Chapter 96 The workbench is a hard setting

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  Chapter 96 The workbench is a rigid setting.

  "Brother Lin, what's wrong with you?"

  When Ju saw Lindsay, he almost didn't recognize the person in front of him.

  You must know that Lindsay started building the woodshed early yesterday morning and completed the project at noon today. Then he dug a cellar in the afternoon.

  Although he slept for a while, there was no environment for bathing every day in the small town.

  So when Lindsay showed up.

  His whole body was covered in yellow and black mud, and the clothes he was wearing were dirty and messy. He looked as if he had just emerged from a pile of dirt.

  "Didn't I build a woodshed and dig a cellar?"

  Lindsay replied with a smile.

  He wanted to reach out and wipe the mud off his face, but his hands were nowhere near clean.

  It was getting dark now anyway, so he simply didn't care.

  He directly asked Ju:

  "You are looking for me so late, there must be something important, right?"

  Ju and Lindsay have always had a good relationship in the past few years.

  But for some reason, he felt that Lindsay in front of him now revealed a sense of impatience.

  But through the night and the dirt on his face.

  Ju really couldn't distinguish Lindsay's current expression, so he had to tell his purpose first:

  "Brother Lin, I just want to ask you what you think of the town now." "


  Well, I sent Joel away the night before yesterday. , today it’s Ju’s turn.

  Just a beginning.

  Lindsay guessed the reason why the other party came to see her so late.

  It was simply because of the conflicts among the awakened people in the town that the young man fell into confusion.

  Lindsay already had experience, so
  he directly answered: "Ju, listen to me. The town is facing a lot of troubles right now, and it's normal for different people to have different ideas..."

  Lindsay gave Ju a new look. Wheel of comfort.

  With his previous experience of communicating with Joel, he was quite familiar with it this time.

  Less than a quarter of an hour later.

  Ju was put into deep thought by what he said, ready to go home and think about the key.

  Seeing Ju is about to leave.

  Lindsay suddenly thought of what happened during the hunting trip yesterday, and asked more:
  "By the way, why didn't you go on the hunting trip?"

  Ju stopped for a moment.

  He didn't want to discuss this issue, but thinking of Lindsay who had just enlightened him, he finally spoke:

  "Brother Lin, my mother and I had a fight." "

  Among the awakeners in the town, she clearly supports immediate action. You're in the same camp, but you scolded me for this!"

  Lindsay frowned.

  In his impression, Ju has always been a young man who is eager to go to the outside world. It is impossible to contradict Dan's opinion in this regard!
  "Do you think Montenegro is too dangerous to set off now?"

  Lindsay asked tentatively, but Ju gave him an answer he had never thought of:

  "No, I told my mother that I also wanted to try it. Break through the Black Mountain."

  "After that, she got furious and taught me a lesson, saying that she didn't take her own safety seriously."

  The female hunter herself supported the risk of breaking through the Black Mountain.

  But after Ju expressed such thoughts, he reprimanded his son.

  Is this an inconsistent double standard?

  Lin shook his head in his mind.

  This is the conflict between a mother's love for her children and her own adventurous personality.

  "Ju, you should know that Dan loves you very much."

  "So I don't want you to take risks."

  "I know mom loves me!" Ju's tone was a little excited, "But she obviously supports this kind of action, but I No, this is really..."

  At this point.

  The torch's voice gradually became smaller and eventually disappeared.

  He understood what Lindsay meant and could figure out the logic behind it. But there is always a hurdle in my heart that I cannot overcome.

  Lindsay walked up to Ju and wanted to reach out and pat him on the shoulder.

  But noticing his dirty cuffs and palms, he took his hands back angrily, and just said:
  "Ju, you are still too persistent about this matter."

  "Life is not necessarily just about breaking through the Black Mountain. Things are in front of you, think carefully about your life with Dan, and everything about the hunting team." "

  You will understand how to deal with your emotions."

  Lindsay's guidance quickly worked.

  Ju adjusted his mood and broke away from the previous negative state.

  Before he said goodbye to Lindsay, he asked in a low voice:
  "Brother Lin, do you think I can still catch up with the hunting team if I set off now?"

  Lindsay smiled and shook his head:

  "They have been setting off for more than a day, calm down. Point."

  "You go home and stay well. This winter, Dan will inevitably ask you to hunt together. Then handle your relationship well." "

  Yes!" Ju nodded vigorously and waved goodbye.

  Lindsay watched the other party's figure leave, then turned back to the back of the cabin.

  "Sigh -"

  "First Joel, and then Ju. The situation in the town is probably more serious than I thought at first."

  Lindsay sighed and sat down on the cedar stump that had been sawn . superior.

  He felt that he needed to go to the town to inquire about the specific situation.

  But it's late at night now, which is not the time to do this.

  "So, I can finally take a good look at it!"

  Lindsay adjusted her mood.

  He opened the skills panel with great interest, and the workbench interface appeared again.

  "The first thing is to make materials..."

  His vision swept around him, and there were leftover fir trees all around Lindsay. He simply picked up the wood and threw it into the workbench to try it out.


  The moment the wood was put in, the production list appeared in front of Lindsay's eyes.

  [1 wood + 1 grease + 1 cloth = torch]

  [1 wood + 1 gel = torch]

  [1 stone + 1 wood + 1 torch = campfire]

  [1 wood = 2 planks]

  Things that can be synthesized with wood on the workbench Most are relatively simple.

  Lindsay scanned all the way down and easily remembered the items that could be synthesized on the workbench.

  But at this time, he did not change other materials and continued to check the synthesis formulas of other items.

  Because it's on the first line of the synthesized list.

  There was a synthetic formula that caught Lindsay's attention.

  [5 wood = wooden workbench]

  The workbench can also be used to create a physical workbench!
  His skill panel is just a simple synthesis tool.

  If you really want to make complex items, you have to make this professional workbench first!
  "Can't it be simpler and everything is synthesized directly on the skill panel?"

  "Even if it's a game skill, it still follows the settings too much!"

  Lindsay complained.

  In fact, as a gamer, he quite understands this setting.

  Without hesitation, Lindsay picked up five pieces of wood from around and stuffed them into the workbench.

  With the activation of skills.

  In just an instant, a very small part of his essence was extracted.

  And a square workbench, about one meter in size, appeared in the open space in front of him.

  Lindsay looked at the thing carefully.

  It has a nine-square grid pattern engraved on the top, and I-shaped workbench patterns are printed on the surrounding sides. The shape is simple but not lacking in beauty.

  It looks quite artistic!
  (End of chapter)

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