185. Chapter 185 There is no more Xiao Taiping in the world

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  Chapter 185 There is no more Xiao Taiyuan in the world.

  Chen Luo, who was drinking, put down the green gourd in his hand.

  At first, there was a smile on his face.

  It was relaxed and comfortable.

  How many times in life are you free?
  Although I am really free every day.

  But it can't stop Chen Luo from being in a good mood today.

  But at this moment, this comfort disappeared, replaced by a solemn look on his face.

  "What's wrong?"

  Li Qiuliang didn't realize the seriousness of the problem yet.

  Chen Luo didn't answer.

  Just stood up.

  He arranged formations one after another in the courtyard.

  There are quite a few of these formations.

  There is a psychedelic array.

  There are killing formations,

  isolation formations,

  blockade formations,

  and even automatic repair formations, and cleaning formations.

  Over the years, Chen Luo has done a lot of things,

  such as learning and deducing many magical and bizarre formations. .

  For example, the first of the three Buddhist seals learned by the Bodhidharma sect was deduced and made into a secret book suitable for Qi practitioners.


  Chen Luo also made great breakthroughs and progress in the ways of talismans, weapon refining, and alchemy!
  The four arts have also been greatly improved.

  Especially in painting, he has improved even more.

  Of course, Chen Luo still has some regrets.

  This regret is probably because there are many methods that cannot be verified.

  I don’t know how strong I am.

  In the past, there was a fight with the black dragon on the Qiantang River... But the strength of that dragon was relatively average, and the battle ended a little too quickly, which made Chen Luo feel quite regretful.

  Li Qiuliang asked about the sword a few days ago.

  Not bad.

  Unfortunately, it also only used one sword.

  And couldn't get enough fun.

  Now... maybe it's time to witness how strong he is.

  "No, what are you doing?"

  Li Qiuliang felt a little uncomfortable.

  What is this guy doing?
  This made him a little flustered...

  Chen Luo still didn't answer.

  Entering the house, he was talking to the Cat Lady.

  The cat lady was stunned for a moment.

  He looked back at Li Qiuliang.

  Finally nodded.

  Put down the book in his hand.

  He jumped down from the table gently, elegant, good-looking, and full of temperament.

  "Towards the little tree."

  Cat Lady shouted.

  Chao Xiaoshu, who was practicing his sword under the peach tree, turned around and saw the Cat Lady: "Senior Sister Cat, what's wrong?"

  Chao Xiaoshu was not surprised at all when he saw a cat talking.

  A few days ago, when he saw Xiaobai suddenly transforming into a fat fox, and when he saw Cat Lady transforming into a cat, he was so frightened that he crawled out of the yard on his hands and knees, but

  not long after he went out.

  He walked back cautiously.

  He suddenly remembered...he was now a disciple of the Immortal.

  There is nothing to be afraid of.

  And he knew this demon himself...

  so he became even calmer.

  "You and Cat Lady go next door. Don't you want to try your sword? You can go practice with Miss Xiao Qing. She knows swordsmanship and will be good for you." Chao Xiaoshu's eyes lit up


  This is a good idea.

  So after talking to Li Qiuliang, he and the Cat Lady went out.

  When Li Qiuliang saw this scene, the corners of his mouth kept twitching.

  He looked back at Chen Luo.


  "I said, is it necessary?"

  Chen Luo nodded: "Yes!"

  "I'm just asking you a question..."

  "But this problem is quite serious. This is our family's obsession... In the past, you asked The sword was in our family, saying that it was your obsession... So, our family took out the sword!"


  Chen Luo smiled lightly.

  He raised his hand...

  and a sword flew out of the room.

  The sword is in hand.

  "Our family has set up more than ten large formations in this courtyard. Not only that, but Gang Sukong has also dispatched hundreds of Yaksha within a few miles. No one will know what is going on in our courtyard. .

  Even if we demolish this courtyard, the outside world will not notice it. By then, with a little more hard work, we can restore the courtyard to its original appearance." "

  You are making this old man feel uneasy (へ╬)."

  " Not really."

  Chen Luo said calmly.

  Jianwu sword was raised.

  Pointing at Li Qiuliang.

  "Without arguing, Chen Luo, I would like to ask Li Qiuliang, the head of Jian Shu Mountain, for some advice!"

  Li Qiuliang:...


  Xiaoshu only came back in the evening.

  When I entered the yard,

  I felt like something had changed in the yard.

  In the courtyard.

  Grandpa Chen no longer basks in the sun.

  Instead, he was doing Tai Chi under the tree.

  Very laid back.

  There were winds swirling around him... Those winds seemed to have come to life, vaguely turning into a Tai Chi shape.

  But his master was drinking wine on the side.

  The kind that you drink in sips.

