Chapter 105 Night of Far Hunting

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  Chapter 105: Hunting Night
  In the woods, a thin layer of snow covered the shrubs.

  The tall trees are also covered with a white gauze, which falls to the ground from time to time in the breeze.

  A few days ago, the early winter snow enveloped the forest.

  Because of the attack of the corrupted poisonous spiders, the farmers finished harvesting their crops ahead of schedule, but they were not bothered by this.

  But for hunters who are on long-distance hunting and have gone deep into the forest at this moment.

  This is definitely the worst news.

  The early arrival of winter has disrupted the activity patterns of animals, making hunting more difficult.

  The prey caught by the hunters in the first two days is compared with the results of the two days after the snow.

  The difference is almost double!
  Under this circumstance, Dan, who served as the team leader, decided to terminate the hunting and take all the hunters back home.

  Even if the harvest is not as rich as expected.

  But this operation can be considered a success after all, and there is definitely no problem in alleviating the food demand in the town.

  But for the hunters on their way home.

  Compared with the early arrival of winter, there is even worse news - the attack of Warcraft.

  No need to continue hunting on the way back.

  So they didn't need to spend the whole four days like they did when they came out, they could reach the town in about two and a half days.

  But the next night.

  When a group of seven people were hiding from the darkness in a hunter's cabin set up in the wild, a terrifying howl suddenly sounded in the distance.

  "Ouch -"

  "Mis, Lugan, wake everyone up!"

  As the leader of the hunting team, Dan opened his eyes first and ordered the hunters in a serious tone to wake up the other companions.

  Rest is indeed disturbed by wild beasts at night.

  But the huntress was keenly aware of the special nature of this situation.

  Everyone gathered in the wooden house, listening to the sounds outside. They soon realized that the sound was coming in the direction of the hunter's cabin, and the sounds one after another seemed to be surrounding them vaguely.

  Beast attack!
  At this time, Dan said another more serious news:

  "The noises outside are from monsters, and there are quite a lot of them. Our hut can never withstand their attack!"

  Another awakened person next to him, who was only here to support the hunt, immediately Asked:
  "Sister Dan, what should we do?"


  "Let's leave here immediately!"

  Dan was silent for only a moment and made a decision immediately.

  The other hunters immediately stood up, began to pack their bags, and brought their prey with them.

  But at this moment, Dan waved his hand skillfully, signaling for them to put down the prey on their backs:

  "Everyone, we have to keep the prey in this wooden house, and we have to put some blood on today's fresh prey to let the smell spread. Get out."

  "Be careful, don't let blood splash on yourself, this will bring us a lot of trouble."

  The hunters immediately realized the intention of the female hunter.

  She planned to use the results of this hunt as bait to seduce these monsters, and they would take advantage of the night to leave the place of trouble and return to the town as soon as possible.

  "Sister Dan, you don't need all of it to make bait."

  "We only need to keep part of it..."

  A hunter was obviously unwilling and wanted to keep some prey to take back to the town.

  However, the huntress immediately rejected his naive idea:

  "Lute, don't be stupid!"

  "The monsters surrounding us now are monsters, not ordinary animals. They are smart."

  "We can't leave smoothly without paying a sufficient price. !”

  Four days of hard hunting and the blow of snow.

  The mentality of hunters participating in long-distance hunting is not good.

  Thinking about the town that was short of food, how could they bear this kind of thing? Someone immediately stood up with a bow and arrow:

  "Sister Dan, can't we kill them all? We all have guys with us!"

  The hunter next to him also clenched his fists, with anger almost bursting out of his eyes:

  "Yes, we will fight these beasts!" "


  Looking at the excited companions around him, Dan sighed secretly.

  With her skills as a hunter, she could not only hear the sounds coming from around her, but also smell the dangerous smells in the forest.

  This scent is incredibly complex and incredibly diverse. In other words, the number and types of monsters that came to ambush were also ridiculous. What they encountered was definitely not a small-scale monster tide.

  If only Dan was alone.

  She can certainly handle such a crisis.

  Deep in the forest, relying on her skills as a hunter, she was even confident of taking her prey through the forest and returning to the town leisurely.

  After all, I can't kill all these monsters.

  But these monsters can't even imagine catching up with her who has reached the fourth stage in the forest!
  But what should we do with our companions next to us?
  There is absolutely no way for five ordinary hunters to survive in the tide of monsters.

  Be sure to take them back!

  Dan made a decision in an instant, and her tone became irrefutable, revealing the majesty of being the leader of the hunting team:
  "Listen, throw the prey on the ground now, and leave with me after draining the blood."

  "This is an order! "


  The hunters looked at each other.

  Although he was unwilling to do so, he quickly started to carry out Dan's orders.

  Dan is the leader of the hunters after all.

  He is also a senior awakener.

  The prestige and trust cultivated over more than ten years cannot be defeated by a short anger.

  When the hunters were handling the prey, Dan ordered another awakened person:

  "Sissel, you go in front to clear the way for them, and I will help you from the back." "

  Remember, don't harass monsters when you encounter them . If you want to fight, just fight back."

  "The first priority in everything is to protect your own safety!"

  Sissel nodded immediately:
  "Sister Dan, I understand everything!"

  Crunch -

  Under the dark night, the door of the hunter's cabin open.

  The hunters made as little noise as possible and retreated in the formation ordered by Dan.

  The smell of blood immediately attracted the monsters lurking around, and their screams suddenly became denser in the forest.

  Looking into the forest from a distance.

  You can still see glowing pupils in the dark.

  After the hunters evacuated, they immediately broke into the hunter's cabin, and the sounds of biting and fighting immediately sounded.

  Just like Dan said.

  After leaving enough prey, these monsters did not attack immediately, but began to compete for the food placed in front of them.

  "Huh -"

  Dan, who was still directing the retreat, breathed a sigh of relief.

  She paid attention to the status of the hunters in the dark, and told everyone not to slack off, to continue running forward, and not to give these monsters any chance.

  But half an hour later.

  The female hunter, who was rushing in the darkness, still heard the footsteps of the beast behind her.

  "Catching up?"

  Dan paused, and the anger that had been brewing in his eyes exploded instantly.

  If it weren't for protecting other hunters, she wouldn't have any idea of ​​giving in to these monsters, and would even treat them as prey!

  Seeing that there are still monsters that dare to chase after me.

  Without saying a word, the female hunter bent her bow and fired an arrow, and a ray of cold light shot across the icy air and into the dark forest.


  The sound of the arrow was naturally followed by the painful roar of the monster.

  Just after them, there was a denser and more rapid pursuit, and more monsters were chasing them!
  "Are these monsters crazy..."

  "There are free prey, but they come to attack us?"

  The female hunter cursed in the darkness.

  At this moment, even worse news came from the front of the team.

  Sissel the Awakener is the vanguard of the team.

  This is what he said:

  "Sister Dan, ahead! There are spider webs ahead!"

  (End of this chapter)

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