246.Chapter 246 Different ways do not lead to mutual conflict

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  Chapter 246: Different ways do not work together.

  "It's just a lot more."

  Chen Luo nodded.

  Quite emotional.

  "I met the Imperial Master in Taoyuan Village in the past, right? Later I went to Yushan Academy and heard again that the Imperial Master was no longer in Taoyuan... After two

  hundred years of going around in circles, our family still thought that the Imperial Master was probably no longer in this world. .

  Who would have thought that we would finally see the Imperial Master outside the Great Wall in the north, in this vast land."

  Ning Lai also nodded.

  "Ning didn't expect to see Eunuch Buqiu here."

  He smiled: "And when we saw him, Eunuch made such a big noise.

  Ning was still thinking.

  This Shushan Road has never been seen for thousands of years. People can reach the top.

  Now who can win the heaviest inheritance on Shushan Road?

  Now that it is my father-in-law, this is no exaggeration at all."

  Chen Luo smiled, but felt a little embarrassed.

  After all, he didn't want to do this.

  Ning Lai asked: "Looking for a place to chat?"

  "Just here."

  Chen Luo said: "When I came to the capital this time, I brought a few little guys... They are still on the Shushan Road, which is always not good. No matter."

  Ning Lai nodded to express his understanding, so he and Chen Luo sat in the pavilion.

  There is tea.

  There are peanuts.

  There are melon seeds.

  In the blink of an eye, the entire table was filled.

  He even took out a pot of asparagus for decoration.

  Even Ning Lai couldn't help but look at Chen Luo.

  "There must be some art in life."

  Chen Luo said: "To get together with old friends, drink a cup of fragrant tea, crack melon seeds, and chat for a while...seeing the king's clouds and seeing the fortunes of the country surging, there is always a need for some rituals. ."

  Ning Lai nodded: "That's right!"

  Boil water.

  Make tea.

  Enjoy a cup of fragrant tea.

  Ning Lai's eyes lit up slightly: "This is... rock tea from Yanshan in Guobei County?"

  There is a mountain in Guobei County called Yanshan.

  There are tea trees in the rock mountains, called rock trees...

  The tea made from this rock tree is rock tea, which is famous in Guobei County and in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

  It's just a pity...

  the production of rock tea is quite small.

  Over the years, all the tribute was paid to the Zhou Dynasty. Occasionally, some were lost, and the price was comparable to gold, and it was even rare to obtain it.

  When he was in Taoyuan Village, Ning Lai went to pick a few times.

  I also refined some myself.

  It's a pity that since he left Guobei County, he hasn't had this tea for an unknown amount of time.

  Drink again now.

  The tea is still the same tea...

  and the taste remains the same.

  "Did the Imperial Master drink it?"

  "The memory is so deep that it penetrates into the soul..."

  Chen Luo believed this.

  He is a native of Guobei County and

  has grown up in Guobei County since he was a child. Naturally, he has a particularly deep memory of the products of Guobei County.

  The two chatted.


  We are talking about Guobei County.

  It’s the drama of life that makes you laugh.

  Ning Lai asked Chen Luo how Guobei County is doing now...

  Chen Luo said that Guobei County is full of peach blossoms. Every year from March to June, countless handsome men and beauties from all over the world come to Guobei County to enjoy the peach blossoms all over the city.

  Chen Luo also told him that the small Yushan Academy in the past was now the best academy in the world.

  Chen Luo also said.

  Not far from the west of Guobei County, there is a mountain that used to be Heshan, but now Heshan has disappeared and is named Rushan.

  There is a temple on Naru Mountain called Ningmiao.

  It is a holy place for Confucian and Taoist saints in the world...

  There are saints in this Ning Temple, who are dedicated to Ning Shuan.

  When he said this, Chen Luo said again: "That is our disciple, the eldest disciple!"

  His words were full of pride.

  Who in this world can accept a disciple, and how can that disciple create his own?
  Who can take on a disciple and end up being more awesome than the master and become a saint?
  He was the only one who had lost his mind.