  I seem to be in a bad mood.

  When I turned around... I saw injuries on his face.

  Chao Xiaoshu was stunned for a moment.

  Asked: "Master, when were you injured?"

  "Nonsense, who...who was injured?"

  Li Qiuliang panicked.

  "Your face?"

  "That was when you fell down while drinking."

  "Do immortals also fall down?"

  "Why not, boy, how are you doing with your sword practice? Come on, Master, try your sword!"

  Li Qiuliang said.

  He took Chao Xiaoshu and went to practice sword practice.

  Probably because he was afraid that this kid would continue to ask questions...

  Chen Luo glanced at Li Qiuliang from the corner of his eyes, snorted, and took a sip.


  just a thought.

  Finally, he sighed quietly.

  In his life, he hated eunuchs the most!
  Think of this.

  Seeing that there was no one around, he silently took out the [Holy Book of Medicine] and started reading.


  it would be a good idea to try it.

  Otherwise, how many years will it take for me to enjoy this if I continue to do this?
  Although the longer you hold it in, the greater the experience will be.



  Think about it,

  think about it first and then talk about it.


  Li Qiuliang is gone.

  He left with Chao Xiaoshu and returned to Shushan Sword Sect.

  Chao Xiaoshu's parents were happy.

  His own son can enter the Immortal Sect and become an Immortal. How could there be anything more joyful than this?
  But they don't understand one thing.

  Going towards the small tree, there is a separation between immortality and mortal world.

  After entering Shushan, it is not that simple to go down to Shushan.

  The rules of the sect are strict.

  As Li Qiuliang's disciple, Chao Xiaoshu will become his direct disciple and will have a great status in Shushan. ,
  but to go down the mountain, you need to have a certain strength to allow it.

  Or the Qi Condensation Realm.

  Or the foundation building realm.

  Even if Chao Xiaoshu's talent is great, it won't be enough in just a few decades.

  When he returned to Hangzhou.

  Perhaps, they are no longer here.

  When Li Qiuliang left, he asked Chen Luo,

  "Do you want to refine a peerless magic weapon?"

  Chen Luo was slightly stunned: "How do you know?"

  "I gave you the secret book of refining my real magic weapon in the past. Over the years, I have heard that Jin Yiwei I helped you find out the information, some of which are peerless magic weapons, how can I not know this?"

  Chen Luo patted his forehead.


  Naturally, Li Qiuliang couldn't hide this matter.

  "What do you have to say?"

  "What can I say? I can't beat you again and again, what can I say? However, if I'm right, you must be short of one ingredient: Morning and Night Spiritual Dew, right?" "Uh

  . ..."

  Chen Luo was surprised: "How do you know?"

  "Because that thing is only found in one place. She said that if you have never been there, it must be gone!"

  Li Qiuliang looked at leaving.

  Chen Luo fell into silence...

  Chaoxi Linglu was in Xianxia Sect... This really surprised Chen Luo.

  If Li Qiuliang hadn't told him, no one would have known about it no matter how long he searched.

  But...she mentioned herself?
  Chen Luo thought and smiled slightly.

  "Maybe it's time to go to Xianxia Sect."

  Chen Luo murmured.

  I left Yushan Academy in the past.

  I have been walking for several years, and later I have been here in Hangzhou for a few years.

  It's time to leave now.

  When they heard that Bai Niangzi and Xiaoqing were leaving, they came to see them off.

  These days, they have become familiar with Chen Luo and others, and now they are naturally reluctant to say goodbye.

  Chen Luo felt nothing.

  It's not like he hasn't been separated over the years.

  Even Xiaobai is carefree.

  He said to Xiaoqing: "Sister Xiaoqing, you have to come to Yushan Academy to play with us." After

  thinking about it, he said: "Remember to catch a few chickens for me."

  Everyone couldn't laugh or cry.

  It was indeed a fox.

  The temptation of chicken is greater than anything else.

  "It's been a long time since I've said goodbye. White Snake, I wish you a safe journey."

  Cat Lady and White Snake said.

  The white lady nodded.

  "Cat Lady, have a nice trip!"

  one person said.

  A cat.

  A fox.

  Out of Hangzhou city.

  Before leaving, Chen Luo went to Baozhitang again and saved someone.

  Xu Pu sighed.

  With Mr. Chen leaving, many patients in Hangzhou will no longer be able to receive treatment from Mr. Chen. There is no chance of survival anymore.

  He looked back at his son Xu Boxing.

  Shaking his head again.

  He has recently fallen in love with a woman, I heard her surname is Bai...

  it's a pity.

  People don't seem to be interested in him.

  Empty means there is intention, but fear means there is no chance.

  Moreover, this boy is not a scholar. He has not even had any literary talent in these years. I don’t know when he will finally wake up and give up writing to become a doctor and inherit this Baozhitang.

