235.Chapter 235 Demonic spirit is like clouds

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  Chapter 235 Demonic Spirit Like Clouds
  Li Wenxian has probably never seen anyone as good at talking as Chen Luo.

  There was a long pause.

  The sword behind his back also trembled slightly.

  Fortunately, he suppressed it.

  No words were spoken.

  He just glanced at Chen Luo and took a step forward.

  Want to leave.

  Suddenly he seemed to remember something again, and turned back to Chen Luo and said, "I'll give you a piece of advice... If you don't want to die, leave Chengyuan County as soon as possible!" Then he left


  "Chen Luo, do you know him?"

  A head stuck out.

  Xiaobai looked at Li Wenxian's back curiously.

  "Yes, I know him."

  Chen Luo replied: "He is an interesting person."

  Leng was a little colder.

  But not bad.

  After all, in front of him, he can be regarded as a mortal...

  but he can kindly remind himself that he is a mortal. Obviously, his heart is not as cold as he showed.

  "Where are they? Are they okay?"

  Chen Luoru rubbed. He asked while rubbing Xiaobai's head.

  "I'm calling them,"

  Xiao Bai turned around and shouted towards the yard: "Cat Lady, Sister Bai Long, are you okay? Chen Luo is urging you. If you don't come out, we won't wait for you!" Chen Luo

  : ? ? ?
  When did our family call for help?
  Chen Luo's face fell.

  Is this little guy messing with me?

  A voice responded.

  Cat Lady and fellow Taoist Bailong appear.

  Cat Lady is okay, Fellow Taoist Bailong's face is a little cold: "I'm a little slow to go out, are you a little impatient?"

  Chen Luo: "..."



  "Why are you laughing?"


  Chen Luo said, "Did Fellow Daoist Bailong have stickers?"

  Fellow Daoist Bailong fell silent for a moment.

  "Master, does it look good?"

  Cat Lady asked.

  Chen Luo nodded: "It looks good."

  This is not a lie...

  Whether it's Taoist Bailong or Cat Lady, they are alluring, but now that they have put on some makeup, they are even more beautiful.


  the cat lady laughed.

  Fellow Taoist Bailong's eyebrows also relaxed, and there was no trace of seriousness or coldness on his face.


  always like to hear good things.

  If you say a few beautiful words, even the ice will melt. If it still doesn't work, then you haven't said enough. You just need to work harder.

  There was nothing to do today, and the morning air was good, so the few of them thought about going for a stroll in the city.

  It’s embarrassing to say.

  It's been a few days since I started working, and I was busy sitting in jail.

  The customs and customs of Daqian are not familiar at all.

  Now that his criminal record has disappeared and his freedom has been restored, no matter what, he still needs to experience the customs of Daqian.

  Xiao Hei wants to follow.

  Xiao Bai was a little disgusted...

  "They are all a group of adults, why are you, a little kid, following them?"

  Several people looked at Xiao Bai.

  She is a little complicated,

  and she still doesn't understand why everyone is looking at her.

  He just told Xiao Hei like an adult:

  "Be more reserved when you go out, don't let others see that you are a dog..." "

  There are many bones in the city, you must resist the temptation!"

  "You must follow closely ! Adults!"

  "Otherwise, I won't let you go!"

  "Also, there may be some monks in the city. If you are discovered, be careful of being captured." "

  If this is captured, we will have to It’s time to change to Xiao Hei.”

  Xiao Hei was stunned for a moment.

  Especially when the last sentence said that he wanted to change to a black one, he reiterated his assurance.

  Now Xiaobai was extremely satisfied.


  Chen Luo felt that this satisfaction might be more about the sense of pride and accomplishment of finally training a younger brother.

  The streets were buzzing with people.




  Occasionally there are some knights, but they are few.

  On the contrary, we often see some ladies from the wealthy families playing in the city.

  Or accompanied by a maid.

  Or one person.

  It was quite lively.

  The customs of Daqian are actually not much different from those of Dazhou.

  If you really want to say it, it's probably because the folk customs here in Daqian are a little more tough...

  There was a man who probably had some conflict with his wife.

  The couple started fighting each other on the street.

  Men scold women for not being considerate.

  Women say men don’t care about their families.

  There were quite a lot of people watching...

  Some were talking about men, some were talking about women, there were all kinds of things.

  Chen Luo just looked at it and left.

  "Tell me, whose fault is it?"

  Fellow Taoist Bailong suddenly asked Chen Luo.

  This is a good question...

  Chen Luo thought for a moment and asked Bai Long: "What do you think, fellow Taoist Bai Long?"

  Bai Long shook his head: "I don't know."

  She said: "I can't see clearly, and I don't understand..."

  " That's right!"

  Chen Luo said: "The relationship between husband and wife is really difficult to fathom... That man works day and night for the sake of his family. When he comes home, he just wants a full meal, a good rest, and warmth. What's wrong with a harbor?

  But what about that woman... Although she is a housewife, there are three young children waiting to be fed at home, and two old people are lying on the bed... Every day before dawn, she washes and cooks, and serves the elders of the family. Xiao, tell me, is she tired?"

