233. Chapter 233 Going to jail again

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  Chapter 233: I’m in jail again.
  There’s a spring breeze accompanying me, and there’s snow for my company.

  There is a beautiful woman on the side, and the blue sky and white clouds are the guide.

  Yongding three years.


  Chen Luo, who had been saved for three whole days and three nights, rode his white horse into the ice at dawn on the second day.

  The horse is a northern horse.

  It is a high-quality BMW specially used by the guards at the border of the Great Wall.

  Not afraid of wind and cold.

  And know the way.

  Although he has never opened his spiritual wisdom, he can understand human speech.

  This horse was given to Chen Luo by Lao Zhao.

  He said that when Li Bai entered the ice forest in the past, he also gave him a white horse.

  Chen Luo knew.

  Li Bai once mentioned in his letter... But not long after entering the ice forest, the horse died.

  It’s hard to say what happened.

  It cannot be said.

  But he thanked Lao Zhao and promised to treat the white horse well.

  It has been exactly three hundred and twenty years since I passed through the imperial city in the past.

  Chen Luo is now three hundred and forty years old.

  This is not very old.

  But he is definitely not too young...

  It's just that he has to leave the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty. This is the first time in the sense.

  It was a little uneasy at first.

  This uneasiness comes from the unknown...

  In the white snow, I don't know the end, the road ahead is invisible, and there is no trace when I look back.

  So uneasy!
  Fellow Taoist Bailong said that she had rarely seen herself like this.

  Chen Luo smiled...

  He was just a mortal, so he would naturally have fear. When there was fear, there was uneasiness, so there was nothing to make a fuss about.

  But fortunately...

  everything went well.

  Li Bai left a map in the letter.

  Chen Luo walked in the footsteps of his ancestors, so there wasn't much of a problem.

  But something unexpected happened after all.

  Not long after entering the forest.

  There is a demon blocking the way.

  There are also monsters in the ice forest, which is not surprising.

  But before the demon opened his mouth, he was swallowed by Xiao Hei...his eyes suddenly brightened.

  It looks back.

  He said to the fox: "The monsters outside the northern border are indeed different from the monsters in the northern border."

  The fox asked what the difference was.

  Black Dog said: More fragrant, crispier, and better tasting!

  The fox's heart fluttered.

  Chen Luo said: "If you don't fight, don't grab. Be careful of arrogance and impetuosity!"

  The fox, cat, dog and snake all nodded.

  But along the way, I am not so uneasy anymore...

  Where there are monsters, there will be creatures!
  As long as there are living beings, there will be vitality...

  Then even if it is thousands of miles of ice and snow, it will not be so cold


  Chen Luo's mood was sublimated.

  [You are walking in the ice and snow, not knowing where your emotions are coming from, feeling your mood, and improving your immortality!
  Immortal experience +500!

  PS: Every step, every moment, everything is fresh, everything is fine, everything is fine!

  The white dragon does not like the white horse.

  I don’t know where the love comes from.

  Maybe it felt that Chen Luo didn't need a white horse to accompany him.

  Chen Luodao said that he needed someone to take his place, and the white horse was just the thing.

  Bailong stopped talking...

  but he felt inexplicably missing something in his heart.

  Shortly after.

  The white horse is missing!

  It has returned.

  Following the way back, we returned to the border of the Great Wall...

  but there was still a white horse in front of Chen Luo.

  it says.

  "The main reason is that it moves too slowly!"

  Chen Luo was slightly startled.

  Then he laughed...

  and turned over.

  Riding on a white horse.

  Only you can experience the taste.


  I had the wind and snow as my companion, and the cold wind as my companion. I also encountered some monsters, and even encountered some common people.

  Strange to say.

  There is actually a village in the ice forest.

  And remain ignorant of the years.

  Chen Luo stayed in the village for three days and learned their way of life before leaving the village.

  He never showed his power.

  Even foxes have become extremely common.

  A hundred thousand miles of ice forest.

  Chen Luo has been gone for three years!

  Stop and go, stop and go.

  When I look up, I can't see the sun or the moon.

  Looking down, I can’t see the way I came.


  there are people around!   It's just a pity that they

  walked out of this hundred thousand miles of ice forest for three full years without seeing a single frost giant .   But I have never seen it here.   Some regrets.   But it’s also getting more mysterious.   Six years after Yongding...   Chen Luo finally walked out of the ice forest.   Green water and green mountains.   Blue sky and white clouds.   Standing by the green water river, Chen Luo raised his head and took a deep breath...   Ugh!   The air is dirty.   It's disgusting and makes me want to vomit!   "Master, something is wrong..."   Cat Lady said.   Its eyes were alert: "The smell of blood is very strong..."   Chen Luo nodded.   "Go and see what's going on!"   He walked dozens of steps again.   See a village.   The village was littered with corpses...   both men and women.   The death was extremely tragic.   A demonic aura soared to the sky...   Chen Luo was silent.

  "It seems that there is a demon!"


  Chen Luo raised his head and looked outside the village.

  He said: "Cat Lady, please hide for a while."

