Chapter 8 [Experience Bar]

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  Chapter 8 [Experience Bar]

  [October 4]

  Material inventory:

  300 candles, 5 large bundles of pine wood, 1 heater, 2 pairs of snow boots, 5 blankets.

  Candles: 5.

  Used for lighting and lighting during evening prayers.

  Pine wood: 1/4 bundle was burned for heating, cooking and worship.

  Snow Boots: No new wear and tear, in good condition.

  Hand warmer: No new wear and tear, in good condition.

  Blanket: No new wear and tear, in good condition.


  In the lounge of the cemetery church, the old nun recorded the consumption of supplies today.

  There was a heavy snowfall yesterday and it hasn’t stopped yet.

  When she went out to check, the gap in the cemetery fence needed to be repaired, and the church had to be careful about the snow on the roof.

  So, in her notes, she added a material requirement:
  maintenance material reserves (estimated):

  10 boards, 500 nails


  and then, food.

  With this heavy snowfall, the cold winter has arrived, and it is inevitable that food will become scarce in the town.

  The nun began to write:
  Food left: 30 loaves of hard bread, 2.5 bottles of red wine, 8 cabbages...

  The quill that was writing stopped.

  According to the consumption in the past winter, the church's food reserves are already qualified.

  In the past two years, as she walked forward in the corridor of time, she ate less and less every day, which she must have enough for herself.

  While the nun was thinking, the ink stains from the tip of the quill began to smear on the paper.

  Whistle rustle -

  the tip of the pen begins to write words again.

  With a calm look on her face, the nun added a few entries to the food storage entry, and added an extra blanket and boots to the supply storage above.

  at the same time.

  Next door to the lounge, Lindsay woke up from a strange wooden bed.

  He groaned, tried to straighten his upper body, and leaned against the head of the bed to look around.

  He was in a simple room with a brick and wood structure, and he was lying on a wooden bed covered with only a layer of sheets. On the head side, there is a dark wooden table under a wooden window; on the foot side, there is a row of dusty cabinets.

  Between the cabinet and the table, there is an open space about two meters wide, which leads directly to the door. This is the entire room.


  Lindsay looked down and saw that he was covered with a thick blanket, which was perhaps the most valuable thing in the house.

  "A strange room..."

  "I seemed to be taken into the church, and then fell asleep..."

  Lindsay blinked in confusion.

  He recalled his previous experience, and immediately used his ability to check his body, and then——


  Lindsay naturally had a cold.

  First in the fire, and then in the snow again, it was a life-or-death race.

  Such a combination of punches comes down.

  How could a 13-year-old not get sick?
  Looking at the bright red and clear words [Disease - Cold] next to her character status diagram, Lindsay continued to read with a grimace.

  Then, something surprising happened.

  He saw this line of prompts.

  [Mission completed]

  [RPG module ability upgrade, level: 2]

  [RPG module gains new skills - experience bar. ]

  [Experience bar: Integrate the player's experience, training, and achievements into experience in the experience bar, providing a stable and reliable upgrade process for various abilities.

  Note: The difference between RPG games and reality is that players can become stronger by filling up the experience bar.

  Lindsay looked down. Sure enough, a small experience bar was added to each of his attributes. Most of the agility, physical fitness and willpower bars were filled. It seemed that he was not far from being upgraded!

  Lindsay was happy for a while, but her face soon fell again.

  He remembered how he upgraded the [RPG] module.

  "If every time I upgrade my abilities, I have to almost die..."

  "Who can bear this?"

  "I'm not a fighting nation who can keep dying and then come back to life!"

  Crunch -

  Lindsay was lying down Across from the bed, the wooden door to the room made a decaying sound.

  He looked up and saw that the old woman next door was probably alerted by his cough, so she came to check on the situation.

  "Ah, thank you for your help!"

  Lindsay quickly thanked the benefactor who helped her.

  Although he relied on his own courage and wisdom to kill the monster, when he arrived at the edge of the town, he only relied on the help of an old woman to escape the fatal hypothermia.

  The old woman ignored Lindsay's thanks.

  She turned around and closed the door, then slowly walked to Lindsay and looked at him calmly with her ink-black eyes:
  "Child, where are you from?"


  Lindsay subconsciously wanted to Muddle through.

  But he looked at his attribute panel, and next to the red [Disease-Cold] prompt, there was a dim mark that read [Law-Sinner's Mark].

  This is the mark left by the Knights of the Law for themselves.

  The mark of sinners in the City of Law.

  Lindsay might make herself feel better by lying at this time.

  But once the incident happened, it was another matter whether he, a child, could run away.

  But with the ridiculously harsh work style of the Law Knights, how could this old woman escape?
  Want to frame your savior for your own benefit?
  What a joke!
  Lindsay's eyes suddenly became firm. He swallowed and coughed twice.

  After controlling his desire to cough, he earnestly told the old man in front of him about his experience: "

  My name is Lindsay, from Anville Village, and I am the son of a farmer." "

  On the eve of Harvest Day, A law knight came to the village with a prisoner, he is an acquaintance of our village chief..."

  Yesterday's thrilling encounter was slowly told.

  Lindsay didn't want to cause trouble for the old man, so she hid some details, such as the thorn sword mark on Arvette's breastplate.

  Not long after, Lindsay's coughing was heard in the room again.

  His story is over.

  Lindsay knew that such a choice would make him continue to be exhausted immediately, but the honest answer also made him feel relieved.

  Lindsay lowered her head.

  He waited for the old woman's order to drive him away, thinking in his mind:

  Maybe with better luck, the other party could give him a bite to eat, but then he would have to rely on himself.

  He has now activated the [Experience Bar].

  Trying to think of a way, it is not impossible to survive...

  "A person's life will not continue to absorb suffering, but it will never bear only pain and despair."

  The old woman spoke, interrupting Lindsay's heart . All plans.

  Then, she said:
  "My child, you are already very tired, please continue to rest."

  Lindsay's eyes became moist for a moment.

  Even if you are an adult at heart.

  But in just one day, he fell into life and death crises twice in a row.

  He tried his best to break a hole in the desperate situation and struggled out.

  This happens once, twice, or three times in a row!

  How many real living people can bear it?
  Lindsay was filled with words of thanks.

  He raised his head again, wanting to express his gratitude and his fear of not involving the old woman.

  The result is this time.

  But he saw that the old woman had gotten up and left.

  When she left, the door was closed tightly to prevent any cold wind from outside from leaking into the room where Lindsay was lying.

  (End of chapter)

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