Chapter 5: Those who do justice

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  Chapter 5 The Righteous One

  A certain substance that Lindsay had never felt before was being extracted from his heart.

  Soon, this feeling disappeared.

  Then a gentle warm current flowed from his mouth, and then moistened Lindsay's body that had just been tortured by the fire and smoke.

  Lindsay opened her eyes.

  The blond girl was sitting on her knees, holding him in her arms.


  The girl said her name, and then showed a gentle smile to Lindsay:

  "Thank you for risking your life to save me, my little hero."


  "Lindsay, and , can you remove the word 'small'?"

  Lindsay's mind was still a little confused, so she subconsciously spoke out her heart.


  The girl raised her head and laughed.

  But she wasted no time and immediately stood up, helping Lindsay up at the same time.

  "Okay, Lindsay, get up."

  "We have to save your hometown!"

  Lindsay gradually regained consciousness at this time.

  Although he was covered in darkness, the power in his body continued to take effect, restoring his tattered body to its best condition.

  Lindsay's expression changed when he came back to his senses, and he was about to inform the girl about the situation in the village:

  "The village chief and the law knight are..."

  The wall of the mill shattered instantly, and a dark thing hit the ground.

  Lindsay took a closer look and saw that the thing that smashed into the mill turned out to be the mayor of Anville Village!

  It's just that the village chief at this moment is no longer as tough as before.

  He fell to the ground, his breath weak, and his lame leg, which could make the earth tremble when he stepped on it, was cut off with a sword and disappeared.

  "Sinner, where did you get the source of matter?"

  The figure of the Law Knight then appeared in the damaged part of the mill.

  This man with a cold expression didn't care about the dying village chief, and stared directly at Arvette who stood up.

  Immediately, he noticed Lindsay beside him.

  "The Awakened?"

  "Today is the day when foreign aid awakens. Neither Reiner nor Bai Lin has a chance to intervene. The autonomous awakened? He is the one who provided you with the source of the essence, the new sinner..." the Law Knight deduced coldly

  . Come out reality.

  But before he could finish speaking, Arvette interrupted him:

  "Baggett, you actually hurt Mr. Reiner like this?"

  Arvette said in disbelief when she saw the village chief's miserable state.

  In her impression, the village chief of Anweil ​​Village and the law knight in front of him even made friends, so Baggett decided to take the precious rest opportunity during the escort to Anweil ​​Village.

  How could these two people fight like this?

  The Law Knight misunderstood what Arvette meant.

  He thought the girl was surprised that he could defeat the village chief of Anweil ​​Village.

  "The organizer's power comes from the people he manages. There are too few people in Anweil ​​Village, so he is very weak." "


  "He is your best friend. You are really hopeless!"

  Arvette glared angrily . He opened his eyes wide and his voice was so angry that he was trembling.

  She took a step forward to block Lindsay, raised her hands to hold them empty, and a white steel sword suddenly appeared in her hands.

  Upon seeing this, the Law Knight realized something was wrong and immediately said,
  "Sinner, you must surrender under the law."

  "Get away!"

  Arvite struck down with his sword.

  The formless spirit of speech was conceptually split apart by her.

  Then the girl raised the sword high and drew a perfect silver arc in front of her body.

  Boom -

  In an instant, the strong wind exploded.

  The mill in front of her collapsed instantly, and the Law Knight flew backwards.

  A magnificent sword wind appeared following her sword movement, covering the entire Anweil ​​Village. This blow did not damage any houses, but the flames of the Knights of the Law were extinguished.

  With just one strike of the sword, the previously despairing fire of law disappeared.

  This is what is sung in "Shao Wang Xingzheng Ji".

  ——The power of those who do right!

  Lindsay stood behind Arvette, shocked by the battle in front of her.

  But at this time, he discovered an unpleasant situation.

  After swinging the sword, Arvette's body leaned forward slightly. Although she straightened her back immediately, her pale face could not deceive others.

  "Arvette, you..."

  "It doesn't matter! I promise you, I will defeat Baggett and save this place!"

  The content of the girl's words sounded very much like she was speaking with force.

  But there was something magical about the tone.

  When it reaches the ears, it makes people feel that this is a fact. Arvette was sincere about reality and was simply stating what was about to happen.

  Almost at the same time, heavy footsteps sounded from the opposite side.

  The Law Knight, who had just been slashed away by a sword, returned to the battlefield and stopped in front of Arvette and Lindsay again.

  This man was holding a long sword, but the armor he wore had been broken into pieces.

  On the surface of the clothes stained with blood on the chest, remnants of the original armor can be found, mixed with the rotten flesh.