  Cat Lady nodded.

  So he led Xiaobai and the others away, but as soon as they left, the ground shook, and a large number of government servants came.

  Look at the miserable state of this village.

  Look at the bodies all over the ground.

  Zhou Mu's expression changed, he stood up and asked Chen Luo: "Did you do it?"

  Chen Luo shook his head: "No!"

  "But you are the only one in the village here, and there is no trace!"

  Chen Luo nodded: "It seems like this..."

  "Can't you explain it?"

  "Can't explain it."

  It really can't be explained.

  As soon as I came out of the forest and saw the village, I didn't have time to admire the scenery of Daqian before I saw corpses all over the ground.

  Think about it and sigh.

  Here comes the Yamen servant.

  How to explain?

  If you say it's a demon, you have to be believed, right?

  "Since we can't explain it, please come with us, sir!"

  he said.

  Pull out the knife in your hand.

  A big wave of his hand.

  The government officials surrounded Chen Luo.

  Chen Luo sighed slightly.

  "We are all civilized people. As long as I leave, you should not use knives or guns. If you are injured, it will not be good!"

  Zhou Mu frowned slightly.

  In the end, he did nothing but asked Chen Luo to come over.

  After Chen Luo left...

  the little fox stuck out his head.

  Watching Chen Luo and the others leaving, he fell into deep thought.

  "What should we do now?"

  Chen Luo was arrested as soon as he arrived in Daqian...

  How amazing!

  I don’t know if Chen Luo will be beheaded.

  If this is cut down, will Chen Luo die?
  "Just find a place to stay..."

  Cat Lady said.

  It is not worried at all about what will happen to its master.

  The human world is as far as the Master is concerned.

  But it's just an experience...

  and this kind of experience may not necessarily be a gain for the Master.



  Chengyuan County.

  Chen fell into the city, and before he could say a word, he was thrown into the prison of Chengyuan City.

  Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar environment of the prison.

  Chen Luo lowered his head and thought for a while.


  He had forgotten how long it had been since he had been in prison.

  Remember the last time you entered the Heavenly Prison, it seemed like three hundred years ago?
  At that time, was it when Emperor Yongle entered Kyoto?
  Looking back three hundred years later...

  have we finally reached the starting point?

  "What are you laughing at?"

  came a voice from the side.

  It's a woman.

  The woman is young...

  around twenty.

  It's just that the lighting in the Tianlao is not good, so I can't see clearly.

  But her figure is excellent.

  Therefore, I think this woman should not be very bad-looking.

  "Girls also come to jail?"

  Chen Luo asked the woman.

  The woman probably didn't expect the new man to ask such a question, so she paused. "Look, do I look like I'm on vacation?"

  Prison uniform...

  straw mat.

  Look down.

  He also had anklets on his feet.

  The anklet is not thin, weighing at least several dozen kilograms.

  "The girl's crime is not small!"

  Chen Luo sighed.

  Those legs are so long and slender.

  Wearing this anklet... I'm afraid it will be hard to move your legs, right?

  I'm afraid I can't even squat down enough to go to the toilet, let alone do anything else.

  The woman didn't say anything, but asked again:

  "What were you laughing at just now?"

  "I just feel that life is impermanent. After going round and round, I have returned to this prison. It feels like I have walked out over the years, but I feel like I am there again. I haven't gone yet, and I'm still wandering around in circles."

  "Have you ever been in jail?"

  "The girl is smart."

  Otherwise, women are not that easy to deceive.

  As soon as she said it, she understood the implication.

  "Why are you in jail?"

  "Someone asked me to do something, but I didn't want to..." "

  So, you were arrested?"

  "It's not that I was arrested. It should be said that I went to the prison on my own." "

  You yourself In? Why?"

  The woman didn't understand.

  Is there anyone going to jail on their own in this world?

  Is this a fool?
  "It's quiet in the prison."


  The woman felt that her head was a little unresponsive...

  she had offended someone.

  For quietness.

  So he ran to live in the cell.

  What the hell is this?

  Nervous and inexplicable...

  this is what a woman would say about Chen Luo.

  "Last time it was because of Quiet, what about this time? It won't be because of Quiet, right?"

  The woman was a little curious about the reason why he was imprisoned this time.

  "No, things will be a little more troublesome this time."

  "What troublesome method?"

  "A village was wiped out, and hundreds of people in the whole village died."

  "You did it?"

  The woman took a breath. Air conditioning,

  this person, so vicious?
  can not tell.

  "How is it possible?"

  Chen Luo said: "When someone slaps me, I always slap the other side in front of me. How can we talk about killing people?" "What's going on?"


  I I happened to appear in that village."


  "What a coincidence, a group of government officials came again." "


  "What's even more coincidental is that they thought I was the one who killed them, so they arrested me. Yes!"

  The woman was silent.

  Then he said: "Then you are really unlucky."

  "I think so too!"

  Chen Luo said.

  There is a green gourd in his hand.

  After taking a sip, he sighed: "Life is unpredictable... just get used to it!"

  "Huh? Where did you get the wine?"

  the woman suddenly asked.

