Chapter 3 Law Knight

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  Chapter 3:
  Knight of the Law?

  Knight of the Law!

  There is no one dressed like this in the village of Annville. The man standing on the head of the elk can only be the knight of the law whom Lindsay knows.

  Lindsay cares more about her own life than becoming an awakened person.

  He was leaving immediately.

  But at this time, a lame old man in front of the Law Knight attracted his attention.

  "Village Chief..."

  That is the village chief of Anweil ​​Village, and he is also one of the only awakened people in this borderland.

  Under the light of the bonfire, the village chief looked at the Law Knight in front of him angrily:
  "Baggot, what on earth do you mean! Today is the eve of Harvest Day, do you want to destroy this kind of festival?"

  Law Knight Baggett replied with indifferent eyes:

  "The Capital of Law stipulates that during the autumn harvest period, open flames should be kept away from food and villages in planting areas. Everyone can celebrate the festival happily, but the process of lighting the elk should be abolished!" "

  Here Let me watch!" The village chief's lame foot stomped hard on the ground, and the entire Anweil ​​village trembled, as if an earthquake was coming. "Baggot, you think I can't handle this small flame?" The attitude of the Law

  Knight Still indifferent, and with a cold tone that could not be said:
  "The law is absolute and must be implemented."

  "This law guarantees the safety of you and your food. It cannot be refused."

  On this issue, neither of them was willing to give in.

  The conflict is about to intensify.

  At this tense moment, the last awakened person in Anweil ​​Village, Master Bai Lin, who was taking care of the crops, rushed over from the crowd.

  "You two, there is no need to argue about this issue."

  Master Bai Lin stepped on the fuse that was being lit.

  Then he ignored the cold knight of the law, and instead came to the furious village chief and whispered persuasion:

  "Old man, look at Baggett, he has clearly become a living law. Why do you have to be angry with a machine? As long as you deal with it tonight, next year this guy can fly over from the Capital of Law and chop up our elk again?" After being persuaded by Master Bai Lin, the village chief rushed forward

  . The anger was temporarily relieved.

  "I'm going home!"

  He turned his back with a 'hum' and walked away without even looking at him. He only left the following sentence to the Knight of the Law:   "
  Knight of the Law, do as you like!"

Long ago he was called Baggett.

  Now he is called the Knight of the Law.

  "This is not my preference, but the provisions of the law." The Law Knight replied calmly, and then turned his attention to the surrounding villagers, "You should abide by the law, which is the foundation for the operation of civilization." Faced with it

  . How could the villagers dare to react to such a legendary figure?

  Master Bai Lin, who stayed at the scene, reacted first:

  "Everyone supports the village chief's decision, right?"

  With the respected Master Bai Lin taking the lead, the surrounding villagers immediately responded.

  "Yes, we will do it honestly!"

  "What the village chief said is what we think!"

  "That's it!"

  Bagatt, the law knight, nodded slightly.

  The villagers obey the village chief, and the village chief's ideas represent the thoughts of these people.

  Confirming that the law could be enforced in Anweil ​​Village, Baggett raised his feet and pointed his sword at the wheat straw elk that he had chopped down:

  "You should return to the earth and nourish the fertile soil."

  The originally lifeless wheat straw seemed to be at this moment After possessing life, it was automatically released from the bondage, then merged into the earth and disappeared without a trace.

  Lindsay, who was mixed in the crowd, saw this scene and felt mixed.

  The village chief's lame leg caused the earth to tremble with his foot, and the words of the Law Knight commanded the wheat straw to melt into the earth. These are abilities that ordinary people cannot imagine.

  And more importantly, Lindsay is now also a member of the Awakened.

  According to what the girl in the mill said, as long as he has excellent talent and hone his skills, it is entirely possible for him to gain the same power as these people!

  "Anyway, take your time." "I'm an awakened person now, so there's no need to rush."

  ​​Lindsay took a few deep breaths to calm down her thoughts, and looked at the center of the village again.

  "I noticed that the Law of the Law has been touched by someone, and I need to check it immediately."

  After dealing with the matter of the straw elk, the Law Knight walked towards the mill in the north of the village without looking back.

  "Everyone, let's continue celebrating the festival!"

  Master Bai Lin winked at the villagers and quickly followed them.


  The villagers who stayed in place looked at each other.

  Although the elk was dealt with by the Knights of the Law, other things they prepared for the festival today were still there, and in the end they continued to celebrate the festival.

  The only change.

  It's just that the atmosphere is much lower than before.

  After the crowd dispersed, Lindsay moved home in a daze.

  The surprise brought by the awakened person's ability dissipated from his mind, and he began to face the problems he faced.

  "I met the prisoner and had a lot of chats."

  "But essentially it was just to deliver a meal, so it shouldn't have violated any laws, right? And since he was said to be a guest, this secret escort must avoid any complications... ..."

  Lindsay analyzed the current situation.

  From the words of the mill girl and the confrontation he just witnessed, he already knew exactly what a law knight looked like.

  He doesn't want to have any contact with the other party now, or become a 'hero' in legends and myths.

  "This is obviously completely distorted by power!"

  "Besides, the village chief's kick is definitely not a simple ability. We are all from the same village. I can definitely learn from him."

  Lindsay whispered . murmured.

  The plan made a few hours ago has been shattered and reorganized by the reality that does not conform to the plan.

  "Hey, Lindsay, you're back!"

  At this time, other children discovered Lindsay, and those who were close to him rushed up and put their arms around his neck.

  "How is it? Have you served the guests food?"

  "What does he look like? Is he a boy or a girl?"

  There was a beautiful girl locked up in the mill.

  And it also bears the coat of arms of the King of the Capital of Law!

  Of course, Lindsay couldn't say that. He also pretended to be a child and started playing with his friends:

  "How do I know?"

  "That guy is hiding in the mill. I'll be back after delivering a meal!" "


  Lindsay doesn't want to cause trouble for herself, her family or her friends.

  So on to the holiday celebrations ahead.

  He behaves like an ordinary child and no longer makes any extraordinary moves.

  Participate in banquets honestly, chase and fight, and do stupid things that children should do in front of adults.

  This is true for any child in Anville Village.

  Except for the mill girl and Lindsay herself.

  No one would have thought that a rare self-awakened person was now in this border village.

  As for the Knights of the Law heading to the Mill.

  I heard that the guy's expression remained unchanged, and in the end he even ignored the conflict with the village chief at night and went back to the village chief's house to rest!

  (End of chapter)

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