Chapter 1 Payday

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  Chapter 1 Payday

  The moments before Lindsay said goodbye to his beloved computer desk forever.

  He had been up all night for 61 hours, muttering about the rhythm of the BOSS's next quick and slow knife attacks. He watched the BOSS strike at him with a sharp knife first, and then pressed block - the game

  character died.

  Lindsay also died.

  When he opened his eyes again, this memory belonging to the gamer awakened in the reincarnated Lindsay, a child of a farmer from another world.



  "Anville Village..."

  Lindsay's eyes were dazed and her head was swollen.

  He made fists with his hands, clenched and unclenched them, and repeated that.

  The memories of two lifetimes were mixed together in his mind, like a huge whirlpool, making everything around him seem like a lifetime ago.

  Only when the whirlpool in his mind calmed down did he have time to realize his current situation.

  Lindsay is sitting in a square.

  The air carries the moisture after the rain and the scent of wheat from the fields.

  This is Anweil ​​Village, an agricultural village under the rule of the Capital of Law, located in the Brome Plain under the Forbidden Forest Mountains.


  A majestic elk made of wheat straw stands here, about five to six meters high, majestic and majestic.

  Below the elk, Lindsay and a group of children surround an elder.

  The old man's voice was hoarse, but he told the story vividly. That is an ancient legend from the Capital of Law - "The Young King's Journey".

  "The old king is dying, and the future righteous man will take over the mark of the Thorn Sword. At that time, the followers of the raging war were slaughtering innocent people in the city. The young king's determination has been reached, and when it is time to take action..." Lindsay blinked

  . .

  The atmosphere in front of me was obviously not an ordinary day.

  He carefully sorted through his memories, and then his eyes widened, realizing the special environment he was in.

  "Today is...the eve of Harvest Day!"

  The world he lives in now has extraordinary beings called Awakeners.

  [Harvest Day] This festival celebrates the harvest of food, and it is also a festival to celebrate the newly awakened ones!

  But unlike the annual harvest of food, a group of awakened ones only awakens every ten years.

  "Ten years?!"

  The situation seems a little less optimistic.

  Lindsay's body contains the soul of two human beings, so naturally she doesn't want to spend this life in an ordinary way.

  But if you become an awakened person, you really only get this opportunity every ten years.

  Then I only have one day left tomorrow?

  And once you miss it, your next awakening will have to wait until ten years later!

  "Can starting at thirteen and starting at twenty-three be the same?"

  Lindsay frowned.

  But unfortunately, his current identity is just a child from the countryside.

  Searching the memory carefully, there seems to be no traditional drama in this world that tests magic attributes or awakening qualifications.

  "Then... the awakened person, or the way to become an awakened person, should not be easily accessible to ordinary people."

  Lindsay continued to recall, sorting out information that was useful to him.


  In the border countryside of Anweil ​​Village, there are only two awakened ones permanently stationed.

  One of them is the village chief who manages the affairs of the village, and the other is Master Bai Lin who takes care of the crops.

  The former is widely respected and is the patron saint of Anweil ​​Village;

  the latter is dedicated to agriculture. In the recent continuous rainy weather, Master Bai Lin used his magical skills to protect the farmland of the entire plain by one person and protect the crops that were about to be harvested. Brome has no bud formation or rot.

  "Perhaps we can start with the village chief."

  "If I'm not mistaken, the village chief likes children very much and is gentle..."

  Lindsay was sorting out her memories while thinking about the awakened person.

  At this time, the elder who told the story under the Elk took a short break, and the friends who were sitting with Lindsay and listening to the story began to play.

  "Have you heard? A mysterious guy came into the village today and said he was a great man!" "

  I know, he is the Law Knight who is going to the Royal Capital!"

  "The Law Knight of the Royal Capital - you say , if we can also become law knights, how majestic it would be..." "How is that possible? Stop dreaming!" The discussion

  of the friends interrupted Lindsay's thinking.

  Because he noticed a word - Knight of the Law.

  Even in border places like Anweil ​​Village, even farmers whose lives are occupied by farm work, even children of such farmers.

  I will also know a little bit.

  In the capital of law that rules this world, the law knights are the guardians of the king and the practitioners of the law.

  If evil people break the law, they will be killed; if evil dragons cause trouble, then they will be killed!
  Whether in legend or reality.

  These are the top beings among the awakened ones, figures like heroes in myths and legends.

  And such a person is actually in their village now!

  Lindsay inevitably had an idea.

  Is it possible that he could get in touch with this Law Knight and then become a Law Knight as well?

  It might be difficult for an ordinary farmer's son to do this.

  But relying on the knowledge brought from the earth in her mind, Lindsay may not be completely hopeless!
  According to Lindsay's memory.

  Although there are extraordinary powers like the Awakened in this world.

  But private productivity is still a long way from the industrial revolution.

  Then he offered the idea of ​​a steam engine, or the old craftsmanship of time travellers, soap, perfume, salt, sugar and wine?

  What should you do if you hand over your technology and endanger yourself?
  Before things were settled, Lindsay became entangled in these random thoughts.

  But the truth always comes more suddenly than expected.

  While Lindsay was struggling with this, the children next to her were waiting for the elder to continue telling the story.

  The aunt in charge of cooking festival meals in the village came over.

  She looked at the children listening to the story in front of the old man, put her hands on her waist, smiled and cursed:

  "You brats, you know how to play here all day long!"

  "There is a guest at the mill, who of you will go? Send the food over?"

  After hearing this, the surrounding children immediately ran away in a swarm, some ran to play and some ran to eat.

  Lindsay originally wanted to leave in a hurry.

  But before he was sorting out his memories, he sat for too long without moving, and his legs were numb, so he didn't stand up.


  "You better be good!"

  "Here, help Auntie deliver it."


  "Actually, I also..."

  Lindsay wanted to resist.

  But under the "kind" smile of the other party, the hard work of delivering food was still handed over to him.

  The mill is on the north side of the village.

  Tonight is the eve of Harvest Day, and the all-night celebrations will continue until midnight, and the village of Annville is very lively.

  Houses of mixed wood and stone are lined up in the village, and oil lamps are hung in front of every house, lighting up the roads in the village like clusters of sparks.

  Look carefully. Every household has also built a small canal to drain wastewater, and everyone's faces are filled with happy smiles.

  Lindsay walked all the way.

  Soon he heard the roar of the waterwheel, and the mill appeared in front of him.

  "Guest, how can you arrange guests in the mill?"

  Lindsay muttered and pushed open the mill door, and then...


  The moonlight was as soft as satin, intertwined with the blazing festival fires in the village, and a blond The girl was sitting in the corner of the mill.

  She heard the sound of the door opening, and a pair of lake-blue eyes looked over.

  On the spotless white face, the soft cherry-colored lips evoked a smile like the warm sunshine of early spring. A pair of clear eyes seem to contain the most sincere feelings in the world, falling on people like dewdrops in the morning, with an unchanging determination in their coolness.


  "It's so rare. Did you bring me dinner?"

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  (End of this chapter)

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