93. Chapter 93 Only action brings answers

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  Chapter 93 Only action brings answers.
  "Joel, why are you here?"

  Lindsay quickly stepped forward to greet him, and the young craftsman gave him a forced smile:

  "I'm sorry."

  "I left yesterday. I was in a hurry and forgot to return the key to you."

  Joel took out the key to the cabin and handed it back.

  After Lindsay took it over, Joel was about to leave, but Lindsay stopped him in time:

  "Joel, don't leave in a hurry."

  "I see you look very bad. Is there something wrong? Do you need it?" Shall I help?"

  After being called, Joel stopped and sighed.

  He knew he couldn't hide it from Lindsay, so he put aside his worries and sat down in the front hall:
  "Lindsay, I don't know what I am here."

  "My old man told me something this morning."

  "Last night, An When Mr. Rui came back from Montenegro, he summoned the awakeners in the town and held a... quite intense meeting."

  Lindsay noticed the hesitation in the other party's tone: "A quite intense meeting?"

  Joel nodded: "It was very intense. To put it simply, many people in the meeting expressed their wish to leave the hidden border."

  Lindsay asked tentatively: "I'm afraid Uncle Anrui won't allow this to happen?"

  Joel recognized Lindsay. Guess: "Yes, Mr. Anrui scolded the person who had such an idea on the spot, and the two sides had a big quarrel!"

  Lindsay asked: "What was the final result?"

  Joel shook his head: "He After all, he is still the lord, and not everyone supports the idea of ​​leaving the hidden frontier. The final result is that everyone breaks up after a quarrel." "..."


  stared at the young craftsman in front of him.

  From Joel's expression, he could easily tell which side the other person's thoughts belonged to.

  After all, it was long before Lindsay entrusted the work of making props to each other. Joel has stated his will many times that he also wants to leave the town.

  Just because of the threat of the Black Mountain Dragon Beast.

  Most people would not risk their lives to try to cross the border illegally out of cherishment of their lives.

  Now, things are different.

  The advancement of the dragon beast is like placing a countdown bomb on the border town, but it is still a bomb that is not sure whether it will explode!
  Crisis combined with unpredictability, combined with the thoughts of the awakened people in the town.

  This is even more destructive than a clear destruction!

  Joel suddenly asked Lindsay:
  "Lindsay, what do you think about this matter?"

  Lindsay frankly expressed her thoughts:
  "To say that I have been trapped in the hidden border, I definitely don't want this to be everyone's problem. The future."

  "And if we want to choose to break through Black Mountain, I think we should find a safe way first. At least we can't blindly go to die at the feet of the dragon beast." Joel heard the conservatism in

  Lindsay's tone.

  His tone immediately became much faster than before:
  "But did you know? That dragon beast is advancing from the seventh stage to the eighth stage!"

  "If it really succeeds."

  "There may be a slim chance of survival now. It will be completely gone by then!"

  Joel expressed concern.

  It is also one of the biggest crises facing the hidden frontier now.

  But as a weak person, what can the awakened person in the town do?
  For example, deliver it to your doorstep to give extra food to the dragon beast that is in the process of advancing nervously?
  Having said this, Joel was extremely excited.

  Lindsay knew it was impossible to convince the other party of their current thoughts through personal opinions.

  He decided to put it another way and let Joel find the answer on his own:
  "So Joel, which one do you think is more important, your life or leaving the hidden border?"

  Joel was about to speak immediately, but was immediately interrupted by Lin Sai interrupted:

  "Don't be in a hurry to answer me right away. Think about it carefully!" "

  ..." After being interrupted by Lindsay, Joel blinked and began to think.

  When his mind was free from the impatience, he could not give an answer. Instead, he shook his head with a bitter expression: "
  How can I understand such a thing."

  "Lindsay, I know you have always been very careful. I have an idea, so I want to ask your opinion."

  Next, Lindsay told Joel a story:

  "Joel, do you know?"

  "Somewhere in the outside world, before a war begins, people They always promote an idea, saying that honor is above all else, or that the mission of protecting the country is above all else." "

  After the war, some people will preach that life is above all else, and that life is incomparably precious." "

  These two These two ideas are obviously contradictory, but they were proposed by the same person." "

  But under the circumstances at that time, these two ideas will be unanimously recognized by the vast majority of people, even if they once thought contrary to them." "

  You Which of these two statements do you think is correct?"

  The young craftsman was immediately speechless.

  With his growth experience, how could he have thought about such a problem.

  Joel was stuck in his throat for a long time, and finally shook his head as before:
  "I...I don't understand."

  Lindsay stepped forward and patted Joel on the shoulder.

  He walked out of the wooden house with the young craftsman, and they walked side by side toward the town.

  Lindsay didn't tell Joel.

  These are all necessary propaganda to deal with the current situation, and there is no right or wrong at all.

  He still gave a compromise answer:

  "My idea is that none of them are correct, and none of them are mistakes."

  "It's just that at different stages, everyone's purpose is different." "

  The same is true in reality. Between different choices, only practical actions can tell him what is his own answer." With

  that said, Lindsay sent a confused Joel back to the craftsman's cabin.

  But under the night, when Lindsay returned to the wooden house, she couldn't help but sigh:

  "This kind of problem..."

  "How can I, a bad game player, possibly solve it easily?"

  In this kind of human and harmonious world, Realistic contradictions.

  Lindsay was in the same tangle as Joel who had just left.

  Of course he hoped not to be bound to the hidden frontier, but he also couldn't hope that the people in the town would lose their lives because of this.

  If possible, Lindsay really hopes that he can be like the protagonist of the game. Now he rushes to the Black Mountain without hesitation. There will always be some wonderful opportunities for him to kill the dragon beast and naturally resolve all conflicts.

  But reality often does not give people such opportunities.

  Thinking like this, Lindsay's downcast gaze gradually became sharper under the night.

  Based on his meager knowledge, he now has some new speculations.

  The conflict between An Rui and the awakened people in the town is essentially an irreconcilable ideological conflict.

  A meeting that broke up unhappily cannot be brought to an end.

  There will definitely be an uproar in the small town.

  If you want to be serious, the town may fall apart in the end, or even violent internal conflicts may directly break out!
  "If this really happens, what should I do?"

  As he thought, Lindsay's eyes finally focused on his attribute panel, which is where the possibilities he has are located.

  The answer is just like what he told Joel just now:
  "The solution to the problem can only be found through action."

  "You must become stronger and solve the root cause of the problem, otherwise things will only get out of control in conflicts!"

  (End of this chapter) )

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