  Where did this man get his wine?

  "It's always been there!"

  "The yamen didn't take it away?"


  you forgot?" Chen Luo said, "Do you want it?"

  "Have a bite!"

  "The heroine is so brave."

  Chen Luo took out one Tan Erhong: "Here."

  She looked at the wine in her hand...

  and then at Chen Luo.

  The woman opened her mouth: "Where did this... come from?"

  "You carry it with you, didn't you see it?"

  Woman: ... Have

  you been in jail for so long that you are even blind?
  "Where did you get this recliner?"

  "Isn't this a must-have for the cell?"

  "What about the quilt?"

  "I brought it with me. I'm not used to the straw cover here."

  "What are you doing?"

  "Clean the cell. It's too dirty, that's not good, I have mysophobia!"

  The woman opened her mouth.

  He didn't say the last word...

  Looking at Chen Luo, his eyes became more and more solemn.   There's something wrong with

  this guy ...   Absolutely, definitely not an ordinary person!   When Zhou Mu came in, he saw him lying there, drinking wine, covered with a quilt, and there was a small table next to him.   Chen Luo, who occasionally took a sip of wine and fanned himself with a fan, didn't react for a few seconds.   He didn't have time to get angry.   A jar of wine appeared in his hand.   "Master Zhou is inspecting the cells, thank you for your hard work..."   a voice came.   But that person looked at him with a smile.   From time to time, his eyes signaled Zhou Mu to look at the wine in his hand.   The meaning is obvious.   What he is saying is: You have short hands, so it is easy to talk by turning a blind eye!   Zhou Mu was silent.   No answer.   Turn around and leave.   As soon as he left, he called the guard and asked him what was going on.   Why are there recliners and quilts in the prison?   And what happened to the cell?   So clean?   Just keep it clean!   Why does he still have chicken legs to eat?   Damn it!   Is that going to jail?   This guy is here for vacation, right?   As a police officer over the years, Zhou Mu has killed demons and self-proclaimed immortal cultivators,   but he has never seen anyone go to jail. This is outrageous!   The prison guard hesitated.   They don't know about this either...   What's even weirder is that they actually think that this is not a normal thing?   Zhou Mu was silent.   Looking at the jar of wine, he looked at Tianlao again.   This is a master!   But... was   that person really the monster who killed hundreds of people in Gaojia Village?   Zhou Mu was a little unsure.   This is an expert, but also a demon.   With that kind of means, he could naturally kill the entire village...   But if he really killed him, why didn't he resist at all?   Instead, he willingly went to jail?   don't know!   Zhou Mu didn't understand.   Report it to the county magistrate.   The Chengyuan County Magistrate thought for a while and said, "Treat him kindly. After the investigation is clear, we will conduct a trial...but we need to report everything he did in prison every day!" The Chengyuan County Magistrate is Xue   !   I am also somewhat interested in the person in the prison that day!   And after listening to the guards' daily reports... Magistrate Xue and Captain Zhou both fell silent.   That person...   really thinks he's on vacation?   Get up every day, practice boxing, drink and read in the cell.   Forget it.   He also ordered the guards to buy some delicious food.   That money... I don’t know where it came from, gold and silver kept coming!   All that was left was to lie down on the lounge chair.   Covered with quilt,   yawning.   As if the sky falling would not affect him.   This... this doesn't feel like going to jail, but rather like finding a good place for vacation.   There was something wrong, though.   He asked a lot about Da Gan...   and also Chengyuan County.   There are immortals born who don't know the changes in the world for thousands of years.   "He doesn't know how. Is he really one of those immortals?"   Magistrate Xue hesitated...   There are demons in Da Gan.   There's a ghost!   Naturally, there are immortals, and these immortals even have sects.   Walking in the world.   Experience all kinds of things in the world!   The person in the prison that day... looked like the legendary immortal?

  "It's hard to say. I don't understand it now, but he seemed to have a good chat with that woman."


  "Qin Yiren!"

  Magistrate Zhou: ...

  and suddenly fell silent.

  "That woman... is a troublesome thing."


  "Are they here?" "

  They said they were setting off. They should be here in ten days and a half, right?" "

  That's a long time. !"

  Magistrate Xue said: "It's better to take her away earlier, so that we don't have to sleep soundly... How is the security in the prison?" "It's

  hard to fly without wings!"

  "That's good."

  "Then... where is that person? ?"

  "Ignore him for now!"

  Magistrate Xue squinted his eyes: "Whether it's an immortal or an expert, everything will be known when they come!

  Let's not take this risk!"


  Zhou Mu nodded

  and stopped talking.

  Neither he nor Magistrate Xue.

  In fact, he is just a small person, so what can he change?

  Doing your own thing honestly is enough...

  it's just...

  Zhou Mu wants to be quiet.

  But some people didn't want him to be quiet...

  this night.

  A man walked into Chengyuan County... He took a sword and walked into the prison.

  The guard hasn't spoken yet.

  The sword cut off the guard's head,

  leaving him in a deserted place.

  (End of chapter)

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