219.Chapter 219: Destroying the Way of Immortality

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  Chapter 219: Destroying the Way of Immortality

  There is a city under the Thunder Mountain.

  The city is: Thunder City.

  It is under the jurisdiction of Thunder Mansion.

  The Thunder Ancestor enshrined in this city... is the representative of the Thunder Mansion in educating the people.

  Chen Luo and Bai Long walked into the city at dusk, when their figures were stretched a bit.

  When Chen Luo entered, there was someone waiting for him at the city gate.

  Wearing a purple robe.

  His face was resolute.

  There was a faint hint of thunder power emanating from his body.

  When Chen Luo saw him.

  Think about it.

  Then he laughed.

  "Master Lei is very well-informed. We have just arrived here and you have been waiting."

  Fu Leiting said with a smile:
  "My father-in-law is famous all over the world. Everyone in the world knows that Thunder City can welcome my father-in-law, Fu." If people don’t show their kindness to landlords, then it’s wrong to pay someone’s debt!”

  he said.

  The words "pay someone" were bitten a bit too hard by him.

  Most likely he wanted to remind Chen Luo that his surname was not Lei, but Fu.

  Unfortunately, Chen Luo didn't hear it.

  "We are just an old eunuch, but Master Lei cares a little too much about our family." "

  A person's name, the shadow of a tree... I can't help but take it to heart."

  Chen Luo smiled.


  into the city.

  Fu Leiting narrowed his eyes slightly and followed Chen Luo in.

  As the head of Thunder Mansion and the actual controller of Thunder City, Fu Lei has an absolute reputation here.

  People often recognized him along the way.

  Or salute.

  Or kneel down.

  Extremely pious.

  There is incense falling on him, and his luck is very prosperous.

  Compared with him, Chen Luo seemed to be a bit lost in the crowd.

  The white dragon wrapped around Chen Luo's arm.

  The little head kept looking around, showing some interest in Thunder City.

  Fu Leiting also saw Bailong.

  He just glanced at it and dismissed it.

  Eunuch Bu Zheng, Chen Luo, is extremely tolerant of the evil spirits in the world...

  and there are many evil spirits around him.

  Except for his second disciple Cat Lady.

  The same goes for Master Xiang in Yushan Academy, and the fox next to him.

  Now there is just one more snake, so naturally it won't be a surprise.

  "My father-in-law is very philanthropic... When he travels around the world, he never forgets to bring a snake demon with him."

  Fu Tingting said calmly.

  Bailong:? ? ?
  Looking at Fu Leiting, he obviously didn't understand why the topic suddenly shifted to himself.

  Chen Luo smiled, stretched out his hand and gently touched Bai Long's head.

  "The road to the world of mortals is long and far away. To say that our family brought it with us is better to say that it led our family to experience this world of mortals." "Oh?"


  Leiting said, "What my father-in-law means is that you are in it. Have you learned a lot?"

  "Of course..."

  Chen Luo said:
  "Everything in the world can be gained.

  For example,

  people get food from farming,

  merchants get wealth from selling, and

  knights gain righteousness!

  No matter who or what happens here, if you calm down and realize it carefully , more or less, there will always be something gained.

  Although fellow Taoist Bailong is a demon, he can still teach our family some principles."


  Fu Leiting said: "I wonder what you have learned?"

  " How to kill people at night in the wind and snow..."

  As soon as these words came out, Fu Leiting's footsteps stopped.

  Chen Luo turned around.

  He looked at Fu Leiting with a smile: "Master Lei, what's wrong?"

  Fu Leiting continued to step forward and walked up...

  "What do you want, father-in-law?"

  "Head Lei is joking, Lei Lei's Mansion is the largest in Xuzhou. In the world of cultivating immortals, there are even eight sects... Your cultivation level has reached the realm of Yuanying.

  Our family is just a human being in the golden elixir realm. How do you want this? How can you justify it?"

  Chen Luo After a pause,

  he continued:

  "It's just that our family is a little curious after all. It seems that our family and the leader have never had any conflicts. The distance from Xuzhou to Liangzhou is not that short. Why does the leader of Lei have to use his magic power even though he is thousands of miles away?" That Nascent Soul killing technique kills our family, forget it if it doesn't work this time, twice in a row?"

  When Chen Luo arrived in Thunder City.

  In fact, he had known for a long time that Chen Luo must have known that he wanted to kill him.

  But saying it so directly now made him a little unresponsive.

  But he soon started laughing.

  "How can there be so many reasons for things in this world? If we really want to say a reason, it is that several members of the sect happened to disappear, and the place was coincidentally the father-in-law's yard, and the father-in-law was also very famous. Although this person is the Lord of Thunder Palace, he still wants to test his father-in-law’s abilities.”

  Chen Luo nodded.

  In this case, the reason is considered established.

  But if that's the case, the disciple is not the key... The key is that he wants to try his own edge.

  "The leader is right.

  There is so much truth in things in this world.

