147. Chapter 147 Visiting Strange People

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  Chapter 147
  It’s wrong to visit a strange person!
  In the words of Master Xiang, when a demon opens its spiritual intelligence and reaches the foundation-building stage, it will transform into a human form.

  This is the inheritance and talent engraved in the bones.

  Just like him.

  After entering the foundation building and becoming a great demon, he transformed into a human form.

  He has never seen anything like this before.

  Chen Luo also asked him.

  Is there anything similar to the exercises? Only by practicing these can we enter the transformation stage.

  He shook his head towards the Master.

  He wasn't sure either.

  After all, just because you don’t need it doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t have it.


  Xiang Fuzi brought a message: "Perhaps, you can ask strange people, maybe you can get something."

  Huh? ?

  Strange person?

  Chen Luo was a little surprised.

  This was the first time I heard the word "Qiren" mentioned from Master Xiang,

  "Qiren lives in a small village more than fifty miles west of Guobei County. That village is quite difficult to find. It is located on a high mountain and is known as It is called Taoyuan Village, and there is a strange person in Taoyuan Village who has strange explanations for many things...

  When I was chased by Shushan Sword Sect and others,

  I entered it by mistake once, but it was a blessing in disguise that I met a strange person and chatted with him for a long time. I was so shocked that I was a heavenly being, and after I left the village, I came to Yushan Academy!"

  Listening to Master Xiang's words, Chen Luo looked at the Cat Lady.

  "What do you think, Cat Lady?"

  "Cat Lady wants to ask..."

  Cat Lady made a decision without even thinking about it.

  "Since you want to go, let's go with you!"

  Chen Luo has been feeling a little unbearable in the mountains recently.

  Now that Cat Lady is in trouble, it’s not too much to help yourself, right?


  What a strange person...

  It's not easy to think of someone who can say a strange word to Master Xiang and be shocked by the existence of a heavenly being.

  It's not impossible if we can meet him once.


  Just leave.

  After returning, I went to Yushan Academy without any preparation.

  The Cat Lady walked in front.

  Every step he takes is as if he is flying gently, and falling down is extremely light.

  It's obviously just a cat.

  But it is very elegant.

  Chen Luo rode a donkey and followed slowly behind him.

  Occasionally taking a sip of green gourd wine is an indescribable enjoyment.

  Xiaohong walked very steadily.

  I have been quite honest recently.

  Perhaps, he had some spiritual wisdom and knew that if he didn't behave well, he would be burned by Chen Luo.

  Therefore, his performance in the past two years has been impeccable.

  Cat Lady occasionally looked back at Chen Luo and saw confusion in her eyes when she saw him drinking.

  I don’t know what’s so good about that wine.

  Every time he saw this, Chen Luo couldn't help but ask, "Cat Lady, do you want a drink?"

  Cat Lady would say, "Cat Lady doesn't drink."

  "Our family didn't like to drink either before."

  " Then why did the gentleman drink again?"

  "We don't drink in our family."

  "Then what did the gentleman drink?"

  "What he drank was life."

  Cat Lady didn't understand...but maybe in the future, she will understand, right?
  "Cat Lady, have you ever thought about what you will look like after you transform?"

  Chen Luo asked Cat Lady.

  The Cat Lady shook her head: "I haven't thought about it, but I hope I can look better after transforming, just not too ugly."

  Chen Luo laughed when he heard this.

  Who says only people love beauty.

  This demon, this animal, they also love beauty.

  "Don't worry, we don't know what Cat Queen will look like after she transforms, but we can be sure of one thing, that is, Cat Queen will be the most elegant after she transforms." Cat Queen nodded


  It likes to hear Mr. say this.

  But compared to elegance, it still prefers to be beautiful.

  [You are walking on the official road and have not been down the mountain for a long time. You seem to have feelings and thoughts in your heart...

  Your experience in the immortal road has been improved.

  Immortal experience +100!

  PS: There are many years in the mountains. There are many ways to practice. There are all kinds of things. Some are cultivating the mind, some are reading, some are walking thousands of miles, some are saving people. Maybe, there is another way? ]

  Chen Luo smiled slightly.

  Is there another way to save the common people?
  I don’t know exactly how,

  but one day, I will find my own path...

  just like the Cat Lady.

  It's looking for a way to change form.

  But I am looking for a way forward...

  This is actually the same truth.

