Chapter 24 The Difference Between Man and Beast

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  Chapter 24 The Difference Between Humans and Beasts
  The huntress’s home is also in the south of the town.

  This is a wooden house with a spacious first floor but only an independent attic on the second floor. It has a larger courtyard than other houses in the town. From a distance, you can see that this house stands out like a flock of chickens on the edge of the town.

  Lindsay followed Dan.

  Before the two of them walked in, they smelled an unpleasant smell outside.

  Dan took it for granted, while Lindsay peered through the wooden fence curiously.

  There are many animal skins hanging in the hunter's courtyard, some are drying, and some are soaked in a pool of liquid. This is where the unpleasant odor comes from.

  "Tanning leather..."

  Lindsay muttered.

  It seems that the hunters in the remote frontier are not only responsible for hunting, but also making leather. The leather rug he bought two days ago might have been made by the huntress in front of him.

  "Aju, I'm back!"

  Dan, who was crossing the yard in front of Lindsay, pushed open the door and shouted happily.

  Lindsay stepped forward to take a look.

  He found a young man slightly younger than him sitting in the spacious front hall on the first floor. The young man's hair was neatly combed and his big eyes were bright and lively. On the table in front of him were two water basins, one high and one low, connected by a curved wooden board as a sink. There was also a wet water ladle next to it.

  "Mom, are you back?"

  Hearing Dan's call, the boy stood up immediately. He saw his mother and Lindsay behind Dan.

  "He, who is he?"

  "Lindsay." Dan smiled at his son and hung the bow and arrow on the shelf next to the door. "He will follow me to learn the skills of being a hunter. You two will see each other often. ."

  "Hello brother Lindsay." Dan's son greeted Lindsay politely, "I'm Ju."

  Lindsay naturally responded:
  "Hello, nice to meet you."

  and Dan's son simply said After chatting for a while, Lindsay was ushered to a seat in the front hall.

  Whenever he had free time during this period, Ju would use a ladle to scoop water from the low basin into the high basin, and then let it continue to flow into the lower basin along the sink, repeating this strange process over and over again.

  Lindsay was a little curious about Ju's behavior.

  Dan on the side is handling the ice badger just picked up today, and at the same time explaining the act of lighting a torch to Lindsay:

  "My family skills are related to water."

  "Generally speaking, you have to wait until spring to practice in the river. But time waits for no one, so I will let him try it out at home first to get better at it."

  The huntress's explanation did not hinder the proficiency and speed of her hands.

  In just a few words, she had skinned off the entire ice badger and started disassembling its limbs to prepare the meat for roasting.

  There is no fireplace on the first floor of the house.

  Instead, in the center of the front hall, there was a pit in which wood was piled and a small bonfire was raised.

  Dan cut up the ice badger meat and skewered it, then set up a small rack and started grilling.

  Seeing that everything was fine now, Lindsay took the initiative and asked:
  "Dan, what preparations should we make tonight?"

  The huntress who was concentrating on the barbecue immediately replied:
  "Of course, I will tell you some things to pay attention to when taking action tomorrow. "

  Lindsay continued:
  "Can we start now?"

  Dan laughed, very happy with Lindsay's attitude of actively asking for advice.

  She was unpretentious and got right to the point.

  "Then let's start from the first point."

  "Lindsay, I know you killed an ice badger alone. This is an achievement that is difficult for ordinary children to achieve."

  At this point, Dan paused and became more serious. Tone and expression:

  "But tomorrow, after entering the forest."

  "You have to promise me that you will be obedient no matter what, and you can't just do whatever you think of."

  Regardless of past and present lives, Lindsay still understands the dangers in the forest. .

  So he immediately nodded seriously and made a promise:
  "I will definitely listen to your instructions."

  Dan was even more satisfied with Lindsay's attitude:
  "That's OK! As long as you listen to me on this point, there will basically be no problems. .Then what happens..." Dan thought for a moment, then pointed out of the house.

  "We can go outside after dinner later."

  "We have a soft bow for children to practice using at home. You can try it out first. But the shooting range for archery is behind that guy An Rui's manor. We're quite far away, so we won't go there yet. We can find a couple of trees on the edge of the town." "...


  It seems that a [Basic Archery] is indispensable tonight.

  With the guidance of professionals, this basic skill can easily be logged into the property panel.

  Lindsay felt good about it.

  At this time, Dan turned the barbecue over and sprinkled some seasoning particles on it.

  Looking at the ice badger that was threatening her life just a few days ago, but now reduced to a piece of meat on the grill, Lindsay naturally had doubts in her heart:

  "I'm a little curious about the difference between this ice badger and ordinary beasts."

  "This is a World of Warcraft." Dan immediately answered, "Ordinary beasts are essentially no different from the chickens, ducks, and piglets raised at home, except that they are more wild and may attack. As for World of Warcraft..."

  Lindsay He asked tentatively:

  "Like an ice badger, can it use spells like ice picks?"

  Dan shook his head and immediately rejected Lindsay's idea:

  "No, being able to cast spells is not the criterion for judging Warcraft. The real difference is, It's because they can integrate into the sefirah."

  At this point, Dan's tone became emotional:
  "The sefirah is not something that only belongs to human beings. It exists throughout the world and is the same for every life. We humans can awaken the sefirah. , fusion skills. Ordinary animals, and even plants, also have their own ways of awakening." "

  So for hunters, when there is a spring tide of source matter every ten years, it becomes dangerous to go out hunting, and you need to be more cautious than usual. "

  Lindsay just heard this and just wrote it down as simple knowledge.

  But he immediately became nervous when he thought of the current situation.

  Because isn’t this the year when the great tide of source material appears, and then the awakened ones appear?

  If Dan's statement is correct, there will definitely be no shortage of awakened monsters in the forest!
  "Then let's go to the forest tomorrow..."

  Lindsay's tone was a little worried, but Dan responded with a confident smile:

  "Guess why after Hongyue said there might be monsters, An Rui went to check it out, and I went there again?" "Don't

  worry, at least the town is safe."


  Then I was just thrown into hiding. Encountering an ice badger at the border is purely unlucky?
  The corner of Lindsay's mouth twitched.

  He didn't know how he should feel about this, so he changed the topic so that he would no longer be embarrassed:
  "Where are the dragon beasts in the Black Mountain world next door?"

  "That's really incredibly powerful." Dan's face immediately changed. He looked like he had eaten a bitter gourd, "Dragon is a symbol of powerful power, and a monster with this least the awakened beings of the highest level 4 and 5 in Hidden Border cannot be dealt with."

  Lin Sai continued to ask:

  "What is the highest level that an awakened person can reach?"

  "Theoretically, a person's skills can be sublimated nine times. But in fact... this kind of existence has only been counted by a handful of people throughout history. For example, building a school of war The brothers Narc and Bondek; the first king of the Capital of Law, Bena; and the great artists of the Seven Seas Alliance."

  At this point.

  Dan seemed to be worried that Lindsay was too ambitious, so he changed his words and reiterated:
  "But among ordinary awakened people, being able to sublimate their skills five times and become an upgraded person is already a very remarkable achievement. The sixth and seventh stages in the future are all It’s a rare thing that’s as hard as climbing to the sky.”

  Lindsay was still thinking about Montenegro.

  and the goal of crossing the Black Mountains and returning to the village of Annville.

  So he continued to verify the details:

  "That dragon beast, what level is it?"

  Dan shrugged and turned over the barbecue that was starting to sizzle on the shelf:

  "Being able to overwhelm the entire world with pure violence is equivalent to an adult. The awakened human being is at least the seventh level."

  (End of this chapter)

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