  It's just that our family is also very curious...

  Are you ready to test our skills?"

  "Of course!"

  Fu Lei Ting said: "I just don't know, father-in-law, but are you ready?"

  he said.

  There was a smile on his face.

  Take one step.

  Man has appeared in the void.

  The sound rolled.

  It spread throughout Thunder City.

  With his supreme magical power, it spread throughout thousands of miles.

  "One month later!
  The Thunder Mansion paid Thunder to ask for the sword Bu Zhen Luo at Thunder Mountain.

  This sword is the sword of life and death!

  The sword comes out, life or death!

  I hope my father-in-law will not hesitate to visit me and give me some advice! "

  As soon as these words came out, countless immortal cultivators within a thousand miles all raised their heads... and looked in the direction of Thunder Mountain.

  "Fu Leiting asked the sword but did not fight with the father-in-law Chen Luo? "

  " Asking for swordsmanship at Thunder Mountain in a month?

  "Or the sword of life and death? " "

  "This news... is quite exciting! "

  "Then Chen Luo doesn't want to fight or grab? I shouldn't be able to ask about this question, right? "

  His way is the undisputed way. If he agrees this time, his way will be destroyed!"

  "But if you don't agree, then Chen Luo will really become the laughing stock of the entire world of immortality. "

  " A month later? " That’s plenty of time! Let's go...to Thunder Mountain!

  "This is a grand event, so you must go! " "

  At the same time...

  a thousand-mile sound transmission appeared from these monks, cut through the void and disappeared.

  In less than half a day, it spread throughout the entire world of immortal cultivation.


  Shangqing Palace...


  Da Mo...

  Qingyun Sect...

  countless people who were familiar with Chen Luo or not, all got the news.


  Over Thunder City.

  Fu Leiting lowered his head and looked at Chen Luo with a smile.

  "One month later, this mansion will I am waiting for my father-in-law at Thunder Mountain, and I hope that my father-in-law will not hesitate to teach me! "

  By the way, please remember, father-in-law, my surname is Fu, not Lei... don't call me wrong next time." "

  After saying that, it turned into a rainbow and disappeared into the void.

  Looking at Fu Leiting leaving, Chen Luo was stunned for a moment.

  Then he smiled helplessly.

  "Sure enough, someone who can become a sect leader has no ability and scheming, right? It's possible, this guy has given himself a hard step down!

  Fellow Taoist Bailong said: "
  This man is cruel and wants to destroy your path to immortality!" "

  Fellow Taoist Bailong appeared next to Chen Luo and

  raised his head. Looking at Fu Leiting who was leaving, there was a cold glint in his eyes.

  This was the first time since leaving Liangshan that Bailong had murderous intentions.

  Chen Luo couldn't argue.

  This is his Tao.

  The most important thing for those who cultivate immortality is Tao.

  Only Tao can seek immortality and achieve the fruit of immortality.

  However, now, Fu Leiting is in the world of immortal cultivation in the Great Zhou Dynasty, asking the sword Chen Luo... This question is terrible It's not a sword, it's Chen Luo's way.

  Once Chen Luo makes a move to fight with him,

  then Chen Luo's undisputed way will be inferior.

  Without him taking action, Chen Luo will be defeated by three points first, regardless of whether his inner demons are there. will appear and destroy its foundation, it is said that this immortality will be lost.

  And if Chen Luo does not take action,

  this is better.

  Whether it is Thunder Mansion or Fu Lei, both fame and wealth will be gained in an instant.

  And Chen Luo will even more It became a joke in the entire world of cultivators.


  was determined to take Chen Luo from the beginning.

  This is why he asked Chen Luo if he was ready.

  Seeing Bai Long showing such murderous intent, Chen Luo smiled. He rubbed her head.

  "No need to worry. "

  With Chen Luo rubbing his head, fellow Taoist Bailong twisted his body unaccustomedly.

  But he did not dodge.

  He has done this kind of action a lot these days.

  "This is the Tao Heart, he wants to destroy your Tao Fruit. , how not to worry? "

  Fellow Taoist Bailong frowned slightly.

  "I will take action for you. This is not your fight, but I can keep your Taoist mind intact! "

  Don't worry. " Chen

  Luo smiled: "No fight, no fight. This is the way given to our family by the people in the world. When did our family say that our family's way is the way of no fight?"

  Besides, it’s just a small leap, how can it really harm our family? Bai

  Long looked at Chen Luo.

  He began to think thoughtfully.

  Then he stopped talking about taking action for Chen Luo.

  He just asked Chen Luo: "What's next?"

  "When night falls, find an inn and rest. " Chen

  Luo said calmly: "Since I want to wait for a month before talking, and I want all the immortal cultivators in the world to witness this sword challenge, then I will give him a month." "

  Okay!" "

  Soon after, the two of them found an inn.

  The inn was simple and quite cozy.

  The city was minus the word "Thunder", and the rest were very good.

  It was a coincidence that there was a view not far from the inn.