  Chen Luo was not in a hurry, he was swaying slowly...

  Cat Lady was a little anxious.

  But he is an elegant cat,

  so if Chen Luo is not in a hurry, he cannot be in a hurry either.

  He could only follow Chen Luo slowly.

  The road of more than fifty miles is actually not that far.

  As long as there are no accidents, we can always arrive within these few hours.

  But often when there are no surprises, this one will happen...

  Chen Luo and Cat Lady only set out in the afternoon.

  Halfway through, thunder suddenly boomed...

  and then dark clouds began to gather.

  Chen Luo frowned slightly.

  He raised his head and looked at the sky.

  "Cat Lady, it looks like it's going to rain..."

  "What should we do?"

  "Find a place to hide from the rain."

  Chen Luo knew the technique.

  No matter how heavy the rain is, it won't have any impact on him, but Chen Luo likes to enjoy the rain on rainy days...

  The beautiful scenery after the rain is often different.

  That kind of beauty... can only be understood by experiencing it. Only by seeing it can we understand the emptiness and freshness in it.

  It's a pity...

  there is no rain shelter on the official road.

  Then make one yourself...

  Put your hand lightly on the ground, and some trees suddenly grew on the ground, and the trees turned into a medium-sized pavilion in the blink of an eye.

  Just in time.

  It rained heavily.

  The Cat Lady was in the pavilion, looking left and right, quite curious.

  "Sir, how did you do this?"

  Cat Lady didn't understand.

  How could this gentleman build such a pavilion in such a short time?


  Whenever this happens, Chen Luo feels that damn sense of vanity.

  A smile appeared.

  so easy.

  It seems to be saying something serious: "It's just a small wooden technique. You can understand it if you read more books!"

  Of course!

  If you don't have that look, you can worship me, but you will look like a master from this world.

  The Cat Lady is very flattering.

  At this time, he would look at Chen Luo with great admiration.

  "Sir, you are indeed amazing!"

  At this time, Chen Luo would say: "One day, Cat Lady will be able to do this."

  Cat Lady would nod at this time.

  "Cat Queen knows."

  Perhaps, this is why Chen Luo likes Cat Queen.

  He just gave a step up.

  But it was really...


  rained for a long time, until nightfall.

  Chen Luo and Cat Lady didn't care either.

  Just head forward into the night...

  The road in Taoyuan Village is not easy to walk. At first, just follow the official road. After a few dozen miles, you will reach a mountain.

  This mountain is Taoyuan Mountain.

  Taoyuan Mountain is very big... it stretches for hundreds of miles along its edge.

  At first there was a trail going up the mountain.


  the trail disappears.

  Chen Luo, Cat Lady, and Xiao Hong stood there.

  Scratching the head.

  There was some embarrassment on his face.

  "Sir, are we lost?"

  Cat Lady asked.

  "Don't worry, trust me, we're not lost!"


  The night sky was clear.

  Moonlight wild rice.

  In the forest, Chen Luo, Cat Lady, and Xiao Hong... were still walking.

  "We seem to be lost!"

  At this time, Chen Luo finally had to admit the fact.

  "Cat Lady knows."

  "Huh huh huh."

  Chen Luo didn't panic or feel embarrassed: "But it's okay. Our family has released its spiritual consciousness. There is a ruined temple not far away. We can go and rest. !"



  Deep in the mountains, deep in the forest.

  The ruined temple

  doesn’t look that safe no matter how you look at it.

  It turns out.

  Not long after a man, a cat and a donkey entered the ruined temple, as soon as the fire started... heavy fog suddenly filled the entire forest.

  Heavy fog covered the entire mountain.

  I can't see my fingers, and it's a bit seeping.

  Occasionally, it is mixed with the mountain wind, whistling and roaring, which makes people shiver.

  Wu Adou was a hunter who was in trouble in the mountains. He failed to go hunting in the mountains two years ago. As a result, he fell off a cliff and died on the spot.

  Later...he didn't know what happened, but he lived again.

  But in the end, he discovered that he was actually not alive, but instead became a mountain ghost.

  And have some means or something.

  For example, controlling the forest fog in the mountains...

  So occasionally he would use this to scare people entering the mountains, which was quite enjoyable and comfortable.


  there are people coming to the mountain today,

  a man, a cat and a donkey.

  A very strange lineup.

  As usual, there was heavy fog first, and then the mountain wind howled.

