256. Chapter 256 Thank you Mr. for saving your life.

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  Chapter 256 Thank you Mr. for saving your life.

  "Chen Luo, why are you planting peach blossoms again?"

  Early the next morning.

  Xiaobai rubbed his eyes.

  Looking at the three more peach trees that had grown overnight, he asked Chen Luo, who was practicing Tai Chi in the courtyard.

  Chen Luo said with a smile: "I had nothing to do, so I started planting... Did you sleep well last night?" "


  The little fox was a little happy: "I had a dream yesterday."

  "What dream?"

  "Dream that we came back I've been to Yushan..."

  "Want to go back?"


  It's been more than ten years since I left home.

  Xiaobai naturally thought about it.

  She missed Wu Adou, her master, Fan Yan, and the dean.

  I also miss those students in the academy.

  "Then when Cat Lady and the others come out, let's go back?"

  "What about fellow Taoist Bailong?"

  "She has her own destiny, so there is no need to worry too much."

  This is true.

  If it were anyone else, Chen Luo might still be a little worried, but Chen Luo, the white dragon, would not...

  As a true dragon in the combined realm, there shouldn't be many people who can hurt her, but I think It should be impossible to keep her.


  Xiaobai said nothing more.

  Just lying on the ground again.

  It said: "I really want the temple fair to start soon. It must be very lively, right?"

  It was September 16, 119 Tianhe.

  The Yushan Temple Fair, which takes place once every ten years, has finally begun.

  Early in the morning, Chen Luo was still lying on the bed when he was called by the little fox.

  She put on beautiful floral clothes early.

  And along the way, two cute little balls were tied on.

  Wait left and wait right.

  When the rooster crows, he can't help but call Chen Luo.

  Chen Luo never wanted to get up so early.

  You know, the rooster always crows very early in the morning, not only at dawn.

  Looking out the window.

  The stars in the sky are still there, and the moonlight is just heading west.


  Chen Luo was a little helpless,

  "Is it possible that it's a little early?"

  Is this the time when Chouchi is here?
  Even if it's not right, it's only as good as Yinshi at most...

  At this point, will it be earlier in the morning when we go to Yushan?

  The little fox said nothing, but looked at Chen Luo eagerly.

  Chen Luo sighed.

  "Wait a moment, I'll wash up and set off."

  After all, he couldn't bear to go against the little fox's heart.

  And this trip was originally to accompany the little fox and make up for the shortcomings of neglecting it all these years.

  So he went to spoil the little fox's fun, which was not what Chen Luo was willing to do.

  "Yeah, yeah, Chen Luo is the best."

  "You just know?"

  "I've always known it."

  The little fox smiled with crescent eyes. It has always known it, so it likes Chen Luo the most.

  The weather was a bit cold in the early morning of September, but this kind of coldness was just right. After washing my face, I felt extra energetic, and the sleepiness of the past few days was instantly gone.

  Put on a green shirt.

  Two eggs were taken out of the storage bag.

  Eggs are originally raw.

  But when it fell into Chen Luo's hands, the egg was already ripe.

  Holding the eggs, they touched each other lightly.

  Roll it in the palm of your hand a few times, and the egg shell will fall off as soon as you peel it off.


  He handed the peeled eggs to Xiaobai.

  At the same time, he also peeled one for himself... Only halfway through eating, Xiao Bai handed a yellow 'elixir' to Chen Luo.

  "Chen Luo, here..."

  This is egg yolk.

  Xiao Bai never eats this, most of the time Chen Luo eats it.

  Chen Luo didn't dislike it either, so he took it and threw it into his mouth, but sometimes he didn't understand.

  This kid loves chicken.

  When she first met Wang Sheng, if she hadn't discovered that Wang Sheng didn't seem to be a bad demon, she would have eaten him long ago.

  But except for the white of this egg, the yolk was not touched at all.

  This made Chen Luo a little confused.

  How can anyone in this world eat eggs but not the yolk?
  It's a pity...

  I don't have any soy sauce.

  If there is, if you put some on it, it will be delicious.

  Vinegar is fine too...

  it's just a little more sour.

  "Give you another egg?"

  Chen Luo asked.

  "Okay, but I don't eat the yolk."


  So Chen Luo gave Xiaobai another egg, but when he handed it over, he peeled the egg first and ate the yolk, leaving only the egg white for her.

  This is breakfast for two people.

  Of course this is not enough.

  Fortunately, there are a lot of snacks hidden in Xiaobai's storage bag. It doesn't take long for her to take them out and eat them.

  I'll take it easy when the time comes. I guess she's not a stingy fox.


  Yushan is about ten miles outside Yucheng.

  Chen Luo thought about it and said that there shouldn't be many people going up the mountain at this time. After all, it was too early.

  But after leaving the yard, Chen Luo found that he was not alone on the street.

  Someone is carrying a bag.