  But even if he is seriously injured. He still stood firmly on the ground, his expression as cold as at the beginning, as if he didn't care about his condition.


  With a loud shout, the figure of the Law Knight disappeared.

  The two were as fast as lightning.

  Lindsay couldn't see their movements at all. She only heard a loud sound of weapons clashing in her ears. Then she found that Arvette in front of her raised her weapon and blocked the Law Knight's attack like a mountain. long sword.


  Under the collision with unimaginable force, the ground shattered and the mill collapsed.

  The aftermath of the fight between the two turned the surrounding area into ruins, but the surroundings of Lindsay were unharmed.

  Lindsay reacted immediately.

  Even when fighting with all his strength, Arvitt did not forget to protect him behind him!
  The knights of the law clash with those who do righteousness.

  Both of them put all their strength on the other.

  Through the collision of each other's essence, Baggett noticed the girl's indestructible will and the inner weakness of her body:
  "Your essence is drying up, and you will die if you continue like this."

  Arvette looked at the Law Knight with only contempt in her eyes:

  "Drying up? My heart is still beating!"

  "Bagget, you Don't you know? Those who do the right thing can be killed, but they will never be defeated!"

  There is a battle of wills on the blade.

  For the first time, there was emotion other than indifference in Bagat's eyes. The law knight roared angrily because of Arvite's words:

  "You are walking on the wrong path that violates the law. Do you deserve to be called a righteous person?"

  Arvette cursed back loudly:


  "Those who do justice do not practice justice or the law, but their own hearts."

  With this roar, the power on Arvette's sword edge became more powerful. .

  The Law Knight was unable to resist for a while!

  But it was precisely because of these words that Baggett broke through the suppression of his heart by the law and shouted out his true anger: "That's why
  you guys are causing trouble in the whole world!"

  "Go to hell!"

  In the collision of wills, Baggett ignored the confrontation of weapons.

  He took out his left hand that was supporting his right arm, and with an indestructible fist that made a sound like a cannonball, he violently hit the girl's head.


  Arvette's eyes were like steel, and her body remained motionless, neither dodging or evading.

  Boom -

  The Law Knight, whose blade lacked support, was sent flying with a sword, smashing into a charred house.

  He stood up again, his right arm stretched weakly.

  The bones were completely shattered by the power of the Righteous One, and no complete structure could be found, just like a piece of rotten meat.

  On the other side, Arvette's figure standing in front of Lindsay remained motionless.

  But not long after, she couldn't help but cough and spit out a mouthful of blood.

  ——Both sides suffer!
  But after the anger, the Law Knight returned to a state of indifference.

  He stared at the enemy in front of him and began to calmly analyze the feelings in the battle just now, that is, the girl's inner weakness:

  "Have you separated your original will?"

  The Law Knight looked at Lindsay and understood the use of that will:
  "To treat him."

  This guy is paying attention to Lindsay!

  Arvette sensed something was wrong, and quickly raised her white steel sword, assumed a charging stance, and scolded the Law Knight:

  "You guys who are about to die, think about yourself!"

  The Law Knight was unmoved. The cold voice sounded again, saying:
  "Aiding evildoers is not tolerated by the law!"

  Lindsay felt that he was being targeted by something. He was targeted by the knights of the law!
  Arvette stopped charging and swung her sword.

  She missed the mark this time.

  The Law Knight accurately avoided the collision with her will, and only used the harmless power of the law to mark Lindsay's body.


  This child must not be allowed to become a wanted person in the Capital of Law!
  The dizziness from the injured head came over me.

  But Arvite immediately raised Lindsay's right hand, stretched out her own hand and intertwined her fingers with Lindsay's, holding it tightly.

  The two people looked at each other.

  Lindsay saw Lake Jarvitt's blue eyes looking directly at her.

  What was in those eyes was a blessing as calm as water and a firm smile.

  The girl said in a voice that only each other could hear:
  "In the name of human wisdom, send this child...send Lindsay to an absolutely safe place!"

  Brush -

  Lindsay hadn't realized what was going to happen.

  The figure disappeared from the place.

  The last thing that sounded in his ears was a sweet mechanical sound prompt - [Game activation successful].

  Lindsay disappeared on the spot, but the Law Knight was really anxious:

  "You actually used the code on a stranger!"


  Arvite was surrounded by a huge amount of source material at this moment, and her firm will shone brightly. Light is imprinted on it, making it glow golden.

  Then, she smiled disdainfully:
  "What I saved was a living person, a living hope."

  "What's a bullshit code?"

  The girl raised the white steel sword in her hand again and looked at the Law Knight. There is only courage and confidence in his eyes:
  "Come and see which one is indestructible, your law or my heart!"

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  (End of this chapter)

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