215. Chapter 215 Heroine, Butterfly, Pig, Rabbit

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  Chapter 215 Heroine, Butterfly, Pig, and Rabbit
  There are records in ancient books in the past:

  Dragon City is the place where the real dragon lives. It rises from the body of the dragon, builds the city foundation, and is nourished by the dragon soul, so it is called the Dragon City.

  It’s just that this dragon city has disappeared over the years.

  Of course, no one can explain whether the things recorded in ancient books are true or false.

  But now...

  Chen Luo can tell everyone that what is recorded in this ancient book is not false,

  but it is different from what he understands.

  There is indeed a dragon city in the world.

  It's not Juncheng.

  But it is under the riverside of Juncheng...

  Standing at the entrance, at a glance, there is a huge city in front of me...

  The city walls are several feet high.

  At a glance, there are many houses, attics and pavilions.

  Under the entire city, a real dragon of unknown age was suppressed...

  The real dragon was dead and transformed into a huge skeleton.
  The skeleton was hundreds of feet tall...

  The dragon's head hovered on the city wall, with its mouth facing outward.

  Most of the body was suppressed into the ground...

  but the tail was exposed... and various buildings and   landscapes

  were built on the bones of the real dragon .   There is a loft.   There are steps.   There is a plaque on the dragon head... which reads: Fulong City, the legendary Dragon City.   It's a pity...   this city has no life and   is already a dead city.   But even like this, it cannot conceal the shock and majesty of this city.   Chen Luo swallowed a mouthful of saliva.   Build a city on a dragon.   What kind of power does it take to do this?   A white shadow passed by...   but it was fellow Taoist Bailong who had already rushed to the Dragon City.   She was floating in front of the real dragon's skeleton and head.   Looking at it...   in silence.   Chen Luo did not bother to disturb it...   There were only a few dragons in the world, but now they saw one, but they met in such a way. It was really difficult for fellow Taoist Bailong,   "This is a water dragon... ..."   Fellow Taoist Bailong suddenly said.   There are dragons in the world, each with its own magical powers.   It is also known as Cloud Dragon, Thunder Dragon, Fire Dragon and so on...   Fellow Taoist Bailong is called Thunder Dragon...   extremely domineering.   But...   "How did you know?"   There was no power fluctuation in the surroundings. Fellow Taoist Bailong knew that this was a water dragon, which was really beyond Chen Luo's expectation.   "He told me!"   Fellow Taoist Bailong pointed at the real dragon skeleton in front of him.   Chen Luo was stunned for a moment.   Then he nodded.   There are many mysterious things in this world, and since they are of the same kind, there is nothing surprising about what they can sense.   After all, there are immortal cultivators, demons, ghosts, and dragons in this world.   So this is really no surprise.   Chen Luo asked what the dragon said.   Fellow Taoist Bailong shook his head.   She only knew that it was a water dragon, that's all...   Chen   Luo searched around and found no inheritance in Dragon City.   Somewhat disappointed.   But it doesn’t seem worth the disappointment.   Although there is no inheritance... Chen Luo's harvest will definitely not be too little.   He is in Dragon City.   Put the hundreds-foot-long true dragon skeleton into the storage bag.   This storage bag was not that big originally, but Chen Luo later used his weapon refining skills to expand the size.   Otherwise, this skeleton cannot be collected.   "A single true dragon bone can cause a sensation in the outside world. It would be better for me to get a complete one..."   Chen Luo clicked his tongue.   he thinks.   Guan Changhe would be very unhappy when he found out about it, right?   fine.   He didn't know he did it.   Looking back, since I didn't know, I feel no guilt at all.   then.   I left Fulong City with fellow Taoist Bailong.   It's just that Chen Luo can't let it go after all.   So he arranged more than 50 formations in the Dragon Locking Tower...   It's not that he is not a son of man,   it's just that the Dragon City under the Dragon Locking Tower is empty... If Guan Changhe finally discovers the achievements of decades, Isn't it hopeless to fall short of success?   People...   sometimes the results aren't that important.   What's important is the process.   He left the process for the Sword Watching Sect...   I think that if they break through more than fifty formations in the future, they will definitely have great insights.   Chen Luo and fellow Taoist Bailong left Juncheng that day.   Continue north.   Fellow Taoist Bailong told Chen Luo: "Let's take a closer look at that dragon bone..."   Chen Luo asked: "Is there something?"   Fellow Taoist Bailong nodded: "It's hard to say, but there should be something."   Chen Luo nodded.   Following the words of Taoist Brother Xia Bailong, he put his mind into the storage bag and felt the real dragon body in front of him.   Sure enough...   there was a system sound.   [You have watched a complete true dragon body, and you vaguely seem to have some insights...   Your experience of immortality has been improved.   Experience value +100!   PS: Even though the real dragon dies, its soul remains, and its magical power never regrets... This real dragon's body contains a trace of the 'water' spirit of the real dragon... You can watch it as soon as possible, and you may be able to understand the real dragon's magical power.   The power of water?   Chen Luo opened his eyes...   and looked at Bai Long.   Bailong asked: "Watch what I do?"