  So, there’s nothing wrong with being a little proud and a little complacent, right?

  Chen Luo also talked about the current situation of the Great Zhou Dynasty...

  He heard that the Seven Kingdoms have finally become a thing of the past, and the world will be unified and eternal destiny will come.

  Ning Lai fell silent and sighed for a long time: "The Wei Kingdom is not completely destroyed!"

  But it is eternally settled...

  "I don't know when this country will be permanently settled? How can this world be permanently settled?"

  He smiled.

  There is a hint of helplessness and vicissitudes in the smile.

  "Do you think Ning is a little strange?"

  Chen Luo nodded.

  "It's true... You are a demon in the world, and everyone wants to kill you... Everyone in the world also says that the chaos in Daqian is due to the evil being in power... But now it seems that there seems to be some story in it." "

  This Well, it seems to be a long story."


  Ning Lai said slowly.

  Talk about how he turned from a human into a demon.

  How to enter the Northern Territory.

  What was the Northern Territory like in the past?

  How is it different from the Great Zhou and the Great Wei?

  The story is very long.

  There were also some ups and downs.

  It was only then that Chen Luo realized that there was another method in this world that could forcefully transform a person into a demon body.

  As for why Ning Lai wants to become a demon.

  Why he had to abandon the path he had persisted in for several years and enter the demon path...

  He did not say this.

  Chen Luo didn't ask,

  everyone has his or her own choice...

  and whether it's the human way, the evil way, the ghost way, or even the devil way, it actually doesn't matter much.

  What matters is how he goes.

  This path has played a huge role in my hands.

  Ning Lai...

  When he joined Daqian, Daqian was even more miserable than it is now.

  People compete to eat.

  Thousands of miles of wilderness.

  The whole city is withered.

  But what about now?

  Although there are frozen bones on the road, there is a huge difference compared to the past.

  But the world has never seen its changes...

  "The Zhu Dynasty has been around for thousands of years, and this dynasty has been decayed to its core for thousands of years... The whole country is crumbling. If it weren't for me, would such a big dynasty really still exist? "

  Then the Immortal Cultivation World attacked someone Ning, couldn't it be because Ning blocked their steps?" "

  Demon Dao? I am indeed a demon Dao, but compared with the Daqian Cultivation World, how much cleaner are they?" ?"

  "In the past two hundred years, Mr. Ning has had countless opportunities to reverse the predicament of Daqian, but every time when everything is heading towards a prosperous age, it is not them who destroys this hope in the end?" Ning said. .

  Probably a little excited.

  He just calmed down quickly.

  Chen Luo didn't respond...

  Ning Lai's words may not be unreasonable, nor may they be false.

  Chen Luo has seen the great national destiny.

  Already reaching old age.

  Normally, this large group should have perished long ago.

  If it hadn't been for Ning Lai's appearance, it would have ceased to exist long ago.

  Look at the old lion and the centipede...

  it seems that the centipede is constantly absorbing the great fortune of the country!

  But why can't we look back and say that it was the centipede that fed Da Qian?

  As for the world of Daqian cultivating immortals.

  Chen Luo smiled and didn't want to say too much.

  For hundreds of years, Chen Luo has always believed and believed in some issues...

  The hearts of the world are unpredictable.

  Whether it's a demon, a ghost, or an evil spirit, it's the same for mortals, or in the world of immortals.

  Thinking of what Xu Qinghe said...

  maybe he wanted to remind himself of something.

  It's just that for myself, these are not important.

  Daqian Chaotang is also good.