  Chen Luo said nothing more.

  Fellow Taoist Bailong seems to understand, but not quite.

  She said: "They can have a good talk."

  Chen Luo smiled slightly.

  This is a good choice...

  You understand me, I will take care of you...

  All problems will no longer be a problem, but not everyone in this world understands this truth.

  If you understand.

  There will be no scenes of couples fighting on the street.

  Wandering around the city, I saw rumors from different places.

  Be blessed.

  There is also some bad news.

  But most of them are civil affairs, but there are also matters related to the imperial court. It is said that His Majesty is seriously ill now, and all matters in the court, big and small, are now under the control of the imperial master.


  when I heard this, there was a sneer in my ears.

  "Your Majesty is seriously ill? He has to be seriously ill!"

  The voice was cold.

  Look back.

  Then I saw the familiar shadow again.

  "Li Xianren, we meet again..."

  Inside the restaurant.

  Chen Luoxiao smiled and said to Li Wenxian: "Drink a glass of wine?"

  It was a coincidence.

  Twice is fate.

  This third time, I have to have a drink.

  Li Wenxian looked at Chen Luo.

  He took another look at the three girls and one boy beside him.

  Still walked up.


  He sat down...

  free and uninhibited.

  Soon after, the waiter served food and wine.

  The wine is Chengyuan wine.

  It's an old wine from Chengyuan County...

  the food is pretty good.

  There are meats and vegetables...

  but there is also food that Chen Luo is familiar with, namely rice dumplings.

  In the land of Zhou Dynasty, rice dumplings are not common, and they are basically only found in every household during the Dragon Boat Festival.

  There is no basis for the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival rice dumplings in Dazhou. It is just that this habit existed in the past and later on. It would be difficult for the people of Dazhou to tell the origin of the rice dumplings.

  Daqian Zongzi is already a common food.

  Like Da Zhou's steamed buns, it can be used as a staple food.

  Chen Luo liked rice dumplings,

  so he opened one, but as soon as he opened it, Chen Luo fell silent when he looked at the rice dumplings in front of him.

  Finally let it go.

  No appetite at all.

  "Don't like it?"

  Li Wenxian

  said, "This thing is pretty good. "

  He also took one apart and dipped it in sugar.

  Take a bite.

  Mouth full of fragrance.

  But Chen Luo felt nauseated in his heart. "Zongzi with candied red dates and dipped in sugar?"

  Chen Luo couldn't help but ask.

  "Is there a problem?"

  "Zongzi is sweet, so there is a problem in itself, right?"

  Li Wenxian was stunned.

  "Shouldn't the rice dumplings be sweet?"


  Chen Luo said: "It's stuffed with some double-layered meat and some mushrooms. When you eat it, your soul will feel full."

  Li Wenxian :...

  "Is that for human consumption?"

  "It's my turn to say this."

  So the two of them were silent.

  I couldn't help but shake my head for a long time, and cursed heresy in my heart.

  Xiaobai and Xiaohei kept staring at the big chicken drumsticks on the table, their eyes overflowing with light.

  But the two still remained reserved and well-behaved.

  Perhaps he knew there was a guest and needed to give Chen Luo some face.

  So it performed extremely well.

  Chen Luo smiled, and one person gave them a big chicken drumstick, and then the two happily ate it.

  As for the Cat Lady, she is still so elegant, and Fellow Taoist Bailong is still so arrogant that no strangers should enter her.

  Chen Luo and Li Wenxian were not too bored.

  He drinks.

  Chen Luo also drank and

  occasionally chatted, but not deeply.

  But because of this, the two gradually became familiar with each other.

  Unlike other immortal cultivators who don't care about the mortal world, Li Wenxian obviously cares more about the life and death of some common people.

  He said.

  "It is not easy to rise and fall in the world of mortals... The common people in this world are like floating. If even the monks don't want to save them, who can we expect to save them? We all come from the world of mortals, and we should know that the world of mortals is not easy. The suffering of the people!"

  When hearing these words.

  Chen Luo still looked at him in surprise.

  Xu Jiu said: "It's a pity that not many people know this!"

  "But someone has to know."

  "So, you killed her?"

  She... pointed at Qin Yiren.

  Li Wenxian was silent

  for a long time, and then asked Chen Luo: "Do you want to know my story?" Chen Luo

  smiled and said: "There is still a lot of wine, and I have a lot of time. Brother Li can talk slowly, and I can also take my time." Listen!"


  Li Wenxian said slowly.

  It was also at this time that the two became truly familiar with each other.

  At this point, Chen Luo finally knew a corner of the world of Daqian cultivators and the relationship between the Daqian imperial court and the world of cultivators.

  Different from Da Zhou!
  The inheritance of Daqian Incense is quite confusing.

  Although there are monks.

  But there are only incense temples and few immortals in the world.

  The relationship between the world of immortality and the imperial court is even more complicated. Over the years, it has become a balancing force!

