Chapter 103 The two sides compete

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  Chapter 103 The two sides compete.
  "I think for the sake of people's future, we must not stay in the hidden frontier." "

  But the fact now is that we are unable to solve the crisis caused by the dragon beast. After all, the strength gap between the two sides is too huge. "

  Lindsay spoke frankly about what was on her mind.

  He didn't think there was any need to hide this. He openly announced it to Yrel and directly told the awakened people in the town what he thought. This was a very direct method that could produce immediate results.

  Hearing Lindsay's candid response, Yirel nodded in approval.

  But then he mentioned an issue that Lindsay had thought about before but was not aware of its seriousness:

  "Everyone understands this."

  "But Lindsay, you are different from you who have only been in this town for three years. "Many of them have been here in the hidden frontier for thirteen years!" "

  When many of them came here, they did not intend to stay here for the rest of their lives. In other words, these people have been imprisoned here for almost thirteen years. They have already No more patience!"


  Thirteen years is not a short time for anyone.

  Lindsay reflects on herself.

  He was marked by the Knights of the Law and was in a hidden frontier, which could be said to be an ideal situation to avoid pursuit.

  But the awakened people or civilians in the town may only live here for a short time when they first come to the hidden frontier. Some may even be trapped here by sudden problems like Huntress Dan.

  They all have their own lives.

  Instead of preparing to bury his bones in a place like this outpost.

  Coupled with the ever-present threats in the world of Montenegro.

  Life in these years is almost equivalent to suffering in prison for many people!

  Realizing this, Lindsay understood the thoughts of the people in the town better and fell silent.

  Yirel, who was across the table, continued:

  "So, Lindsay, do you still support staying in the town?"

  Lindsay controlled his mood before answering:
  "I will definitely stay in the town for the time being. , but this does not mean that it remains unchanged. At the same time, we must also find ways to solve the crisis or deal with the dragon beast."

  Yrel pressed almost as if he was asking:
  "Where should I find the solution you mentioned?"

  Lindsay said firmly. He replied:
  "Of course it's in action."

  Hearing Lindsay's answer, Yirel's eyes narrowed, and he asked in a subtle voice that was completely different from his usual rich voice:

  "What do you mean? What is his action? Challenge a seven-stage dragon beast with those people?"

  Lindsay replied:

  "The records left by the scholars in the town, and the possible help from the hidden border."

  Needless to say the former, Naturally, we look for potentially useful information from the records.

  The latter is what today's open-pit mines and the trip to Montenegro inspired Lindsay.

  Although Hidden Frontier is not a complete large world.

  But after all, it has a considerable area.

  It was the policy of the camp in the past as an outpost and to receive expeditionary parties.

  The level of development here is quite low, and the scope of human activities almost surrounds border towns.

  Lindsay feels that if we examine the world carefully.

  Maybe you can also find some unexpected gains.

  For example, when he was climbing under the Tongtian Vine, didn't he find a hidden map and obtain a secret treasure like [Purple Leaf Vine Branches]?
  After listening to Lindsay's thoughts.

  Yirel did not support it very much. He shook his head and said in denial:
  "What you said is just in vain in the end. How can the seventh-stage dragon beast be so easy to deal with?"

  Lindsay's tone was uncompromising:
  "It's better than that. Do nothing and resist, or go directly to the dragon beast and seek death!"

  Yrel shook his head, said nothing, and picked up the water glass to see off the guests.

  Lindsay didn't say much.

  After saying goodbye to each other, they left the cabin.

  After he took the initiative to close the door of the craftsman's cabin and walked more than ten meters away.

  In the front hall where the two people were just talking, there was an undetectable sigh of sadness.


  Lindsay returned to the south of the town before dusk.

  He was still thinking about the conversation with Yrel in his mind.

  According to the information that Lindsay knew, the old craftsman supported staying in the town, and the other party's attitude towards the dragon beast also proved this. But even so, when Lindsay said he wanted to find a way.

  Yrel expressed his encouragement directly...


  Suddenly, Lindsay stopped in her tracks.

  He was ready to go back to his work for the day.

  But just before arriving at the cabin, he passed by the hunter's house and saw Somkin's figure walking out of it.

  The other party also saw Lindsay.

  A polite and formulaic smile immediately appeared on the businessman's face:
  "Lindsay, are you back?"

  "I was going to look for you this afternoon, but I couldn't find you in the house. I came here to ask, and even Ju couldn't find you. I know where you went."

  It turned out to be looking for myself.

  Lindsay's eyes instantly became clear.

  This is different from the awakened ones like Yrel who are ready to guard the town.

  The businessman in front of him can be regarded as a very important representative figure among the radicals who broke through Montenegro.

  At this moment, the other party came specifically to find Lindsay, and he had no other purpose.

  "I went to the mine." Lindsay understood everything in her heart, but she still remained polite on the surface. "Mr. Somkin, what brought you to see me?" Somkin said cheerfully

  " I just had a chat with Ju, and he said that you also want to leave the hidden border and try to break through the obstacles of Black Mountain."

  Lindsay refused unceremoniously:

  "Even if you want to do this kind of thing, you must have a certain degree of confidence. , will do it."

  Upon hearing this answer, the smile on Somkin's face instantly faded.

  "Do you know how long this town can last if this continues?"

  Lindsay naturally replied:

  "At least six years, and at most ten years. This is also the time it takes for the dragon beast to advance."

  Som Jin continued to ask, and his tone became aggressive:

  "You think this time is plenty?"

  "Or in the longest ten years, our town can cultivate a strong man who can defeat the seventh-order dragon beast!" "

  Or we can leave our lives to luck and bet that the outside world can win here. Within ten years, send someone to kill that dragon beast and save us?"

  Lindsay still insisted on his point of view:
  "I support taking action, but this is not the same as pure suicide."

  Som Jin's eyes became depressed:

  "But some people can't wait any longer! Not to mention the threat of death is right in front of them!"

  Lindsay replied seriously:

  "Thousands of people have different faces. When facing the same problem, Everyone will have different choices."

  "A thousand people have a thousand faces? That's a good saying." Somkin first praised Lindsay's statement, and then he continued to ask, "Then what do you think of the people in the town now? What should we do?"

  Lindsay gave the same answer as before when he answered Yirel:

  "It's not time to despair yet, so you can continue to look for solutions." "


  At this point, the two of them fell into silence at the same time. .

  They looked at each other, and finally Somkin spoke first.

  The businessman sounded like he was coming to a conclusion.

  "You may think that my method is too radical, even forcing most people to die together." The businessman lowered his eyes and shook his head, "But the fact is that even if we do nothing, people will still die by then. ."

  Lindsay still had no intention of letting go:
  "There is an old saying in our school of death - no one can beat death in a race."

  "We have not yet reached the point of final decision."


  The two said. That’s all.

  This shrewd businessman already knew that persuading Lindsay would have no results.

  He didn't say anything after that, and the old figure turned around and walked towards the town without another glance at Lindsay behind him.

  (End of chapter)

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