  "That skeleton still has the power of a true dragon."

  Bai Long nodded: "It's very weak... but if you can understand it, you can have the power of a true dragon. This is a good thing." "Good!


  Chen Luo nodded.

  This is really the biggest gain.

  In the past, the bones of real dragons were collected, and they were of great use.

  To forge the carrier of the peerless magic weapon.

  Although he has a thousand-year-old dragon bone... but if he can have the dragon bone as a carrier and it is still intact, he will definitely be more powerful.

  It's just that I didn't expect it.

  This dragon bone can also give me a hint of true dragon power!
  If you understand it yourself...

  I am afraid it will be the most powerful force after the power of yin and yang.


  after this.

  Chen Luobian often comprehends the power of the true dragon, hoping that one day he will achieve success.

  Stop and go along the way.

  There is wind and rain.

  There are mountains, water and people.

  After leaving Junzhou, we passed through Yuzhou.

  After passing Yuzhou, we entered Shanzhou again.

  Along the way, Chen Luo also met many people...

  and made friends with many more.

  Among them was a female knight named Jian Yu...

  Jian Yu traveled across the world with one person, one sword and one white horse.

  Chen Luo and Bai Long cook rice outdoors.

  She came smelling the fragrance... Chen Luo invited.

  The three of them talked happily.

  Later I learned that she also came from Beiliang... saying that she was going to Emei Golden Cauldron to seek immortality.

  She said that

  she had a sword that could put an end to injustices in the world.

  If she became an immortal, she would kill all the evil spirits and monsters in the world.

  Chen Luodao: "People are divided into good and bad. Not all evils and monsters are bad."

  Jian Shu said: "But there are only a few after all."

  Chen Luodao: "But there are some after all."

  Jian Shu thought, Finally, he shook his head: "Then wait until we actually meet him...at least we haven't met him yet!"

  Chen Luo nodded.

  This is true...

  I have never encountered it, so it is just nonsense after all.

  Moreover, things in the world are ever-changing, and so are people’s hearts.

  If you kill evil spirits today, you may not become friends with ghosts in the future.

  Just like me, aren't we also in the company of evil spirits?
  In the past, I also thought about using my sword to fight the injustices in the world...

  It's a pity.

  The butcher's knife of time not only cut off two pieces of my flesh,
  but also castrated some of my heroic ambitions and
  simply left them to pieces.

  After eating...

  Jian Shu left.

  It’s for traveling in the world.

  It is also used to visit immortals and seek immortality.

  Chen Luo continued to go north.

  She said: "The rivers and lakes are so big, I hope we can see you again."

  Chen Luo nodded: "See you again, maybe." Fellow Taoist Bailong said nothing...

  It was not out of indifference.

  But I am learning...

  learning to be a human being.

  She also learned how to deal with people,

  but it was obvious that she was not very good at it yet...

  Later, Taoist Brother Bailong directly became a little snake, and did not turn into a human form.

  Chen Luo's journey north became lonely and cold again.

  Thirty-five years of service.

  There was heavy rain.

  Chen Luo was hiding from the rain and strayed into a valley.

  This valley is remote.

  There are no official channels nearby...

  If Chen Luo hadn't accidentally bumped into him, he wouldn't have been able to enter this place.

  However, there is an inn in this place.

  It's raining heavily outside.

  Chen Luo stood in front of the inn.

  Looking up...

  the letter read: Fengyu Inn.

  At this time, there was wind in the valley and heavy rain poured down.

  This Fengyu Inn is in good time.

  Fellow Taoist Bailong appeared again at this time...

  and took a look at the inn.

  He looked at Chen Luo again.

  Chen Luo said: "It's fate that I came here... If I can have a meal, that would be even better!"

  Fellow Taoist Bailong nodded.

  So the two pushed open the inn and entered.

  The inn is brightly lit.

  There are tables.

  There are chairs.

  There was a waiter in front of the counter...

  The waiter raised his head and saw Chen Luo walking in, and was stunned for a moment.

  Jean then walked up quickly.

  "Sir, is this a top job or a hotel stay?"

  He smiled so professionally

  that it was hard to find any flaws.

  "It's getting late, let's stay in the hotel... But I'm hungry after this trip, so let's get some delicious food." "


  Chen Luo and Bai Long took their seats.

  Sit by the window...

  so you can see the view of the valley outside.

  The valley in the rain is quiet and quiet, as if even the green is a little darker.

  Chen Luo likes rainy days.

  To him, good things happen every rainy day.

  Not long after, the waiter brought the food, and he was very appetizing just by looking at it... Chen Luo was quite satisfied.

  Take a few bites. ,

  this taste is even better.

  "The chef in the store is good."

  Chen Luo praised him without hesitation.

  The waiter said, "Tell the chef, she will definitely like the young master's praise..." "


  Chen Luo said, "There are three people in the inn?"