  It was also in Lingyin Temple on the day Chen Luo left


  Master Guanghong stood under Lingyun Tower.

  His face was filled with compassion.

  "Our Lingyin Temple has been closed for a long time, and today is the time to open it!"

  That day.

  Lingyin Temple was opened.

  Master Guanghong looked in the direction of Hangzhou City... thought for a while, and finally decided to look in the direction of Suzhou.

  "In that city, there should be an opportunity for me to condense my true heart!"


  Seven years of service.

  It was urgently reported that they had entered Kyoto and

  were defeated in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

  Guo Huai, who was guarding Jiange, drank too much and became extremely drunk.

  When the Qin soldiers came to the city, I heard that he was still holding a dancing girl while sleeping and snoring like thunder.

  The sword pavilion, which was originally easy to defend but difficult to attack, was without the garrison generals and various general orders could not be issued. Although the soldiers in the city held firm, they could not hold it in the end.

  One hundred thousand Qin soldiers poured into the sword pavilion.

  As a result, a hole was torn open in Shuzhou. In less than a month, the entire Shuzhou changed hands.

  In the past, the Great Zhou Dynasty went through great hardships to obtain a state from the Great Qin Dynasty.

  In just a few years, Great Qin had retaken a state from Great Zhou...

  Emperor Mingxuan of Great Zhou heard that he was so angry that he cursed Guo Huai as a traitor to the country. At the same time, he ordered that the Guo family be confiscated...

  However, Shuzhou had been lost, not to mention destroyed. Even if ten more Guo families are killed, it won't help!

  When Chen Luo heard the news.

  As soon as he arrived at the gate of Guobei County...

  he looked towards Kyoto.

  Under the qi gazing technique.

  The national luck in the Great Zhou Dynasty is a little weaker than in the past...

  or it can't be seen.

  But it is very different from the Hanwu period.

  Then he looked at Da Qin.

  The national destiny of the Qin Dynasty has become a little more prosperous.

  One strong.

  One is weak.

  It's obvious...

  "Within a hundred years, the world may be unified!"

  Chen Luo felt a little regretful in his heart.

  He might be able to stop it... but he didn't want to stop it.

  The general trend of the world is that if it has been divided for a long time, it must be united, and if it has been united for a long time, it must be divided.

  Dazhou was kind to me, but how could I not be kind to Dazhou in the past two hundred years?
  What comes and goes...

  who is the cause and effect of whom?
  What is owed, back and forth, is considered paid off.

  The library days of the past decades.

  A refuge at the foot of Kyoto.

  Three years as a national teacher. Two changes in the capital... there are still many things that I can't see.

  It's time to let go...

  As for who will be the co-owner of this world in the end, that is the choice of this world.

  Don't think too much.

  Step forward and enter Guobei County...

  Guobei County in the past was just a small town with no reputation, just like countless small counties in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

  But today's Guobei County has long since changed, and

  the city has expanded by a full circle.

  The economy has changed qualitatively...

  the streets have become incredibly clean.

  From time to time, I can still see a scholar walking by...

  The scholar's clothes have the word Yushan written on them.

  Xiaobai happily took Chen Luo's hand: "He is a student of Yushan Academy, sir, this is a student of Yushan Academy!"

  Chen Luo smiled slightly.

  The city is full of culture.

  All are Confucian and Taoist people.

  In fact, not to mention those in Guobei County, Chen Luo has often seen Confucian and Taoist scholars over the years...

  When he thought about it, he felt a little emotional.

  All Confucianism and Taoism in the world came from Ning Shuan.

  That Ning Shuan is his eldest disciple.

  In other words...

  all scholars in the world need to call themselves master?
  Even Chen Luo became a little happy at this thought...

  "There are more scholars in the city today, and they seem to be in a hurry. They don't know where to go? Not only the scholars, but also many people are like this..."

  Cat Lady said.

  Chen Luo also discovered this.


  I asked one of the common people and heard that it was in Taoyuan.

  Chen Luo asked curiously: "Where..."

  When the common people said it, Chen Luo's face suddenly became complicated... That place itself Very familiar!

  It turns out that the peach trees I planted in the past became a peach orchard, but they have become a scenery in Guobei County!

  I don’t know if someone saw the numerous bones at his feet...

  he shook his head.

  It’s not easy to think too much about it.

  As for the comparison in Taoyuan, it is a comparison among scholars all over the world.

  There are poems and poems written.

  There are scripture comparisons.

  There are even comparisons between Confucianism and Taoism.

  This suddenly aroused Chen Luo's interest, so he took Cat Lady and Xiao Bai to Taoyuan to watch the competition.

  It's really wonderful.

