116. Chapter 116 There is a dragon in the Yangtze River

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  Chapter 116 There is a Dragon in the Yangtze River.

  Chen Luo only met Chen Ping in the thirty-ninth year of the Divine Revelation.

  Stop and go,

  the journey is quite long.

  But the little fox couldn't help but want to complain.

  This is not a long way away.

  It's just that Chen Luo went in the wrong direction.

  Chunyang Palace is in the east, and

  Chenluo is all the way to the west.

  If I hadn't reacted in the end and walked back, it wouldn't have been as simple as going wrong. This would have never happened in my life.

  Chen Luo scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed.

  This is actually Chen Luo's fault.

  To a certain extent, the divinely appointed emperor has some responsibilities.

  He heard something about Colonel Mojin on the road, and it seemed that Captain Mojin was haunting Yuzhou.

  Chen Luo just went there...

  if he went there, he would really find something, but he didn't see Captain Touch Jin.

  Instead, I found the traces left by Captain Mo Jin.

  In the mountains.

  There was a mountain that was cut open.

  The tomb inside was revealed.

  What was inside the tomb is unknown.

  But what is certain is that the things inside were long gone when Chen Luo went there...

  They should have probably taken them away.

  And look at the size of the tomb.

  Either rich or noble.

  I'm afraid the background is a bit complicated.

  "The divinely appointed emperor founded the Golden School Captain and searched for ancient tombs and places all over the world... What is he doing? Looking for ancient caves? This doesn't look like it!" In the past two years, some

  ancient caves have appeared.

  Da Zhou also has it.

  Da Qin also has it.

  But it seems that the purpose of touching Captain Jin is not the ancient cave...it seems that he is looking for something.

  It's just a pity...

  Chen Luo couldn't figure it out.

  If you can't figure it out, then don't think about it.


  When he went to Chunyang Palace to see Chen Ping, Chen Luo couldn't recognize her.

  Chen Ping left Kyoto in the 34th year of her life.

  This year is thirty-eighth.

  Four years.

  Now Chen Ping is not yet twenty...

  but her face is already full of vicissitudes of life and twilight.

  When he saw Chen Luo and Little Fox, he just saluted from a distance... Then he entered the bamboo house again, closed the door and began to retreat.

  No one was seen...

  The female Taoist Priest Hongying of the Kunlun Sect said to Chen Luo: "Since the death of Sister Lingsha, he has been like this. He locked himself in a bamboo house. He has been in retreat... I think...


  Hong The female Taoist priest fell silent and said nothing more.

  Chen Luo probably understood what she meant: "He wants revenge..."

  Hongyingnu sighed: "The Blood Knife Sect is extremely powerful. If it wasn't for the fear of my Kunlun strength, how could I keep him? I wanted to take him back to Kunlun. But he didn't go back.

  So I stayed here... I promised Miss Lingsha to protect him for fifty years... No matter what happens after fifty years, I will go back!" "

  Fifty years is enough... ..."

  Being able to promise to protect Chen Ping for fifty years is considered a high act for Hong Yingnu.

  Chen Luo took out a bottle of wine and handed it to Hongyingnu.

  "The name of this wine is Meijianxue... Lu Lingsha once said that she likes this wine... Please leave it to Chen Ping." "


  Chen Luo went down the mountain and left.

  "Where are we going?"

  the little fox thought.


  He wanted to see someone...

  meet Bai Yuchan.

  Ming when you see it.

  Meet the seasonal fish.

  I don't know why, but Chen Luo has been feeling a little bit lately...

  as if time is running out.

  It was as if something big was going to happen,
  so he thought that he would take advantage of this time to go to HD and meet people he knew.



  Chen Luo returned to the familiar courtyard.

  The talisman is still posted on the door.

  When Chen Luo walked in, Bai Yuchan was folding vegetables in the courtyard.

  "Hey? What are you cooking? Can you cook an extra portion?"

  Chen Luo shouted.

  Bai Yuchan was startled.

  He looked up...

  When he saw Chen Luo, his face suddenly became extremely excited: "Chen... Master Chen! You... you are back!" "

  What are you cooking for lunch?"

  "I wanted to make some noodles... Master Chen is back. , Whatever you want to eat, I will buy it now..."

  Long time no see.

  Bai Yuchan has aged a lot.

  Beauty fades away, this is the right way in the world.

  It is also the rule of heaven and earth...

  But Chen Luo feels that she still has charm.

  "I just eat noodles. I haven't eaten in a long time. I miss it a little!"

  "Is it delicious?"

  The little fox walked in from the door...

  Bai Yuchan was startled when he opened his mouth.

  "The fox...the fox...said...said?"

  She had never seen this kind of thing.

  This fox can still talk?

  Unprecedented, first time in a mess.

  "This is Xiaobai, don't be afraid,"

  Xiaobai coughed lightly.

  She stood up straight,

  like a dignified little girl, and saluted slightly: "Xiao Bai has seen Aunt Bai..."

  But because she was too fat, she couldn't stand still and

  immediately fell on her head.

