90.Chapter 90 End of Autumn

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  Chapter 90:
  Far hunting in late autumn?

  Lindsay thought briefly and immediately realized the purpose of this hunting trip.

  The attacks of the Corrupted Spiders destroyed much of the farmland.

  Farmers are trying to save the situation, but the sharp reduction in food production is an established fact.

  As another food-producing business in the town, hunters will certainly not remain indifferent and naturally want to capture as many prey as possible.

  It is now the end of autumn.

  In two weeks, winter will probably arrive with the first snowfall.

  By then, the efficiency of hunting will be greatly reduced. Now that the tail of autumn is showing, it is the last opportunity that hunters can seize.

  Especially in this season.

  Many animals that need to survive the winter also store food or accumulate fat, so hunting can have some advantages.


  A very reasonable invitation, and Lindsay herself often participates in hunting activities.

  Lindsay thought carefully for a few seconds, but finally shook her head.

  He pointed to the healthy growing plants in the glass greenhouse and expressed his thoughts:
  "Dan, I still have to take care of these plants."

  "I usually try to take some time to hunt near the town, so I won't go on this expedition. "

  The huntress looked at the greenhouse and connected Lindsay's work with the passing of Finn. Her tone was naturally much softer:
  "Is it the work left by Finn?"

  "I remember that he spent a lot of time every time he produced results. Isn't it difficult for a long time?"

  Lindsay explained:
  "Teacher Finn has done some work before, and with the foundation he laid, I can feel a lot more relaxed."

  Lindsay also knows the skills of the female hunter as the leader of the hunting team. responsibility.

  After answering, he added:

  "Dan, with my ability, I can get good prey even if I go hunting during the day. When you come back, these harvests can be included in the long-distance hunting." "

  Hey!" Dan heard it. Lindsay showed his kindness and waved his hand with a smile, "With me in charge, the hunting team will not be short of prey. You can just deal with it yourself when you get it." At

  this point, Dan subconsciously turned his head and looked at the farmland behind him.

  Then she warned:

  "Lindsay, you'd better prepare enough winter supplies for yourself and Hongyue, and then trade the excess prey with other townspeople."

  Lindsay nodded:

  "I understand."

  Chat. After finishing the hunting-related matters, Dan's serious expression also disappeared.

  She came over curiously and asked in a low voice:

  "Lindsay, I went out with An Rui for more than ten days this time. Didn't anything big happen on the way?"

  When this question was mentioned, Lindsay couldn't answer easily:

  "I It's not bad, but Uncle Anrui..."

  Dan sensed something was wrong in his tone and quickly asked:

  "What's wrong with Anrui! Something happened to him?"

  Lindsay pointed to her left shoulder:

  "He's fighting. At that time, we encountered a five-stage monster, and Uncle Anrui's left arm was injected with venom..." When

  Dan heard this, he didn't even wait to finish his words, and grabbed Lindsay's shoulder impatiently:

  "He can't move his left arm. "No more?"

  Lindsay shook her head: "No more."


  The huntress's eyes instantly became dull.

  She never expected that An Rui would lose an arm during this trip!
  For a soldier, this is an unimaginably heavy blow.

  And put it in the entire border town.

  As the only upgrader and the lord here, Anrui's loss of his left hand will also cause many negative consequences.

  Thinking of everything that might happen next.

  Dan frowned and quickly confirmed to Lindsay:

  "Lindsay, tell me everything about you and An Rui's trip, as detailed as possible."

  Lindsay had no choice but to repeat her description:

  " Uncle Anri and I will go to Montenegro together..."

  Lindsay estimated that after she finished speaking, Dan would leave. After all, the anxiety in the huntress's eyes could almost overflow.

  But when he finished talking about this journey and sent Dan off.

  At one end of the street, they saw Ju walking towards them, with a gloomy look on his face.

  "Ju, what's wrong with you?"

  Lindsay and Dan's attention was attracted. But Ju did not speak, but turned his eyes to the side, obviously prevaricating:


  The female hunter raised her eyebrows.

  She was already in a very bad mood and immediately became unhappy:
  "You kid, your expression has changed like this, why are you telling me it's nothing?"

  Urged by her mother, Ju immediately lowered her head:

  "I... it's okay anyway!

  " After landing, Ju turned around and ran towards home.

  "This kid..."

  Dan was also confused about Ju's reaction, and he didn't even know what was wrong with this kid.

  She said goodbye to Lindsay briefly and then chased after him.


  Watching the two people leave, Lindsay was confused at first.

  On the contrary, on the way back to the house, he suddenly reacted.

  When he left the church, Ju Mingming was asking Anrui about the situation in Montenegro. According to Lindsay's understanding, this young man was also a member of the group who had always wanted to break through Montenegro.

  It was probably on this issue that Ju and Anrui had some disputes.

  That's what led to the scene I just saw.

  "This is not easy to deal with..."

  Thinking of what will happen next, Lindsay feels very difficult.

  He shook his head, preparing to find something to adjust his mood.

  This adventure was over, and it was rare to return to the town. There was no reason to keep myself in such a nervous state.

  With this thought in mind, Lindsay continued walking.

  When he was about to reach the door of the cabin, he suddenly stretched out his hand.

  From behind Lindsay, a millimeter-thick white spider silk suddenly shot out and stuck to the ground.

  Then there was a pulling force on the spider thread, pulling Lindsay in that direction.

  A breather.

  A full eight meters of space crossed over, and Lindsay stood directly at the door of the cabin.


  "Is it easy to pull a person's weight?"

  Lindsay nodded thoughtfully.

  There was no need to worry about An Rui's thoughts at the moment, he began to test his new equipment at will.

  The ability of [Eight-claw Spider Silk Hook] is quite satisfying!

  It can shoot a total of eight white spider threads, each of which can easily stick to a weight of about 150 kilograms. The ultimate range is eight meters. It will shrink back immediately after sticking to objects or reaching the limit of the range.

  If it sticks to a place like a wall, it can pull Lindsay to the corresponding position within two seconds.

  If you stick to brooms, books, etc., you can also pull them in front of Lindsay.

  The stickiness at the end of the spider silk can be canceled at the user's will, making the operation flexible.

  The only problem.

  That is, it must stick to something, otherwise it will shrink and disappear immediately.

  "Am I turning into Spider-Man?"

  Lindsay looked interested.

  He shot a thread of spider silk up to the ceiling, and then another to the floor.

  Being caught by two spider threads, one up and one down at the same time, he was suspended in the air, continuing to use other spider threads to create traction, and he could also change his position in the air at will!


  "It's really convenient to clean the ceiling now."

  After making a very life-like speech, Lindsay came down from the ceiling.

  He turned around and picked up the note left by Joel.

  Read the plant records from this period and prepare your next cultivation plan.

  Meanwhile, outside Lindsay's cabin.

  Something is changing in town, too.

  An Rui, who returned to the lord's manor, sent someone to summon the awakened people in the town to go to the manor.

  In response to this discovery in Montenegro.

  An Rui feels that now it is necessary, or must, to call everyone together to discuss future countermeasures.

  (End of chapter)

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