  Someone was holding some offerings.

  There are also some incense and candle materials.

  Temple fair, temple fair... naturally there is a temple on this mountain.

  When there is a temple, there is also prayer, asking for something.

  In addition, once every ten years, people who go up the mountain will naturally bring some with them.

  Just ask.

  Only then did I realize that there were others who had set off even earlier.

  So it was emotional.

  Fortunately, the little fox called him in advance. Otherwise, if he missed it, he would have regretted it.

  Chen Luo and the others walked to Yushan.

  It’s not that I don’t want to get on the carriage.

  The main reason is that there are not enough carriages in the city, so if you want to take a ride, you need to make a reservation in advance.

  Or maybe he has one...

  but Chen Luo doesn't have one.

  Fortunately, it is only a few miles away, and it is actually a very good experience to walk there.

  It happened to be accompanied by common people.

  We had a lot of fun talking along the way.

  Xiaobai was also happy because she got to know many eight or nine-year-old children.

  She showed off to them that she had a stick, which was very nice and nice. She was probably afraid that they wouldn't believe it, so she secretly took it out of the storage bag.

  About one meter long.

  The right size.

  Totally dark.

  Xiaobai also named it Lingyun Stick.

  Those children were eight or nine years old, and there were many boys. Their eyes were full of envy when they looked at the stick.

  If they at this age could have such a stick, it would definitely be the happiest thing, if

  nothing else.

  I'm afraid not a single grass, daylily, or whatever within a radius of several miles would be complete.

  Chen Luo was a little helpless.

  Is this little girl addicted to showing off?
  Looking at the eyes of those children, Chen Luo thought, crossed the roadside, picked up a stick on the roadside, and took out the carving knife.

  Just carve the stick well.

  Along the way, he repaired the stick to a suitable length, and when it was ready, he gave the stick to the children.

  Everyone who sees it has a share.

  Those children were also happy.

  One or two, basically one for each.

  It's just that Chen Luo didn't take the initiative to pick up the sticks. He needed those children to pick them up for him, so he got them for them.

  So soon, another scenery appeared on this official road.

  There was a group of people chasing each other on the road with beautiful carved sticks in their hands.

  There is a group of people on the roadside picking sticks that they think are suitable.

  There were several children surrounding Chen Luo, eagerly waiting for his magic weapon to come out.

  They all gained something.

  And Chen Luo's gains were not small...

  even more than them. Some people laughed and said, "Young Master has a good temper. If I were surrounded by a group of children like this, I would probably be bored to death. How could I help them get sticks or something like that?" Chen Luo smiled and said:

  " Isn’t this idleness? Is this idle? People on both sides are in a hurry, and it doesn’t take much effort to do anything with their hands. And they are happy, which is the most important thing." "It seems that the

  master likes children very much."


  "That woman Baby, is this your daughter?"

  Chen Luo looked at the little fox.

  She has become the eldest sister, followed by a group of younger brothers, majestic.


  "It's so cute."

  "I think so too."

  Then, the people laughed.

  Chen Luo also smiled.

  Several carriages happened to pass by... Chen Luo looked up and saw several familiar faces.

  Smile slightly.

  Didn't pay attention to it.

  On the carriage.

  Liu Guoqi and others actually saw Chen Luo from a distance.

  It’s not that he’s been looking for it, it’s mainly because it’s hard not to see him…

  surrounded by a group of children.

  There is another one followed by a string.

  How could this not be seen?
  "Is it...Brother Chen?"

  Fatty Wu stuck out his head and was a little happy when he saw Chen Luo and wanted to shout.

  But he was pulled in again by a hand.

  The sound was suddenly lost again.

  "No matter how strong he is, but with a demon, who knows why he suddenly wants to eat people. I know you know him, but compared with life, you should not get close to him anymore." Wu's daughter-in-law

  said With.

  Fatty Wu was silent again...

  and finally sighed slightly.

  He wanted to refute his mother-in-law, but he couldn't seem to find any reason to look back.

  So it’s hard to refute.

  Half an hour later.

  The sky started to get slightly hazy and bright, and everyone finally came to Yushan.

  But it’s still a long way to go up the mountain.

  After all, the Yushan Temple Fair is on a mountain, and the mountain is also high, a full thousand meters high.

  And the road up the mountain cannot be used by horse-drawn carriages.

  So, it was another long climb up the mountain...

  The kids were still excited at first.

  But after climbing for a while, I was tired.

  The stick in their hands has become a crutch.

  Even the common people took out a stick and walked on the winding mountain.

  Chen Luo also took out one.

  I saw a small tree on the ground. He picked up a small section and inserted it between the cracks in the rocks on both sides of the road.

  One head touches the ground.

  One has a top or a stone or something.

  "Chen Luo, what is this?"

  The little fox leaned over.

  "This is a mountainside."