  The waiter was stunned for a moment: "How do you know, the young master?"

  "You are the only one. , there is one chef, and the remaining one is the shopkeeper, right?"


  "It's not easy, there is a pig demon, a rabbit demon, and one is a butterfly? It's quite interesting!"

  As soon as these words came out.

  The expression of the waiter in front of him suddenly changed drastically.

  The body suddenly took several steps back, and the body changed, becoming a huge wild boar with tusks...

  "Tang Zheng!"

  A voice shouted.

  Two figures have swept over.

  He landed next to the wild boar: "Don't be rude to the Taoist priest!"

  The woman in red spoke.

  Sexy figure.

  Skin as soft as snow.   The most important MILFs

  are well-proportioned ...the charm is still there!   One person looks small.   Also holding in his hand...a shovel for cooking?   So the dish just made was made by her?   The wild boar bared his teeth when he heard the woman's words, but he still transformed into a human form.   The little cook stood next to the waiter nervously. ,   looked at Chen Luo warily.   "I've met the Taoist Priest."   The woman in red saluted Chen Luo: "Little Yao Yu Xiaorong, Xiao Yao Tang Zheng, and Wang Xiao'e have worked hard for several years and have never hurt anyone's life. I still hope that the Taoist Priest will show his noble hand. Don't do it." Excluding the three little demons."   Gaotai Noble Hands...   The corner of Chen Luo's mouth twitched.   She probably doesn't know what it means to be arrogant, right?   Fortunately...   Chen Luo didn't raise his hand this time.   These three demons are not bad people.   It's not bad, so there's no reason to get rid of it...   We talked some more later. ,   and also knew the origin of the Wind and Rain Inn, as well as the causes and consequences of these three big monsters here.   Incense appears in the world.   The era of demons has arrived long ago...   Some of the more powerful ones have already gone to the southern and northern regions.   Some weak ones. ,   or those who don’t want to leave naturally stay.   They were somewhat lucky... they once occupied a dilapidated temple... and got an ownerless incense.   A few decades later Lingzhi was born.   Another hundred years later.   Ignorant and ignorant.   He was lucky enough to enter the foundation-building realm and seek transformation...   Later, in order to obtain incense and a place to settle down, he built the Wind and Rain Inn in the wild.   One is to provide shelter from wind and rain for guests traveling far away.   The second is to get some incense and money.   This is the only source of incense they can get now.   As for the ruined temple that once had no owner, it has long been occupied...   the imperial court ordered it.   They are not allowed to acknowledge it, build temples, ask for incense, and even people are not allowed to light incense.   In this human dynasty, the emperor's words have become more and more terrifying...   The national destiny does not recognize it.   Not only can’t we get the incense of the national destiny, but we can’t even get the incense of the people!   Even if the people light incense or even build a temple.   Ten years ago, this effect did not exist.   It seems that all these changes only started when the Qin Dynasty's campaign to destroy the country was beginning to show, and the situation became clear when the Great Zhou Dynasty unified the world?   When Chen Luo heard that the emperor destroyed immortals in the past, he didn't understand how to do it at first.   Now we can see more and more clues...   When the world is truly unified.   No matter how powerful the world of immortality was, it was still limited by the imperial court...   at that time.   The mutually reinforcing trend will eventually determine the outcome!   Therefore, Chen Luo can understand the matter of these three demons more and more...   "Whether it is a human being, a demon, a ghost, or an immortal, it may seem extraordinary, but in fact, you still need to suffer to become an immortal." Struggling hard, but the former is for money, and the latter is for incense."   That night.   Chen Luo was staying at Fengyu Inn.   A demon came to the door in the middle of the night and   three people knelt outside the door.   Please ask the Taoist Master to give you the cultivation techniques...   Although the three of them have become demons, they can only blindly swallow incense.   No magical powers.   There are very few people coming to Fengyu Inn, but now the Taoist priest is here, and the Taoist priest is kind-hearted, so he wants to seek a chance for survival.   Survival is a slim chance.   Seeking the strength to move forward is also a glimmer of hope.   Chen Luo didn't answer.   The next day it was still stormy.   Chen Luo left Fengyu Inn holding an oil-paper umbrella.   Say goodbye to Chen Luo to Xiaorong.   Looking back...   I saw three books left on the counter at some point.   It is a secret technique for practicing.   They were stunned for a moment.   Then he knelt down towards the place where Chen Luo left and kowtowed...   "   Why did you give it to me today if you didn't agree with it last night?"   Fellow Taoist Bailong asked Chen Luo.   She felt that she couldn't understand Chen Luo.   "Curious..."   "What?"   "You tell me, what will a butterfly, a pig, or a rabbit look like in the end?"   Bai Long shook his head.   Chen Luo smiled.   Immortal reunion.   By yourself in the wind and rain.   Wind and Rain Inn.   See the three demons of wind and rain.   This is fate...   (End of chapter)


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