  Bai Yuchan laughed, and the corner of Chen Luo's mouth twitched, covering his head.

  Damn it!

  What a shame!


  Chen Luo didn't see Shiyu still singing.

  The two sisters have been out practicing for several years.

  Didn't come back.

  I heard Bai Yuchan say... Shi Ming and Shi Yu had their revenge... and still had a moderate reputation in the world.

  She also earned the title: Sisters of Two Knives.

  To be honest...this title is even more unpleasant than the one I don't fight for my father-in-law.

  Seeing it is fate
  , not seeing it is fate.

  Chen Luo didn't feel any regrets...

  "How long will my father-in-law stay here this time?"

  Bai Yuchan asked Chen Luo.

  She hadn't been back for several years, and she hoped that Chen Luo could stay longer...

  "Let's see,"

  Chen Luo said, "It's hard to say whether it's one year, two years, three years or five... Maybe I won't go back now! "

  Bai Yuchan was happy.

  He said yes.

  "Then I'll buy some delicious food tomorrow."

  "I want it too!"

  the little fox shouted.

  Bai Yuchan said: "Okay!"

  Chen Luo didn't know that at the same time...

  in Kyoto.

  The two women walked into Kyoto and inquired about Chen Luo.

  It just so happened that the person to inquire about was Wang's Tofu...

  "Don't fight for father-in-law? What do you want to do with father-in-law?"

  Wang looked at the pair of sisters in front of her.

  He looks pretty good.

  She is also young...

  but this is the first time in these years that someone is looking for her father-in-law, so she naturally has to ask clearly.

  "We came from HD to look for Grandpa Chen. It was Grandpa Chen who saved us when we were young. My name is Shi Ming, and this is my sister Shi Yu!" "I see... but you guys are late

  . "My father-in-law left a few years ago."


  Shi Ming was stunned.

  His eyes suddenly turned red.

  "Isn't Grandpa Chen an immortal...Why did he leave?"

  Wang:? ? ?
  "Did you misunderstand something?"


  "My father-in-law just left...not dead!"

  Wang was dumbfounded.

  What are these two girls thinking...


  Chen Luo lived in the HD courtyard and entered a state of seclusion.

  He began to study the jade slips that he had obtained a few years ago.

  There is a lot of information in it.

  Includes notes on various talismans.

  If he wants to get rid of the premise of incense, it will naturally be a bit troublesome.

  Fortunately, the last thing Chen Luo fears is trouble.


  have you done less of this in recent years?
  [You have analyzed the true meaning of the talisman and want to integrate it into your talismans. You seem to have some insights,
  but not much!
  PS: The road is a bit long, but it is recommended to persevere. Only perseverance can you have hope of victory.

  Do you insist?
  Then hold on!

  Chen Luo once again resumed the living habits he had at Zangshuge, getting up in the morning to practice boxing.

  After dinner, go fishing.

  drink wine.

  Reading books,

  holding jade slips at night to deduce my own talismans...

  not much.

  But there are changes every day.


  divinely granted for forty years.

  Longhushan seemed to have noticed something, and heard that the national preceptor Huangfu Sheng had entered the palace.

  There was a dispute with the Divinely Granted Emperor.

  But simply, the relationship is not at a standstill yet.

  Just parting without joy...

  God granted forty-two years.

  An ancient cave appears again in Dazhou...

  There is also one near HD.

  When he appeared, he was quite close to Chen Luo.


  when Chen Luogang went there, he found that all the major sects were there...

  more than a dozen sects.

  In the end they got into a fight.

  Chen Luo stood far away and thought for a moment...feeling that there was no need to fight with them.

  The little fox crawled out of the ground.

  There is also a jade slip in his hand...

  The jade slip is covered with dirt.

  He looked at Chen Luo with a look that asked for credit.

  Chen Luo thought about it and gave her extra food that day...but still told her that there was no need to bring back such things.

  The Ancient Cave Mansion is indeed the Ancient Cave Mansion.

  But what the hell is this jade slip?

  What kind of epitaph?

  What a waste!

  Sure enough, there are some things that you cannot have if you are not yourself...that is: Lu Xuan?

  I remember this name!

  If this guy is unlucky and comes back again, I will definitely take good care of him.

  It was a waste of my father-in-law’s expression.

  Forty-five years after divine instruction...

  Chen Luo successfully researched the true meaning of the talisman and integrated it into the talisman Tao.

  He drew the first Yaksha.

  Still a yaksha that doesn’t need incense!
  Xiaobai was shocked when Yasha appeared...but Chen Luo was very satisfied.

  Compared with that old Taoist priest, only this Yaksha himself can be considered a Yaksha!
  God gave forty-six years.

  Shi Yu and Shi Ming are back...

  they have grown up.

  Also mature.

  This time there were two men following him back.

  They are getting married.

  With tears in her eyes, Bai Yuchan agreed to their marriage...

  Chen Luo didn't say anything.

  What can a eunuch say?
  Just some emotion.

  The eight-year-old girl is getting married now, what about me?
  Still an old eunuch...

  so pitiful.


