Chapter 98 Warrior’s Choice

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  Chapter 98 The Warrior’s Choice
  Lindsay woke up first thing in the morning.

  Just confused.

  It’s not just last night’s confusion about the future choice of [Purple Leaf Vine Branches].

  There is also the option of gaining new experience points after completing tasks.

  It is different from those experience points converted from exercise and experience.

  Lindsay can freely choose to add the experience points given by the mission to attributes or skills. At this moment, he was lying on the bed, estimating the usefulness of the experience.

  "The experience points required for the physique are too high and can't even be filled in half; the strength and agility have just been improved, which is not enough to increase by 1 point. As for the skills, they require more experience points than attributes, and there is no change after filling them in." "

  So. , it’s still charming.”

  After some analysis.

  Lindsay finally added experience points to Charisma, bringing the attribute to 9 points.

  He doesn't pay much attention to his temperament or appearance.

  But other attributes cannot be improved even if they are allocated now.

  For physiological attributes such as physique and strength, Lindsay's daily exercise can continue to increase experience, reading books can increase knowledge, and the cultivation of will can be improved by relying on the source of will.

  Only charm.

  In addition to the adventurous rewards of the trip to Montenegro.

  Lindsay only saw slight changes in her body as it grew.

  The charm attribute can be said to be the only attribute that does not have a stable source of improvement.

  In this comparison, it is obvious how to add some points.

  After handling the task reward experience, Lindsay took a photo in the water basin and felt that something had changed, but she couldn't tell the specific reason.

  "Have I become more handsome?"

  He muttered softly.

  Lindsay left the cabin and started planning for the day.

  His first target was An Rui's lord's manor, and he wanted to find out what An Rui had to say.

  Wait until Lindsay finds the other person.

  An Rui stayed alone in the clearing by the forest.

  He sat on the ground on the withered lawn, his eyes staring at the zelkova tree that was now growing stronger and stronger under Anna's care, his whole body motionless.


  Lindsay only saw his back.

  You understand what the man in front of you is thinking.

  The disputes with other awakened people in the town, as well as the current crisis facing the hidden frontier, are all heavy burdens on the shoulders of this town lord.

  In such a spiral of contradictions, how could An Rui feel relaxed?

  Lindsay walked up and spoke:

  "Uncle Anrui, in the past two days in town..."

  "Lindsay, come here and sit next to me." As soon as Lindsay opened his mouth, Anrui interrupted him, He patted the ground beside him and invited Lindsay to sit down. "A lot of things have indeed happened in the town these two days. Has anyone tried to persuade you?"

  Lindsay didn't react at the first moment.

  But as soon as he turned his eyes, he immediately understood the meaning of An Rui's words.

  After the meeting a few days ago.

  Because of different ideas, the awakened people in the town must be divided into two groups.

  In order to gain an advantage in the final outcome of this matter, they will definitely have to win over and persuade each other.

  As the awakening of the younger generation in the town.

  He was also the one who did not attend the meeting that day.

  Lindsay, who has not expressed his position for the time being, will definitely become the target of being attracted by both parties. Just because he has been alone in the house for the past two days, concentrating on tinkering with the woodshed and cellar, so no one came to disturb him.

  Lindsay shook his head:

  "I've been busy at home these days, and no one has bothered me for the time being."

  An Rui then turned around and glanced at Lindsay curiously:
  "Then why don't you come and see me? What are your thoughts?"

  "Is it possible that after our adventure, you also want to persuade me to try to break through the Black Mountain?"

  Lindsay shook his head again:

  "With the current situation in the town, of course it is impossible for everyone to rush to the Black Mountain without hesitation. Montenegro. I came here today to know your views on this crisis and how to deal with the current conflicts in the town." An Rui did not answer

  immediately. He asked Lindsay a question:
  "Lindsay, do you know the organizer? ?"

  Lindsay nodded:

  "I've heard of it, but I don't know the specific abilities of this kind of awakened person."

  There is no awakened person like the organizer in the border town.

  But in Lindsay's hometown, the village chief Lena, who managed the village of Anvil, was once called this by the Knights of the Law.

  Every detail of that night will be unforgettable for Lindsay in her life!

  Seeing Lindsay nodding, An Rui followed the conversation and explained:
  "Organizers have quite special powers."

  "The advancement of their skills lies in the way they manage others and the number of people they manage. The more sophisticated the management methods, , the greater the number of people under governance, the stronger their abilities and the faster they advance." "

  As a reward for this special system, in a city managed by a powerful organizer, he can easily Issue his own orders and let the people under his management actively support his ideas."

  At this point, Anrui sighed:
  "You said if I was not a soldier, but an organizer, would I be able to stop it now? Are these people despising life?"

  An Rui's explanation was just to express his helplessness.

  But when Lindsay heard it, she solved a long-standing confusion - why did the Law Knights burn down the entire village of Anville?

  He even surrounded the village with flames to prevent anyone from escaping.

  The reason is that the village chief Lena is an organizer!
  The villagers are the source of his power, and they are also objects that can be manipulated.

  Think of it all.

  Lindsay's expression became complicated and helpless.

  Seeing this scene, An Rui obviously misunderstood Lindsay's thoughts, so he continued:

  "Although I don't have any outstanding achievements, I have understood some superficial principles in the past hundred years of managing the town. Even if Lord. It is impossible to change other people's minds casually, unless there are tangible benefits in front of people." "

  Lindsay, what kind of benefits do you think I can bring to impress them?" "


  Lin Sai thought carefully.

  Thinking of the obsession and performance of the people in the town, he finally shook his head:
  "I can't think of it at the moment."

  "Yes, this matter is too difficult!" An Rui also agreed with Lindsay's point of view, and then continued, "You know? If interests cannot maintain authority, then among the remaining methods, there is another method called fear. ."

  "In Narcobondek, I also know several friends and enemies who are walking on the road of violence. This may be difficult to accept, but in critical moments, it is also an option." Lindsay heard the other party

  . The meaning behind the words became urgent:

  "Uncle Anrui, are you going to..."

  "Things may not necessarily develop to that point!" Anrui interrupted Lindsay's inquiry again, "After all, I am still a lord here. And there are many people supporting my idea."

  "Go to the town for a walk."

  "Most ordinary people are focused on their immediate lives and do not have such strong power to take action on this issue. But..."

  said At this point, Anrui raised his only remaining right arm. He reached forward and held it in his hand, as if he was holding the beech tree planted by Anna in his hand.

  Under Lindsay's gaze, Anrui's tone became firmer:
  "Then if it really comes to that point, as a warrior of the War School, I can only express regret to some people."

  (End of Chapter) )

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