  In the end, he was blowing out the fire for him...

  Wu Adou felt a little excited when he thought of this scene. He thought he would scream soon, right?


  I saw that the man just took out the fire seal from his arms with a very calm expression. Take a puff.

  A few sparks fell on the dry wood.

  In the dark and cold ruined temple, light appeared again.

  He even brought out three fish.

  He put a stick through the fish's mouth, put it next to the fire and grilled it...

  Wu Adou: ...

  and blew out the fire.

  The man lit another fire.

  Blow it out again.

  Light the fire again.


  when Wu Adou was about to blow out the fire again, Chen Luo couldn't help it anymore.

  "If you put out the fire, our family will definitely use you as the ignition source. Do you believe it?"

  Wu Adou was startled.

  This, is this you discovered yourself?

  It shouldn’t be.

  And no one can see it.

  Is this a lie to me?

  Just when Wu Adou was still wondering if this was a scam, suddenly a force was sucked towards him. ,

  I saw my body flying towards the fire uncontrollably.

  In the ruined temple.

  A cloud of mist poured in from the outside, continued to condense, and finally turned into a young man who was about seventeen or eighty-nine years old.

  The young man was dressed as a hunter.

  He was carrying a machete behind his back...

  He looked confused.


  A cat.

  A donkey.

  one person.

  Was looking at him quietly.

  Wu Adou finally reacted and was about to run away.

  "Do you think you can run away?"

  The footsteps stopped abruptly.

  Wu Adou coughed.

  Look back.

  He saluted Chen Luo very respectfully: "I, Wu Adou, have met the master... I apologize for disturbing you late at night." "

  Your name is Wu Adou?"


  "How did you become a mountain? Ghost?"

  "I fell off the cliff and died... After I died, I became."

  He answered, but it seemed that he didn't answer.


  Wu Adou is a hunter from a nearby village.

  His family was poor since he was a child, and

  his parents died early.

  He was the only one left...

  He started hunting in the mountains when he was fifteen or sixteen and became a professional hunter.

  But two or three years ago, he accidentally fell into a cliff and died on the spot.

  By coincidence, Lucky became a mountain ghost.

  According to Wu Adou, he didn't know what happened, but it ended up like this anyway.

  Wu Adou, who was still a little scared at first, saw that Chen Luo didn't seem to have any intention of killing him.

  Then I started to feel less afraid and less cautious!
  Chen Luo really didn't want to kill him.

  It's a bit interesting to say.

  As a mountain ghost, Wu Adou has no such thing as karma.

  It can be seen that he has not killed anyone.

  Even the mountain ghost is so kind, so there is no need to kill him.


  "What did you say?"

  "We went to the wrong place?"

  "Isn't this Taoyuan Mountain?"

  "This is Shiyan Mountain?"

  After hearing Wu Adou's words, Chen Luo fell silent...

  The Cat Lady sighed.

  He took out a book from Xiaohong's back and read it quietly.

  Xiaohong lay on the ground.

  Some don't want to move...

  "Do you know Taoyuan Village?"


  Wu Adou nodded: "I have seen it from a distance several times, but I didn't dare to get close..." "


  "Because in that village "There is something that scares me. Although I don't know what it is, I always feel that if I get too close, I will die."

  Chen Luo wanted to say that he was already dead.

  But when I think about it, he is still alive now...

  "Then you will have to lead the way tomorrow."


  Wu Adou agreed without thinking.

  Early the next morning, a man, a cat, a donkey and a ghost...

  walked through the forest.

  Under the leadership of Wu Adou.

  Finally came to a cliff.

  "This is the entrance to Taoyuan Village."

  Wu Adou pointed to a crack under the cliff: "After entering from here, you will reach Taoyuan Village!"

  Chen Luo nodded.

  "Thank you for your hard work, little brother."

  Chen Luo said.

  Then he walked towards the crack, followed by Cat Lady and Xiao Hong, but Wu Adou had already left.

  He didn't like to get close to this place, and he didn't dare to get close.


  The entrance to the cliff crack is extremely narrow.

  Kankan can only pass by one person...

  Cat Lady's body is fine.

  Halfway through, Xiaohong's body got stuck. Chen Luo had no choice but to ask it to exit along the original path and find a place to wait.

  Fortunately, after walking dozens of steps, I suddenly became enlightened.

  The entire Taoyuan Village was also displayed in front of Chen Luo.