  Not to mention reciting poems and composing poems, not to mention comparing scriptures.

  Just the comparison between Confucianism and Taoism aroused applause from the people.

  Scholars put pen to paper and talk on paper.

  The pen falls.

  condensed into phases.

  The man wrote the word sword, and an ink sword was generated!

  The man wrote the word "knife" and a cold knife appeared!

  The scholar wrote a sentence: The falling trees rustled under the endless trees, but the Yangtze River was nowhere to be seen, so a wave appeared and swept out, filling the garden with peach blossoms!
  A scholar wrote a sentence: I couldn't see you on the mountain winding road, and there was a place for horses to walk in the sky above the snow. So, some snow fell down on him. The scholar, who was originally slow, moved as fast as the wind, and he became several times faster.

  Different from monks.

  Confucianism and Taoism are much more elegant.

  Cat Lady said: "Confucianism and Taoism have become more and more prosperous in recent years, and senior brother has contributed a lot!" "

  He is a master in the world. This is his merit."


  Chen Luo looked at it for a while and then left.

  Confucianism and Taoism are good, but they have shortcomings...

  It is better to practice Qi.

  For him, practicing Qi is ultimately the right path.

  Just arrived at the foot of the mountain.

  There was an aura coming from Yushan Academy...the aura soared into the sky, even if it was obscured by the formation in the academy.

  But as the organizer of the formation, Chen Luo can feel it.

  When he left for the first time in the past, Chen Luo arranged a large formation in the academy.

  Formation for blockade!
  The sealing formation was learned by the Temple of Light in the past, and later improved by Chen Luo. It not only has the effect of sealing mountains, but also has the power to lock and trap people, and it also has the ability to isolate the practitioner's breath.


  Cat Lady looked at Chen Luo who stopped. ,
  raised his head and asked.

  Chen Luo laughed and said, "Master Xiang has entered the realm of the Demon King!"

  The Cat Lady smiled slightly when she heard this.

  "I see, Master Xiang finally made a breakthrough..."

  Speaking of Master Xiang is not easy.

  When Cat Lady arrived at Yushan Academy, he was already a great demon.

  When the Cat Lady was the Great Demon, he was still the Great Demon...

  When the Cat Lady was the Demon King, he was still the Great Demon.

  In fact, it was because he was not very talented, but rather unlucky. He had a chance to make a breakthrough fifteen years ago.

  It's a pity that it failed.

  Later, Chen Luo gave him a lot of elixirs and used medical treatment for a few days before he stabilized the collapsed abutment.

  Now, it took more than ten years to finally attack the Demon King.

  And it was successful.

  This can be regarded as hard work paying off.

  After entering the back mountain,

  I saw Master Xiang and Ning Shuan.

  I congratulated Master Xiang.

  Chen Luo finally saw a three or four-year-old girl with a bun on her head.

  The little girl's name is Taiping.

  Xiao Taiping...

  is Changle's daughter.

  She is also the daughter of Ying Zheng.

  She hugged Ning Shuan's legs, raised her head and looked at Chen Luo timidly, and asked Ning Shuan: "Master, he... who is he?"

  Chen Luo stopped.

  Ning Shuan and his children built a thatched house next to Chen Luo's yard.

  Even Xiangfuzi built one.

  Nowadays, there are many strangers in the back mountain, and the children are naturally a little afraid.

  "He is the master's master. Go ahead, kneel down and call him master."

  The little girl thought for a moment.

  Still came over.

  Kneel down.

  He kowtowed three times respectfully.

  He yelled: "Master..."

  "You are a good boy, but you have to change your last name."

  Chen Luo said, "Let's call you Ning Taiping!"

  The little girl looked at Ning Shu'an, Ning Shu'an An nodded, and then the little girl said oh.

  She entered Yushan Academy.

  He also became the founding disciple of the Confucian and Taoist saints in the world.

  Ye Hao Xiao.

  Win or win.

  This has nothing to do with her...

  Ning should be her birth name.

  Of course, there was also the reason why Chen Luo didn't want her to have too much involvement with the royal families of Da Zhou and Da Qin.

  This is a princess whose bloodline continues between the two countries.

  Destined to be the center of the world's whirlpool.

  Ning... saved her a lot of trouble...

  So far, there is no more Xiao Taiping in the world.

  It didn't take long for Chen Luo to return to Yushan Academy.

  In just one month, I went to Yushan Academy again.

  The Xianxia sect was in the west...

  Chen Luo then headed west.

  But this time, Chen Luo was alone... without Xiao Bai's troubles and without the Cat Lady's company.


  Nor is he alone.

  There is a breeze to accompany you.

  There is a bright moon shining on it.

  There are green mountains and green water.

  Therefore, Chen Luo is not alone...

  (End of chapter)

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