Of course...

  there's a lot more to it.

  Just some unimportant ones.

  There were a lot of things Liu Junyi didn't know, so he couldn't tell Chen Luo in detail.

  Of course, these alone are actually enough.

  Chen Luo didn't care about the world of immortality.

  No matter how hard they tried, in the end they could only have an impact on the world of immortality. The iron certificate of the Alchemy Book of the Great Zhou Dynasty tightly choked their lifeline.

  National destiny.

  Incense, people.

  This is a great weapon.

  As long as they still want to pursue immortality, they cannot enter Kyoto.

  Then the emperor of Zhou Dynasty will always be above them.

  Naturally, the impact seems to be great, but it may not be so.

  As for Lao Zhao at Yanmen Pass, he is still there.

  Every night, with the bright moon in the sky, I never forget to stand on the edge of the Great Wall, facing the northern land, enjoying the wind.

  But Captain Jiang is no longer here.


  Chen Luo was stunned for a moment: "How did you die?"

  Captain Jiang's original name was Jiang Tianyuan...

  He originally came from a scholarly family. Because his parents liked a pastoral life, he was named Tianyuan,

  but things went against his wishes.

  Captain Jiang once heard the storyteller mention the Great Wall Guards, so he resolutely went north to the Great Wall to join the guards...

  However, five years ago, Yanmen Pass was once again invaded by Frost Giants...

  In that battle, more than a thousand people died.

  Although the Frost Giant stayed at Yanmen Pass, Jiang Tianyuan had his arm torn off by the Frost Giant in that battle. When he was about to be assimilated, he resolutely chose to commit suicide at Yanmen Pass.

  Chen Luo was silent...

  and sighed softly for a long time.

  It was under his leadership that we entered Yanmen Pass in the past.

  That's a nice guy too.

  But who would have thought that hearing it again would mean that heaven and man would be separated forever.

  "Captain Jiang is an only son, and his parents are still alive...Old Zhao took back his body, cremated it and kept it. He wanted to send him back to his hometown, but the Great Wall Guards were not allowed to leave the Great Wall...His ashes are still there today. At Yanmen Pass, there is no way back!"

  Chen Luo nodded.

  Not saying anything.

  Saying goodbye to General Liu, Chen Luo headed south... Just thinking about it, he circled around again and arrived at Yanmen Pass in the wind and snow.

  On top of the tower at Yanmen Pass.

  Lao Zhao was sitting there drinking with the wine in his hand... Suddenly he felt something.

  I saw someone breaking through the sky.

  After being slightly distracted, the soldiers around him lowered their guard and allowed the man to fall beside him.

  Chen Luo looked at Lao Zhao.

  He lowered his head and looked at the Yanmenguan city gate...

  In the past, there was only one huge frost giant corpse there, but now there is an extra one, which is quite symmetrical.

  "When did you come back?"

  "Not long ago, you came back from Cangcheng."

  Old Zhao threw out a jar of wine.

  Chen Luo caught it.

  They took a sip, the taste was slightly spicy, but they were full of familiarity...

  "This wine?"

  "Laofen wine!"

  Laofen wine...

  I haven't had it in many years, and I didn't expect to drink it here again.

  "You came back from Cangcheng?"

  Old Zhao asked: "So you have met Liu Junyi?"


  "You know something?"


  "Then there is no need to say anything..."

  Old Zhao Zhao sighed and reached for a place in the city with his empty hand...

  a porcelain altar flew out.

  fell into his hands.

  "Is it him?"


  Old Zhao said, "I'm sorry for him. It should have been the old man who died this time, but he blocked the disaster for me."

  Chen Luo didn't know these details.

  General Liu didn't say anything either.

  Chen Luo took Captain Jiang's urn and put it back into the storage bracelet.

  He sat down, sat next to Lao Zhao, and chatted with Lao Zhao.

  Of course, just talk. In fact, we are not chatting, but listening to what Lao Zhao has to say.

  Captain Jiang's death became Lao Zhao's inner demon. For the past five years, he had no peace day and night.

  As a guardian, although I have witnessed countless lives and deaths, I should have gotten used to it.

  But how many people can actually make it a habit?
  To ignore life and death.

  Facing life and death calmly?

  "He said... he has no regrets in guarding people in his life!"

  "He said... even if he lives another life, he is willing to be a guard again!" "

  But he is only forty!"

  "Not only him, but also those children, The youngest is only eighteen."

  "They rushed forward one after another, but no one ever retreated." "

  Even if they die a hundred times, they have no regrets." "

  But they should not have to bear all this... They are just ordinary people, We should have a normal life."

  Old Zhao gritted his teeth.

  He looked toward the hinterland of the Great Zhou Dynasty...

  as if looking at a certain sect in the world of immortality.

  "They describe themselves as extraordinary. They have received the fate of the Great Zhou Dynasty and the love of incense, but what have they done?" "

  When have they seen the Great Wall in the north?"

  "Have they ever known that there is such a group of people in the land of the Great Wall? Children, like moths, rush forward one after another, just to protect this land of Great Zhou?"

  Tears fell from Lao Zhao's eyes, and his eyes turned red.

  The aura on his body became more and more manic, the huge Yanmen was closed, the snow fell, and the cold wind blew.

  He is angry!

  More dissatisfied!
  Not to mention thousands of people, even if there are hundreds of monks stationed on the Great Wall of the North... they can still save the lives of countless ordinary children.

  Da Zhou is not their only Da Zhou.

  But the great Zhou of the people of the world...

  But why are they the ones bleeding?

  Were they the ones who ended up with no home and no way to return, and ended up like this rootless and resentful ghost? ? ?
  He didn't understand, so he became obsessed at this moment...

  (End of chapter)

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