  Chen Luo said: "This Yushan Mountain is high and the road is far away, and it is also steep... Legend has it that if you hold a wooden stick like this between the rocks, no matter how far you walk, you can climb No matter how high the mountain is, this waist will not be sore." "

  Then there are so many bad people on the mountainside of Yushan."

  The little fox muttered.

  But there are quite a few like Chen Luo on the roads on both sides.

  "After all, the mountains are high."

  Chen Luo clapped his hands.

  Looking back, I saw the little fox lowering his head to pick it up on the roadside. After a while, he grabbed a lot of wooden sticks.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Like Chen Luo, support the mountainside!"

  "Then why do you take so much?"

  "Look, Chen Luo and I are always outside, do we have to climb mountains often?" "

  Yes! "

  "Then it would be better if I take more, once and for all, and spend the rest of my life in advance?"

  Chen Luo:! ! !

  he actually thought it made sense.


  went up the mountain.

  It's daybreak.

  The Yushan Temple Fair has officially begun.

  Its liveliness is difficult to describe in words.

  On Ruoda Mountain, there are huge crowds of people, which also gives rise to most of the stalls and hawkers.

  Chen Luo has seen the temple fair.

  The temple fairs at Tianlong Temple in the past were no worse than this.

  But Xiaobai had never seen it before... so he thought it was as fresh as possible.

  Wear it here in a while.

  I'll go there in a while.

  At first Chen Luo could still watch, but the person who turned around disappeared.

  Chen Luo wasn't worried either.

  After sending a message, he told her to be careful and ignored her.

  You can't lose it on this mountain.

  And the little fox has a sharp nose. Even if she goes down the mountain, she can smell it, so she doesn't need to worry.

  It just so happened that I took this opportunity to visit the temple fair.

  The temple...is a mountain temple.

  He is the mountain god of Yushan Mountain.

  I heard that this mountain temple has been around for quite some time.

  It’s different from Dazhou.

  During the Great Zhou Dynasty, there was a break between immortals and gods.

  Because the emperor tabooed the way of incense and had destroyed immortals, the Zhou Dynasty had not heard anything about immortals for thousands of years.

  If it hadn't been for the advent of the Great Era, the appearance of monks, forcing Zhou to admit the way of incense, and finally, thanks to the efforts of several generations of emperors, to have the current prosperous age of immortal cultivation, I am afraid that the immortal gods would still be taboo.

  But here in Daqian.

  Immortals have always existed.

  It’s just that I can’t practice the way of incense!
  But some mountain gods, river gods, etc. have always been popular among the people.

  The mountain gods of Yushan have always been popular among humans.

  The grandness of the Yushan Temple Fair today is probably due to the efficacious power of the Yushan Mountain God.

  Chen Luo stood outside the mountain temple.

  Haven't stepped in yet.

  The surrounding scenery will not fade away...

  the noise will disappear.

  It was as if he was the only one left in Yushan.


  It’s still that temple.

  The words above are still Yushan Mountain Temple.

  But everything seems a little different.

  At this time, a person walked into the temple.

  This man is dressed as a member of the military, and his figure looks a bit rich. He is wearing purple clothes. There seems to be a stream of light on the purple clothes. Look, where is the streamer?

  That's incense.

  It is an incense that is extremely rich.

  Chen Luo recognized this person's identity at a glance.

  Who can have such a rich incense on Yushan Mountain and control the heaven and earth within a small area of ​​​​this temple? Who else but the mountain god of Yushan Mountain?
  Chen Luo has always disrespected immortals and gods.

  Do not worship gods and Buddhas all over the sky.

  It's not because of anything, but because the gods and Buddhas in the sky have always been hypocritical.

  Only occasionally, Chen Luo would feel that some gods were still okay...

  especially the god of mountains and rivers and the god of city gods.

  Although they get incense.

  But not much...

  However, the matter of protecting the people has not fallen behind.

  So later on, Chen Luo was no longer so disgusted.

  Now that he saw the mountain god of Yushan Mountain, Chen Luo was about to salute, but the mountain god was faster.

  He even knelt down directly in front of Chen Luo.

  "Thank you sir for saving my life..."

  Chen Luo paused.

  Looking at the mountain god of Yushan.

  I didn't react for a while.

  A life-saving grace?

  Where to start?

  "Can the Lord God remember it wrong? When did I save the Lord God?"

  Some of the courtesy is acceptable,
  but if some of the merit is not yours, you feel guilty...

   The recent update has stretched the crotch a bit, but I really don't. On purpose, Xiaopang’s health has been really bad recently. He has been on fluids for 6 consecutive days. He has to go to the hospital on the 18th to read the report and so on. It will be a whole day when he goes there.

    In addition to my poor mental state, I can only update as much as possible, but I guarantee that it will not be less than 6,000 words... Sorry, PS: Please

    give me a monthly ticket, there are so few monthly tickets recently...

  (End of this chapter)

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