  The land is flat and vast, with well-groomed houses, fertile fields, beautiful ponds, mulberry trees, and bamboos. There is traffic on the streets, chickens and dogs hear each other, and people are planting crops. The men and women are dressed like outsiders.

  Occasionally I see an old man relaxing under a tree.

  I also saw children running along the road, holding fish in their hands and bamboo baskets tied around their waists, with mud spilling out.

  All the faces are filled with smiles!

  This is a paradise...

  maybe, right?

  The cat lady's hair was a little ruffled, and there was a hint of fear and vigilance in its eyes... But Chen Luo had already squatted down and picked it up.

  Stroking its back gently.

  "This is a good place. There is nothing to worry about, Cat Lady."

  Chen Luo said.

  The Cat Lady finally relaxed...

  but even so, she was still a little wary.

  When Chen Luo came in, he attracted the attention of the children. They ran over with their faces covered in mud.

  Hold your head high.

  Looking at Chen Luo with clear and tender eyes: "Sir, are you from outside?" "


  "You are really from outside. No outsiders have come to our village for a long time."

  The little man was a little happy. , turned around and showed off to his companions.

  Then he said: "My name is Goudan, what's your name sir? Why did you come to our village? Are you looking for someone?" "I'm

  Chen Luo. I heard that there is a strange person in the Peach Blossom Spring, so I came here to meet him." "

  Strange person, then. It must be Grandpa Ning!"

  As soon as Goudan heard this, he knew who he was looking for: "That is the most powerful person in our village, but he has a very strange personality. If you go to find him, be careful! "

  Oh, what's the weird trick?"

  "He's never willing to talk to us, not even close to his house... Look, that's his house..."

  Goudan pointed to the end of the village.

  There was a solitary thatched house...

  different from the peace in the village,

  it looked very cold and lonely.

  At this moment...

  an old man was standing there, looking at Chen Luo and the Cat Lady from a distance.

  Chen Luo smiled slightly and saluted him.

  Chatted with Goudan for a few words.

  Then he walked towards the thatched house in no hurry.

  "I've met Mr. Ning."

  Standing in front of the old man, Chen Luo saluted...

  "Uncontested father-in-law came to my peach blossom garden today. Do you think he entered by mistake?"

  Chen Luo was a little surprised.

  "Mr. Ning knows about our family?"

  "Of course he knows, even like thunder... I used to think that I might see Eunuch Buqiang soon, but I didn't expect that I would see him under such circumstances." "Mr.

  Ning Yes?"

  "Ning Lai!"

  It turns out it's him!

  "In the past, the Jinling Temple destroyed the Agni Fire Sect, and fellow Daoist Ning lost his trace. I didn't expect it to be here. This is really an accident."

  Chen Luo really didn't expect that this strange person was actually Ning Lai.

  That one left a huge mark in the history of the Qin Dynasty...

  "This is the old and decayed original village. It's not surprising here."

  The original village?

  Chen Luo looked at the peach blossom garden behind him.

  Look at Ning Lai again.

  In the end, nothing was said and

  the two of them entered the house...

  Then Ning Lai got straight to the point: "Didn't Eunuch Bu Zheng always stay at Yushan Academy these years? He suddenly appeared in Taohuayuan Village today. Isn't it as simple as passing by by coincidence?" "Indeed

  ... ...I have encountered some problems recently. I heard that the academy told the Master that there is a strange person in Taoyuan Village, so I thought of coming over to consult, but I didn't expect that this strange person was actually fellow Taoist Ning..." "Problem?" Ning Lai frowned



  "Your question?"

  "It's not that..."

  Chen Luo smiled and waved to the Cat Lady.

  Cat Lady, come here.

  "Cat Lady has seen senior..."

  Chen Luo didn't need to say anything, just glanced at him.

  Now Ning Lai knows what's going on.

  "It seems that you are here to find a way to transform..."

  Chen Luo nodded: "That's true. The Cat Queen has entered the foundation, but she can't transform. I guess there is something wrong. Can

  Fellow Daoist Ning see it ? Coming out, does this mean you know what's going on?"

  Cat Lady also looked at Ning Lai expectantly.


  he was still disappointed after all... He didn't know what was going on.

  The cat lady felt a little depressed.

  Chen Luo didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only gently caress its back...

  Fortunately, there is no end to the road...

  (End of this chapter)

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