  The view was: What is enshrined in the Thunder Temple
  is the Thunder Ancestor, the incarnation of the entire Thunder Mansion among the people.

  Regarding the story of the Thunder Ancestor, the Thunder Mansion has weaved a somewhat perfect story, and it is also very great.

  It is said that he prayed for the people and

  saved people . In times of crisis,

  he conquered demons and eliminated demons.

  He also sacrificed himself for the people of the world.

  In the end, the heaven and earth felt the gratitude, soared in the day, and achieved the immortal immortality.

  When the waiter told Chen Luo this story, his eyes were filled with light.

  That was Admiration is hot and crazy.

  Chen Luo nodded and

  sighed a little: "Ancestor Thunder is really the best immortal in the world! "

  The waiter said: "Young master, you are right. Here in Thunder City, Old Thunder is really worthy of being the best immortal in the world, and it is very efficacious... Have you seen that mountain? "

  The waiter pointed to the mountain that was still roaring in the dark night and full of thunder and lightning.

  "That's called Thunder Mountain. There are immortals on the mountain whose cultivation is extremely terrifying. Young Master, did you hear someone standing in the void today at noon, saying that he wanted to ask about swords?

  Chen Luo nodded: "What's wrong? " "

  "That person is the Immortal of Thunder Mansion, and the incarnation of the Thunder Ancestor. As long as the people of Thunder City, the Immortal of Thunder Mansion will respond to their requests... If you go to the temple to burn incense and pray.

  As long as the request is not too excessive... it will definitely work."

  Chen Luo nodded: "It seems that if you don't go there, you will miss a lot. "

  Naturally. " "

  The waiter said: "The scenery in the view is not bad. You can go and see it tomorrow. You might even meet the incarnation of an immortal!" "If

  so, you are lucky."

  The waiter smiled and left, but He told Chen Luo that if he needed anything, just call and he would come over.

  Chen Luo thought for a moment, and his curiosity was attracted by the waiter.

  He turned back to Taoist Bailong who was sitting by the window, holding his chin with one hand and looking at Thunder Mountain, and said, "Shall we go to Thunder Mountain tomorrow?" Taoist Bailong


  There was no looking back.

  "What's wrong?"

  "I like that place..."

  She pointed to that place: "There is something I want there."

  Chen Luo said, "Just wait another month."

  He said, "After one month, That place will be yours."

  Bai Long looked back at Chen Luo, and then laughed.



  The next morning.

  get up.

  Chen Luo was a little surprised when he saw fellow Taoist Bailong lying on his lap, sleeping so hard that he was sweating.

  When did this girl sleep here?

  But he still called her out.


  Fellow Taoist Bailong rubbed his eyes, a little confused.

  "It's dawn..."

  Fellow Taoist Bailong looked back and looked outside. The morning light had indeed broken.


  So, he turned into a little snake and swam out of the room in an instant.

  Fellow Taoist Bailong somewhat looked down upon the body of the white snake. It was a bit disgusting for a real dragon to become such a miserable white snake.

  Just when Chen Luo mentioned the words "white dragon horse".

  She no longer disliked him...

  Chen Luo looked at fellow Taoist Bailong who was leaving, smiled, and then looked down at his pants, which were very wet.

  Who would have thought that a real dragon would drool while sleeping?
  "Legend has it that the saliva of a real dragon is ambergris, which has a special aroma and some special effects... If it can be applied somewhere or taken a bite..." Chen Luo looked at the

  wet Thinking about the location.

  Finally, he slapped himself.

  Chen Luo, Chen Luo, you are becoming more and more perverted...

  She is still just a child.

  How can you think so?
  This can't happen.

  [You tried your best to calm your restless heart. Although you had many thoughts, it was of no use...]

  Chen Luo: ...


  Get up and

  brush your teeth.

  Wash your face.

  I practiced boxing in the courtyard of the inn.

  Maybe it was because his state of mind was affected by Bailong's ambergris saliva, but the experience brought by Tai Chi was much less, only fifty points here.

  This is rarely encountered.

  As your strength increases, more and more experience points will be gained.

  Fifty o'clock, that hasn't happened in a long time.

  I just looked at the system prompts.

  Chen Luo suddenly became enlightened...

  Is there any sign that the Tai Chi Heart Sutra is about to improve?
  I have realized the Tai Chi Heart Sutra twice so far...

  once the Yang Yi was born.

  Once upon a time Yin Yi was born.

  Both times, I brought about very good changes.

  Now that the moment of breakthrough has vaguely arrived, Chen Luo is still curious about how the meaning of yin and yang will change after the breakthrough.

  Of course there is no rush.

  Let everything take its course...

  After practicing boxing, fellow Taoist Bailong is already waiting.

  It started raining outside at some point.

  The two of them held an oil-paper umbrella and headed towards Thunder View.

  Under the rain.

  The two figures were hazy.

  Come to think of it,

  today's rain...should be very good.

  (End of chapter)

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