Chapter 111 The Lord’s Arrangements

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  Chapter 111: The Lord's Arrangement

  "Alan, I have a task for you."

  In the study, An Rui called his most trusted student.

  At this moment, Alan has fully recovered from the injuries he sustained in the forest. At this moment, he is standing in front of Anrui, his whole body is upright and full of energy.

  "Master Anrui, just ask!"

  Anrui looked at Alan in front of him and nodded with satisfaction:
  "Do you still remember the spider monsters that attacked the town a few days ago?"

  "Of course you remember!"

  Alan replied immediately .

  He had already recovered from his injuries. Although he arrived a little later, he also participated in the counterattack against the corrupted poisonous spiders and even beheaded one with his own hands during the battle.

  Now I think back to everything that happened that day.

  Alan couldn't help but clenched his fists, and there was anger in his eyes.

  Not to mention the direct loss of the town in the battle.

  As a student of Anrui, he also knows that this winter will be a season of food shortage.

  And the culprit of all this is those damn spiders!
  An Rui saw the anger in Alan's heart, and his tone changed accordingly:

  "Actually, just a few days ago, when the first snow fell, there were also monsters attacking the mine."

  Alan's expression changed, and his tone immediately became nervous. Get up:

  "Warcraft attack? Mine?"

  "I remember Suna is not responsible for guarding there..."

  Alan and Suna have a good relationship.

  Because the other party is also an awakened person who received training in the lord's manor.

  It's just that Suna's talent is not good, and the skills of the War School have only developed to the second stage, and there has been no progress in the following years.

  Being stationed in the mine as a guard, Alan rarely got to see him.

  At this moment, An Rui was talking to him so seriously, and Alan naturally thought of the bad side of the matter.

  Fortunately, An Rui didn't make him too nervous and immediately explained:
  "It's okay. Fortunately, Lindsay was there at the time. He repelled the attacking monster, so there was no big trouble."

  Alan relaxed. tone.

  Seeing his student's expression slow down, An Rui put forward his own opinion:
  "I think this attack is not simple."

  "Alan, you also know that the hunting team came back this morning. They also suffered after the snowfall. Attack by a group of monsters. Although the poisonous spiders are mainly chasing them later, we must not ignore this."

  Alan asked tentatively:
  "Do you think there have been some changes in the monsters in the forest? "

  An Rui nodded first, then shook his head:
  "The early arrival of winter this time seems to have had an impact on the Warcraft. They are hostile to our town." "

  However, the specific situation has not yet been discovered, so it is difficult to draw conclusions immediately. Alan

  asked curiously:
  "Master Anrui, haven't you been busy guarding the town these days?"

  Anrui then revealed his plan:
  "Yes, but we not only need to defend, but also take the initiative." !"

  "We must organize manpower to clear out these monsters lurking around the town." "I called

  you here today because I want you to go to the town to inform other awakened people who are capable of fighting. This matter must be carried out immediately !”

  Upon hearing the arrangement, the young awakened person immediately became excited.

  He stood up straight and made his promise, then left the manor, preparing to convey the news to other awakened people in the town overnight.

  Watching Alan leave, An Rui began to arrange other work.

  Inform the old craftsman Yrel to prepare some weapons and equipment; ask the doctor Song An to make the medicines needed in the battle; and allocate food from the town's granary.

  These things are all important materials that will definitely be used in the attack against Warcraft.

  Just when these people are sent out.

  An Rui did not explain the whole story as he did to Alan, but simply issued an order.


  "Alan, it can only be you."

  After completing these trivial instructions, An Rui was briefly free.

  He stood in front of the study window, looking up at the sky outside. On the dark night, there was a bright full moon hanging high.

  The starry sky in front of me is no longer the same as when I was studying in Narkobondek a hundred years ago. But the dark sky made him feel something unchanging.

  Lindsay has no intention of inheriting the management of the frontier town.

  This student of mine possesses special skills that An Rui has never heard of. If he can break through the blockade of the Black Mountain world, he will surely shine in the vast world outside.

  There was no way Anry could force Lindsay, who had such a promising future.

  That's why he decided to train Alan as the next lord starting from today.

  This is why he talked so much with Alan and even explained the whole story clearly.

  "I hope we can save the situation."

  An Rui also sighed.

  He subconsciously looked at his empty left arm.

  Although losing an arm.

  But as a fifth-stage awakener, Anrui's intrinsic strength is still the best in the entire town, and it is no problem to deal with the monsters in the forest.

  "As long as everything goes according to plan, there will definitely be no problem."

  An Rui murmured in a low voice as if to convince himself.

  But because of this thinking, a problem that must be faced emerged in front of him.

  Transfer conflicts to the external direction.

  It will definitely stabilize the current situation in the town and even restore Anrui's original control over the town.

  But what about the future?

  After all, there is only a temporary decision for this contradiction in external transfer.

  The fundamental problem cannot be solved.

  People's desire to break through Montenegro will not disappear because of this, but it will just stay dormant temporarily.

  over time.

  The influence brought by the eradication of World of Warcraft will definitely gradually decrease.

  At that time, driven by the people's hearts, the conflicts that should break out will always continue to appear.

  How long will this take? Delay it to a year or half a year? How should we respond then?
  Under contemplation.

  An Rui made another decision.

  He did not summon anyone else to his study this time.

  Instead, he came to the door of his daughter Anna's room alone, knocked on the door, and walked in.

  It was getting late by this time.

  Anna was wearing a nightgown and was concentrating on copying text under the flickering candlelight in front of the table.

  The girl saw An Rui walking into the room.

  There was a look of surprise on her face illuminated by the candlelight, and she didn't understand why An Rui came to see her so late:


  An Rui nodded slightly, sat next to Anna, and said sincerely:
  "Anna, three years ago On the harvest day, I helped you groom your body. Next time on the harvest day, you will definitely become an awakened person."

  Seeing that his father did not directly state the purpose, he hesitated.

  Anna naturally understood that something important was about to happen.

  She had a premonition, put down the pen and paper in her hand, and looked at An Rui seriously:

  "Yes, I hope to become a life scholar. Lindsay has the learning content left by Grandpa Finn."

  First, express yourself Ana then asked:

  "Father, do you have any plans?"

  An Rui nodded. He lowered his gaze, not even daring to look at his beloved daughter.

  He said in a low voice:

  "Anna, I hope you can agree to my request and change your choice of sublimating your skills in the future..."

  (End of Chapter)

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