Chapter 101 The sound of the flute in the forest

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  Chapter 101 The sound of the flute in the forest
  "Is there an enemy approaching?"

  Lindsay raised an eyebrow, but was not too surprised.

  It is very common to be attacked by wild animals in the forest.

  Not to mention that the early arrival of this early winter snow may indeed make the animals in the forest become irritable.

  At this time, Lindsay turned her head and looked at the hunter's cabin in the distance.

  Suna, the mine guard, was still asleep inside. With Lin Saimin's hearing, she could even hear the other person's rhythmic snoring.

  "Does he have rhinitis?"

  "Forget it, I'm here anyway, let's just treat it as a hunting trip."

  Lindsay shrugged and did not disturb Suna who was sleeping.

  Taking this opportunity, he could also get familiar with his new equipment.

  So he took out the iron-horned bow and put the armor-piercing arrow on his waist. Then he took out one and aimed at the location of the red dot on the map with breathless concentration.


  Lindsay remained motionless and concentrated.

  Not long after, the enemy marked by the red dot rushed out of the forest.

  It was an elk that was as white as snow but had a pair of black antlers. It was tall and majestic, with an elegant posture, and its pure black pupils always exuded a look of tension and anxiety.

  "Black-horned snow deer..."

  Lindsay recognized this kind of elk. It was a second-level magical beast.

  The rhinoceros antlers he had just made for the iron-horned bow were contributed by this kind of monster.

  The threat of the black-antlered snow deer mainly lies in its strong body and its pair of black antlers.

  Once stabbed, the wound will immediately rot and fester.

  Even if someone does not die on the spot, the subsequent high fever, dehydration and other conditions can easily kill someone.

  At the same time, the black-antlered snow deer also rushed out of the forest and came to the open-pit mine.

  Almost immediately it noticed Lindsay standing across from it.


  With anger, the black-horned snow deer immediately charged towards Lindsay.

  However, what rang out in the mine was not only the roar of its charge, but also a thunderous bowstring sound.

  Whoosh -

  the armor-piercing arrow arrived instantly.

  The head of the black-horned snow deer was penetrated, and the wound immediately rotted and festered.

  To deal with the second-level monsters, the combination of the iron-horned bow and the armor-piercing arrows is completely capable, and can even be said to kill them instantly with ease!
  Immediately afterwards, other types of monsters emerged from the forest behind.

  Monsters such as the rotten leaf rabbit and the green-tailed snowy owl are among them.

  However, Lindsay stood still. He just kept making amazing sounds from the iron-horned bow in his hand, and then the opponent fell to the ground and his life was taken away.

  Charge and shoot at the same time.

  At this moment, Lindsay was simply an executioner on a slaughterhouse, always ruthlessly hunting the monsters that appeared in front of him.

  After about two minutes.

  The surrounding forest became quiet again, and the screams of the monsters and the sound of bowstrings fell silent together.

  "Oh, don't you dare to come..."

  Lindsay smiled and checked her map.

  Further into the forest, there are red dots symbolizing hostility.

  But the rhythmic massacre here was too frightening.

  The monsters behind also noticed this, so they stopped moving forward, not daring to continue rushing into the open-pit mine.

  Neither Lindsay nor Warcraft could see each other, so they maintained this subtle confrontation.

  "That's almost it."

  At this time, Lindsay murmured in a low voice.

  He then took out the wind whistle from his backpack, put it to his mouth, and blew hard.

  A crisp and long sound came from the wind whistle.

  The sound was like the resurrection of an ancient hurricane, vibrating back and forth between the forests, even suppressing all the sounds that the wild beasts in the forest could make.

  In an instant, the red dots on the map also fled in all directions, no longer daring to approach the mine.

  The function of the wind whistle is to drive away ordinary wild beasts.

  Although most of these red dots are monsters now, after experiencing Lindsay's massacre, they were already frightened. Now frightened by the sound of the wind whistle, they naturally dispersed in an instant.

  "I can be considered as repelling a small-scale beast tide..."

  Lindsay shook his head slightly.

  He thought of Anrui's performance in the Black Mountain world and knew that he was still far behind. Putting aside his pride and complacency, he stepped forward and began to collect the results of his recent kills.

  Two minutes.

  Most of the ones Lindsay killed were monsters, with only a few dangerous beasts.

  The materials they contributed are also very different.

  A black-horned snow deer hide that can be made into a blanket or leather clothing, and two magic beast claws that can be used to strengthen ordinary weapons. There was even a vampire black bat that contributed the bat teeth that Lindsay wanted to collect.

  "It's a good harvest."

  "Now the Bat Staff only has one missing tooth."

  Lindsay said with a satisfied smile on her lips.

  At this moment, the door of the hunter's cabin behind was violently pushed open.

  "Lindsay! I...I just saw it!"

  "You are so awesome, I remember you are only a teenager this year?"

  Suna rushed out from the hunter's cabin with an extremely expression on his face. Shock.

  Especially after seeing that most of the prey handled by Lindsay were Warcraft, the shock stayed on the guard's face for a long time.

  Before, Lindsay fought with the monsters, and the bowstring of the iron-horned bow was like thunder.

  Don't wait for the wind to whistle and show its power.

  The slumbering guard had long been awakened from his sleep.

  But after he got up, he lay down at the door of the hut and looked out. He was so shocked that he forgot to come out when he saw Lindsay fighting.

  At this moment, when everything had settled, he finally came to his senses and came closer to talk.

  "Fortunately, I just took advantage of the weapon."

  Lindsay replied humbly.

  He wanted to say goodbye.

  But after thinking about the early winter and the restless Warcraft, he suggested to the other party:

  "Suna, winter has come a bit early this time, and the activities of Warcraft are not normal. For safety reasons, let's go back to the town together first, and give some advice to the other party. Uncle Anrui, please explain the situation."

  To be fair, if those monsters just attacked Suna.

  Apart from stubbornly clinging to the hunter's hut, the only other option for him now is to become food for these monsters.

  After reacting, Suna heard Lindsay's suggestion.

  There was no reason to refuse at this moment, so she nodded and returned to the town with him.

  Even on the way back.

  Suna would take the initiative to talk to Lindsay from time to time.

  After witnessing this short but shocking battle.

  He already had a new premonition about Lindsay's future status in the town!

  There is even an attitude of following the lead of Lin Ma.

  But Lindsay, who was on her way, was not so calm inside.

  As soon as it started snowing, an unusual number of monsters launched an attack on the mine.

  Combined with his knowledge.

  Lindsay felt that this matter was not as simple as it seemed.

  When the two came to the edge of the town, the first thing they saw was the open space beside the forest behind the manor.

  Anna in a long skirt is standing here.

  The girl noticed Lindsay and Suna returning and immediately greeted them:

  "Lindsay, are you back?"

  "I heard from dad that you went to the mine in the north today?"

  "That's right." Lindsay nodded. In response, he immediately asked, "Uncle Anrui is at home now, right?"

  Anna looked a little confused:
  "He's here, what's the matter?"

  Lindsay nodded and prepared to walk into the manor. On the way, he introduced the forest. Situation:
  "The mine was attacked by a monster just now. I think there is something fishy about this..."

  Almost at the same time that Lindsay spoke, a black figure jumped down from the second floor.

  He looked up.

  Then he discovered that An Rui's figure was blocking his face.

  Although the lord was on the second floor, he heard what Lindsay just told Anna, and immediately said in a serious tone: "Lindsay,
  you said you were attacked by monsters in the mine?"

  "Tell me I’m going to check out the specific situation!”

  (End of Chapter)

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