  "You are getting fatter and fatter!"

  The little fox has become a round ball.

  Hearing Chen Luo's words, the little fox turned his head, not wanting to talk to Chen Luo.

  After a long time, he muttered: "I have been working hard to lose weight. Who knows, the more I lose, the more fat I will get..."

  Chen Luo: ...

  Is it possible that you ate too much?

  the second year.

  Shi Yu and Shi Ming came back once each with their children.

  Chen Luo wrapped a red envelope alone.

  When I was young.

  There is a longing for the world in their eyes, a yearning for the world of immortality, and


  They only have children in their eyes.

  They seemed to have forgotten their original goal.

  But now, they also have someone they want to protect.

  Chen Luo thinks this is good.

  In fact...

  Jianghu is also good.

  It’s also good to cultivate immortality.

  Not that great.

  As for Chen Luo...

  he is a little lonely.

  Fortunately, Hongxiu is here.


  God-given fifty years.

  Chen Luo hasn't left yet.

  Bai Yuchan is getting older...

  and her health is getting worse.

  My memory is also starting to get a little bad.

  She often forgets some things... Chen Luo looked at her luck and found that it was not a serious problem and was pretty good.

  But this year.

  News came from Kyoto... The Divinely Granted Emperor ordered to build a statue hundreds of meters high in Kyoto!
  The statue is the golden body of the God-given Emperor!
  No one knew what the Divinely Granted Emperor wanted to do, but Longhushan looked a little unhappy when he heard the news.

  I heard that he entered the palace again.

  There was another quarrel in the palace!

  The Divinely Granted Emperor was angry.


  Disperse the Taoists from Kyoto!

  There is nothing Longhushan can do about this. Over the years, the Divinely Granted Emperor has gathered a large number of monks, and they are very powerful...

  Longhushan will not take action easily!


  Taoism was expelled from Kyoto, and Buddhism became the biggest winner.

  Naturally, he will not stop what the Divine Grant Emperor wants to do...

  at the same time.

  The divine emperor gave the order.

  Buddhism is spreading across the country...

  there is a vague trend of Buddhism becoming the state religion.

  Buddhism supports the divine conferment of emperors even more!

  Huangfu Sheng did not leave Longhu Mountain.

  It was Hongxiu who brought the news. It seemed that Huangfu Sheng went to see Emperor Jianwu and didn't know what to say, but Emperor Jianwu refused.

  When Chen Luo heard the news, his head was a little confused.

  This... what's the plot now?
  Why can't he understand?

  God-given emperor kisses Buddha?
  There's something wrong with this!

  Chen Luo remembered that she had had many conversations with the Divinely Granted Emperor in the past few years... She was quite disgusted with Buddhism.

  Why are you pro-Buddha now?

  Something is wrong!

  But Chen Luo didn't think about it...he just watched it anyway.

  With time, the truth will naturally be revealed as to what the Divinely Granted Emperor wants to do...


  "The Divinely Granted Emperor has done one more thing in recent years!"

  Hongxiu said: "She sent people out of the imperial city to Wugen We went to the door and looked for Sima Junliang... not only him, but also Li Chungang..."

  Chen Luo:? ? ?
  "What are you doing with them?"

  "Go back to Beijing!"

  Chen Luo: ...


  This head is getting bigger and bigger.

  Forget it!
  Forget it if you are pro-Buddha!
  You also approached Sima Junliang and Li Chungang...

  What are you doing?
  Damn it!

  Why does it feel like this game of chess is getting bigger and bigger...

  "What do you think the Divinely Granted Emperor wants to do? What she has done over the years is really hard to figure out and I can't understand!" Hong Xiu frowned


  "I feel like things are getting more and more complicated. Now I don't dare to go back to Kyoto. I feel like the water there is getting deeper and deeper. If it's not necessary, I don't think you should go back." Chen Luo thinks this suggestion is good


  It’s better to wait until we know what the Divinely Granted Emperor is going to do.

  Otherwise, if I go back to Kyoto at this time, I might get into trouble for no reason!

  This is not in line with Chen Luo's temperament!

  This wait.

  That’s quite a few years!
  This year...

  Chen Luo entered the eighth level of Qi Condensation.

  Also this year, there was another heavy rain in Dazhou...

  But the heavy rain only gathered here in the Yangtze River Basin.

  The water in the entire Yangtze River Basin was rolling, making it impossible for passing ships to pass. The sky was dark and dark, as if something was about to fall from the sky.


  the heavy rain spread.

  It’s not just Dazhou.

  It’s Da Qin.

  Even the borders of the Great Wall, foreign lands, etc., where it never rained, started to rain heavily.

  in HD.

  Chen Luo stretched out his hand.

  There was no special feeling when the rain fell on my body...but the little fox ran out and let the rain wet it, very happy.

  It told Chen Luo.

  It likes the rain...

  this rain makes it feel very comfortable.

  At the same time...

  Hongxiu ran over in a panic.

  His face was full of solemnity:

  "A dragon has appeared in the Yangtze River!"

  (End of this chapter)

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