  The world of immortality is allowed to develop by the demon clan, and the imperial court is controlled by the demons!
  But the imperial court allowed the monks to preach without any control!

  Chen Luo asked Li Wenxian.

  Why is no one willing to get rid of the demons...

  Li Wenxian said: "It's not because I don't want to, but it's because I can't do it!"

  Grand Master Daqian took control of the demon clan.

  All the monsters in the world were recruited by him.

  The world of immortality has been pursued many times, but every time it failed!
  The most important thing is that the national master's cultivation level cannot be resisted by today's monks...

  Chen Luo asked: "What realm is it?"

  "The realm of integration!"

  Chen Luo: ...

  This realm is indeed very strong!

  As for Li Wenxian, he is a disciple of Wudang!
  This Wudang is not the Wudang in Chen Luo's narrow sense. It is an orthodox cultivator of Daqian. It is just that among the whole family of Wudang, only Li Wenxian is the only one left today!

  A hundred years ago, a sect tried to kill the national master, but was destroyed.

  Five great Nascent Souls, dozens of golden elixirs, more than three hundred disciples, and only one person escaped...

  This sect is Wudang!
  Chen Luo fell silent...

  and stopped talking.

  Li Wenxian said nothing more.

  But when leaving, he continued to persuade Chen Luo to leave Chengyuan County.

  He said that the envoy of the National Preceptor was coming...

  if he stayed, he would only die!
  Chen Luo asked him: "What about you?"


  "You think you can become the envoy of the national master, right? Are you his opponent?" "

  Maybe not."

  Li Wenxian said: "But always You have to try and you will know, whether it is a city full of people, or I am a blood debtor in Wudang, there is no room for retreat, is there?"

  He smiled.

  He stepped out of the restaurant.

  "Why is he laughing?"

  Xiaobai raised his head and asked Chen Luo.

  Chen Luo shook his head: "I don't know."


  is just a fool.

  Doing something you know you can't do is not a fool, what is it?
  Pay no attention to it anymore.

  After eating, go home


  Chen Luo didn't leave...

  Li Wenxian sighed when he saw Chen Luo returning to the yard.

  In the end, I didn’t persuade him again.

  He advised me three times.

  It would be too much to go any further...

  and this was Chen Luo's choice, so he hoped that Chen Luo would not regret the choice he made.

  It wasn't that Chen Luo didn't want to leave.

  It's just that he has learned a bad habit over the years. If he hears about something interesting, he always has to watch the whole show.

  Otherwise, you will always feel like something is missing.


  as the first story for a newbie, it has to be concluded.

  The next few days were uneventful.

  It's just that the shadows of the city's government officials and police officers can be clearly seen appearing more frequently.

  Chen Luo also met Zhou Mu.

  Zhou Mu came to the door once.

  Visit Chen Luo...

  and like Li Wenxian, persuade Chen Luo to leave here.

  Chen Luo asked him why he didn't leave?

  He said: "I am from Chengyuan!"

  Then Chen Luo understood...

  Maybe Zhou Mu is just a dispensable person to Tianqiong Continent.

  But it doesn’t matter to such a small person.

  Whether it is an immortal like Li Wenxian, they all have their own beliefs and persistence!

  This may be their way.

  So, Chen Luo seemed to understand something again...

  not much!

  Quite a few!

  A little bit...

  but I feel like I have gained a lot!

  Occasionally, Li Wenxian would come over to chat and drink some wine.

  Getting along well.

  Not bad!

  On this day...

  the bright moon is in the sky.

  Chen Luo was leisurely blowing the night breeze in the courtyard, and occasionally looked back at the white cat reading a book and the white snake practicing against the moon in the night sky.

  A smile appeared on his lips.

  He loved days like this...

  of course.

  It would be better if no one disturbed me.

  At midnight.

  There was a terrifying aura hanging over the entire Chengyuan County...

  The originally bright moon was obscured by dark clouds.

  That's evil spirit!

  The evil spirits are like clouds, and the city is full of evil wind!
  Fellow Taoist Bailong woke up from the Moon Refining and looked at Chen Luo...

  Cat Lady also noticed something strange.

  "Master? This is it?"

  it asked.

  Chen Luo shook his head: "Don't worry about it, just do whatever you have to do... it has nothing to do with us!"

  Cat Lady nodded.

  Keep reading.


  in the yard next door.

  in the room.

  Li Wenxian opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the Yamen.

  There was a cold glow in his eyes.

  The sword appeared, carried behind him...

  He glanced at Chen Luo's yard, thought, and flew into it.

  Then he saw Chen Luo lying on a deck chair in the courtyard.

  His brows furrowed slightly.

  Then he sighed.

  "Are you always this leisurely?"

  Every time he comes, whether it's night or day, why is he always on the recliner?
  Isn't it too enviable to be so leisurely?

  Chen Luo smiled and said: "People always have some interests... Sleeping happens to be my interest. Of course, there are other interests, but they are difficult to display!" "For example?" "Planting trees...



  Wenxian :...

  (End of this chapter)

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