  It’s also good to be in the world of immortality.   He never wanted to participate

  in the demon world ... let alone know too much about it.   certainly.   There are some things that are difficult for Chen Luo to know even if he doesn't want to know them. Such news will always reach Chen Luo's ears...   for example...   the incident in Southern Xinjiang!   Sky Continent.   The Southern Border, the Northern Territory, and the Great Zhou Dynasty [Central Plains] are three places that stand side by side.   The boundless sea and the ice forest connect the southern and northern territories!   The Northern Territory also connects the Great Zhou Dynasty and the Southern Territory,   but the difference is that the link between the Southern Territory and the Northern Territory is the Heavenly Realm Valley!   In recent years, Southern Xinjiang has been preparing to make moves in the Northern Territory... and   wants to unify the Northern Territory!   Finally, he wants to conquer the Central Plains...   Chen Luo knows this information.   It's not new at all...   But Ning Lai said: "Daqian Xiu Xianjie has already been in contact with Southern Xinjiang..."   Just one sentence made Chen Luo a little stunned.   He looked up at Ning Lai.   I thought about what I just said and Xu Qinghe's attitude.   It all seemed to be sorted out...   and he smiled.   Chen Luo stopped talking...   At this moment,   a man appeared to look at Wangjun Mountain.   When he saw Chen Luo, his face lit up at first.   Taking a step forward, he greeted.   "Brother Chen!"   This was Yan Wuxing...   He had just spoken, but when he saw the person sitting and talking with Chen Luo, his face showed fear...   The sword behind him was ready to move.   It's as if he can't suppress it.   He didn't understand why the demon appeared here?   Why can I talk happily with Brother Chen again?   "Do you know him?"   Ning Lai frowned, a little disgusted with Daqian practitioners,   "I met him on the way to Deng Shu Mountain this time."   "A disciple of Qingyang Sect, my father-in-law is really lucky."   Chen Luo was stunned. Click.   Then he laughed.   "It seems that you are lucky."   A disciple of the Qingyang Sect...   I don't know if Brother Yan is here. The head of his family has just arrived.   Ning Lai smiled and said nothing more. He just raised his head and looked at the sky. Unknowingly, it was getting late.   "How about living in the capital for a few days?"   "I don't think so,"   Chen Luo said: " When I come to Daqian, I always want to walk around this land and see some scenery and stories that are not found in Dazhou..."   Ning Lai nodded.   "Yes, but speaking of good scenery, there is a very good place in Daqian. If you have a chance, father-in-law, you can go for a walk." "   Where?"   "Phoenix Mountain!"   Chen Luo nodded.   "We will keep it in mind."   Ning Lai opened his mouth, probably wanting to say something else...   but he didn't say anything in the end.   The father-in-law does not fight...   it is known to all the world.   If this Daqian immortal cultivator really has no eyes, then it is a big mistake.   As for his original intention, it actually doesn't matter anymore.   Since that thing is in the hands of the father-in-law, why is it not a good thing?   My father-in-law is destined to it.   If you try to grab it and fight for it yourself, then you are ignorant.   "What about father-in-law?"   "See you again by fate?"   "As you should!"   Ning Lai smiled, stood up...   and walked out of the pavilion.   When he walked to Yan Wuxing's side, he paused slightly.

  Then he said calmly: "Sometimes, this sword needs to be forbearing, then you have to learn to be forbearing... If you don't have enough strength, but want to stand out, you will often only cause trouble. Xu Qinghe can do this much better than you, at least among the masters of his country. In front of him, his sword is quite honest, and he dare not draw his sword in the capital!"

  Yan Wuxing took two steps back.

  He stopped talking...

  but his eyes had become extremely cold.

  Ning Lai turned into black wind and disappeared in Wangjun Mountain.

  Chen Luo shouted to Yan Wuxing...

  "Brother Yan, would you like a cup of tea?"

  However, this time Yan Wuxing just raised his head and glanced at Chen Luo...

  then turned and left.

  There was only one light sentence left: "We have different paths and we don't want to work together!"

  Chen Luo was stunned...

  and then started laughing.


  the ways are different and they don't conspire with each other.

  What a pity for this fine rock tea...

  It seems that I can only enjoy this kind of blessing...

  that's it.

  Tea for one person also has different feelings.

  (End of this chapter)

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