Chapter 19 Father-Daughter Relationship

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  Chapter 19: The relationship between father and daughter
  Alan didn't even have time to get the rice.

  He stood up instantly and stood upright. At the same time, he reminded the confused Lindsay in a low voice:

  "Lindsay, this is Master Anrui's daughter!"

  Lindsay then reacted.

  He bit the bread and turned around to see a little girl in an indigo skirt walking quickly.

  Her small and cute face has a pair of watery purple pupils, and her cherry-colored lips, as thin as petals, are slightly open. Her whole person is as petite and lively as a deer in early spring, which makes people feel affectionate.

  But at this moment, what is revealed on this cute face is not the innocence of the girl, but the disbelief of reality.

  "Alan, what's going on? Answer me quickly!"

  The little girl came to Alan, clasped her hands and asked anxiously.

  As the daughter of Lord An Rui, her status in the manor was naturally not low, but she did not become overbearing because of this. She just trembled her lips and pursued the truth persistently.

  "Why are you ignoring me? Speak quickly!"

  "Miss Anna, I..."

  Alan was completely panicked. Then when he saw Lindsay on the ground, he seemed to grasp a life-saving straw:
  "I came here just at noon. !"

  "The tree had already fallen down at that time, Lindsay was there in the morning, he should know the situation!"

  Anna then saw Lindsay on the ground.

  She knew everyone in the lord's manor, but she had never seen the young man in front of her.


  Lindsay stood up.

  Anna looked two years younger than him.

  But because girls grow older earlier, the two are about the same height.

  "I'm Lindsay, Ms. Hongyue's godson. I

  just arrived today." Lindsay introduced herself, and Anna reacted when she heard Ms. Hongyue's name.

  She quickly bowed slightly and saluted.

  But soon, just like asking Alan, she stared at Lindsay with her cyan purple eyes, and then asked: "
  Lindsay, do you know what is going on with this tree?"


  Lindsay After thinking for less than a thousandth of a second, he revealed the culprit:
  "It's the Lord!"

  "He demonstrated the power of the War School before, but it accidentally spread here."


  "Lindsay" , I understand, thank you."

  Anna shook her head, and she ran back to the manor angrily, trembling, with her brows furrowed and her fists clenched.

  Lindsay and Alan, who stayed where they were, looked at each other.

  The air was extremely quiet.

  When Lindsay realizes that healthy living should not let the food cool before eating.

  He sat down again and continued to eat his lunch.

  Alan on the side saw this, and although he was still a little nervous, he also sat back on the ground.

  Alan took two bites of the bread and scooped up the vegetables in the bowl with a spoon. But his mind was not on the food at all, and he only took a sip of soup.

  Then, Alan, who was restless, couldn't help it anymore:

  "Lindsay, did you just tell Master Anrui like this?"

  Lindsay looked at this very openly:

  "Ah, I didn't lie. And they are not father and daughter. Well, there shouldn't be any problems with a tree, right?"

  Alan covered his face with his hands, as if he had seen the future that was about to happen.

  He groaned for a while before continuing:
  "You don't know."

  "Miss Anna, she has always wanted to build a house for her pet, and the lord promised her that she would use this strong beech tree as a roof beam in the future. , to build a big house. So the young lady has always paid close attention to this beech tree, and looks forward to building a house by herself when she grows up." Oh -


  is probably an immeasurable disaster.

  Lindsay realized the seriousness of the matter and asked cautiously:
  "Anna...will she do anything very 'extraordinary'?" Alan shook his head gently:

  "Miss Anna has a gentle personality and is a good child. But she There is also something very special - that is stubbornness."

  Lindsay asked curiously:

  "Yes, stubborn. Once Miss Anna decides on something, she will pursue it unremittingly, even if she fails. I will remember you for a long time."

  Alan sighed:

  "Master Anrui really got himself into big trouble this time..." "

  Father, why did you chop down my tree!"

  At this moment, Angry shouts came from the manor.

  Because the clearing by the forest was not far from the main building of the manor, Lindsay and Alan also heard the roar.

  Soon, the voice of a submissive father came out because he knew he was in the wrong, and there was also the sound of heavy running on the floor of the second floor.

  But compared to the angry daughter's questioning.

  Except for a few words, "You can build a house now," "Let's move ahead a little bit," and "Don't be in a hurry," An Rui's voice was almost invisible.

  Half an hour later.

  Accompanied by the girl’s shouts of “I hate you!” and “I will never care about you again!”, the bustling lord’s manor fell silent again.

  Lindsay and Alan were also able to continue practicing martial arts.

  Four p.m.

  It's getting late in the small town in the forest.

  Lindsay looked at her property panel.

  After an afternoon of hard training, his [Basic Movement] has also reached the [Beginner] level through hard work. The [Basic Sword Skills] and [Experience Bar] that had some progress were filled to one-fifth.

  Especially in terms of personal attributes.

  After a day of training, Lindsay's strength increased from [2] to [3], and she also accumulated a lot of experience in other attributes!
  "Lindsay, let's get here today." Alan asked to stop practicing.

  "Well, it's time for me to go back." Lindsay nodded.

  He made a few simple movements to soothe his body, then sat on the tree stump to rest.

  Prepare to regain your strength for a while, then go to the manor to say goodbye to An Rui.

  "When you go back, you must remember to practice when you have time." During this period, Alan stood beside him and specifically told him, "The teacher once told me that perseverance is the best way to become stronger."

  Lindsay smiled back, naturally promising not to slack off.

  The two spent the day exercising together.

  Although they can't be called as close as brothers, their relationship is already good.

  However, at this moment, a figure appeared at the back door of the manor.

  He is the lord of the hidden frontier.

  The father came over with a frown on his face and found Lindsay and Alan who were resting in the open space by the forest:

  "Lindsay, I have something to ask you."

  An Rui looked directly at Lindsay, and naturally Lindsay couldn't Rejection:
  "I am willing to serve you."

  An Rui then said:

  "According to the previous agreement with Hongyue, you should go to Fenn's place to study tomorrow." "

  Invite him here for me and say that you want to save him. This beech tree."

  Why would a father who loves his daughter leave things to tomorrow?
  Lindsay was a little puzzled by this:

  "If that's the case, why don't you go there tonight?"

  At this moment, Alan was at the side and wanted to give instructions. An Rui directly answered in detail:

  "Finn is old, so I will let you go tonight." Let him have a good rest."

  "And just yesterday, your godmother told me that there seemed to be monsters around the town." "

  We can't be careless about this. I will take people to see it later."

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  (End of this chapter)

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