Chapter 32 Dimensional Bag and Protective Ring

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  Chapter 32 Dimensional bag and protective ring
  5112 gold coins!

  This is the money Pei Ze got after selling all the potions!
  A huge sum of money!
  At least he had never held so much money.

  "With this money, I can buy a lot of things."

  With a smile on his face, Pei Ze got up and left the stall. He went to the management office to check out the stall, got back the deposit, and then wandered around.

  There is less than a month left before the trial, and he plans to purchase several magic items to strengthen his strength.

  But to his disappointment, there were many stalls selling magic items. After observing them with the omniscient eye, he found that most of them were defective items, probably the failure of an enchantment apprentice.

  After going around, Pei Ze couldn't find anything that suited his liking.

  Finally, he stopped in front of a shop.

  Among the many small and cramped stalls, this shop with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters undoubtedly stands out, and it is difficult not to notice it.

  The shop is filled with all kinds of weapons, armor, magic items and potions, which is dazzling.

  Many people passing by the door couldn't help but cast greedy glances, eager to take everything for themselves.

  However, no one dared to take action.

  You can tell with your toes that those who can open a store in the black market must have a very deep background, and maybe they belong to the industry of the black market organizer.

  There must be a wizard behind this kind of shop, maybe even more than one, and only a fool would mess with it.

  Entering the store, Pei Ze's eyes immediately fell on the cabinet shelf on the left, which was filled with various magic items.

  Pei Ze even saw a witchcraft!
  Magic items have levels.

  The lowest level is the alchemy level, also known as sub-magic items.

  Such magic items often only have a single enchantment property.

  Such as dimensional bags.

  Such as many enchanted weapons.

  However, although it is the lowest level magic item, the price is still beyond the reach of ordinary knights.

  The most common long sword enchanted with sharp characteristics sells for no less than a thousand gold coins.

  However, the profit from killing a ferocious beast at the intermediate knight level is often only about 100 gold coins.

  After deducting the medicine consumed in battle and the cost of treatment, the final profit may be less than half.

  A high-level knight adventurer usually has to work hard for more than half a year to afford an enchanted weapon.

  Above the alchemical level, there are low-level magic items, also known as low-magic items.

  Magic items of this level usually have multiple magical properties, and their value is so precious that it cannot be measured by gold coins.

  There is no circulation on the market.

  If you want to get this kind of magic items, you can either go through the official institutions of Morningside City such as Wizard Academy, or you can only buy them on the black market.

  For example, in the shop in front of me, there are four or five low-light magic items on the shelves.

  The cheapest one costs fifteen magic stone coins!
  At this price, ordinary second-level wizard apprentices and high knights can only look at it to satisfy their eyes.

  From the low light level up, it is the magic level.

  This level is a true magic item, also known as a witchcraft.

  Witchcraft usually has at least one magical power that can be inspired, and its power is amazing.

  What's equally astonishing is its price, which can easily cost hundreds or even thousands of magic stone coins.

  Generally, only formal wizards are eligible to possess witchcraft.

  Pei Ze looked up at the witchcraft artifacts placed on the top shelf of the cabinet.

  It was a leather glove, the whole body was scarlet like blood, and it faintly exuded a heart-stopping monster aura.

  On the nameplate placed next to it, its price is clearly written - eight hundred magic stone coins!

  Pei Ze estimated that even if he worked hard on refining the potion for four or five months, he wouldn't be able to earn enough to buy this witchcraft weapon.

  Shaking his head, he moved his gaze elsewhere, and soon found what he was looking for.

  Dimensional bag, priced at 1,800 gold coins.

  Pei Ze used his omniscient eye to investigate and after confirming that it was not a defective product, he immediately decided to buy the dimensional bag.

  The dimensional bag is not very large, only about one cubic meter.

  But Pei Ze is already quite satisfied.

  After all, it is the lowest level space prop, so the requirements should not be too high, as long as you can keep some sundries with you.

  Considering that he would be participating in a trial soon, for the sake of his own safety, Pei Ze chose another protective ring priced at 1,500 gold coins.

  As the name suggests, this is a sub-magical item enchanted with protective properties.

  When the wearer is attacked, a layer of protective force field will automatically appear on the body surface to resist attacks from any direction in all directions without blind spots.

  The protective stance will only break down when you suffer an attack of more than 7 degrees in an instant, or when you withstand attacks of more than 100 degrees cumulatively.

  This also means that enemies below the rank of knight cannot break the protective force field in a short period of time.

  Even if the great knight takes action, he still has to use his combat skills to explode with all his strength to break through this protective layer.

  "With this ring, I won't be caught off guard even if I'm suddenly approached." The

  previous experience of encountering demonizers left a deep impression on Pei Ze. If he had had a protective ring at that time, he wouldn't have been so embarrassed.

  Of course, this is just a thought.

  At that time, he was still a first-level wizard apprentice, so even if he had magic items, he couldn't use them.

  "Boss, check out."

  Pei Ze came to the counter with two alchemy-grade magic items and said to the bald man behind the counter.

  It was rare for a customer to buy two alchemy-level magic items at one time. When the bald man saw a big customer, he immediately put on an enthusiastic smile on his face.

  "A total of three thousand three hundred gold coins."

  Pei Ze nodded and asked: "Do you have the materials for refining the brute force potion here?"

  He planned to purchase all the materials for refining the potion on the black market in the future, otherwise he would have more than a thousand gold coins. Using gold coins to purchase materials in the college's logistics department is too high-profile and can easily cause unnecessary trouble.

  "Of course!"

  When he heard that there was still business to be done, the bald man's eyes suddenly lit up.

  "A portion of 18 gold coins, how much do you want?"

  Pei Ze nodded secretly, it's okay, 10% cheaper than the one from the college's logistics department, but I don't know the quality.

  "Let's get 100 copies."


  The bald man smiled broadly and immediately ordered the staff to pick up the goods.

  Not long after, the ingredients for 100 brute force potions were placed in front of Pei Ze.

  Pei Ze was not polite and checked them one by one.

  After a moment, he nodded with satisfaction and paid the bill readily.

  After putting all the materials into the dimensional bag and putting the ring on, Pei Ze took the dimensional bag and left the store.

  The more than 5,000 gold coins he had just received were squandered in an instant, and even Pei Ze felt a little sad.

  But then he thought that the ingredients for the medicine had been obtained, and he would soon have a large amount of income, and he felt happy again.

  After walking out of the store, Pei Ze was about to return when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a group of people not far away from the corner of his eye. They were noisy and seemed to be arguing about something.

  Curious, he walked closer.

  "One hundred magic stone coins, are you trying to steal money?"

  "You can't say that. If this thing is real, then one hundred magic stone coins are already very cheap." "Are you

  kidding? Advanced meditation is so rare, how could it possibly appear? In a place like this?"

  "What if?"

  Advanced meditation method? !

  Pei Ze's heart moved.

  (End of chapter)

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